The Marriage House Movement

The Marriage House Movement

"The Marriage House" book by John Kpikpi. A global network of people working together to advance God’s blueprint for a secure and happy marriage.


Money Matters!
As part of our Month of Marriage and Family Life, we are exploring the topic of money in marriage. How important is it? How should we use it? Why do we need to keep our ,oney together? Should there really be totla transparency when it comes to money?

In this video, Apostle brings us answers to some of our pressing questions about marriage.

God bless you as you join us today.


Genesis 2:24

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

If you don’t truly leave your father and mother, how can you be successfully joined to your wife?

Comment below some of the ways in which you can leave your father and mother:


"But what is God’s blueprint or plan and purpose for marriage? What are the differences between God’s blueprint and the (man-made) blueprints in our minds? Why does marriage remain such a hard puzzle to crack for so many? Why is it that though modern man has successfully tamed many wild animals, invented incredibly clever devices for making life easier and devised ways of communicating with lightning speeds across our planet, so many fail in the simple work of living with their own chosen person and making a happy home with them? "

The Marriage House has the answer


"For many (or even most) people, what began on their marriage day as an exciting adventure with joyful prospects, sooner or later begins to turn sour, eventually progressing to a nightmare situation with badly-hurt spouses spewing venom at each other amidst their broken hopes and dreams. How can something which began in love and affection, become enmeshed in hatred, painful courtroom battles or even violence and abuse? What has gone wrong with marriage?"

Please DM us to purchase a copy and to find out what God’s blueprint for a secure and happy marriage is.


Assured, accepted, loved unconditionally


So who should make this huge decision?


Am I making the right choice?


The same grace. . .


Building on the right foundation


Marriage and the gospel are inextricably linked…


A love story


Now this is interesting!


Couples who are not able to have children often experience a lot of emotional pain and suffering. What should they do? A couple in this situation should be free to make use of all the means that God has graciously provided for overcoming such difficulties - such as prayer, the support of family and friends and the help of the medical profession.


Let’s talk about Procreation!


Prioritising companionship ♥️


♥️ Companionship

Videos (show all)

Should My Partner Know How Much I Earn?
Pastor Adeline Mensah Interviews Dr and Mrs Kpikpi about The Marriage College
