Videos by Pawfessor in Hong Kong. 🍖Freeze Dried Treats 自家製毛孩凍乾零食 🏠Made only in our kitchen 👀Run by Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist 💌DM for Details & Menu 📷#pawfessorwoofyou
We will engrave your photo on the box set of yours 😍get your unique rainbow houses 😍
#凍乾零食 #freezedriedhearts #freezedriedchickenhearts #freezedrieddogtreat #freezedrieddogtreats
We will engrave your photo on the box set of yours 😍get your unique rainbow houses 😍 #凍乾零食 #freezedriedhearts #freezedriedchickenhearts #freezedrieddogtreat #freezedrieddogtreats
****阿根廷牛JJ 粗版(Big Boss) **** 🐶: 咁香既😶🌫️😶🌫️等我試下係咩先🤗🤗 媽媽拎住都唔制,忍唔住要自己拎住慢慢「𡁻」😆😆 ❤️❤️可愛食評員完美體現Pawfessor既天然牛JJ耐咬程度😍😍可換黎毛爸媽片刻安寧😆😆毛孩又食得開心 又有營養同牙齒護理既價值!❤️❤️ ⭐️PAWFESSOR推薦必試零食之一⭐️ ⭐️⭐️經過72小時既長時間凍乾製作過程,我地小助手每次見到出爐都會心心眼咁望住,急不及待要搶住食😍😍 ⭐️⭐️⭐️牛JJ 有粗版(Big Boss)同幼版(Little Boss) 根據不同毛孩大細去選取合適既尺寸 (歡迎度身訂製長度) 總有一款適合奴性強既你去寵壞家中毛孩👻👻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️年紀大,牙齒虛弱既潔齒救星 凍乾嘅特性係遇到口水會少量軟化,硬得黎又唔會好似石頭都難咬. 對於牙力無甘好既老狗黎講好重要,因為太硬嘅食物佢哋反而唔想咬. 牛JJ 就岩哂佢地心意👍🏻 參考長度: Little Boss (5-6cm) / Big Boss (10-12cm) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️牛JJ耐咬度佳,係一種功能性既零食. 一邊清潔口腔及牙齒,同時又可以訓練毛孩既耐性. 係幫佢哋解悶晚好幫手👍🏻 訓練同刺激思維,促進心理健康 有得食又有得玩!🤤🤤一舉多得!❤️❤️ ✅100%純天然 無添加劑及化學成份或防腐劑 ✅單一蛋白適合容易食物敏感或腸胃不佳既毛寶寶 ✅低碳低脂及含豐富蛋白質 適合就算較肥胖或過重既毛寶寶 ✅富含維生素及礦物質(鈣&鎂),強健骨骼健康 ✅不易碎及不尖利,容易在胃內分解及消化。 ✅幫助解悶,訓練耐性及心理健康,防止破壞性行為和緩解壓力 ✅耐咬程度可額外清除牙垢或牙菌斑,改善口腔健康 ✅蛋白質為基礎可增強免疫系統,刺激同生產必需既激素同酶 ❤️❤️Little boss $78/6-7條
⭐️有咩開心得過睇到寶貝汪汪食得咁沉醉😍😍⭐️ ⭐️澳洲原件火雞頸 內含豐富葡萄糖胺及軟骨素 ⭐️適合各年齡層既汪汪,有助防止及改善關節炎及軟骨健康❤️❤️ ⭐️防止口腔疾病,咀嚼同時重可以有磨牙改善牙齒健康,更有助訓練顎肌咬合力 ⭐️骨質脆易碎 食得放心 又易消化 ⭐️凍乾技術鎖緊並保留高達98%全食物維他命及礦物質,令毛寶寶將營養吸收最大化 ❤️❤️ 寵愛毛寶寶既最佳良伴之一😍😍 現可享有新開張試食價$60/條 ⭐️⭐️歡迎查詢或訂購!⭐️⭐️ 📷:IG@pawfessorwoofyou #hkfoodie #hkdoggie #hkdogs #hkdog #hkdoglover #hksamoyed #hkdogcommunity #hkcorgi #freezedried #freezedriedtreats #dogtreats #freezedrieddogtreats #寵物蛋糕 #寵物友善餐廳 #寵物凍乾 #寵物凍乾小食 #狗零食 #毛小孩日常 #毛小孩 #毛小孩🐶 #貓狗凍乾零食 #寵物零食 #寵物美容
⭐️非同凡響既 Devil Leg (魔筋) Pawfessor 既牛筋有別於一般市面上嘅牛筋 ⭐️經過48小時凍乾後 肉味道濃郁 毛孩無法抗拒🤤 ⭐️我哋特別營造玲瓏浮凸既外型🙆♀️ 令到毛孩喺咀嚼時更加容易清潔牙齒 ⭐️奇形怪狀會增加咀嚼時嘅難度 刺激毛孩腦部思考 增加趣味性 幫佢哋解悶 ⭐️硬度適中 絕對適合年紀大嘅狗狗使用 ⭐️牛筋含有豐富嘅葡萄糖胺及軟骨素 係最佳嘅關節保健食品 ⭐️開張試食價 🤤Devil leg 魔筋 $60/ 隻 🤤 💌歡迎DM查詢及訂購 📷: IG@pawfessorwoofyou #hkfoodie #hkdoggie #hkdogs #hkdog #hkdoglover #hksamoyed #hkdogcommunity #hkcorgi #freezedried #freezedriedtreats #dogtreats #freezedrieddogtreats #寵物蛋糕 #寵物友善餐廳 #寵物凍乾 #寵物凍乾小食 #狗零食 #毛小孩日常 #毛小孩 #毛小孩🐶 #貓狗凍乾零食 #寵物零食 #寵物美容
See how much I enjoyed my CNY red pocket !!!🧧 This is our signature freeze dried homemade whole rabbit leg 🤤 The special flavour and texture just drive me crazy !!!! Ask your Pawrents to get you one today 😍 Waaaa Pawfessor 派大利士🧧 係大大隻原隻凍乾兔髀😍 勁香勁好味又有營養 好想食多隻呀🤤 💌DM us for more details ! 📷:IG@pawfessorwoofyou #凍乾零食 #freezedrieddogtreats #hkdog #hkdoglover #hksamoyed #hkcorgi #hkdogsofinstagram #寵物零食 #新年禮盒 #hkpet #hkpetfriendlyplaces
****Nom Nom Nom**** 🤤🤤 🐶: “woof woof!! As I have been assigned to be Pawfessor’s personal assistant, quality test is just part of my job😍😍 The little boss I tried out that day has made me to become soooooo addictive to it 😵💫😵💫 I just can’t get that taste and smell out of my head now. The video won’t lie, I hope they could have given me some more 🥲🥲” 🦴🦴⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️Little boss (about 5-6cm long): $78/40G (around 6-8 pcs) ⭐️⭐️ ✅ 100% natural and less scented ✅ Free of chemicals, additives and preservatives ✅ Single ingredient that is ideal for dogs with delicate stomach or food allergies ✅High protein content and low in carbohydrates and fat—even suitable for overweight dogs ✅Rich in vitamins and mineral (calcium and magnesium) for strong bones ✅NO splinters and break down easily in their stomachs so it’s highly digestible. ✅Relieving boredom provides mental stimulation and fun to prevent destructive behaviours and alleviate stress ✅Chewy texture Improves the oral health from removing tartar or plaque ✅protein-based strengthens your furbabies immune system and stimulates production of essential hormones and enzymes 📷: IG@pawfessorwoofyou 💌: Please feel free to DM us for more details!! 💡💡 #hkfoodie. #hkdoggie #hkdogs #hkdog #hkdoglover #hksamoyed #hkdogcommunity #hkcorgi #freezedried #freezedriedtreats #dogtreats #freezedrieddogtreats #寵物蛋糕 #寵物友善餐廳 #寵物凍乾 #寵物凍乾小食 #狗零食 #毛小孩日常 #毛小孩 #毛小孩🐶 #貓狗凍乾零食