Audacity To Lead

Audacity To Lead

Seeks to connect, inspire and impact a critical mass of the youth to catalyze positive change and tra


Rethinking Africa's Leadership Lecture Series

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Africa is now widely acclaimed as the last frontier of the global economy due to the continent’s long-term growth trajectory. With democratic governance taking roots and impressive economic performance, Africa can no longer be related to the backwaters of global affairs.
In context, Africa is a resource-rich and second-largest continent with a population of 16.72% of the world’s population (ranking second). It has the fastest-growing population (including the youth) and the fastest urbanizing continent. In 2017, an Africa Development Bank report indicated that Africa is the second fastest-growing economy with average annual GDP growth of 4.6% for the period 2000-2016.
The progress made notwithstanding, Africa still contends with a myriad of challenges. Among these are extreme poverty (54%); acute unemployment (nearly 60% of youth are unemployed); environmental issues (land degradation, deforestation, pollution, biodiversity loss, vulnerability to climate change etc.); as well as violent crimes, conflicts and insecurity. Regarding progress towards SDGs, Africa lags behind the rest of the world in respect of socio-economic development. Africa’s growth over the SDG period has been far below the target of 7% recording a drop of 1.4% in 2016-a year after the adoption of SDGs.
In recent times, Africa has stepped up efforts in the implementation of initiatives such as the ACFTA, SAATM and the Africa Single Passport etc. to engender economic growth and integration.
It is however argued that the goals of these initiatives will not be realized unless the challenge of effective leadership is addressed since leadership is what makes things happen in groups, organizations and societies.
Key questions for reflection:
• What kind of leadership will foster unity in diversity, stimulate growth and ensure inclusiveness in decision-making and resource distribution?
• Can Africa re-define her leadership purpose based on value systems that will ensure the safety and well-being of all


Audacity To Lead, a Pan-African leadership development platform presents Rethinking Africa's Leadership Lecture Series under theme: Leadership: Key to Africa's Transformation. The speakers are: Dr Roger Koranteng (Keynote Speaker); Ms. Catherine Nformangum ; Ms. Alexandra Tchomte and Ms. Anne Ethel Komlaga. The lecture is hosted by Ms. Efua Elens-Edeh with Hon Akwasi Opong-Fosu as special guest to deliver the opening statement and launch.

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A special invitation to Audacity to Lead by Anne.... 03/05/2021

A special invitation to Audacity to Lead by Anne....

A special invitation to Audacity to Lead by Anne....
