The beauty of islam
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I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and you still do more.
you know every single sin that I do but you forgive me when I ask you forgiveness.
you haven't judged me when I was doing bad things but you have guided me and showed me the right path (islam).
you have showed me the beauty of this deen
how to worship you, to behave,to give to the needer, to forgive people who has wronged me,to respect everyone specially my parents etc.
ya Allah I hope that everything that I do is just to please you not someone else and to never worship something or someone beside you because you don't deserve that.
how not to love you when we know whom you really are .😔😔😔
ya Allah forgive me for everything wrong that I have done and still do.
ya Allah give me a good ending and grant me jannatoul firdaws with the righteous one.
protect me from the punishment of jahannam and the grave.
you are the only one who forgive, love and change our sins to good actions.
how not to love you ya Allah😭😭
ya Allah thank you for everything
may Allah be please with us.
D’après Anas (qu’Allah l’agrée) qui rapporte que l’envoyé d’Allah (que la paix et le salut soit sur lui) a dit:
Un rappel vraiment émouvant 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Un sentiment inexplicable 🥰🥰😭
Qu'Allah exalté soit-il nous accorde le meilleur
Apaisement du coeur🥰🥰🥰
Reminder 😇😇😇
Patience face à toute epreuve.
Magnifique récitation du coran
Imam yahya
Le voile mon choix
Allah mon créateur
L'islam ma réligion
Muhammad salla lâhou aleyhi wa sallam mon prophète.
Comment réussir les 10 derniers jours de Ramadan.
Par imam Rachid
Invocation à multiplier pendant la nuit du destin.
Par imam Rachid
La première nuit dans la tombe.
Allâhou akbar Qu'Allah exalté soit-il nous accorde une belle fin.
Nader Abou Anas
Les règles du jeûne.
Imam Nader Abou Anas
Un rappel à vraiment écouter pour réussir son jeûne du mois de Ramadan.
Le Ramadan approche on retrousse nos manches.
Nader abou anas
Allah _ aller à sa rencontre.
Magnifique rappel pour vous à écouter .
Never loose hope in Allah.
He will always be there for you at anytime.
Muslim wedding
Ma shâ Allâh 🥰🥰🥰
The major signs.
Frightening reminder
I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and you still do more.
you know every single sin that I do but you forgive me when I ask you forgiveness.
you haven't judged me when I was doing bad things but you have guided me and showed me the right path (islam).
you have showed me the beauty of this deen
how to worship you, to behave,to give to the needer, to forgive people who has wronged me,to respect everyone specially my parents etc.
ya Allah I hope that everything that I do is just to please you not someone else and to never worship something or someone beside you because you don't deserve that.
how not to love you when we know whom you really are .😔😔😔
ya Allah forgive me for everything wrong that I have done and still do.
ya Allah give me a good ending and grant me jannatoul firdaws with the righteous one.
protect me from the punishment of jahannam and the grave.
you are the only one who forgive, love and change our sins to good actions.
how not to love you ya Allah😭😭
ya Allah thank you for everything
may Allah be please with us.
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