Angela Burke

Angela Burke

Native Answer Consultations,Magic Touch, Herb Classes in sessions live, online and one on one


What is prayer?? Comment below


What the ????


Eating aloe and laughing


Self Healing Meditation - For more information check out


15 Day Body Cleanse - For more information check out


Wear your mask


happy anniversary mi God!!
Best Friends for life, 34 years love sweet, thank you Perfect Love mi Boss

Timeline photos 25/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
Many people find themselves having an abundance and still feeling lost. You can sit and ask them how can you have all this success and still feel insecure? Still feel down and depressed with all the riches you have acquired! But what are those honestly if one doesn't truly know themselves! We spend so much time striving for success we don't even take the time to know ourselves. Know what we enjoy, know what makes us smile, what hobbies we want to do with our spare time, and what dinners to cook after a long day of work to fill fulfilled! We can have all the money in the world and still not have true success! True success is truly knowing ones self!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 24/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
In this day and age talk is cheep. People try to "finesse" there way through relationships, jobs, housing, benefits and many more! Words, at the end of the day, can be nothing bunch a bunch of empty promises! This is why its important to pay attention to people's actions! Their patterns and habits say a lot about them and may be some read flags that you want to pay attention to before putting to much attention into them! Pay attention to their actions! Talk is cheap!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 23/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
Its amazing how much a little effort can take you! Sometimes the best experiences come when you decide to do something you where really thinking about putting off! You sat and thought about all the ways you could get out of going to this event. However, once you get there and actually participate you remember the reason you agree to go in the first pace! You have a great time because you made the agreement to yourself to show up and give it a try!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 22/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
Your way works best for you and that is great! One of the most beautiful things about being a conscience human being is that we have the ability to comprehend and understand what we like and do not like to an extreme! We can love a hamburger, but put mustard on it, its not editable to a lot of people now! So when you see someone doing things a strange way do not judge. See the beauty in the ability to know you have a way that works for you and they have a way that works for them.
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
Be that energy that changes the vibe in the room from dull to exciting! Let the beautiful person you are shine from you to all others you come in contact with. If you come in contact with someone being nasty to you, kill them with kindness. Watch how they can no longer attack the more nice you are to them. Practice this skill daily until you master it and allow your love to shine through all the people you come in contact with in your life, both good and bad!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 20/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
The most damaging thing that we can do to ourselves, is stay ignorant to what's happening around us. The world is changing, life is becoming slightly more difficult and a little more serious. However, in times like this we can not look away. In times like this we must pay more attention so we can understand what's happening. So we can long for things to go back to better times and that fight grows within all of us so we have the strength to change what's happening now! Don't look away and back down. Look it straight in the face and take charge of it!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 20/09/2020

Herbs have been used for medicinal purposes long before the prehistoric period. Treatment with medicinal plants is considered very safe as there are no or minimal side effects. These remedies are in sync with nature, which is the biggest advantage. The golden fact is that the use of herbal treatments is independent of any age groups and the sexes.

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

Weight loss can be caused by various events that facilitate a decrease in body mass. Those who experience weight loss due to underlying conditions that negatively affect their health, it is advised for them to seek medical help to maintain a healthy weight, through diagnosis and treatment.
On the other hand, for an individual intentionally seeking to lose weight, they implement various steps, especially regarding the lifestyle. One of these steps is based on the specific diet consumed. Most embrace the consumption of a healthy diet with more proteins than carbs; this is to reduce the number of fats consumed. Another step involves increased body activity through exercising by going for jogging or running or even going to the gym under a trainer's supervision. Moreover, most people implementing strategies to lose weight should understand the importance of consistency in changing their lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight.

Timeline photos 19/09/2020
SALE !!!!
Buy 2 and Get One Free for a limited time only with our I LOVE ME collection!
Sale last from 09/12/20 to 09/19/20
Remind yourself that the most important thing you can do is love yourself first second and third! And Now Remind A Friend And/Or Family Member to love themselves first second and third with code: LOVE by entering it at the checkout to get your buy one get one free items in this collection!

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

Morning Meditation with Angela Burke
Laugh it off beautiful! It is not that deep! A lot of things that we encounter with others that are negative have a lot of back story behind it before even arriving to you! That angry car that cut you off and then threw up the bird probably had a pretty bad morning and now they are exerting it into your field of energy! However, that person does not exist unless we allow them to be apart of our reality! Laugh it off and keep moving on your path! Always remember, it is not that deep!
Heal and wake up with the soothing and vibrational tones of our meditation audio tracks that you can purchase and download today!

Timeline photos 18/09/2020

We are on this Earth to experience! Not to prepare for what there is to be found! Experience is all we know, it is how we comprehend life! A lot of people spend their time wondering what to do. How to do it. Contemplating life only prohibits our growth! Go experience life and enjoy it! You only live once!

Timeline photos 18/09/2020

Love will come and go! Some will stay around for the whole duration of your life! This being, we should never worry about love! It is everywhere! Family, friends, food, music, colors and many other things are filled with love and your! Once you take the time to honor those moments when love is happening, you will never worry about being or feeling loved again!

Timeline photos 17/09/2020

It is not harmful to put your ambitions on hold. Life comes with many surprises and turns. So you can only expect for it to through you of your path every once and a while! But it is harmful to forget your ambition. To allow the challenges of life to distract you completely from your dreams! Bounce back on your path and keep your ambition flowing! The challenges are only here to straighten you on your journey!

Timeline photos 17/09/2020

Take chances and live your life! Stop asking what if and start seeing what is! Start to explore and do what you only dreamed of doing! You can achieve all as long as you see through to what you start! Never be afraid to go outside the norm and live on the edge! Trust your instincts and listen to yourself!

Timeline photos 16/09/2020

If you ever notice when someone is about to pass away they begin to think about what they did not get to do! What they always wanted to achieve! This is the sad truth for a lot of individuals... This being, its important to act now on what you want out of life. Tomorrow is not promised so live for today !

Videos (show all)

NATIVE ANSWER - How I Loss 110 lbs


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00