Wing On Department Stores 永安百貨, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by Wing On Department Stores 永安百貨 in Hong Kong. 創立於1907年的永安百貨是香港歷史悠久、為本地及國內人士至海外華僑熟悉的百貨公司。 Established in 1907, Wing On is one of the leading department stores in Hong Kong.


#夏季超值大減價 正式開始🎉🎉!由即日起至2024年7月1日,☀夏季超值大減價☀ 帶嚟低至1折嘅精選貨品。等我哋即刻同你一齊邊逛邊揀今期必買筍貨啦😍!


想知更多優惠詳情?快啲 click 入 睇吓啦!
立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠!
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☀Summer Special Sale☀ begins! From now till July 1, 2024, seize the chance to shop with discounts up to 90% off! Have a store tour with us now to see what you cannot miss😍!

Don’t forget to earn cash coupons when you shop! With accumulated net purchases of every $1,200 on the same day, you can receive a $30 Wing On Cash Coupon. Eligible American Express Cardmembers can receive an extra $30 Wing On Cash Coupon as well with the same spending.

Check out more hot offers at:
Loads of items are also available at Wing On NETshop:
Wing On Department Stores official website and Wing On NETshop:
Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now!
iOS App:
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#永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #夏季超值大減價 #SummerSpecialSale #低至1折 #送您永安現金券 #美國運通會員專享優惠

Other Wing On Department Stores 永安百貨 videos

#夏季超值大減價 正式開始🎉🎉!由即日起至2024年7月1日,☀夏季超值大減價☀ 帶嚟低至1折嘅精選貨品。等我哋即刻同你一齊邊逛邊揀今期必買筍貨啦😍! 嚟shopping嘅時候記得賺埋現金券呀!凡即日累積購物淨額每滿$1,200,即送你$30永安現金券1張,合資格美國運通會員仲可以額外獲贈$30永安現金券1張㖭,唔好錯過啦! 想知更多優惠詳情?快啲 click 入 睇吓啦! 大量貨品於永安網店同步發售: ----------------------------------------- 永安百貨官方網頁及永安網店: 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: ☀Summer Special Sale☀ begins! From now till July 1, 2024, seize the chance to shop with discounts up to 90% off! Have a store tour with us now to see what you cannot miss😍! Don’t forget to earn cash coupons when you shop! With accumulated net purchases of every $1,200 on the same day, you can receive a $30 Wing On Cash Coupon. Eligible American Express Cardmembers can receive an extra $30 Wing On Cash Coupon as well with the same spending. Check out more hot offers at: Loads of items are also available at Wing On NETshop: ----------------------------------- Wing On Department Stores official website and Wing On NETshop: Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #夏季超值大減價 #SummerSpecialSale #低至1折 #送您永安現金券 #美國運通會員專享優惠

💲⬇️減價就係血拼嘅最佳理由,更何況由即日起至2024年5月19日嘅💥震撼大特賣仲勁減低至3折㖭!即刻跟我哋一齊睇下有咩重點必搶推介啦~ 精彩優惠盡在震撼大特賣: 大量貨品於永安網店同步發售: -------------------------------------- 永安百貨官方網頁及永安網店: 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: 💲⬇️ Price down is the most appealing reason to shop, and at 💥Super Sale from now till May 19, 2024, we are offering massive discounts of UP TO 70% OFF! Take a glance on the recommended must-buys now. More amazing Super Sale deals on: Loads of items are also available at Wing On NETshop: ----------------------------------- Wing On Department Stores official website and Wing On NETshop: Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #SuperSale #震撼大特賣 #UpTo70PercentOff #低至3折 #重點必搶推介 #RecommendedMustBuys

【 #震撼大特賣 又嚟喇🎉】
【 #震撼大特賣 又嚟喇🎉】 👩🏻「嚟緊一齊去永安百貨掃貨?」 👨‍🦱「有優惠呀?」 👩🏻「係呀,精選貨品低至3折㗎!」 🎉🎉🎉「永安百貨震撼大特賣」即將開始喇!由2024年4月26日至5月19日,我哋準備咗🌊海量筍貨畀大家慢慢揀,精選貨品低至3折,仲有 #門市即減優惠,包保你買得夠抵夠盡興✌!大量貨品亦會喺永安網店 同步發售,隨時隨地都買得到~ 震撼嘅嘢又點止咁少?嚟各門市購物仲可以享以下特別優惠😍! 🌟 震撼大特賣即抽即獎 ➡️ 凡即日累積購物淨額每滿$1,200(印花換購貨品、指定專櫃及指定寄銷貨品除外),即可參加即抽即獎乙次,有機會贏取高達價值$2,000永安現金券!(推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:58381) 🌟🌟 銀聯持卡人專享疊加優惠 ➡️ 憑銀聯卡、銀聯手機閃付(包括 Apple Pay 及 Huawei Pay 等)及銀聯二維碼即日累積簽賬淨額滿$1,200或以上,即賞你額外$40永安現金券1張! 即刻去睇更多優惠詳情喇! ----------------------------------------- 永安百貨官方網頁及永安網店: 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: The Wing On Super Sale is just around the corner! Visit us and enjoy up to 70% off on selected items and in-store exclusive instant savings offers from April 26 to May 19, 2024. Loads of discounted products are available at our Wing On NETshop too: You can shop anytime and anywhere! Exciting special offers are also waiting for you at our physical stores😍: 🌟 Super Sale Instant-win Lucky Draw: ➡️ Upon accumulated net purchases of every $1,200 (except stamp redemption items, designated counters and designated consignment goods) on the same

Kooduu Sphere Wine Cooler Lamp
有咗呢個Kooduu Sphere Wine Cooler Lamp,喺屋企都可以好有氣氛咁歎美酒同音樂啦🌕 🥂🎶🎵~ 彌敦道店5/F同6/F已經轉咗新look同大家見面喇🎉🎉🎉,快啲嚟睇吓啦! ----------------------------------------- 永安百貨官方網頁及永安網店: 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: With this Kooduu Sphere Wine Cooler Lamp, you can set the perfect mood and enjoy your favourite drinks and music at home🌕 🥂🎶🎵. The 5/F and 6/F of our wing on Plus (Nathan Road) are now ready to welcome you with a brand new look 🎉🎉🎉! Come and see for yourself! ----------------------------------- Wing On Department Stores official website and Wing On NETshop: Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店

【🐉龍年新春貼圖包】 我哋嘅龍年WhatsApp sticker已經上線喇!想逗多啲利是,記得用咁可愛嘅動態貼圖同親朋好友拜年啦🧧🧧~ 📱立即下載龍年新春貼圖包: ----------------------------------------- 永安百貨官方網頁及永安網店: 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: 【🐉Chinese New Year Sticker Pack】 Our WhatsApp sticker pack is ready for you to send the warmest blessings to your family and friends in the upcoming Chinese New Year! 📱Download the WhatsApp stickers now: ----------------------------------- Wing On Department Stores official website and Wing On NETshop: Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #新年 #賀年貼圖

你有冇聽過平安夜為🎅聖誕老人準備🥛牛奶同🍪餅乾嘅傳統呢?雖然背後故事眾說紛紜,但係呢個習俗就被視為迎接聖誕老人同向佢表達感激嘅一種方式💓。今年一於搞搞新意思,同小朋友一齊預備餅乾同牛奶,過一個儀式感滿滿嘅聖誕佳節🎄啦! 更多有關冬季超值大減價詳情,請參閱: 大量貨品於永安網店同步發售: 另外,歡迎大家使用 🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」、🔸BoC Pay 及 🔸PayMe 付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Have you heard about the tradition of preparing 🥛milk and 🍪cookies for 🎅Santa Claus on Christmas Eve? The story behind it varies, but it’s considered as a way to welcome Santa and express gratitude to his kindness💓. Let’s add a twist to Christmas this year and prepare cookies and milk for the Santa with your children to celebrate the magic and wonder of Christmas🎄! For details of Winter Special Sale, please refer to: Loads of discounted items are also available at Wing On NETshop: Also, welcome to pay with 🔸Alipay HK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & Go, 🔸BoC Pay and🔸PayMe and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰. ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WinterSpecialSale #冬季超值大減價 #低至2折 #UpTo80PercentOff #迎接聖誕老人 #WelcomeSanta #有趣

【 #冬季超值大減價 開始咗喇 🎉🎉】 由即日起至2024年1月1日,冬季超值大減價精選貨品低至2折,而且即日累積購物淨額每滿$1,500,仲送你$50永安現金優惠券!一於嚟買份禮物畀自己或者好友歡度佳節啦~ 詳情請參閱: 大量貨品於永安網店 同步發售,網上落單一樣可以享受超值大減價! 另外,歡迎大家使用 🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」、🔸BoC Pay 及 🔸PayMe 付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Our Winter Special Sale is ON! From now till Jan 1, 2024, you can enjoy up to 80% off on selected items! In addition, you can also receive a $50 Wing On Cash Discount Coupon upon accumulated net purchases of every $1,500 on the same day! Come visit our stores now and find the perfect holiday gift for family and friends~ For details, please refer to: Loads of discounted items are also available at Wing On NETshop:! Also, welcome to pay with 🔸Alipay HK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & Go, 🔸BoC Pay and🔸PayMe and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰. ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #WinterSpecialSale #冬季超值大減價 #正式開始 #低至2折 #UpTo80PercentOff #門市即減優惠 #InStoreExclusiveInstantSavings #購物送您永安現金優惠券 #ReceiveWingOnCashDiscountCouponUponShopping #歡迎使用

永安百貨2023秋冬新裝 Wing On Department Stores AW2023 New Arrivals
踏入10月,係時候預備好為你嘅衣櫃添置一批秋冬新裝🧥🧣👚👜👢!多個歐洲潮流品牌,例如LOVE MOSCHINO、YESE STUDIO、10 DAYS、TWINSET ACTITUDE、GHIRARDELLI NEXT同MANUEL RITZ等等,已經將一系列最新秋冬時尚服飾喺永安百貨上架。即刻嚟睇吓有咩新衫同配飾,襯定各個屬於你嘅秋冬OOTD啦~ 想搵多啲配搭靈感,就要睇埋我哋嘅《秋冬潮流速讀》啦📕👀: ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: It is the right time to update your wardrobe for the autumn and winter seasons. Wing On Department Stores has presented you many sought-after European fashion brands such as LOVE MOSCHINO, YESE STUDIO, 10 DAYS, TWINSET ACTITUDE, GHIRARDELLI NEXT and MANUEL RITZ 🧥🧣👚👜👢. Visit us now and get their latest collections before they are sold out! Discover more NEW-INs at ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #秋冬新裝 #AW23NewArrivals #OOTD

【教你輕鬆自製營養早餐🥣】 歐美國家近年超流行朝早食 #隔夜燕麥 (Overnight Oatmeal)做早餐,臨瞓前將燕麥同其他食材攪勻,然後放入雪櫃,第二朝起身就隨時食得。最簡單就係加堅果、水果、牛奶、乳酪,甚至咖啡都得,呢款高纖早餐簡單易整之餘,仲蘊含豐富營養,即刻嚟睇下點整啦~ 一於趁超級購物日用超抵價入手相關食材,整個健康靚早餐歎下啦 👉 📍大量貨品於永安網店同步發售: 📌歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」同🔸BoC Pay 付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Overnight oatmeal has become a popular breakfast option in Europe and America lately. Simply mix the oatmeal with nuts, fruits, milk, yogurt, or even coffee before bedtime, and it will be ready to serve the next morning. It’s nourishing, healthy, and easy to prepare! Come visit our Super Sale and get all the ingredients at amazing discounts to start your day with a nutritious breakfast👉 📍Loads of discounted items are also available on Wing On NETshop: 📌Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & GO and 🔸BoC Pay and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #SuperSale #超級購物日 #歡迎使用消費券 #OvernightOatmeal #隔夜

下星期就係一年一度「寵媽大行動」嘅日子👩💝!記得趁住 #超級購物日 嚟搜羅一下各式各樣嘅母親節禮物送俾媽咪,傳遞你嘅心意~ 📍 想睇更多🌟超級購物日🌟嘅優惠,可以click入: 📍 大量精選貨品同時於永安網店發售: 另外,歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」同🔸BoC Pay付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Every mom deserves the best👩💝, especially on the Mother’s Day. It’s just a week to go and our Super Sale has got you covered for Mother’s Day gift ideas! Come and get the perfect treat for your queen! 📍 Click to learn more about 🌟Super Sale🌟 at 📍 Loads of discounted items are also available on Wing On NETshop: Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & GO and 🔸BoC Pay and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #SuperSale #歡迎使用消費券 #母親節 #寵媽

【 #超級購物日—門市限時超抵優惠⏱】
【 #超級購物日—門市限時超抵優惠⏱】 🈹🈹🈹有咩比起「抵買」更吸引?答案就係「超抵買」喇😎! 超級購物日嘅 #門市限時超抵優惠 每日都有多款以超抵價限時發售嘅精選貨品喺各分店等緊大家。限時優惠唔等人㗎,快啲睇定每日有咩必買之選喇📝 即睇門市限時超抵優惠: 另外,歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」同🔸BoC Pay付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Our “In-store Exclusive Limited Time Offers” are here for you during Super Sale! Visit our stores and discover various limited daily offers at fabulous prices. Seize the chance before the limited offers end! For the full schedule📅, please visit Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & GO and 🔸BoC Pay and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #SuperSale #超級購物日 #歡迎使用消費券

【📣📣📣 #超級購物日開始喇!】
【📣📣📣 #超級購物日 開始喇!】 大家開啟咗掃貨mode未🔛😍?我就預備好喇: 眼力 ready 👀,一早睇定每件心水貨品! 腳力 ready 🏃,慢慢行慢慢揀到滿足為止! 手力 ready 💪,shopping完將所有戰利品帶返屋企! 記得由即日起至2023年5月21日,嚟到我哋嘅🌟超級購物日🌟,就可以用低至3折選購精選貨品,仲有連串優惠等緊你!快啲約埋好友,組團嚟掃平靚正嘅心頭好啦~ 📍 想知道更多🌟超級購物日🌟嘅優惠,可以去到: 📍 大量精選貨品同時於永安網店發售: 另外,歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通、🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」同🔸BoC Pay付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Are you ready to shop at our 🌟Super Sale🌟? From now till May 21, 2023, a wide range of discounted items up to 70% off are waiting for you. Stay sharp to spot all the goodies 👀, and rest well to enjoy a longer shopping time😎. Come and join us now! 📍 Click and learn more about 🌟Super Sale🌟 at 📍 Loads of discounted items are also available on Wing On NETshop: Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus, 🔸Tap & GO and 🔸BoC Pay and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #SuperSale #超級購物日 #Start #開始喇 #大量貨品網店

💘祝大家情人節快樂!💘Happy Valentine's Day!
💘祝大家情人節快樂!喺呢個咁sweet嘅節日,大家不妨花啲心思,為另一半送上浪漫驚喜,有利感情升溫! ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: 💘Happy Valentine's Day! Surprise your other half with a sweet and thoughtful gift to advance your relationship! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #情人節 #情人節快樂 #情人節禮物 #ValentinesDay

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第二階段消費券就嚟到手喇~係咪諗緊點用先最著數呢?由即日起至2022年9月4號,我哋有 #消費券消費賞 推廣,即日累積購物淨額滿$2,000,即送你$30永安現金券壹張!把握機會,快啲嚟永安為你嘅消費券加碼啦! 歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通同🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ 詳情請參閱: ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: The second round of Consumption Vouchers will soon be released. Maximize the value of your consumption voucher with our dedicated Consumption Voucher Hot Offer! From now till September 4, 2022, with accumulated net purchases of $2,000 on the same day, you can get a $30 Wing On Cash Coupon. Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus and 🔸Tap & GO and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! For details, please visit ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #消費券 #消費賞 #送您永安現金券

又嚟到萬眾期待嘅永安百貨 #震撼優惠日 喇!由即日起至2022年7月17日,無論係床上用品、廚具、家品、童嬰用品、時尚服飾、美容化妝品等等都有折扣,全場精選貨品低至2折!即刻同大家搶先直擊吓今次有咩精選貨品,睇啱就快啲記低啦~ 喺上環總店、彌敦道店或尖東店累積購物淨額每滿$1,500,仲送你$50永安現金優惠券!咁抵就梗係唔好錯過啦~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: The much-anticipated Mid-Season Clearance is on! From today to Jul 17, 2022, you can enjoy up to 80% off on a wide range of selected items. Let’s have a first glimpse of the amazing offers! You can also receive a $50 Wing On Cash Discount Coupon upon accumulated net purchases of every $1,500 at Sheung Wan Main Store, wing on Plus (Nathan Road) or wing on Plus (Tsim Sha Tsui East)! Don’t miss it! ------------------------------------------ Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #MidSeasonClearance

【#超級購物日 今日開始喇!】 想將消費券發揮最大價值,就唔好錯過由即日起至2022年6月5號嘅⚡超級購物日⚡喇! 超級購物日期間,唔止精選貨品低至2折,仲有即減優惠同部門優惠券,甚至送你高達$250永安現金券!同時大量貨品 #網店同步發售,坐定定隔住個mon都可以盡情Shopping🛒快啲嚟上環總店、彌敦道店、尖東店或者click入永安網店 睇睇喇~ ➡ 即刻click入,了解有關超級購物日嘅精彩優惠! ➡ 歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay、🔸八達通同🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Maximize the value of your Consumption Vouchers by using them at our ⚡Super Sale⚡! From now till June 5, 2022, Super Sale is bringing you surprising offers including discounts up to 80% off, and also instant savings offer along with complimentary coupons for a range of selected items, not to mention that you may also get up to $200 Wing On Cash Coupons! Visit Sheung Wan Main Store, wing on Plus (Nathan Road), wing on Plus (Tsim Sha Tsui East) or Wing On NETshop at to check out our many amazing offers! ! ➡ Click to learn more about the fabulous Super Sale offers! ➡ Welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus and 🔸Tap & GO and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安

🍀春季購物印花卡🍀推廣活動開始喇!顧客凡喺指定部門|專櫃|永安網店累積購物每滿$300(淨值及以即日發票計算),即可獲得壹個印花;集齊8個印花,就可以換到壹張$100永安現金優惠券! 推廣日期: 🔶由即日起至2022年4月18日(分店) 🔷由即日起至2022年4月13日(永安網店) 詳情請參閱: ----------------------------------------- 📲 Click入嚟永安網店 選購心水貨品~ 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: 🍀Spring Stamp Card🍀 is back! Earn a stamp with accumulated purchases of every $300 (net amount and invoice(s) on the same day) at designated departments / counters / Wing On NETshop. Collect a total of 8 stamps to get a $100 Wing On Cash Discount Coupon. Promotion Period: 🔶From now till Apr 18, 2022 (Stores) 🔷From now till Apr 13, 2022 (Wing On NETshop) For details, please visit ----------------------------------- 📲 Click and visit Wing On NETshop at to shop online~ Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #SpringStampCard #春季購物印花卡

🏮祝大家五福臨門!我哋各大門市今日啟市!歡迎大家嚟行個虎年大運,掃盡新春平貨~而且由今日起至2022年2月5日年初五,仲會有財神快閃現身喺4間分店,大派揮春兼$30永安現金優惠券㖭!精彩優惠無人嫌多,大家萬勿錯過! ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: All our stores are back in business TODAY! From today till Feb 5, 2022, come visit our stores and you may be lucky enough to meet Caishen (the Chinese god of wealth) to get Fai Chun with $30 Wing On Cash Discount Coupon. ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #WingOnNETshop #虎年 #2022年 #CNY #虎年行大運 #五福臨門 #初三啟市

❄震撼節日優惠❄ 最後召集!
【把握掃平貨最後機會🙌🏻!】 ❄震撼節日優惠❄最後召集~快啲趕喺2022年1月2號或之前嚟到,用💎低至2折💎至抵價帶走各款精選貨品!仲要叫埋親朋好友嚟組團掃貨,筍貨手快有手慢冇呀😏~ ❄震撼節日優惠❄有大量貨品可以喺永安網店買得到,即刻click入 掃貨啦~ 想知多啲❄震撼節日優惠❄嘅著數?即刻click入 另外,歡迎大家使用🔸支付寶香港、🔸WeChat Pay HK、🔸八達通同🔸Tap & Go「拍住賞」付款方式同使用💰消費券💰喺門市購物~ ----------------------------------------- 立即下載Wing On Rewards手機應用程式,尊享至筍購物優惠! iOS App下載: Android App下載: Final call to ❄Festive Season Sale❄. Grab your last chance to shop on or before January 2, 2022 to get surprising offers up to 80% off! Loads of discounted items are available at Wing On NETshop at ! Learn more about the FABULOUS ❄Festive Season Sale❄ offers at Also, welcome to pay with 🔸AlipayHK, 🔸WeChat Pay HK, 🔸Octopus and 🔸Tap & GO and use the 💰Consumption Vouchers💰 at stores! ----------------------------------- Download Wing On Rewards Mobile App and enjoy fabulous exclusive offers now! iOS App: Android App: #永安百貨 #since1907 #wingonhk #departmentstores #yourfamilystore #你的百貨公司 #香港 #shopping #永安網店 #歡迎使用消費券 #WelcomeToUseConsumptionVouchers #震撼節日優惠 #FinalCall #最後機會