Dalex SWIFT, Accra Videos

Videos by Dalex SWIFT in Accra. Think of DALEX SWIFT as a susu box on your phone. You drop in cash whenever you can, only this time you earn interest.

Payday be like....
I'm stuck between "I need to deposit into my SWIFT account" and "You only live once".
What's your payday like?
#DilemmaTuesday #DontDull #BetterThanYourBank

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Payday be like.... I'm stuck between "I need to deposit into my SWIFT account" and "You only live once". What's your payday like? #DilemmaTuesday #DontDull #BetterThanYourBank

This new year holiday, don’t spend like a bogga. The Cedis friend is not the dollar. Chilling kakra, investing kakra, you no go make broke for January. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 to get started today. #InvestWithSWIFT

Two years from today, which of these #vacations would you like to be on? #InvestWisely

Every month, over 100k customers get a notification like this. It feels as good as a momo alert. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Be hungry for success, but be careful of get rich quick ‘opportunities’. DALEX SWIFT is as sweet and legit as it gets. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

New hobby idea: Watch your money grow! You in? Our app lets you see what’s happening to your investment, as it is happening. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

‘I want my money’ hates long stories. When your investment matures or if there's an emergency, you can move money from your SWIFT investment account to your Momo quick and easy! Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Facebook kakraa, Whatsapp kakraa, Investing kakraa, all on the same phone! It’s easy, try it! Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

No traffic, no thank queue! Invest wahala-free with DALEX SWIFT. It’s easy like scrolling through your TL. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Chill. We’ve got the bill. Transfer charges are FREE for you. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

With you, not off you. That’s how we profit. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

It makes so much sense to have a Dalex SWIFT Investment account! #Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Would you have loved it if your dad started an investment for you? Let’s do it for our kids. Visit www.dalexswift.com today. #HappyFathersDay #BetterThanYourBank

Investing with DALEX Swift is as simple as sending a Momo whenever you can. Expert fund managers will grow it. It’s as simple as that. Visit www.dalexswift.com today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Chale! transport fares are up 13%, but your bank pays 5% yearly returns on your savings and 0% on your current account. Why not put your money somewhere secure you’ll get up to 16% yearly? Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today! #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Are you paying for someone’s flashy lifestyle? Because your Bank’s bling-bling just might make you broke-broke. Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Isn’t this something you wish you knew a long time ago? PS: Ghana’s inflation rate is about 10%! Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Do you have a Current Account? Could your money be in a better place? Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today and find out. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank

Take a look at how we did last year, https://www.norvanreports.com/dalex-finance-amidst-covid-triples-profit-in-2020/ Then visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 to see what we can do for you. #BetterThanYourBank

Your money in the bank, who is it really working for? Visit www.dalexswift.com or call 721 today. #WakeUp #BetterThanYourBank