SAG Mediconsult Diagnostics

SAG Mediconsult Diagnostics

We are here to serve you, and if you knew better, then you will do better. For your total wellness program visit us or call us on 0209194857.

REMEMBER- your health is your wealth!


Pay attention to this ! Especially those who take indiscriminate herbal concoctions.


There you are! What all school going age groups need to here!


Being civil is intelligence!


Listen and decide for yourself!


I strongly concur!


This is actually where the problems actually starts! We indoctrinate individuals into thinking they have nothing to offer!


Just continue to shine!


We are always connected at some point on the way!


Humanity needs help! We are all suffering one way or the other. Just be a reason someone smile this morning! Just be a reason someone find his bearing today! Just be a reason someone find the hope to continue living today! Don't be judgmental! Just be supportive!


Let's engage our kids in activities that will horn their cognitive skills and make them purposefully smart and attentive!


Life! Simple and short!


Say no to any form of self medication !


There you are!


That's holds true for dome partners in marriage!


Cheating whilst still married to you! What a world!


Oh I love this! So will you! Intellectual!


The way to the future we crave! The only way to survive!!!


Listen 👂!


I will encourage anybody coming across this to make time and listen!


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Nana Kwabena Nkansah Owusu, Tony Quality


I love this lady! Saying it less obviously 🙄


This is the core of the problem and has been my thought exactly!




Be observant of your overall health. Be inquisitive to know how you are feeling at any moment of your life. Are you feeling happy, sad, uninspired, uninterested, do you lack zeal? Lost of energy? Do feel like remaining in bed for the rest of the day? Do you feel like going on a shopping spree and spending more than you intend? Do you have lack of appetite? These are some of the signs and symptoms telling you that you need some adjustments. Depression and anxiety are easily missed, especially when they are subtle. When you start feeling tired and uninterested in anything, Depression is setting in. When you are rattled by almost anything, then pathological anxiety is creeping in. When you are experiencing a bit of both, then is even more dangerous! Everyone has some form of mental problem that may need professional attention. Seek intermittent mental health!


My observations exactly!


Que sera sera!

A life-lesson drawn from Victor Frankl’s ‘Death in Teheran’ parable.

Victor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ is arguably the most profound book of the twentieth century.

It documents Frankl’s struggle for survival in N**i concentration camps.

In the book, Frankl tells this story:

‘A rich and mighty Persian once walked in his garden with one of his servants. The servant cried that he had just encountered Death, who had threatened him. He begged his master to give him his fastest horse so that he could make haste and flee to Teheran, which he could reach that same evening. The master consented and the servant galloped off on the horse. On returning to his house the master himself met Death, and questioned him, “Why did you terrify and threaten my servant?” “I did not threaten him; I only showed surprise in still finding him here when I planned to meet him tonight in Teheran,” said Death.

As compelling as Frankl’s story is, I’ve always struggled to make sense of it.

So, I thought I’d have ‘a dip at it’, fittingly on New Year’s Eve, and in 30 words or less:  

‘Our fate is inescapable, and we’ll inevitably meet it even while trying to avoid it. But what’s important is choosing our attitude and behaviour toward those things that can’t be changed.’

I’m guessing it’s much easier said than done.  

But here goes!
What’s your take on the parable?

Photo image: ‘The Kiss of Death’ sculpture located in Barcelona’s Poblenou Cemetery.

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