Ana Lucía Garzaro

Ana Lucía Garzaro

Enfoque Cognitivo Conductual y Mindfulness
Terapia Infantil . Adolescentes . Adultos


Si no estás en casa no sabes qué está pasando en ella y por lo tanto no puedes resolver nada de lo que pasa. Lo mismo ocurre con nuestro cuerpo y nuestras emociones: si no logro regresar a mí y conectarme con lo que siento no puedo resolver nada. Normaliza estar pendiente de tu casa interior (tu mente y tu cuerpo) para poder ser capaz de resolver lo que pasa en ella... 🧘🏻‍♀️🌸☀️


¡Te compartimos nuestro nuevo número telefónico!


True happiness resides within you. Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. That's a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way that you think. Dr. Wayne Dyer


Aquí les dejo la nueva dirección de la clínica:
Blvd. los Proceres 24-69, Zona 10, Zona Pradera, Torre 3, Nivel 7, Oficina 712 :)


Whatever you focus on expands... Christopher Knight


To change and improve the conditions in your life, you must change and improve your thoughts...


It´s important to start saying no, setting limits, and putting boundaries in place to protect your time, energy, and emotional needs.


Sometimes it’s OK to say no!


Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning...What are you planning?


Ask yourself, are my thoughts, words, and actions empowering myself and others? Adjust accordingly...


RAC: Reconoce, acepta y continúa!..


Seize the moment and stay in it. Slow down! Spend as much time in each present moment as you can. We often complain that we want more time in our lives. Why would the universe give us more time if we can’t appreciate the time we do have? Stretch each present moment to its fullest. See how much ecstasy you can savor in each moment of the day :)


Claves para enseñarles a nuestros hijos a seguir instrucciones


Release your past, enjoy your present!


Are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you? Tomen la decisión de dejar en el 2011 cualquier situación, emoción o pensamiento negativo! Perdonen y cierren círculos. Inicien el 2012 en blanco, tracen sus metas y tengan la actitud que las llevara a alcanzarlas! :)


Words are powerful. What words do you choose to affirm about yourself. Listen to your self talk and take inspired actions steps to affirm you are loving, happy, abundant, and peaceful.


What Is Happiness? By the Dalai Lama


Endings are just beginnings!


The only thing that ever limits us is our thinking!


The most successful people have reached the top not because they are free of limitations, but because each day, each moment, they act in spite of their limitations.
What are your limitations? Do you see them as an excuse for defeat, to complain? Everything you have ever accomplished has been done in spite of your limitations. Refuse to let your limitations stand in the way of your possibilities.


Your beliefs become your thoughts,Your thoughts become your words,Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits,Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny!


Time to clear your environment....make space for the new....what can you give away?....what can you share?..what can you simply let go of??...time to do just that :)


Las limitaciones sólo existen en la mente! Siempre vamos a encontrar obstáculos, se trata de decidir dejarse vencer por ellos o sobrepasarlos :)


Every day you choose what to create in your life, choose wisely! :)


Be Happy

A few suggestions to remind us of the important things...


Abraham-Hicks ~ Thinking about being happy


Abraham-Hicks - "Get Happy"

Me encanta! :)


Use Sunblock - Use FIltro Solar

Buenísimo el video!

Use Sunblock - Use FIltro Solar


Don't Worry Be Happy Bobby Mc Ferrin [SMILE]

Whoever said happiness needs a plan?! R.Holden

Don't Worry Be Happy Bobby Mc Ferrin [ smile ]


Powerful... Powerless... You Choose! :)


Observa, disfruta y AGRADECE todas esas pequeñas cosas, que día a día hacen que tu vida sea tan increíble!! :)


Practice Of Gratitude - Create Your Own Dream Board


Wayne Dyer - When you change the way you look at things

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00