African Alliance for Resilient Communities

Mental Health, Mindfulness Meditationist, Philanthropy


you gonna die anyway so why not choose to live whiles you have life?

South Africa’s Favourite Low-Cost Airline | FlySafair 27/06/2023

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You've got to make a decision now and get comfortable being uncomfortable

Annual Meeting 2023 — Global Mental Health Action Network 05/06/2023

There is no health without
We’re excited to be taking part in the GMHAN Annual meeting in-person/online on June 28-29. If you can’t attend in person you can register here and join us virtually:
Find out about the event here:

Annual Meeting 2023 — Global Mental Health Action Network GMHAN Annual MeetingThis year GMHAN is proud to organise the largest ever gathering of civil society stakeholders working on mental health around the world, both in-person and virtually, in order to network and collaborate and advance progress on mental health, among and beyond the mental health com...


Join us this evening as we talk about overcoming depression through meditation and yoga. Please share the link in your network.


What do you know about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?


Self-awareness, pride's a coat, and yes, I like to wear it
Buttoned up, don't like to let no air in
With a pair of gloves that I hope doesn't perish
I discovered, though, when I get holes in them
And I let joy in, I'm in higher spirits
My mistakes are like a screaming parrot
Just repeating words, I can barely bear it when I'm lost


Join the conversation on June 9th lets talk about religion and mental health


sometimes, the ones we genuinely love are the reasons we are depressed


i’ve always known that i’m not very good at many things. sometimes, i stumble upon things that are visible from miles away. sometimes, i break hearts i have no intentions of hurting.
but with you, i did everything right.
for a person who falls over open shoelaces and has trouble opening up her heart in front of someone, i dissected mine into 2 pieces, for you to see. i loved you with everything i had. they say there’s no way of loving someone, but i know did it right. i loved you right.
but you ruined love for me.
i don’t know what you see in her. i don’t know how you look into her eyes and convince yourself that she has more love for you. you’ve seen love in my eyes. you should know better.
i don’t get how you walk with her. you hold her palm tight, and hers is a grip so lose, one could detangle it with minimum effort. i held your hand better. i loved you better.
there are so many things in the world i have no idea about. the galaxies and the stars, poetry, astronomy. i am unaware of it all.
but i know everything about you. i know how much sugar you like in your coffee. or what is your comfort food.
because even if i don’t know much, i know how to love you.
i don’t know what you see in her. because you know love. i loved you more, i loved you better. and you should know that.


there are times no one would understand your silence. don't battle to be un-silenced


It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.


there was a time when i started to believe in fairy tales. a time when the couples in the coffee shop would bring a smile on my face. but now that you are so distant – now that your contact name is slowly drifting down and down in my call logs – i have stopped believing in fairy tales.
is it too much to ask for? to be loved by the person we love? i guess, it is. i wish someone had told me that you can’t force someone to love you. i kept fighting for you, and you kept pushing me away.
i know it’s not your fault. i know it’s nobody’s fault if they can’t love someone back. but doesn’t mean it won’t hurt.
now that i look back, i find it a bit painful you know. the songs we shared; the books we read; the movies we watched; the food we ordered – the bond we made
– it was in the end, a kite flying without a string. i thought it was flying high, but in reality, it was flying away.
i know for sure, had you given the chance, i would have been the best lover, friend and home you would ever get. but i guess that’s not in my hand. i guess i
fell in love and it’s my doing to deal with it. i understand you. and i will always try to be a great friend if nothing more.
after all said and done, there’s a very small corner of my heart — a part where your name lives, a part that still hopes — that maybe and just maybe, you’d love
me too.


some love stories are as screwed as they can be. the debut is cute but bejewelled with red flags which you ignore for the longest and then boom red becomes your favourite color.
things are great until they aren’t. you stopped updating, didn’t make out time, out of touch out of love and when you finally did something it gave a crazy rush which wasn’t right you know? I’d rather take a constant sub-minimal amount of love than one sudden rush once in a blue moon.
you made me ask for things that should’ve come naturally to you. the bare minimum.
everytime you saw me reaching my threshold, you would cry and be the sweetest person ever, i think it reminded me of the person i fell in love with in the first place so i forgot everything and stayed.
but i really really wish that things were good not only when it was about to end, but in the start and in the in betweens too. i wish it didn’t take the fear of me leaving for you to be the best version of yourself.
our love was sadly a game of push and pull and i think ive made my decision now to put a stop to it. once and for all. im pulling out of this loop, not just for me but for you too.


If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you’re okay. Who watches out or you and wants the best for you. Who loves and respects you. Don’t let them go. People like that are hard to find.
- Franz Kafka


You expect respect, but you never give it.
You expect love, but I mever never recieve it.
You expect so much, baby am I alone, just not enough?
I know you say you love me, that everythings okay.
I know you say everything is well, but baby we're not.
I know you believe that we're in this together, but you take it all for yourself.
Let me help, let me be the one to guide you.
Let me be the one to come inside you
Be my soul purpose and I promise to be yours, baby can't you see, We need ine another. Its just you and me.
I'll make dinner and relax, its not that you're bad at cooking I just don't want you stressed.
Between work and school you've become all tense.
I may not be the best maid but Ill try my best.
Oh sweet heart, am I what you see,
What you see in your future,
What you hope to see inthe morning
What you hope to see before bed,
Am I what you want?
What you need?
What you wish for?
I don't know about you babe but I can't wait to see your face,
Feel your warm embrace,
Hear your heart race,
Smell the scent you wear so well.
But if don't want me, if you can't see me, if you don't wish on my behalf, then please...
Forget about me.


I used to be really emotional. My highs were high, and my lows could be pretty low. But see, the thing is, I could get really happy over small things, like a bad joke, that could set me off and I'd be laughing for ages. And my lows, they were over little things, like not being able to find a pair of shoes and that making me late, or something silly that I could get over quickly.

But now, I don't feel anything. I don't laugh until it hurts. I don't cry and break down. And believe me, I have a lot of stuff I could cry about. Sometimes, I think about everything that has happened to me, and it doesn't register. I want to laugh, heck, I'd break down crying if I could. But nothing sets me off.

Except running. I'm a pretty handy runner, and at the moment running is my release. I run until I drop, until my legs stop working, and that gives me my highs and lows. But I can't run all the time, and I can't run forever. Running is my life, and I would do it 24/7 if I could. But when I don't run, I have no emotions, no happy, no sad, no embarrassment, no apologetic. I just don't care for those things. Sure, its easy to fake, chuck on a smile here or there, tell everyone its fine, but I feel like I'm being eaten up from the inside by something that's too big for me to control. I want to feel emotions again, but at the moment nothing will set me off, except running.

And when my running isn't going well, like at the moment, everything is hard. I don't want to over exaggerate and say I have depression, but when I'm not running well it feels like it. When running is going well, that's when I'm not turning to online sites trying to get someone to listen to me.


It is over between us!!!
I have been dating my boyfriend for two years now and I think its high time we introduce ourselves to our respective parents.
So me and my boyfriend visited my parents,and my parents liked him,in fact they were looking forward to be his in-laws.
So it was time to visit my boyfriend's mother,his father is late.
I was scared and nervous,what if his mother doesn't like me,what if she disapproves me?
"Babe calm down,my mum will surely like you,she can't even wait to see you."
So we finally got to his mother's house,his mother was very caring and kind,she also liked me.
My boyfriend stepped into the room leaving me with his mother.
Me and his mother were gisting,then my boyfriend came out and said
"Mum,why is your dirty cloth this much?"
His mum answered,"my son the washing machine has spoilt."
"But you should have told me nau,but not to worry your daughter-in-law will help you wash it,abi babe?"
Ok,mama is there a laundry shop nearby? I asked.
My daughter don't bother,there is a woman that washes clothe near my house,I will give it to her. Mama said.
"Babe wash the clothes for mama nau,I will wait for you.Dont worry the clothes are not that much,it won't take you two hours to wash the clothes."
I was surprised that my boyfriend will ask me to wash his mother clothes when I've never washed his clothes with my hand.
"Babe you know i don't wash nau, don't worry I will pay the woman that will wash the clothes." I said while hiding the visible anger on my face.
"I insist you wash the clothes with your hand,don't be lazy nau."
"My son don't stress my wife,leave her alone."
"No mama she must wash the clothes."my boyfriend kept on insisting.
And what if i don't wash the clothes,what will you do? I replied.
"Then i will break up with you."
"Ok fine,it is over between us." I don't want to be treated like a slave in my husband's house,this guy just showed me his true colors.
Mama tried begging me but i bade her goodbye and then I left the house.
If you were in my shoes what would you have done?


Enroll in our Yoga Classes Today


I made the worst mistake in my life impregnating my baby mama for the second time. She and her mother had given me so much trouble in the past. I don't even know what came out of me to start sleeping with her again. Boom she is pregnant and has refused to abort.
She want me to pay her brideprice or else she will tell my wife. If only I had control my manhood I would have not found myself in this terrible situation.
What should I do now mature advice please?


Dear woman,
You gotta understand the difference between a man who speaks to you in his free time and a man who frees his time to speak to you.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who spends his time with you when he's not too busy and a man who's never too busy to spend time with you.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who wants to see you because he misses you and a man who misses you enough to actually see you.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who tries to make an effort and a man who makes an effort to try.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who talks to a lot of girls including you and a man who only talks to you instead of a lot of girls.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who gets mad because you ask for too much and a man who gets mad because he wishes he can give you more.
You gotta understand the difference between a man who loves to hurt you and a man who gets hurt because he loves you. And once you understand the difference, you'll know if you're with the right guy or not.
Good night


A woman decided to give herself a big treat for her 70th birthday by staying overnight in a really nice hotel.. When she checked out the next morning, the desk clerk handed her a bill for $250.00.  She demanded to know why the charge was so high "I agree it's a nice hotel, but the rooms aren't worth $250..00 for just an overnight stay - I didn't even have breakfast!"  The clerk told her that $250.00 is the 'standard rate,' and breakfast had been included had she wanted it. 
She insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager appeared and, forewarned by the desk clerk, announced: "This hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center which are available for use."  "But I didn't use them."  'Well, they are here, and you could have." He went on to explain that she could also have seen one of the in-hotel shows for which they were so famous."We have the best entertainers from the world over performing here."  "But I didn't go to any of those shows.."  "Well, we have them, and you could have."  No matter what amenity the Manager mentioned, she replied, "But I didn't use it!" and the Manager countered with his standard response.  After several minutes discussion, and with the Manager still unmoved, she decided to pay, wrote a check and gave it to him. The Manager was surprised when he looked at the check.  "But Madam, this check is for only $50.00"  "That's correct I charged you $200.00 for sleeping with me."  "But I didn't!"  "Well, too bad, I was here, and you could have." 🤣
Author Unknown

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Let’s Talk

I have dedicated my life to being of service. My deepest desire is that every hurting heart knows that it is possible to take the cards they have been dealt with and create their own winning hand. Coaching will help you to move forward to embrace a totally fulfilling life. It is a true pleasure to guide clients to access the power within them to make positive changes to be the master of their destiny and create more success in their personal and professional lives. Free yourself from fears and limitations. I provide exceptional, fun workouts and practical tools for dealing with stress using humor. I run one on one boot camps at any chosen serene location of the client’s choice, even their homes. In these workouts we sweat through a fun yet intense workout. I prefer to work with clients in person, as nothing compares to working face-to-face. However, due to nationwide and international demand I also use Facebook, Whatsapp and Skype with equally good results. As a Life Coach I deal with people who want to improve their lives in specific ways, such as changing careers, finding a healthy relationship, taking their business to a new level, losing weight or deepening their self, managing stress and mid-life crises. Dedicated to assisting individuals, families, and couples in finding solutions that assist them in managing life amidst difficulties. Nab’s coaching is holistic and integrative; I coach the whole person. Regardless of what brings you initially to life coaching, you will quickly see an impact in all areas of your life. Your life is a living system with all dimensions overlapping and affecting each other. Therefore, clients quickly come to find that advancement and change in one area of their life radically empowers all the others as well. I’m a Life Strategist creating powerful transformations through healthy relationships, an abundant future, fulfilling careers – living a life of purpose. To awaken all of your dreams and passions, open your mind to allow in all that you need to live the life you deserve to live a life of Passion, Power, and Purpose.




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Future of Africa Future of Africa
FD301 Numo Tetteh Lp, Ability, Adjirinagnor
Accra, GD-168-7316

FOA invests in the well-being, education and future livelihoods of children in street situations.

Moremi Initiative for Women's Leadership in Africa Moremi Initiative for Women's Leadership in Africa
1 Cocoa Street, East Legon

We engage, inspire & equip young women & girls to become the next generation of African Women Leaders

WillWay Africa WillWay Africa
2nd Guggisberg Street, # 186/4 Opp. Shell Service Station Mamprobi-Accra

WillWay Africa is a Ghanaian non-profit organization with a rural focus. Founded in 2004 in the rural Dangbe West District of Greater Accra Region in Ghana, WillWay Africa creates ...

Abigail's Child Care Foundation Abigail's Child Care Foundation
P. O. Box GP 18157 G. P. O Accra

Women Peace and Security Network-Africa (WIPSEN-Africa) Women Peace and Security Network-Africa (WIPSEN-Africa)
68 Onyankle Street, Abelemkpe, Off Olusegun Obasanjo Highway, P. M. B. 36 Osu
Accra, 0221

Naa Ata Street, Tesano
Accra, 00233

A non-denminational and inter-denominational organization aimed at projecting Christ among the youth across the nations and motivating them to fulfilment of God-given purposes.

Youthwise PROJECT Youthwise PROJECT
11 New Town Road, Afuaman/Ga West Municipal
Accra, OD526

YOUTHWISE PROJECT -- Youth Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Support -- through Counselling, Seminars, Training, Placements, Advocacy, etc.

AIESEC in Ghana AIESEC in Ghana
16, 2nd Approtech Street, Adenta

We are a Youth Leadership Movement, providing Cross cultural Leadership Experiences.

Cheerful Hearts Foundation Cheerful Hearts Foundation
Cheerful Hearts Foundation Kasoa Office
Accra, 00233

Cheerful Hearts Foundation (CHF) is a registered grassroots non-profit preventing human trafficking.

MaPOG (Malaria Prevention Organisation of Ghana) MaPOG (Malaria Prevention Organisation of Ghana)
34 Ayi Kushie
Accra, 00233

Malaria: Don't CURE it, PREVENT it!

Danni K foundation Danni K foundation
Awoshie Baahyard

Humanitarian services : construction of social amenties for the communties , financial outsourcing for housing , provision of youth employment opportunities , youth development , e...