Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong in Hong Kong. Holiday Inn Golden Mile 金域假日酒店

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[獨家優惠最高可達6折] 環球海鮮盛宴自助晚餐 4月9日至6月30日 (只限星期二及三) Bistro on the Mile 推出豐富的海鮮自助晚餐,絕對讓您愛不釋手。無論是凍海鮮、翡翠螺、麵包蟹、焗生蠔還是波士頓凍龍蝦,我們提供的選擇絕對讓您驚喜連連。請務必把握這個絕佳機會,來品嚐這些美味佳餚。 限定菜式將會輪流提供, 數量有限,售完即止。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Exclusive Offer: up to 40% Off] Seafood Extravaganza Dinner Buffet 9 Apr – 30 Jun (Tue & Wed only) Bistro on the Mile is delighted to introduce its lavish seafood buffet dinner. Indulge in a delightful array of offerings, including fresh chilled seafood, sea whelk, soft-shell crabs, baked oysters, chilled Boston lobsters. This is an absolute must-try experience that you shouldn't miss. Come and savor these delectable delights at Bistro on the Mile. Promotional items will be served on a rotational basis, available till supply last. 💻 📞 2315 1118 📧 [email protected]

Add a Sparkle to Your Big Day. Get the inside scoop on how our MerryMe wedding shoot came together. It wouldn’t be possible without Alisha & Lace Hong Kong who lent us the beautiful bridal gowns for the shoot. Models by QUEST Artists & Models . Want more? Subscribe to us. 公開MerryMe婚禮拍攝的幕後花絮。同時,非常感謝Alisha&Lace Hong Kong提供美麗的婚紗禮服及QUEST模特兒們的落力拍攝。 想看更多? 訂閱我們吧 #merrymehongkong #holidayinn #holidayinngoldenmilehongkong #hongkongwedding #weddingplanner

在我們迎來吉祥的龍年之際,我們酒店非常榮幸地呈獻一場壯觀的舞獅表演,為大家帶來好運和繁榮的祝福。歡迎來到我們的酒店,我們會繼續致力為大家營造出難忘的入住體驗。 #holidayinn #holidayinngoldenmilehongkong #chinesenewyear #liondance #新年快樂 #龍馬精神 #恭喜發財 #舞獅表演

Tai O - the "Venice of Hong Kong"
Tai O, also known as the "Venice of Hong Kong", is one of the oldest existing fishing villages in Hong Kong. The "pang uks", are a kind of stilt house built by Tanka people where fishermen and their descendants still reside. Try out their homemade shrimp paste and salted fish that are usually sold in Tai O Market street. Definitely the best way to get into the true food culture of Tai O. 大澳有「東方威尼斯」之稱,是香港其中一個歷史最悠久而現存的漁村。而棚屋是大澳漁村的標誌,是世代蜑家人的居所;密密麻麻的棚屋構成大澳現今的面貌。要體驗大澳地道美食文化,必定要試大澳市場的自家製蝦膏及鹹魚。 #ExploreHK #hiking #taio #panguk #discoverhongkong #hkig #hongkong

讓您味蕾投入蟹鮮滋味!龍苑中菜廳大廚打造季節限定的華麗「大閘蟹菜譜」,多款鮮美的菜式包括:招牌推介紫蘇葉蒸原隻鮮大閘蟹及蟹粉蟹肉高湯燴燕窩等, 款款觸動味覺享受。 #hairycrab #大閘蟹 #龍苑中菜廳

#Repost @kelvinyfl with @use.repost ・・・ 【大閘蟹宴】 以往去過金域假日酒店龍苑中菜廳很多次,對這間中菜廳相當有回憶,龍苑的菜式一向偏向傳統,不是新派那種打卡食物,每次來到都像見老朋友一樣。 龍苑的大閘蟹套餐共8道菜,售價賣每位HK$638加一 (兩位起)。 很多大閘蟹套餐通常每人一隻大閘蟹,這次就每人有兩隻,如果仲嫌少,可以繼續追加,每隻HK$120。 當晚吃的是紫蘇蒸江蘇大閘蟹,每隻四両至四両半,端上時真的是綁紮著繩,我冇股票在手,百無禁忌,無所謂,就自行鬆綁吧! 我對拆蟹有點笨拙,像這次一剪開蟹殼,入面的蟹膏就濺到四周。 不過都無所謂,依然吃得滋味,這次的蟹鮮味足,吃時可點鎮江醋和薑米調味,蟹雖然未算爆膏,但可以食兩隻是最大好處。 以這個價錢來說,龍苑的8道菜大閘蟹套餐實在抵食,吃完兩隻大閘蟹後,今年的大閘蟹已經達標,可以圓滿地收工了。 龍苑中菜廳地址: 尖沙咀彌敦道50號金域假日酒店低層1樓 #飛叔飲食 #大閘蟹 #蟹粉 #金域假日酒店 #hairycrab #holidayinngoldenmile #holidayinn #chinesefood #food #foodphoto #hkfood #hkfoodie #yummy #delicious #おいしい #美味しい

今日去咗金域假日酒店嘅🥳 Bistro on the Mile歎新推出嘅 「灸熱黑石燒烤盛宴」半自助晚餐🥳🥳🥳 餐廳環境優雅,座位寬敞,座得好舒服😌 經安排入座後,可以任食出面自助餐嘅 前菜、沙律、餐湯、壽司,甚至刺身和凍海鮮, 例如凍蝦、龍蝦、翡翠螺、麵包蟹、藍青口等 職員會問定客人上熱石燒嘅時間 🥰 等客人可以先慢慢享用豐富前菜😋 🎏重頭戲出場喇!✨✨✨ 火山石板已先預熱到高溫, 小心熨手,唔好心急呀! 新鮮高質鮮嫩嘅牛肉, 3個唔同部位 ,3個口感,3種滋味, 分別係美國安格斯肋眼牛扒、牛柳, 同埋澳洲穀飼西冷牛扒, 一次過滿足晒鐘意食牛排嘅你! 🎏識食嘅朋友都知道 首先要用番牛本身嘅脂肪去烹調 跟住就要挑戰自己嘅烹調技巧喇 親自烹調可以控制到自己喜好嘅生熟程度 跟住依個人口味加入提供嘅 黑胡椒、喜馬拉雅山岩鹽、芥末、紅酒汁或 Bearnaise sauce 當然!如果你無信心自己燒嘅話, 職員都好樂意幫忙㗎! 講真!咁正嘅三塊牛排🥩 食晒已經好飽好滿足了!😋 不過食甜品🍮係仲有另一個胃嘅😅 楊枝甘露、藍莓cheese cake、 各式各樣嘅蛋糕和奶凍等等 仲有多種口味嘅Haagen Dazs雪糕🍦 真係挑戰大家嘅食量🤣 📌溫馨提示: 如果覺得熱石板溫度唔夠, 係可以通知職員更換新板㗎。 於官網訂購 有獨家7折優惠 🎏炙熱黑石燒烤盛宴(半自助晚餐) HK$728+10%(週日至週四,包括開胃菜和甜點自助餐) HK$768+10%(週五至週六,包括開胃菜和甜點自助餐) 🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏 @bistro_on_the_mile_hk #hkfoodieslife🎏 #hkfoodieslife尖沙咀 #bistro on the mile #Holiday inn golden mile #金域假日酒店 #炙熱黑石燒烤盛宴 #牛柳 #美國安格斯肋眼牛扒 #澳洲穀飼

Indulge in the vibrant and bold flavours of Singaporean Chilli Crab @bistro_on_the_mile_hk . During our dinner buffet session, guests will now receive a complimentary dish of “Singaporean Chilli Crab” whenever you dine with us! Limited time offer, don’t miss out! 一齊來臨體驗星加坡經典菜式-星洲炒蟹!凡晚餐時段惠顧,即可贈送”星洲炒蟹”一碟。期間限定,萬勿錯過。 #buffet #internationalbuffet #buffetdining #holidayinn #holidayinngoldenmile #hoteldining #hkbuffet #singaporeanchillicrab

洲際酒店集團倡導並支持多元、平等與包容,力求為每一位員工提供發展機會。讓我們以善心、同理心擁抱多元、平等與共容,一起傳遞美好、回饋社會。 InterContinental Hotels Group advocates diversity, equity and inclusion. We strive to provide opportunities for every team member. Let us embrace diversity, equality and inclusion with kindness and compassion. Together, let’s spread goodness and contribute to society. #intercontinentalhotel #holidayinn #HolidayInnGoldenMileHongKong #inclusionmatters #diversityandinclusion #同理心 #擁抱多元

Stanley Market (or Chek Chue) is one of the must-go places for tourists when they visit Hong Kong. You will find an interesting array of little shops selling silk garments, sportswear, art, Chinese costume jewelry and souvenirs. While a bit "touristy" if you are a tourist it will certainly help you to cross off all the items on your souvenirs-to-buy-Aunt-Jane shopping list. A hard morning of shopping is also nicely finished off by a good lunch at one of the many restaurants, which are the reason that Hong Kong locals also frequent the area. Source:

Tai O, also known as the "Venice of Hong Kong", is one of the oldest existing fishing villages in Hong Kong. The "pang uks", are a kind of stilt house built by Tanka people where fishermen and their descendants still reside. Try out their homemade shrimp paste and salted fish that are usually sold in Tai O Market street. Definitely the best way to get into the true food culture of Tai O. 大澳有「東方威尼斯」之稱,是香港其中一個歷史最悠久而現存的漁村。而棚屋是大澳漁村的標誌,是世代蜑家人的居所;密密麻麻的棚屋構成大澳現今的面貌。要體驗大澳地道美食文化,必定要試大澳市場的自家製蝦膏及鹹魚。 #ExploreHK #hiking #taio #panguk #discoverhongkong #hkig #hongkong

"Anyone can cook, but it takes an artist to be a chef." Check out this gastronomical interpretation from Osteria's Chef Paolo of the famous painting - The Dream by Pablo Picasso

Hong Kong is ready to say Hello to everyone again and so are we. We, at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile look forward to rediscover the vibrant city again with you. We look forward to welcoming you all again very soon. @DiscoverHongKong #HelloHongKong #DiscoverHongKong #holidayinn #holidayinngoldenmile #holidayinngoldenmile金域假日酒店

[浪漫愛旅住宿套餐] 在甜蜜的氣氛下,為您的摰愛帶來貼心的驚喜。由浪漫房間佈置、鮮艷的玫瑰花束、意大利總廚Paolo精心炮製的意大利晚餐,以至氣泡酒我們都一一為您悉心安排好。我們更會在您的房間內準備人氣品牌Garrett® Popcorn的經典爆谷,讓您邊觀賞電影,邊享受滋味小食。我們亦將把豐富的早餐送到您的房間**,使您的住宿體驗更加美滿。讓我們一起為您製造難忘動人的回憶! 網上預訂: 套餐由2023年2月1日至2月28日供應,每晚房間價格由港幣 $2,900起,內容包括: • 保証可延遲至翌日下午2時退房 • 免費升級至優尚豪華客房* • 12枝玫瑰花乙束 • 氣泡酒乙枝(可加港幣$438升級至Moët & Chandon香檳酒) • 精美浪漫房間佈置 • Osteria意大利餐廳雙人晚餐,及獨家限定「浪漫冰玫瑰」甜點乙份(只提供予預訂此套餐之客人) • 每對情侶加港幣$180可享用雙人客房早餐**或於Bistro on the Mile享用免費自助早餐 • Garrett® Popcorn焦糖脆脆口味爆谷Petite裝一罐 (可加港幣$216升級至Classic裝) • IHG®優悅會會員可獲相應的IHG獎勵積分 受條款及細則約束, 詳情請致電我們團隊 電話: 2315 1001 電郵: [email protected]

Happy Father’s Day from everyone at #holidayinngoldenmilehongkong 今天的#父親節, #香港金域假日酒店送上祝福, 祝父親快樂、 幸福、健康、永遠快樂! #happyfathersday