Fataw Godfred Inspires

Fataw Godfred Inspires

A pastor, author, life couch, and speaker. Gifted with supernatural ability to inspire the world.


When European Christian missionaries came to Africa, they built schools that our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents attended for free. When today’s churches build schools, even their church members, whose tithe and offerings built these schools, often can’t afford to send their children there. Meanwhile, 1 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Who plants a vineyard and does not eat its grapes?"

My father, who was not a Catholic, was educated by Irish Catholic priests FOR FREE. Come on, people. Let us return to that old missionary Christianity that was first about service to God and humanity. Times have changed. Church schools do not have to be free. But they at least ought to be affordable for members of their congregation. Then, non-members may be charged exorbitantly if money is the object. This is in keeping with Galatians 6:10, which says, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Sadly, even today, the Catholic Church in Nigeria has joined this fray of establishing ultra-expensive schools that even regular Catholics can't afford for their wards. But look at Islam. Any school having to do with Islam tends to be affordable. Am I lying? Why won't Islam then be the fastest growing religion on Earth?


I think he's making sense 🙄



1) focus on your new church and new pastor so you can absorb a new chapter.

2) talk good about your previous pastor regardless of whatever transpired God is the Judge men are simply contributors.

3) Wishing your old church bad will only make you live in bitterness especially when you keep seeing them progress because you can not convince God to hate them.

4) Barricade rumors and gossips so your soul can be purified else, you will keep been bitter and battered while the place you left behind wax stronger and better.

1) Mary a pastor that you will stand for, if not don't Marry him and later become his/her pit fall

2) Everyone can not love you, sometimes it's not men that will hate you but your female members, may be due to envy or selfishness.

3) Never you make your office the headquarters of gossip affairs, your job is to pray for members intercede for them and help build and support your spouse in every way possible.

1) Never you carry the church on your head as if you the one that died for our souls. Allow God be God in every situation and If members are asking for money and you don't have please don't kill yourself or feel depressed.

2) Take care of your family very well, when you have problem it is your family that will stand with you more than members.

3) Eat well and take care of yourself dear pastors problems of this world are endlessly endless.

4) Never you empower your Judas, they only grow strong to pull you down.

I pray for you your ministry will not die, God in his infinite Mercy will guide and lead you through the path of righteousness in Jesus mighty name.


By the privilege of this Apostolic grace, I call an end to every battle that is draining and depleting your life, in the name of Jesus!
God is making a way for you where the seems to be no way!
He has a promise land for you! You will laugh again this month…receive this word by faith.

Happy New Month, Friend!!❤️



(Genesis 11:1-2 ) And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

As I was going through the book of Genesis this morning to see where the problems of man began, I saw something strategy that sadden my heart with tears. I saw something the first generation did which is affecting this current generation And I fear if care is not taken it will pass on to the next generation.

In the first chapter of Genesis tells us how God gave man the mandate to dominate the earth, to be fruitful, multiply and to subdue the entire universe.
From there, man became absolutely obedient and wanted to know God directions.
Therefore, man began to pursue the agenda of God by spreading around the earth until he got to Genesis 11 and found something peculiar to his heart and settled down.

Man began to substitute Movement with Settlement which have been the biggest challenge in our Christians walk with God over the ages.

HEAR ME, it's very dangerous to settled down in your comfort zone with the anointing when God expecting you to be on move.
You were born to move mountains and not to settle in mountains.
You were born to shake nations with the demonstrations of the convincing power of God and not to corrupt and pollute nations with doctrines.
You were born to control the world and not to be controlled by the world.
There is a mandate you must carry.

You are not important for how long you live rather how effective you are to Christ Jesus.
Hmmm! Many Christians were on the move when they got born again with the fire of revival until they found a PLAIN in the land of Shinar ( Comfort Zone ) and settled and died there with the anointing without leaving a legacy for their generation.

OH Lord, when will you raise another army to break this cycle?
Many people have settled down and no longer prepare to be on the move for God's mandate. Most Christians have settled down because of their educational certificates.
Hmmm most Christians have settled down because of marriage and material things leaving the work of God vacuum.

OH LORD raise another army for your kingdom!

By the divine mandate, I curse every spirit that is causing you to settle down in your Christian walk, in the name of Jesus Christ.



Help me locate this man. You just need to hear what he's saying.

Photos from Fataw Godfred Inspires's post 14/09/2021


Dr David Yonggi Cho has gone to be with Jesus. At the age of 85 (1936-2021).

David Yonggi Cho (born 14 February 1936 as Paul Yungi Cho) is a South Korean Christian minister. With his mother-in-law Choi Ja-shil, he is cofounder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies of God), the world's largest congregation).

You are forever in our hearts, we thank God for your life which was lived in total submission to God.


Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord, God's general.


Listen friends, Every territory has their stronghold. The stronghold of Jericho is the wall, the stronghold of Philippines is Delilah.
Don't make a mistake breaking down walls and lifting gates when you suppose to deal with Delilah.

Say; I refuse to be canal.
I see you winning on every side in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Watch this powerful prophecy from the son of prophet Innocent Ehumadu in our last ended three days prophetic program. Indeed, the Lord is using His servant mightily in the prophetic field.
We are coming to your territory in the name of the Lord, inbox us now.


Acts 10 38
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

Indeed, only Jesus Christ can make the cripples to walk. This woman could not walk without the support of a crutch for the past five years due to motor accident but during the prophetic program at Langbinsi, she had an encounter with the God of Elohim and got her healing instantly.
Glory be to God for His healing power.

Videos (show all)

God will not come down from heaven and do for you what you must do yourself by brother Chris.
Make friends with your future by brother Chris.
Every step you take, God is aware.
I think he's making sense 🙄
Help me locate this man. You just need to hear what he's saying.
The power of prophecy.
The healing power of God.

