Foster Cats

Marina 🐾 I rescue and foster stray cats, prepare them for adoption, and find them forever homes. This is a multistep and costly process. I have no funding.

Please help if you can with a small donation :)

Photos from Foster Cats's post 17/08/2024

with Maya ❤️
Maya has decided to take possession of the bed and spends all day chasing away everyone else 🤦


Today, we visited the vet with this poor girl who's fighting a bad case of stomatitis 😔

She weighs only 2.5 kg and is severely dehydrated. Stomatitis is one of the most common life-threatening conditions afflicting stay cats in the area. Fortunately, this lady has a sponsor who's covering the cost of her treatment and so, she has a chance to make it through; most aren't so lucky.

Today, she received IV fluids, cortisone, flea/worm treatment, and antibiotics, and we're going back on Monday for blood tests and a surgery appointment.

She has already started eating again, and although quite scared, she's calm and interested in what's happening around her ❤️


🆘 Katzen, die in einer Tötungsstation in Belarus gefangen sind, suchen nach einem Ausweg! 🆘

Bitte helft uns, sie in Sicherheit zu bringen! Dreißig Katzen haben in den umliegenden Ländern bereits ein Pflege- oder dauerhaftes Zuhause gefunden, aber wir können noch mehr tun!

Bitte helfen Sie uns, die für den Transport benötigten Mittel aufzubringen und diese Babys zu retten, die einfach nur leben wollen! ❤️

🐾 Cats United Berlin: Wir sind ein kleiner, privater Verein, der Straßenkatzen pflegt und vermittelt 🐾

Ab Mitte September werden die Grenzen von Belarus für den Transport von Katzen und Hunden nach Europa praktisch geschlossen. Wir wollen so viele Katzen wie möglich von den Tötungsstationen retten, doch dafür brauchen wir dringend eure Unterstützung für die Transportkosten.

Mit eurer Spende können wir noch weitere Transporte finanzieren und den Katzen ein liebevolles Zuhause bieten. Der Transport einer Katze kostet 270€! Jede kleine Spende zählt und rettet Leben.

Bitte helft uns, diesen Katzen eine zweite Chance zu geben. Gemeinsam können wir viel bewirken! 🙏



🫂 X-ki & Yuki à l'adoption 🫂
Contactez: Le Cinquième Chat - The Fifth Cat

Frères et sœurs maintenant âgés d'un an, X-ki et Yuki attendent leur famille pour la vie ensemble 🐵🦊

X-ki (roux et blanc) est un "chat roux typique" selon sa famille d'accueil : sociable, gourmand, casse-cou et vocal.
Il est très avenant et câlin, a beaucoup d'énergie (moment de folie quotidien, attention aux vases) et a un très bon sens de l'humour 😹

Yuki (tigrée grise et blanche) est elle comme une petite espionne qui analysera d'abord son environnement et les humains qui y vivent avant d'accorder sa confiance 🕵‍♀️

Une fois cette étape passée, elle réclame des caresses en se frottant délicatement contre les mains et dormir lovée contre les humains ou sur les genoux 🥰

Les deux jouent énormément ensemble, ils font des courses-poursuites endiablées et sont d'accord pour partager les genoux des humains qui les fournissent en caresses ❤️

Peut-être vous vous demander quels sont les avantages d'adopter 2 chats plutôt qu'un ? La réponse est simple, les chats sont des animaux sociaux qui ont besoin d'être stimulés intellectuellement et physiquement tous les jours ! En travaillant à temps plein, il est parfois difficile de combler ces besoins mais un duo saura se divertir, se dépenser et se tenir compagnie pendant votre absence 🤼

Sans oublier bien sûr le plus important : deux fois plus de câlins pour vous ! 🧡

Un duo plein d'amour et d'énergie, si vous pensez être la famille idéale pour X-ki et Yuki, vous pouvez remplir le formulaire pré-adoption et nous vous recontacterons 📨

🏡 X-ki et Yuki sont stérilisés, vaccinés, ont une puce électronique, un passeport européen et sont testés negatifs FIV/Felv.
Ils sont actuellement en accueil à Strasbourg et peuvent être rencontrés après avoir rempli le formulaire et passé un entretien d'adoption.

✉️ Pour adopter Yuki & X-ki, envoyez un mail à l’adresse suivante : [email protected] ou remplissez le formulaire ci-joint :
Contactez: Le Cinquième Chat - The Fifth Cat


There is one more month to go for Moby to complete his FIP treatment. He has very patiently spent a long time in his small cage, never complaining and diligently taking his meds. He would absolutely love to finally be out of the woods and start looking for his own forever home ❤️

The cost for the final month of treatment will be €320. Please help him if you can with even the smallest amount. This shy senior boy who has gone through so much surely deserves to finally find peace and love 🙏

PayPal: fostercatsgr

IBAN: GR8801106650000066575083283

UK Approves Lab-Grown Pet Food 25/07/2024

Would you feed your furbabies lab-grown pet food? 🤔 It could save a lot of lives and reduce the environmental impact of the pet-food industry, but it should be safe and fully nutritious.

UK Approves Lab-Grown Pet Food The UK is set to become the first country in Europe to introduce lab-grown pet food, with Meatly's cultivated chicken product.


Adoption update: Bean 😻

Bean, who was hit by a car and required two surgeries, has been living his best life with his family in Geneva for the past 2 years. Here, he's "helping" his sister with her homework 😂

Pic by cat mom Amy ❤️

Photos from Foster Cats's post 08/07/2024

Odin's time with Sofia has ended, and as there is no place for him to go, he'll move to a paid foster with the help of Wendy ❤️

Odin is a beautiful 3-year-old blind boy. He was rescued a few months ago perhaps minutes before losing his life, as blind cats have a life expectancy of zero on the streets.

Odin is healthy, neutered, and vaccinated. He's negative for FeLV and FIV, and his recent blood tests were perfect. He has been seen by a veterinary ophthalmologist who judged that there is no way to help his eyes and he will not require further treatment.

Odin is remarkable with humans: immediately trusting, extremely cuddly, and completely non-aggressive. He would do well in any environment, including a home with small children. He's also very good with other cats and makes friends easily, happily showing them affection.

Odin is urgently looking for a forever home, as the paid foster is a very temporary solution. He can be adopted anywhere in Europe. Please share and help Odin find his family 🌹

Photos from Foster Cats's post 01/07/2024

Big update from the Netherlands for Sam, Talina, Jack, and Misty! 😻

The lucky bunch are now getting their own deluxe catio to safely enjoy the summer weather! 😲

Their pawrents are also building a tunnel to connect the catio and backyard doors. They will also catify and adorn the place with cat-safe plants. It's going to be a whole thing! And doesn't it look just marvelous? 😁

All four used to be strays with bleak futures and are now living the life: cherished, loved, and pampered!

Pics by cat mom An Jilleba


Pif, now 12 years old, is having trouble with his teeth 😢

He's the oldest member of the family and has been blind all his life, but he's still quite young! I expect him to be ruling the house for at least 10 more happy years 🥰

I hope we can get through this rough patch soon and go back to normal. His girls, Maya and Sonata, shower him with TLC daily now that he has trouble grooming himself, but the others are keeping their distance. Pif is grumpy when he's sick 🤷

Photos from Foster Cats's post 25/06/2024

Lilika is a gorgeous long-haired tortie lady waiting for her forever home at the shelter of Care About Nature.

Lilika has spent her entire life at the shelter. She's now 1.5 years old. She is sweet, calm, and friendly. She is social with other cats and cautiously cuddly with humans.

She is healthy, neutered, and vaccinated and ready to find a loving family anywhere in Europe ❤️

Pics by Le Cinquième Chat - The Fifth Cat


Sunday reminder by Picasso, Bayou, Zoya, and Moby that we're still missing €550 to reach this month's goal!

Please help if you can with even the smallest donation 🙏 PayPal: fostercatsgr

🐾 Moby needs his second month of FIP treatment. He has gained a bit of weight, and he's happily eating all his food, but there are two more months to go before we can safely say that he's out of the woods.

🐾 I have an appointment on Wednesday to neuter two of the very young stray girls who are being mercilessly pursued by up to five adult males simultaneously. They are terrified, and pregnancies at such a young age in the middle of heatwave season can simply be fatal. Neutering these tiny girls is essential for their survival.

🐾 I urgently have to get the special diet and medication supplies for Picasso and Charlotte, as well as food for everybody, including for the strays who have no other option: it’s either what I give or what they can find inside the dumpsters.

With the help of Andrea, Alex, Maria, Kamile, Daniela, and Isabel, I have so far bought some of the food supplies, paid for Pif's expenses, and settled the vet bill for the ginger boy. Ginger disappeared for a few days after I released him, but he has made a come back and looks so much better! ❤️

Please continue helping! There are so many more kitties in urgent need in this neighborhood alone, and nobody around here cares in the slightest for these precious lives. We are all they have 🌹

PayPal: fostercatsgr

IBAN: GR8801106650000066575083283


Yes, I do have a favorite cat.

Four years ago, I was informed that Nietzsche had a very bad case of refractory stomatitis, which would require constant pain management, which would destroy his kidneys, which would lead to much suffering and eventually death.

I spent the next two years trying my best to avoid this happening. Two surgeries to remove all teeth (even the incisors), toggling between NSAIDs and cortisone and cyclosporine and opioids and back again, supplementing with everything promising even mild relief such as CBD oil and omega 3s, obsessively trying to get him to keep eating, and so on. Every day was difficult during that time.

Finally, when I had the misfortune to host a FIP party, Nietzsche showed signs that he was ready to join in the fun, so I gave him a couple of months of GS-441524 and Sivomixx probiotics according to the standard protocol for doubt of FIP.

His stomatitis entirely disappeared and has not returned since that time, for over two years now. This was absolutely unexpected and very close to a miracle. Apparently, his stomatitis was caused by a retrovirus that was killed by the treatment he received for a completely unrelated disease!

Nobody knows all causes of stomatitis, which can easily be lethal and bring much suffering to the cat and cat parent. If your cat is diagnosed with stomatitis try everything and keep trying, you never know!

Nietzsche, now 6 years old, has zero teeth, the biggest heart, and the sweetest personality. He tries to make friends with every cat he meets, plays like a kitten, and loves cuddling all day. A shining example of resilience, seeing him today, nobody would guess what he had to go through to get here ❤️

Photos from Foster Cats's post 19/06/2024

Continuing the week with the best of news 😻

The amazing Lila from Le Cinquième Chat - The Fifth Cat has found a wonderful home for Olaf in Strasbourg, and he's already there and has already adapted and having a great time enjoying all the luxuries his new dad has got for him!

Olaf did not have to end up in a cage after all and will hopefully live a long and happy life with his forever family ❤️


This week started on a sad note, as nobody stepped up to foster or adopt the ginger boy, and he was returned to the neighborhood this morning 😞

I found him a bit over a month ago in a terrible state with a huge neck wound and an oozing missing eye. I took him to the .can clinic where he was neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, and received treatment for the neck wound and surgery to remove his eye.

He's now perfectly fine, with the wound completely healed and his eye stitches removed. However, as, apparently, there was no place for him anywhere, he's now back on the street with all that may entail, especially during heatwave season.

I'll keep posting for a home for him, but I don't have much hope it will do any good 😕

Fostering and adopting literally saves lives and is guaranteed to make you a happier person. Please open your hearts and your homes to those who need you 🙏


There is urgent need for several things to happen this and next week, and none of it will be possible without a little help ❤️

First, TNR. As all cuties are slowly getting neutered, the remaining intact boys are becoming desperate. Presently, three very young girls (as young as six months old, literally tiny) are being mercilessly pursued by up to five adult males simultaneously. They are terrified, and pregnancies at such a young age in the middle of heatwave season can simply be fatal. Therefore, these tiny ladies must be neutered this week or next week at the latest.

The bill at the vet clinic for the ginger boy with the big wound whose eye was removed has to be paid on Saturday. This is especially important because I have three other injured boys roaming the neighborhood in dismal condition (missing eyes, broken legs, emaciated) waiting for their turn to visit the clinic.

The rest of the amount for Moby’s second month of FIP treatment needs to be gathered too. Moby scared me a little last week when he refused to eat for a day, but he’s back to normal, gradually getting better.

Finally, I need special diet and medication supplies for Picasso, Pif, and Charlotte, as well as food for everybody, including for the strays who have no other option: it’s either what I give or what they can find inside the dumpsters.

The total for this month's needs comes at a whooping €920 😬

The extra medical expenses have mainly done the trick! It's a lot to pay, and none of it is really optional. Please help if you can with any small amount! 🙏

PayPal: fostercatsgr

IBAN: GR8801106650000066575083283


Bubuki is a lucky girl. She had the good fortune to be found by someone who did not choose to look away.

Bubuki was begging for help for days in a terrible state with a maimed back leg and a severe mouth infection. She was found by a lady working close by and was taken to a clinic. Her leg was ambutated, and she received treatment for her mouth.

She's now doing well, but she has already spent 2 months in a cage, and it will not be possible to remain in foster care much longer. She will have to be released by the end of the month, right in time for heatwave season!

Bubuki is around 2-3 years old and now a healthy three-legged lady who has gone through an immense lot and is finally looking for a forever home. She accepts cuddles but will need time to completely feel like herself because of her trauma.

Perhaps you could consider adopting or fostering? Bubuki is a very calm girl with few demands and just wants a little space and a better life. Returning outside after everything just seems a bit too much 😞


Adopt Shelly! ❤️

Shelly is a 1 year old female ginger tabby. She has spent her entire life in a cage and longs for a better future!

About a month ago, she was neutered, but her surgical wound got infected, and she's been at a clinic since then also recovering from upper respiratory problems. She's much better now and ready to look for a forever home. Otherwise, she'll have to return to the same cage without much chance of a change.

Shelly is dewormed, neutered, and vaccinated. She is playful, cuddly with humans, and social with other cats.

Shelly can travel anywhere in Europe with a standby volunteer flight buddy, and there will be no cost for her adoption. Please share and help her find her family! ❤️


Bayou has such a knowing look in his eyes, it's like he has a philosophical understanding of the world that escapes the rest of us ❤️

Special thanks to Andrea who has been rooting for him from the start 😊

Photos from Foster Cats's post 05/06/2024

A demonstration of enthusiastic (and messy) eating by Aska, still under the spell of the stray cat syndrome (i.e., who knows when we'll find food again?) 🥹

Aska adapted immediately to indoor life, and apart from his insatiable appetite, there is no other sign that he first saw the inside of a house a month ago.

Aska is looking for a home. He is very affectionate with me, very social with the other cats, and daily tries to smack the dog (but in a friendly way 🤭). He is very quiet, gentle, and mindful of his surroundings. The most impressive thing is that not even one of the others cats has shown any sign of aggression toward him; they all just accepted him. They don't even mind when he tries to eat their food.

Aska is a 2-year-old siamese mix boy, healthy, neutered, and vaccinated. As a special bonus, he has the most amazing gray-blue eyes! Please send me a message if you would like to foster or adopt Aska anywhere in Europe ❤️

Photos from Foster Cats's post 04/06/2024

The baby is growing into a confident daredevil with inexhaustible energy eager to discover the world 😻

Mateo, as he is now proudly called, runs around all day, climbs everywhere, tastes everything, and runs around some more! When finally tired, he knows he can always go back to Layla for cuddles and comfy naps. Now isn't that the life? 😁


This young ginger boy was found in a terrible state with a gaping neck wound (a whole flap of skin hanging) and an oozing missing eye. He’s been at the Care About Nature clinic for almost a month now; his wound has nearly healed, and his eye was surgically removed last week. He’s also been neutered, dewormed/defleaed, and has received various antibiotics.

The final cost of treatment will be at around €200-250, and I have covered no part of it yet. If you can, please help me raise the amount. Any small donation would be very much appreciated ❤

PayPal: fostercatsgr
Bank Transfer IBAN: GR8801106650000066575083283

Moreover, the boy will probably need to return to the street after he’s completely recovered because there is no place for him available at the moment. He’s very calm and sweet and accepts cuddles. It would be amazing if someone would like to foster or adopt him, so he doesn't have to return to homeless life after going through so much😔

Photos from Foster Cats's post 31/05/2024

Absolutely gorgeous boy, Olaf, will become homeless on the 14th of June and is therefore urgently looking for a new family.

Olaf is 2.5 years old, healthy, neutered, and vaccinated. He is a sweet and cuddly boy, playful but also very well behaved.

His current guardian is going to be traveling for long periods and can no longer care for him. If no home is found, Olaf will have to move to a cage at the shelter and that would a quite terrible change to life as he knows it 😢

Please share and help Olaf find his true forever home. Or if you're interested in fostering or adopting Olaf, please send me a message ❤️

Photos from Foster Cats's post 29/05/2024

Adopt Snoopy 💕

✨One year old boy
✨Healthy, neutered, vaccinated
✨Negative for FIV and FeLV
✨Very cuddly and affectionate with humans
✨Friendly with other cats
✨Can open doors and likes to hide in closets

Snoopy was rescued from a difficult situation by Alma Libre and was moved to the shelter of Care About Nature where one of his eyes had to be removed. He's still there now waiting for his forever home.

Please share and help this gorgeous, intelligent, and playful young boy find his family ♥️


Effie from found this baby girl today while feeding a colony in the area. She's 45 days old, healthy, and dewormed. She's currently at a vet clinic and is looking for a foster or forever home, ideally with another baby of similar age for company 💕


X-ki and Yuki ❤️

Le Cinquième Chat - The Fifth Cat


Bob is looking for a home ❤️

Bob is approximately 3 years old. He is healthy, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and negative for FIV and FeLV. His passport is up to date, and he's ready to travel to his forever home anywhere in Europe 😻

Bob is extra sweet and cuddly with humans and friendly with other cats. He is active, playful, inquisitive, very intelligent, and loves to follow people around the house.

He's so far had many adventures, has changed several foster homes, has spent some time at the shelter, and is currently part of a catio gang. He's quick to adapt to new environments, travels without any fuss, is brave and social at the vet, and is waiting to make a furparent truly happy with his unique and adorable personality 😊

There are no adoption costs for Bob, and travel can be arranged with a volunteer flight buddy. Please send me a message if you would like more information or if you are interested in adopting Bob!


🐈 Αναζητείται επειγόντως #ΥΙΟΘΕΣΙΑ ή μακρόχρονη #φιλοξενία για τον Πίκο.

💪 Ο Πίκο είναι 14 ετών (δεν του φαίνεται!), 🧠 πανέξυπνος, παιχνιδιάρης και ιδανικός για ατέλειωτες αγκαλιές.🩷💉 Υγιέστατος, στειρωμένος, με microchip και τα έξοδα του καλυμμένα. ✈️ Η μαμά του φεύγει για Αμερική και δυστυχώς δεν είναι εφικτό να τον πάρει μαζί της 💔 όμως είναι έτοιμος για την επόμενη μεγάλη περιπέτειά του—μήπως είστε εσείς το -fect match του; 🐾

Βρίσκεται στο , αλλά μπορεί να πάει όπου είστε.

Ευχαριστώ! 💕

🐈 Urgently seeking or long-term for beloved kitty, Pico. 🙏 ! Interested? Send an email to [email protected] or a DM via Messenger.

💪 Pico is 14 but doesn’t look it! 🧠 He's super smart, playful, and perfect for endless cuddles. 🩷💉 In perfect health, neutered, microchipped, fully vaccinated and with all his expenses covered. 🐾 🌍 Located in , but can travel to you.

💔 His mom is going back to the United States for a while, and although it breaks her heart, she can’t take him with her. But, he's ready for his next big adventure—could you be his -fect match?

Thank you! 💕

Επικοινωνία/ Contact: Ioanna, E: [email protected], FB: Ιoanna Εlabd; T: 6937089681

Foster Cats We care for rescued cats, prepare them for adoption, and find them forever homes. Please support us!

Photos from Foster Cats's post 22/05/2024

Cats and lemon trees ❤️

This is one of the boys neutered a few days ago. He is trying to steal hearts in hope that someone would like to adopt him 💕

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Videos (show all)

This is Mango, one of the resident cuties. He has the tiniest little meow 😊Mango has trouble with his eyes and mouth and...
This is Mango, one of the resident cuties. He has the tiniest little meow 😊Mango has trouble with his eyes and mouth and...
Nino, the brave orphaned boy, is still waiting at the shelter for his own forever home 😢Please share and help him find h...
Adopt Shelly!
Blind Odin loves all kinds of toys, his best friend Sophie, and cuddles with his foster mom ❤️
Happening now: the tortie has just given birth, and the tabby is protecting the mother and the two babies.This is a pave...
Meet Luna! A cuddly 8-month-old kitty. Let's help her find her forever home ❤️🐈 Luna is negative for FIV and FeLV. She i...
Who would like to foster or adopt a tiny 5-week-old baby girl called Bella? 🥰Bella lost her family and was found starvin...
Tula is looking for a home! ❤️She is approximately 4 years old, healthy, neutered, and vaccinated. She is sweet and cudd...
Adoption update! Let's enjoy Jessie's continuing adventures on the exercise wheel 😊Narration by Cynthia#adoptdontshop
Zoya has the cutest beans 😊#adoptdontshop #fostercats
Birdwatching on a cold day 💕#adoptdontshop



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The stray cats!They are hungry,thirsty,scared,hated,abused,poisoned,hit..We are their voice!! Speak loud for them,and act!!Adoption,care (food and vets..),legal protection..WELCO...