Know Your Genotype Videos

Videos by Know Your Genotype. Gradually effacing Sickle Cell Disease through awareness creation.

Day 29 of #sicklecellawarenessmonth

The #SickleCell mutated gene can be gradually phased out and zero Sickle Cell Disease can be attained. It starts with you, whether you carry the mutated gene or not.

Even if you know that you don't carry the mutation you can lend your voice to raising awareness. There are many people who do not know what Sickle Cell Disease is. Yes, they may have heard the name, but they don't really know what it entails and how it's inherited. We often receive messages from people who do not know the difference between blood group and genotype and think they're one and the same.

As we approach the end of the month dedicated to raising awareness on #sicklecelldisease we give you 5 easy things to do to support the gradual phasing out of the sickle cell mutated gene.

Simply engaging this post and others we've posted over the month will go a long way to to help the message reach more eyes.

#sicklecellawareness #sicklecellwarrior #raisetheawareness

Other Know Your Genotype videos

Day 29 of #sicklecellawarenessmonth The #SickleCell mutated gene can be gradually phased out and zero Sickle Cell Disease can be attained. It starts with you, whether you carry the mutated gene or not. Even if you know that you don't carry the mutation you can lend your voice to raising awareness. There are many people who do not know what Sickle Cell Disease is. Yes, they may have heard the name, but they don't really know what it entails and how it's inherited. We often receive messages from people who do not know the difference between blood group and genotype and think they're one and the same. As we approach the end of the month dedicated to raising awareness on #sicklecelldisease we give you 5 easy things to do to support the gradual phasing out of the sickle cell mutated gene. Simply engaging this post and others we've posted over the month will go a long way to to help the message reach more eyes. #sicklecellawareness #sicklecellwarrior #raisetheawareness

Day 24 of #sicklecellawarenessmonth Over the past 7 days, we delved into some management and treatment options for individuals with #SickleCellDisease Let's take a quick refresher of what the week was about. #sicklecellwarrior #sicklecell #SickleCellAwareness

Day 15 of #sicklecellawarenessmonth How do individuals with Sickle Cell Disease characteristically look like? The fast paced haemolysis of red cells causes them to look a particular way. The bone marrow gets overwhelmed with the work of making new red blood cells and ends up expanding to accomodate the extra work, hence the enlarged frontal and maxillary bones seen in people with a severe phenotypic expression of the disease. There's also chronic and severe anaemia and jaundice among others. Not every Sickle Cell patient has these features; those with a severe physical expression (phenotype) of the disease are the ones you'd usually see these features in. #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellawareness #sicklecell #sicklecellwarrior

Day 8 of #SickleCellAwarenessMonth A recap of the points we put across during the first week of raising awareness. #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellawareness #sicklecell #haemoglobin