Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia

Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia

Jabang Scout Troop is a scout Unit operating under the Promise, Laws and the principles of the Scout movement.

It is a Unit under the Kombo North District Scout Branch, The Gambia Scout Association is the governing body of the Unit.



Certainly! An AGM is pivotal for Scouts as it's a platform to reflect on our achievements, discuss challenges, set goals collaboratively and most importantly elect the right individuals to steer our affairs.
Join our panel discussion on Wednesday to delve into the significance and purpose of the upcoming Regional AGMs. Let’s learn together.

Wednesday, 7 Feb β€’ 20:00 – 21:30
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kud-vpqu-ozb

NB: All delegates and observers appointed to attend the Regional AGMs are been urged to join the session.

Tips to attend;
1. Download Google Meet in your device now.
2. Click the link above☝🏻.
3. Get registered by clicking the Ask to join button.
4. Done!

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See you soon.

Photos from Scouting in Africa's post 03/02/2024

Here you have. Familiarize yourself with the official logo.
World Organization of the Scout Movement - WOSM
Scouting in Africa
The Gambia Scouts
Scouts of kombo north


As The Gambia Scout Association
( ) heads to Annual General Meeting (AGM) both at Regional and National Level, we wish the most dedicated and aspiring leaders be elected at our executive positions.
Scouting is for the young and their representation is key to making the world a better place.

The Gambia Scouts
The Gambia Scout Association
Scouts of kombo north

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 24/01/2024

20th January, 2024
Kunkujang Keitaya Scout Troop adventure and exploration to Monkey Park and Fajara Waterfront.

The event gathered 70 participants scouts and non-scouts for a day long event accompanied by a tour at the Monkey Park and a fun-filled day at the beach.

The event has promoted environmental awareness, teamwork, and personal growth while providing an unforgettable experience for the participants.

The day begin with a visit to the Park in where the participants were educated about our wildlife and their conservation efforts, from which the team headed to the beach at the Fajara Waterfront for a picnic filled with fun and educational experiences.

The team with their environmental impact engaged in a beach cleaning exercise to promote a healthy environment and protect our marine ecosystem.

The day continue with team building activities, filled with communication and leadership skills with games filling the day with so much fun.

A picnic lunch was served to celebrate the healthy lifestyle of scouts and an evening storytelling session to end the day with a closing ceremony where participants were served with Scarves to acknowledge their commitment and engagement.

Together we can create a better world.

Photos from Scouts of kombo north's post 29/10/2023

We at Jabang, Western, Gambia are proud of our scouts and applaud them for the great achievements made. We have awarded 36 deserving scouts with certificates that will benefit them in the long run.
Together we can create a better world 🌎

The Gambia Scouts

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 30/05/2023

27th May, 2023.
Jabang Scout Troop celebrated the world Menstrual Hygiene Day in a different way.

The Troop was invited to attend a training on Sexual and Reproductive Health at the Jabang Lower Basic School library. The training was organized by Kindergarten Linden Gambia (KLG) in collaboration with Hope for Gambia foundation under the Girls and Women Empowerment Project.

Over 60 participants took part in the training ranging from scouts, red cross members, teachers and students. The training lasted for six hours where Gibril Sanneh the Municipal Aids Cordinator KMC, BCC and Kombo North at the National Aids Secretariat took us through a marathon session on Sexual and Reproductive Health.

The training was centered on the importance of Sexual Health and how to protect your Reproductive Health. He lectured on the importance of positive sexual behaviors, he gave key messages for people with STI and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
Through the training we discussed on key ways to keep your Reproductive Health and help others to do so.

Together we can create a better world 🌎 ⚜️⚜️⚜️The Gambia ScoutssHope for GambiaaNational AIDS Secretariattt
KLG - Kindergarten Linden, Schul- und Dorfentwicklung in Gambia e.V.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 27/02/2023

Kombo North District Scout Branch at its best. This year's Founders Day was celebrated with lots of amazing activities.
Among the activities of the camp include; cleaning exercise at the Nema Kunku Market, Drama and Poetry, Cultural Performance and lot more.

Different troops of the district were given different tasks to fulfill. were task to act on a play entitled The Roles of in fighting inequality and perform the cultural dance.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 16/11/2022
Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 16/11/2022

The 11th Edition of the Kombo North District Scouts Annual Investiture and Awarding ceremony took place on the 12th November 2022 at Jabang Lower Basic School.

Jabang Scout Troop was honored to host the biggest event of the District for the year 2022.
The camp was purposely to Invest the new scouts across the District and Award Certificates to the hard working members of the District Ranging from Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Proficiency and Leadership Training Course Certificates.
Over 140 scouts participated in the event including the Scout Band to make the event a success. Scouts all over the country came to grace the occasion with us.

The Investiture and Award Ceremony was accompanied by a March pass from the scouts, Cultural Performances by the scouts to emphasize the importance of Diversity and Inclusion, Poetry and lot more.

We would take this opportunity to thank all the parents for making the event a successful one and to the Administration Jabang Lower Basic School for granting us the opportunity to camp in their school. A big thanks to the Alkalo (Village Head) of Jabang and the Jabang Sports and Development Committee for their utmost sacrifice towards the success of the event.

We are honored to receive the delegation from the National Executive Committee of the Gambia Scout Association.
We thank the Director of Planning at the Ministry of Youths and Sports for gracing the occasion. β€œOnce a scout is always a scout” we thank our colleague the National Assembly Member for Foni Berefet for also celebrating the even with us.

Together we can create a better world 🌎 ⚜️

Yours in scouting
Alieu B Sanyang (Chat)


You are all invited to the Kombo North District Investiture and Award Ceremony.


Four days to the 11th Kombo North District Scouts Investiture and Award Ceremony to be held in Jabang Lower Basic School 12th November.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 11/09/2022


Trees serve many purposes and in an increasingly polluted and fragile world, there is need in the positive act of planting trees. οΏ½A flourishing life on land is the foundation of our life on this planet. We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation and other means. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is the key to our own survival.

It is in this backdrop that jabang Scout Troop embarked on a tree planting exercise where they planted about 87 trees within Jabang Village on September 10th 2022. The tree planting was held at Jabang Lower Basic School, Jabang Upper and Senior Secondary School and Jabang Community Health Post. The trees planted unclude; Mahogany, Baobab, Gmelina arborea, Ditarium Senegalense, among others.

Together we can help create a better world ⚜ 🌎

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 21/08/2022

Today we joined the Kombo North District youth committee in collaboration with the Sukuta Village Development Committee and other Youth groups( Kombo North District Scout Branch, clean Earth-Gamhia, seek together and leap Africa) had successfully embarked on a tree planting exercise at the Salagie Forest Park ( Sukuta-Jabang Forest) today - 21st August,2022.

Photos from The Gambia Scouts's post 15/08/2022

The Gambia appreciating the work we do.
We are proud of our members and we will continue to keep our promise in creating a better world ⚜ 🌎

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 01/08/2022

Scouts in humanitarian support.

During the past few days, the heavy downpour of rains affected many families in the Gambia. The scouts of Kombo North were at the Jabang Estate to render support to the families affected. The scouts were engaged in draining the water from inside the houses of the residents. They also help in removing the wet materials from the houses.

We all need to act now on climate change to fight yearly catastrophes during the rainy 🌧 season.
Together we can create a better world ⚜ 🌎.


Preparation is on high gear to host The Kombo North District Scout Branch Camp to begin on Friday the 29th of July to 1st August. We can't wait to welcome all the scouts within the district and we will be celebrating The Scout Scarf Day together βšœβšœπŸ‡¬πŸ‡²


Our brilliant poets on the amazing performance πŸ‘

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 09/07/2022

Friday the 8th July, we were invited by the Kunkujang Keitaya Scout Troop for a talent show.
The scouts participated in the Drama, Poetry, singing and dancing.
They were so amazing in showcasing their talents infront of the guests present.

In this regards, we wish you and your family a blessed and happy Eid-ul-Adha.
May Allah accept our prayers and make us witness many more years to come
May Allah continue to guide and protect you.
Happy Tobaski! 😊

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 21/05/2022

Safe from Harm Training 21st May, 2022.

On the 21st May, 2022, Jabang Scout Troop conducted a Safe From Harm training for 30 of it's scouts (patrol leaders and some junior scouts) as part of it's celebration at Jabang Primary School. The Training was conducted in fulfillment of WOSMs commitment to maintain a safe environment for the development of children and young people around the world. The marathon training last for 3 hours (10:22am - 13:30pm) and was moderated by the International Commissioner of .

The training will serve as a life changing moment as to the SfH policy is set to make us better people as to creating a better world.
Special thanks to the facilitator Omar Jarju (O.J), the leadership of The Gambia Scout Association, Kombo North District Executive and the Jabang Lower Basic School administration for making the training a success.
Together for a better world ⚜ 🌎

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 14/05/2022


Friday the 13th May 2022, the scouts of jabang held a coverage at the Jabang Lower Basic School inter-house sports competition. The coverage was done alongside the Jabang Home Red Cross link to be able to cover more grounds during the activities.

The program started by 10am and continued until 12:45pm where a prayer and lunch break was given and we all resumed by 3:30pm just to end the day by 7pm.

The work of the coverage team was to help in maintaining the tracks not to allow anyone to stand in the lains, helping in offering First Aid to Casualties, and prevent spectators from entering inside the field.

The School administration and all the dignitaries that where present to grace the occasion where overwhelmed by the work of the young scouts and encourage us all to keep up the good work.

Team work make the Dream work.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 19/03/2022

Jabang scout troop on it's weekly training.
This Friday 18th March, the troop embarked on Formation and Foot Drill training.
Foot drilling allow the young scouts to combine their body and mind in movement as they are expected to gather in a formation and reacts to the words of the commander.
It helps build confidence in the actions of the young scouts, learn professionalism and most importantly, it teaches them how to work in a team.
While we where busy at the school training, the leader of the troop was also attending an Intensive three days training on Gender equality in diversity and inclusion organized by the Gambia Scout Association . We take this opportunity to congratulate him in his new achievement and hope that his new learned skills would be a great addition in the troop's welfare.

Photos from The Gambia Scouts's post 11/03/2022

Congratulations brother
We are so proud to have you as a leader.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 28/02/2022

All about the Founders Day Celebration. The troop celebrated the Day alongside the Scout Council of Kombo North District. During the celebration the Troop perform the β€œJola” cultural dance and act a play on the theme β€œThe Importance of Education.” The troop took the opportunity to Celebrate the Birthday of one of their scouts who is very hard working in both Scout activities and academics, this serves as a mode of motivation for other scouts within the troop and the District at large.


Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 14/02/2022

Sunday the 13th of January 2022, the troop had a day long activity with several activities all in light of the preparations towards the Founders day Celebrations. The troop will be part of the Kombo North District team that would celebrate these year’s founders day with grand style ranging from; drama plays, cultural performance, scout quizzes and many more.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 21/01/2022

Today the 21st day of January 2022, Jabang Scout Troop on their weekly training received a gift bag from Omar Jatta through the coordination of Omar Jarju IC of The Gambia Scout Association , the gift happened to be scout scarves (Mofla) which the troop members really need. The entire troop members were so happy to receive such a kind gesture from a fellow scout. We look forward to prepare more Scarves soon for the entire troop members.

In addition to our weekly training sessions, the scouts were taught in-depth the benefits of the Mofla which includes its uses in first aid and our daily activities.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 23/12/2021

Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia today the 23rd of December join Kombo North District scout branch to take on an exploration camp to Guinea Bissau.

The trip consists of 60 scouts including band members and it will last for eight days.
The scouts of Guinea Bissau will be hosting us.

Photos from Jabang Scout Troop, The Gambia's post 20/11/2021

Jabang Scout Troop on their weekly activities.
The fact that they are all new scouts, they are yet to have the Scout Scarf (Mofla).
The troop have done a massive recruitment of members interested to becoming scouts, to serve as useful citizens of their Local, National and international communities.

Our weekly trainings are held every Friday by 5pm at the Jabang Lower Basic School.

Last week we did our very first meeting, in which the newly registered scouts where oriented about scouting mainly responsibilities and expectations.

This week's activity was an outdoor, where we started by reading the Scout Promise, after which we engaged in discussions about the scout movement (its formation, the structures in The Gambia etc).

Upon wrapping up with the discussions, we engage them in Kim games where we played two games, the young scouts have a lot fun during the sessions.

We closed the day activity by renewing our scout promise and the show ended with a photoshoot.

promise to do our best

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