Behold I Come Quickly

Behold I Come Quickly



What this generation of Christians need is faith in God.
Faith is believing what God has said and acting on this belief


After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
Revelation 4:1
John the Apostle was called up hither to the realms of the heavenly in the opening verse of this chapter. He was at the 'lowest' point in his life in a prison on the isle of Patmos for his relentless testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In that pit of 'desolation' the Lord by His Spirit of revelation called him up marking the beginning of another dimension of the apostle's ministry to show him the things which "thou has seen", "which are" and "shall be hearafter", "for thou must prophesy to many Nations"
The Lord is in the business of calling men and women up.
Up in holiness, up in power, up in glory, up in prayer,up in progressional growth in every sphere of life for it is Him who has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness.
The encounter of the Apostle is also a similitude of the rapturing of the church into heaven. John in His accounts declares that the voice which called him up 'was as of a trumpet". In the same similitude, the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first . After that, we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.
The Lord will rapture His sanctified church up in Glory.
Respond to this call now by repenting of your sins and consecrating your life to the Lord

God bless you

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From studies and research there is a witness of the gospel in all most all the Nations even among the strong resistive Nations.
Our salvation is indeed nearer than we think
~World Missions Prayer TM.
~Behold I come quickly


For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

Luke 16:28
Let's pray the salvation of our families now
Friday with Night with Jesus

How many brethren do you have?
How many are saved?
Jesus is asking.
The rich man said He had five and only the preaching of the gospel was going to stop them from coming to hell
night with Jesus

Photos from Behold I Come Quickly's post 13/06/2020


Photos from Behold I Come Quickly's post 13/06/2020

11PM every Saturday GMT

Timeline photos 18/11/2019

A major prophecy that was fulfilled is the declaration of Isreal as a nation after 1875 years without homeland (May 14, 1948)
The next major event is the RAPTURE


*_The reason why God does not want you to sin is not because He doesn't want to forgive you after you have sinned but it is because of the consequences you will have to bare after you have sinned. We call it the Law of sin and death. Sin is the act, death is the consequence. What people say after you have left a place, your reaction after things did not go your way, what you do when you are alone or in darkness defines what your character is. It is the Spirit of God that transforms our lives through the word and life circumstances_*. *Character is everything, Charisma is not!*

~ *Meditate* ~
Prof Maxwell

Photos from Behold I Come Quickly's post 01/11/2019
Photos from Behold I Come Quickly's post 01/11/2019

The rapture will be an event that will precede the second coming of Christ.
1Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Do you have a relationship with Jesus today? Seek for God today tomorrow will be too late


There is Danger ahead.
Judgment is coming soon.
Prepare to meet your Maker before it is too late.
Mercy is calling. Jesus is potent to save , his blood is efficacious to cleanse you from every sin
How shall you escape if you neglect so great a salvation?

Timeline photos 25/10/2019

The Rapture is A sudden And an unprecedented event that will shake the foundation of the world.
After the Rapture, all the Scheduled Program will be hold unscheduled, All the mansions built By men will become useless, Money will become worthless, Riches men will not be able to stay in their Mansions, but they will be running up and down and praying for death but death will not hearken unto them, left behind people, Rich and Poor, Unrepentant Sinners will be in great Trouble, Power will cease from the Wicked Kings and Governors, Power Will be taken away from the wicked Presidents and Riches men, all will be distress and Terribly torture by the Antichrist, many will seek to Repent And Give their lives to Christ but such opportunity will no longer available, Once You miss the Rapture, No Miracle can get you out of the Tribulation, Seek JESUS Now so that You will Not Seek Him when it's late, Accept Salvation now so that Satan will not mock you after the Rapture, Come to Jesus Christ Now, so that You will Not experienced such terrible Persecution, forsake your sins now because Repentance after Rapture Is useless and Worthless.
JESUS Christ is calling you unto Repentance, Won't you come to Christ now, Time is Short..


Revelation 22: 12-13
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

