Why Raw Plant Based Diet ?

Why Raw Plant Based Diet ?

We are all about promoting a natural raw plant based diet which is the natural diet of humans. We wa


Yes !

Claim it! 🙌🙌🙌


Yes, indeed it is.


Somos mujeres.

Somos mujeres sagradas, valorando nuestro sagrado femenino, respetando cada una de las cosas que hay en nuestra vida, dándole sentido y el lugar que merecen.

Somos mujeres guerreras, mujeres que tomamos nuestras propias decisiones, que vivimos en completa libertad, capaces de disfrutar y aprovechar nuestro tiempo, ser nosotras en plenitud, decir no cuando queremos hacerlo.

Somos mujeres hermanas, capaces de sostenernos a nosotras mismas.

Somos mujeres, esas que poseen el poder de la voz, pero también del silencio, el control sobre nuestros cuerpos hermosos y sagrados, que danzamos, que corremos, que nos alimentamos con amor, que descansamos cuando es necesario.

Somos mujeres poderosas, nos honramos, somos creativas y estamos presentes. Somos mujeres de amor, que respetamos al otro y que un mutuo acuerdo, nos ayudamos a crecer.

Somos mujeres brujas, esas que aman a la naturaleza, que acarician las hojas de las plantas, que están enraizadas a la tierra; somos también las que aman a los animales, las mismas que aprendemos de sus medicinas, y que somos libres de transformarnos como mariposas, de volar como las aves, de mantenernos cálidas y amorosas como las grandes osas.

Somos las mujeres aprendices, que sin importar cuántos conocimientos residen en nuestro cuerpo y alma, seguimos nutriendo nuestra mente. Somos las mujeres medicina, bendecidas por todos nuestros ancestros, honrando sus memorias y vivencias. Somos esas mujeres sagradas que conocen su mitología, que conocen quiénes son en verdad.

Somos mujeres.

-La Mujer Lunar
-Arte: Vianney López


William Shatner reveals in his new book that he experienced profound grief that moved him to tears when he looked upon the Earth from Space. "I wept for the Earth,” he says. “Because I realized it's dying...It's them, those youngsters, who are going to reap what we have sown in terms of the destruction of the Earth."

According to NPR, he experienced, what’s known as the “overview effect,” a “cognitive and emotional shift in a person's awareness, their consciousness and their identity when they see the Earth from space. They're at a distance and they're seeing the Earth... in the context of the universe."

"It was the death that I saw in space and the life-force that I saw coming from the planet — the blue, the beige and the white," Shatner said. "And I realized one was death and the other was life."

These shifts in perspective are occurring all around us, portending a bleak future that we CAN prevent. It’s on all of us to heed the signs and work to nurture life in the face of death and destruction.

Full article: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/23/1130482740/william-shatner-jeff-bezos-space-travel-overview-effectbook.com&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR33nnGOrcf1UC1NqhAOsFfLsjpVm03byjKo1nYEbhLtJ23tKWft0K26ccM

Timeline photos 31/10/2022

This system never made sense.


🌸 4 spring flower jellies my daughter & I've made this year: 😊

1. Dandelion Jelly
2. Redbud Jelly
3. Forsythia Flower Jelly
4. Violet Jelly



Hummingbird Nests are as Small as a Thimble, Be Careful Not to Prune Them, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Urges 30/04/2022

Hummingbird Nests are as Small as a Thimble, Be Careful Not to Prune Them, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Urges Critically endangered hummingbird eggs are smaller than jellybeans, here’s how to spot and protect them: “Hummingbird eggs are tiny, about the size of jelly beans! Please remember to carefully check for nests before you trim trees and shrubs,” the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently urged ...

How To Grow Poppies For Beautiful Blooms & An Endless Supply Of Delicious Poppy Seeds 30/04/2022

How To Grow Poppies For Beautiful Blooms & An Endless Supply Of Delicious Poppy Seeds If you've ever wondered how hard it would be to grow your own poppy seeds, wonder no longer. It's quite easy to do!

Timeline photos 23/03/2021

Kale, collards, and arugula are some examples of the various kinds of dark-green leafy vegetables.

Dark green leafy vegetables are packed with lutein, which is a brain antioxidant. Lutein is a major carotenoid concentrated in the brain and also the eyes. The retina, the back of our eyeball, is actually “an extension of” our central nervous system—an outpouching of the brain during development, and right in the middle there’s a spot. This is what the doctor sees when they look into your eye with that bright light. That spot, called the macula, is our HD camera, where you get the highest resolution vision, and it’s packed with lutein.

And indeed, levels or lutein in the retina correspond to levels in the rest of your brain, so your eyes can be a window into your brain. Significant correlations exist between the amount of macular pigment—these plant pigments like lutein in your eye—and cognitive test scores. Increasing greens, such as kale, in our diet can be a beneficial way to improve (and maintain) the health of our brain and eyes.

The egg industry likes to boast about how much lutein eggs have; however, 1 hardboiled egg has only 0.2 mg. The real superstars are greens! A ½ cup of cooked kale has 10.3 mg of lutein, 1/2 cup of cooked spinach has 6.7 mg, and 1/2 cup of cooked broccoli has 1.7 mg.

Learn more here:
"Brain-Healthy Foods to Fight Aging" https://bit.ly/3hzQkZQ and "Do Lutein Supplements Help with Brain Function?"

*Note: for people taking warfarin (AKA Coumadin), talk with your physician before increasing greens in your diet so that the dosing of the drug can be adjusted to your regular intake of greens. Greens are a great source of Vitamin K and this can interfere with the how warfarin works in the body.


