Advance Your Network Marketing Business

Advance Your Network Marketing Business

On a mission to help Network Marketers run their businesses the right way in order to get more leads and customers daily!


All the energy and time you put into trying to get your weaker team members to grow is time wasted. You are better off using that time to help your motivated distributors and to recruit a few new people to get started in the business." - Jordan Adler


Your downline doesn't owe you anything, be grateful for anything they do ❤️


A short term mentality in network marketing will never give you a long term return.


If you ever want to be an entrepreneur and work from home, network marketing is a good way to start.


You will never succeed in Network Marketing if all you do is sign up distributor after distributor.You could sign up 30 new distributors in a month, but if those new people don’t get started right in this profession,you’ll lose almost all of them after a month or two. Get your distributors started right.Only then will your retention rates go up,and you’ll see some real and consistent growth in your business!


When we first get into we think that everyone is going to jump at our opportunity.We are told that all you have to do is sign up 5 people and they will sign up 5 and so on.If you have been in for more than 2 minutes you realize this is not true.The key is to realize early on that few will take you up on your offer and most won’t.


What is the highest profiting business tactic you have ever implemented? Some may think its recruiting, some may think it is social media,some may even think its duplication.

They would all be WRONG!

Across the entire Network Marketing profession,from one company to the next,the most profitable business activity you can engage in is PROMOTING EVENTS!


Skills are the tickets to your success!


Building your own business takes a lot of effort. Without an employer telling you what needs to be done, you have to figure it out for yourself. You may find that even though you are working hard, there are many ups and downs on the road to success. You may experience success one month and not so much the next. It’s easy to lose motivation during the down times and you may even feel like giving up. The key to building a successful Network Marketing business is not giving up, no matter what. Finding ways to lift yourself up on those days when you feel like all hope is lost is the most important thing you can do.


Network Marketing Tip: Don’t be a fool, just use the tool🧑‍💻


In Network Marketing,

You don't build a business, you build people and then people build the business. Who's with me?


See your prospects as a doorway,not a destination.


Are you affected by the prospecting fear 'disease'?

The “dreaded” prospecting fear that so many people face in network marketing isn't something that is insurmountable.

In fact,it's absolutely necessary for you to rid yourself of prospecting fear if you're going to succeed in network marketing.
I get it. Prospecting can feel daunting. Fear of prospecting is normal.

Most people have some trepidation or hesitancy related to it when they first get started. All those unknowns can drive us batty!

What if I screw up?
What if I don't know what to say?
What if I clam up?
What if I fumble my words?
What if they reject me?

Life is full of “What if's”. How about this when it comes to prospecting in network marketing?

What IF I succeed?
What IF they say YES and join me?
What IF they absolutely LOVE it?
What IF this person I'm talking to helps lead me to financial freedom?

Seems the second list is one you should be focused on, doesn't it?
Share your comments.


Welcome you all my dear Network Marketers! More values,tips and ideas underway. Are you ready?

