Summers Youth, Nerium International, Relationship Marketing Brand Partner

Summers Youth, Nerium International, Relationship Marketing Brand Partner

Discover the NERIUM Difference..... REAL SCIENCE...REAL RESULTS !!! Aging is inevitable, looking ol REAL SCIENCE = REAL RESULTS.

Nerium AD
Years of biotechnology research has led to an accidental discovery that set a new standard of skincare. The purity of nature combined with the progressiveness of science. Nerium AD has been clinically proven to help
reduce the apprearance of:
-Fine Lines and Wrinkles.
-Enlarged pores
-Uneven Skin Textures
-Aging Skin

If you have vibrant skin and what to retain that youthf


Spot on for those now staying at home under trying times.

Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm 14/03/2020

Well worth the watch. — be informed

Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in...

Timeline photos 10/06/2016

This is a combination of Nerium Eye Serum and Nerium Night Cream. 55 years young and loving my Nerium!!! OMG what are you waiting for, please visit: or message me.

Photos from Summers Youth, Nerium International, Relationship Marketing Brand Partner's post 27/04/2016

Brighten your eyes with Age-Defying Eye Serum, they deserve to shine!

Photos from Summers Youth, Nerium International, Relationship Marketing Brand Partner's post 22/04/2016

Life & Style Loves Nerium's Age-Defying Eye Serum

The newest addition to our product line continues to impress! Our Age-Defying Eye Serum was recently lauded as a “Miracle in a Bottle” by Life & Style, getting praise for its ability to combat dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness.

Spread the word about the incredible science and results of Nerium’s Eye Serum using this social graphic!

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

You've seen the results, which are Ah-Mazing, but Nerium is taking it Further.
Take advantage of immediate results, long term benefits while receiving discounts and Free shipping!!
Even more- ask me how you can get it Free!!

Timeline photos 20/04/2016

In just 0 - 30, take your eyes from looking stressed to your very best!

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

NERIUM only releases products that are patented, backed by science, and work. (insert happy and loud screams) Therefore, when we launch a new product, it sells out FAST!! If you are considering at all, I would recommend ordering SOONER than later. Nothing worse than telling someone they are unable to order until it's restocked. This product may end up being our biggest and fastest selling product to date. Beyond ordering this fabulous eye serum, by doing so this month, YOU WILL BE GRANDFATHERED INTO A HECK OF AN INCENTIVE!! FREE SHIPPING starting next month, and 10% off!! So truly the best time to pull the trigger, and incase you forgot, you have a safety net with the 30 day money back guarantee!

Timeline photos 09/04/2016

We’re excited to have Celebrity Dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelman working with us!

Timeline photos 08/03/2016

A dear friend has shared her family story about EHT --- I am sharing her testimony with all of you to be supportive and informative of this wonderful product.

EHT explained by Veronica ........Ok as many of you know our youngest son has focus issues. My husband Stephen Martin and I have always been very cautious to what Meds we have let Cameron take. We have never put him on any type of medication for his focus issues or anything for that matter of fact, as his parents that is our choice. Having said that as a brand partner with Nerium I was also not comfortable letting Cameron try the EHT without first speaking to a few docs that we know personally. After having those conversations Steve and I for the first time let Cameron try a supplement hoping to have positive results for him. I can honestly say in the last two weeks since he has been on EHT Cameron sleep habits and focus have greatly improved. Cameron was given a vaccination at 18 mos as most children are, the 72 hrs that followed that vaccination our world forever changed. Cameron went from a normal 18 month old to screaming non stop unless he had screamed himself asleep from exhaustion. On the 4th day there was no more eye contact no verbalization NONE rocking, head banging my home rearrange everyday in the exact chaos done by Cameron. He also has never slept through the night ( not one night ) since that vaccination and has restless leg syndrome. On May 21, 2015 we started EHT on May 30, 2015 my 53rd birthday Cameron slept through the night for the first time in over 11 yrs ( I thought I was just getting a birthday gift for one night) BUT he has slept through the night ever since. About 3 weeks his restless leg syndrome stopped the reason I know this is his bed linens are actually on his bed in the morning not the floor. This summer his camp counselors have also noticed his improvements. When the school yr began I prayed this would be a better yr for Cameron. Well about 5 weeks into the school yr I get the call. I walk into the conference and his teachers want to know what medication we put him on over the summer. Of course I said none and asked why. They explained Cam had gone from not focusing to focusing. Engaged in group conversation and leading small groups. Grades from C & D to A & B that has never happened before. Cameron was called into the meeting after I explained he was taking EHT and what it was. My son said that now he has friends because he now feels he can participate with his class mates. I had no ideal my son felt that way it broke my heart. Through the yrs we have paid ALOT of money for specialist for Cameron's therapy, as a result of EHT Cameron is doing GREAT talking, well adjusted student in school loving life to his own beat of the drum with a bright future ahead of him. As his mother I was hoping EHT would help Cameron focus better and I am elated to have other people notice the change in my son as well! I don't know where this is going to take us but so far everything is good and I'll take the good days anytime I can get them!

Timeline photos 22/02/2016

Wondering if NERIUM really works?? Yes it does! All over!!!

Timeline photos 04/02/2016

Heisman Trophy Winner & NFL Hall of Famer
As a professional running back, I was driven to perform at my absolute best throughout my career. I worked my mind and body tirelessly to reach the pinnacle of success at every level – not just for myself, but for my teammates as well. I used that same drive and determination off the field to help make a difference in the lives of others, which is a value both Nerium and I share. Nerium’s products are revolutionary and its culture is one-of-a-kind. My wife, Janet, and I have personally experienced the positive changes it has made in our lives and we can’t wait for you to do the same. Join our team and let’s tackle the anti-aging game together.
– Tony Dorsett

Timeline photos 04/02/2016

Professionals alike are enjoying the benefits of EHT --- Why not you?

Hey guys, Jimmy Smith here. I wanted to share with you a little bit about why I got involved and believe in EHT. First of all, it is the first patented brain health supplement developed out of princeton university. Second of all, it works. I haven't felt this clear and focused since i was 20. 14 years in the NFL gave me a lot, and i wouldn't trade that experience for anything. But it also took its toll. EHT has reversed some of the effects of taking those big hits going across the middle. I want you all to check out the website attached and get on EHT.

Timeline photos 27/01/2016

UPDATE: Another NFL Legend has joined! wink emoticon
Wondering why members of the NFL are joining a Relationship Marketing Company? Nerium has breakthrough patented & scientifically proven products that produce real results, plus outstanding company core values second to none!
These NFL Legends not only take but also joined to help promote & :
Steve Weatherford (NY Giants)
Robert Kratch (NY Giants/NE Patriots)
Mario Manningham (NY Giants/SF 49ers)
Sidney Rice (Seattle Seahawks)
Ray Lewis (Baltimore Ravens)
Bryan Scott - (Buffalo Bills)
Terrence McGee - (Buffalo Bills)
Roy Williams - (Dallas Cowboys)
Ken Hamlin - (Seahawks & Cowboys)
Tony Dorsett - (Cowboys & Broncos)
Google "EHT" and message me if you'd like more information.

Timeline photos 20/01/2016

Anyone have a child who needs a NATURAL solution for better focus in school? --- My friend shares her family's story, about her beautiful child Cameron. Picture is not Cameron.

She outlines --- for those that really know her --- Her youngest son has focus issues. My husband Stephen Martin and I have always been very cautious to what Meds we have let Cameron take. We have never put him on any type of medication for ADHD or anything for that matter of fact, as his parents that is our choice. Having said that as a brand partner with Nerium I was also not comfortable letting Cameron try the EHT without first speaking to a few docs that we know personally. After having those conversations Steve and I for the first time let Cameron try a supplement hoping to have positive results for him. I can honestly say in the last two weeks since he has been on EHT Cameron sleep habits and focus have greatly improved. Cameron was given the MMR shot at 18 mos as most children are, the 72 hrs that followed that vaccination our world forever changed. Cameron went from a normal 18 month old to screaming non stop unless he had screamed himself asleep from exhaustion. On the 4th day there was no more eye contact no verbalization NONE rocking, head banging my home rearrange everyday in the exact chaos done by Cameron. He also has never slept through the night ( not one night ) since the MMR shot and has restless leg syndrome. On May 21, 2015 we started EHT on May 30, 2015 my 53rd birthday Cameron slept through the night for the first time in over 11 yrs ( I thought I was just getting a birthday gift for one night) BUT he has slept through the night ever since. About 3 weeks his restless leg syndrome stopped the reason I know this is his bed linens are actually on his bed in the morning not the floor. This summer his camp counselors have also noticed his improvements. Through the yrs we have paid ALOT of money for specialist for Cameron's therapy, as a result Cameron is doing well talking, well adjusted student in school loving life to his own beat of the drum with a bright future ahead of him. As his mother I was hoping EHT would help Cameron focus better and I am elated to have other people notice the change in my son as well! I don't know where this is going to take us but so far everything is good and I'll take the good days anytime I can get them!
Thank you Veronica Martin

Timeline photos 19/01/2016

Picture is the mid 90's and everyone wants a tan. Tanning beds in every laundromat and tanning oils next to the pool. 20 years later -- sun damage. Nerium is for more than wrinkles! Just ask my friend Alyssa Bott Van Vactor!

Timeline photos 18/01/2016

I just love sharing stories that are about real people who have benefited from EHT --- So most of you know that Joel Allen went in for his first MRI of 2016 yesterday. His MRIs are always followed up by a meeting with his Neuro-Oncology team. This team has been seeing dad for over 1.5 years and Dad has been on EHT brain supplement for the last 6 months. You know there's something special about this brain supplement when the neuro team comes into the appt. and says "No growth in Tumor. Joel's brain looks amazing! Now tell more about that EHT stuff and how do I get to take some too?!?!?!" They then proceeded to ask me, Kathy James Allen and Jacob Burkett question after question about EHT for the remainder of his appointment. YOU GUYS!!! If you care about your brain health AT ALL, you have got to be taking this stuff!!! Friend to friend, you've got to be on it!!!

Timeline photos 18/01/2016

OMG I'm BLOWN AWAY by Beth's results! I'm telling you folks this stuff works it's not a hoax just ask all my friends who believed me and are enjoying their skin changes! Woohoooo GO NERIUM
Join me what are you waiting for?

Timeline photos 12/01/2016

What a change --- After using & sharing Nerium this is what I know.....
It's the newest invention in , by scientist trying to find a cure for skin cancer.
When you purchase a bottle 30% goes back into the scientist group to try to find a cure for skin cancer, auto immune disorders, Alzheimer & AIDS.
It is a REPLACEMENT for your current skincare. All you need is WATER & ! No more 5-6 steps of bottles to use that end up under your sink.
Whatever skincare you are using, is outdated in science & only does 2-5% changes to your skin. Nerium's average on 100% of EVERY patient in the 14 year study had 30% changes to their skin or higher. You do the math, 2-5% or 30% !!??
NOTHING CAN TOUCH NERIUM! It takes a good 90 Days to get optimum result with Nerium. The is what I offer you!! Your skin will feel different on day one. Give Nerium a year and it will give you 10 back!

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

You Too Can Achieve Great Results!!!--- Helene Tang has just shared her Nerium Firm results! Here is what she said...
"It is never easy for me to share my testimonial results... but I know for a fact, from personal experience, that a woman's best kept secret is the post pregnancy tummy. I have been putting off taking my update picture for a while, but I am so glad that I did!
I know you may say to yourself...this cream is too good to be true, but I am experiencing its fruits and feel so blessed! If my testimonial results can inspire and give hope to one... It was worth the share!"
Nerium Firm Body Contouring Cream order yours today and begin your Nerium Experience! Real science with real results!
Whose got a Mama Gut they want to improve?
Nerium Firm is a lotion you rub on once a day and get incredible results!
Message me if you're interested!

Timeline photos 10/01/2016

I am excited to share a friends story and benefits of EHT Veronica's Story 😍
Ok as many of you know our youngest son has focus issues. My husband and I have always been very cautious to what Meds we have let Cameron take. We have never put him on any type of medication for his focus issues or anything for that matter of fact. We as his parents that is our choice. Having said that as a brand partner with Nerium I was also not comfortable letting Cameron try the EHT without first speaking to a few docs that we know personally. After having those conversations Steve and I for the first time let Cameron try a supplement hoping to have positive results for him. I can honestly say in the last two weeks since he has been on EHT Cameron sleep habits and focus have greatly improved. Cameron was given the MMR shot at 18 mos as most children are. The 72 hrs that followed that vaccination our world forever changed. Cameron went from a normal 18 month old to screaming non stop unless he had screamed himself asleep from exhaustion. On the 4th day there was no more eye contact no verbalization NONE rocking head banging my home rearrange everyday in the exact chaos done by Cameron. He also has never slept through the night ( not one night ) since the MMR shot and has restless leg syndrome. On May 21 we started EHT on May 30 my birthday Cameron slept through the night for the first time in over 11 yrs ( I thought I was just getting a birthday gift for one night) BUT he has slept through the night ever since. About 3 weeks his restless leg syndrome stopped the reason I know this is his bed linens are actually on his bed in the morning not the floor. This summer his camp counselors have also noticed his improvements. Through the yrs we have paid ALOT of money for specialist for Cameron's therapy, as a result Cameron is doing well talking, well adjusted student in school loving life to his own beat of the drum with a bright future ahead of him. As his mother I was hoping EHT would help Cameron focus better and I am elated to have other people notice the change in my son as well! I don't know where this is going to take us but so far everything is good and I'll take the good days anytime I can get them! If you are interested in trying EHT private message me
Thank you Veronica Martin

Timeline photos 16/11/2015

Don't think you can be a 6 figure earner from your couch and in your pjs?? Not true! I'm creating future 6 figure earners month after month! How?? I teach you how to .....Pop Lexus earners!
I ask that you check out compensation plans before you jump into just any relationship marketing company!
You see this pic? Other companies are only giving a car bonus at that point, the top of the compensation plan! Nerium gives you the car early! And a 50k bonus ! Free product and your customers get free product ! Genius!
We have been named the fastest growing company!
1 billion in sales 4 years. Look at other companies!!! How long did it take them to reach 1billion!!!?? Wait, some haven't even hit 1 billion and been in business for far more than 4 years!
Do your homework! Documentation beats conversation all day long! You can't deny clinical studies! You can't make up a study!!!!
And did you know that ... Relationship marketing companies ARE the way of the world right now! Sooooo many moms want to stay home and still make money! Families don't want to be on interstates all day long or working for someone else! Why build someone else's dream when you can build your own on 5 - 10 hours a week?
We are the way of the future! Too expensive to do franchises now! And with shark tank, pushing people into being business owners. It's coming , why not be a part of the generation change ??? Sharks ask,
Do you have a patent and projected sales ??
My company has both!!! Proven track record in sales, results and PATENTS!
So honestly, let me help you! I'm not stopping!! A leader knows where they are going, how they are going to get there and what to do!!!!
Let me be your leader and be your cure for financial cancer!!!
Would love to meet you!!! Information is power! Pm me, take your life back!!!!

Timeline photos 12/11/2015

After eight months on Nerium anti-aging facial products, even men are achieving results and regaining their youthful look. Usually those who ask men their age are off by years.
So....if I gave you a bottle to try for seven days, would you try it and give me your honest feedback?

Timeline photos 15/10/2015

Exciting news to share, Doctors are agreeing, EHT is two thumbs up for patients.

Timeline photos 09/10/2015
Timeline photos 09/10/2015

EHT Gains BSC Drug Free Certification. With the announcement that Neriums's EHT Age-Defying Supplement, Mind Enhancement Formula is now BSCG Certified !!!


October Special ---- Free SAMPLE & Free Shipping
Nerium International / Nerium Age-Defying Skin Care.
Nerium International offers exclusive age-defying skin care products with patented ingredients to help people look younger. The results speak for themselves. Message me
