Effort's house

Effort's house

Health and wellness make a whole being/ individual


Let's monitor the food and water we takes in well to prevent ourselves from typhoid
Typhoid is really causing a lot of harms to people especially in the rural areas to the point that even an eight weeks baby was diagnosed of typhoid

Prevent yourself from typhoid, save a friend from typhoid


Help save a life before it's too late


Peptic ulcers are real
Get yourself check/examine


Have you ever try to share some personal things with others?
There are some things we share with friends and we transfer infection too as well, let's stop Sharing some things such as sponge, towel even as we are family, and even spoon as well for some infection are transmitted through body fluids.


The outbreak of some diseases are very simple, just stay health and prevent some common preventable diseases such as malaria by sleep under treated mosquito net, washing and changing net regularly.
Lets come together and drive malaria out for cerebral malaria is killing a lot of children under 5 rapidly

