Supernano 香港

🇩🇪 German-made Motor Oil and 🇷🇺 Engine Restorer Supplier. SUPERNANO 提供引擎修復劑,抗磨劑,機油及波箱修復產品 🇩🇪🇷🇺

Prolong the longevity of your beloved engine and transmission 🧪

Find our Authorised Garages to service with our Products. Professional and effective engine and transmission products. We provide high-value engine protection and performance products for the maintenance of your car. 專業引擎產品,供應有效引擎及波箱保養產品。

Signature products:
1️⃣ Super ESTER Plus 5W40/5W30/0W20 Motor Oil 引擎機油 🇩🇪
2️⃣ Super Nano Engin


【 SuperNano Money Clip 推出啦 💵 】
SuperNano Money Clip Release

用完 SuperNano 慳到嘅油錢就可以用呢個Money Clip 夾住啦 😎
You can use this Money Clip to hold on to the fuel money saved by using SuperNano Engine Restorer 💪

#引擎修復劑 #慳錢 #儲錢 ⛽️

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 18/06/2024

🇦🇺 澳洲悉尼 Dah Cheong Smash Repairs 大昌車身修理廠是 SuperNano 的澳洲其中一家合作夥伴。🦘


【 👨🏻‍🔧 加入我們的團隊,成為澳洲悉尼 Dah Cheong Smash Repairs 的汽車中心學徒!】

公司名稱: Dah Cheong Smash Repairs 大昌車身修理廠
地址: 46 George St, Clyde NSW 2142, Australia
職位: 車房學徒 、車房技師
關於我們: Dah Cheong Smash Repairs 是澳洲雪梨一家亞洲人受歡迎的汽修店,已有 20 多年的歷史。我們的主要業務包括汽車保養和維修、打板機、車身修理、噴漆、老爺車和保險工作。我們的主要客戶包括澳洲人、亞洲人,包括香港、中國、韓國、印尼等。
職位描述: 我們正在尋找一名積極進取的車庫學徒加入我們充滿活力的團隊。作為一名擁有 1 年工作經驗的車庫學徒,你將有機會在經驗豐富的技術人員的指導下進一步提高自己的技能。工作內容包括協助維護、修理和保養車輛,協助噴漆工作和車身工作,確保我們的客戶獲得高品質的服務。

•⁠ ⁠協助診斷和維修車輛問題。
•⁠ ⁠執行日常維護任務,如更換機油和輪胎。
•⁠ ⁠學習並應用汽車維修和服務的技術技能。
•⁠ ⁠保持整潔有序的工作環境。

•⁠ ⁠車房學徒: 年齡在 30 歲以下,希望前往澳洲尋找職業或工作機會
•⁠ ⁠車房技師: 必須有3年汽車維修或技工經驗,希望前往澳洲尋找職業或工作機會
•⁠ ⁠至少 1 年車庫學徒或類似工作經驗。
•⁠ ⁠具備汽車系統和維修的基本知識。
•⁠ ⁠熱衷於在汽車產業學習成長。
•⁠ ⁠能夠在團隊環境中有效運作。
•⁠ ⁠注重細節,致力於良好態度工作。
•⁠ ⁠汽車職業準備二級證書(理想但非必要)。

•⁠ ⁠具競爭力的時薪(車房學徒: 20-25 澳元/小時,車房技師: 35-45 澳元/小時),依經驗而定。
•⁠ ⁠每週工作 5 天,有額外的工作時間和工作機會
•⁠ ⁠持續的培訓和發展機會。
•⁠ ⁠支持性的團隊環境。
•⁠ ⁠在我們不斷成長的公司內具有職涯晉升潛力。

如何申請: 如果您對汽車技術充滿熱情,並渴望作為車庫學徒開始您的職業生涯,我們希望收到您的來信!請將您的履歷和求職信發送至 [email protected][email protected]

我 olida

#招募 #搵工 #澳洲工作


*Dah Cheong Smash Repairs located in Sydney Australia is one of SuperNano’s Australian Authorised garages.

Join Our Team as a Garage Apprentice or Tradesman at Dah Cheong Smash Repairs!

Company Name: Dah Cheong Smash Repairs

Location: 46 George St, Clyde NSW 2142, Australia

Position: Garage Apprentice / Garage Tradesman

About Us: Dah Cheong Smash Repairs is popular mechanic shop in Sydney Australia, with history spanning over 20 years. Our main line our work include Car maintenance and repairs, Panel beating, Smash repairs, Spray painting, Classic cars and Insurance work. Our main clientele includes Australians, Asians, including Hong Kong, China, Korea, Indonesian etc.

Job Description: We are seeking a motivated Garage Apprentice and/or a Tradesman to join our dynamic team. As a Garage Apprentice with 1 year of experience, or a Tradesman with at least 3 years of experience, you will have the opportunity to further develop your skills under the guidance of experienced technicians and grow with the team. This role involves assisting in the maintenance, repair, and service of vehicles, assisting with spray painting work and panel beating, ensuring our customers receive high-quality service and delivery.

•⁠ ⁠Assist in diagnosing and repairing vehicle issues.
•⁠ ⁠Perform routine maintenance tasks such as oil changes and tire rotations.
•⁠ ⁠Learn and apply technical skills in automotive repair and service.
•⁠ ⁠Maintain a clean and organised work environment.

•⁠ ⁠Apprentice: Under 30 years old, looking to travel to Australia for a career or job opportunity
•⁠ ⁠Tradesman: looking to travel to Australia for a career or job opportunity
•⁠ ⁠Minimum 1 year of experience as a Garage Apprentice or similar role.
•⁠ ⁠Minimum 3 year of experience as a Garage Tradesman or similar role.
•⁠ ⁠Basic knowledge of automotive systems and repairs.
•⁠ ⁠Enthusiasm to learn and grow in the automotive industry.
•⁠ ⁠Ability to work effectively in a team environment.
•⁠ ⁠Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality workmanship.
•⁠ ⁠Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (desirable but not essential).

•⁠ ⁠Competitive hourly wage (AUD$20-25/hr for Apprentice and AUD$35-45/hr for Tradesman) based on experience.
•⁠ ⁠5 Day work week, with additional hours and work opportunities available
•⁠ ⁠Ongoing training and development opportunities.
•⁠ ⁠Supportive team environment.
•⁠ ⁠Potential for career advancement within our growing company.

How to Apply: If you are passionate about automotive technology and eager to kick-start your career as a Garage Apprentice, we want to hear from you! Please send your resume and a cover letter outlining your experience and why you are a great fit for this position to [email protected] or [email protected]. We look forward to reviewing your application.

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 17/06/2024

【GT86 升級 ✅】

- HKS HIPERMAX R Suspension (超熱門 🔥/ 售完,現已接受預訂)
- TOMEI 東名 蕉 (等長) Equal Length Header
- TOMEI 東名 Overpipe
- ENEOS X PRIME 5W30 高性能機油
- SUPERNANO 超級引擎修復劑 / 深層引擎清洗劑
- CUSCO 油門踭趾踏板

謝謝 GT86 車主選用 SUPERNANO 引擎產品 ❤️

GT86 升級及維修保養: 6089 7267 (龍仔)

GT86 Upgrade ✅

- HKS HIPERMAX R Suspension (Super HOT 🔥/ SOLD OUT, accepting pre-orders)
- TOMEI Equal Length Header
- TOMEI Overpipe
- ENEOS X PRIME 5W30 Performance Motor Oil
- SUPERNANO Engine Restorer / Engine Flush
- CUSCO Sports Accelerator Pedal

Thank you to the Car Owner of this GT86 for choosing SUPERNANO's engine products ❤️

GT86 Upgrade, maintenance and repairs contact: 6089 7267 (Lung86)


#賀龍汽車 #東名蕉 #偈油 #引擎修復劑 #引擎清洗劑


【Honda Fit: SuperNano CLR Service Package 換油套餐】

Location 地點:Classic Motors Service / CM2 (經典汽車)
Car 汽車:Honda Fit GE8
Products 產品:
- SuperNano Engine Restorer 超級引擎修復劑
- SuperNano Motor Oil 5W40 高性能引擎機油
- SuperNano Engine Flush 深層引擎清洗劑
- Backtakleen 納米殺菌抗菌服務

#經典汽車 #元朗 #換油套餐 #引擎修復

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 07/06/2024

【 GT86:SuperNano 換油套餐 】
套餐S2: L + R 🧰
L - SuperNano 0W20 高性能引擎機油
R - SuperNano 超級引擎修復劑

#換油套餐 #賀龍汽車

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 04/06/2024

To better connect with our customers in Hong Kong, in which Cantonese is spoken by 88.9% of the population, We are moving all our English focused content to SuperNano Global.

香港 88.9% 的人口講粵語,為了更好地與香港客戶聯繫,我們將把所有以英語為主的內容轉移到 SuperNano Global。

Para conectar mejor con nuestros clientes de Hong Kong, donde el cantonés es hablado por el 88,9% de la población, estamos trasladando todo nuestro contenido centrado en el inglés a SuperNano Global.

人口の88.9%が広東語を話す香港のお客様とのつながりを深めるため、私たちは英語中心のコンテンツをすべてSuperNano Globalに移行します。

인구의 88.9%가 광둥어를 사용하는 홍콩의 고객과 더 잘 소통하기 위해 모든 영어 중심 콘텐츠를 슈퍼나노 글로벌로 이전합니다.



Fanling Authorised garage Ho Lung Motor Tuen Ng (Dragon boat) Festival holiday operation dates

#端午節 #粉嶺合作車房假期營業時間

【 賀龍汽車 端午節前的 星期六 照常營業 】
🗓️ 星期四 6月6日 因 然師傅 生日全公司放假一天 🏞️
🗓️ 星期五 6月7日補假 🏞️
🗓️ 星期六 6月8日星期六照常營業 ⭐️
🗓️ 星期一 6月10號端午節假期 🏞️

6/6/2024 Holiday (Sifu Yin’s Birthday)
7/6/2024 Rest
8/6/2024 (Sat) OPEN
10/6/2024 (Mon) Tuen Ng Festival Holiday

#賀龍汽車 #假期 #照常營業 #端午節

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 31/05/2024

Engine Restore Package for Toyota Vellfire Hybrid
豐田 Vellfire Hybrid SuperNano 引擎修復 CLR 套餐 🔥



Photos from Supernano 香港's post 20/05/2024

【Carousell 旋轉拍賣: 2023-2024 旋轉商店頒獎典禮】

謝謝 Carousell 頒發「傑出商戶」給 SuperNano,嚟緊一年希望繼續透過平台與對車輛有要求嘅車主聯繫。

2023-2024 Annual Carousell Awards

Thank you to Carousell this year for presenting "Outstanding Business" Award to SuperNano. We hope to continue to use the platform to connect with Car Owners with a desire to restore and improve engine performance.

#傑出商戶 #旋轉商店頒獎典禮

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 07/05/2024

【 Porsche Macan 2.0T Maintenance Service💯 】
💥SuperNano 換油套餐 ( C+L+R)
✅更換Super Resurs 5w40全合成機油連機油隔
✅加入Super nano引擎修復劑

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase horsepower +15HP @ 5000RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM、提升扭力 +17.4 @4800 RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, Save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase Horsepower + 15HP @ 5000 RPM, Restore or increase Torque +17.4 N•m @4800 RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

💲 SuperNano CLR 換油套餐
歐洲車款:$1380 包括4L SuperNano 機油,1支 SuperNano 引擎修復劑,人工,油隔
每多1升機油 + HK$170/L
*以上價格只限指定 SUPERNANO 合作車房

📌MS TUNING REMAP致力推動香港Remap文化,為香港顧客們提供更優質愉快服務體驗🚗💨,提升主動安全🚘 務求令客人用最優惠嘅價錢尋回真正嘅駕駛樂趣。
📍SuperNano 觀塘合作車房 KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
星期一至六 10:30至19:00
星期日 休息

📍SuperNano Kwun Tong Authorised Garage KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
Address: G/F, 19 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
⏰Business Hours
Mon-Sat 10:30 - 19:00
Sun Rest

#超級引擎修復劑 #保養維修 #換油保養 #行車電腦編寫程式 #行車電腦程式 #改裝 #汽車改裝 #提升性能 #電腦程式 #揸車 #駕駛 #度身訂做 #慳油 #座駕 #私家車


Photos from Supernano 香港's post 27/04/2024

SuperNano Motor Oil is very popular choice for BMW car owners 🇩🇪💪
SuperNano 高性能引擎機油係多名寶馬車主嘅選擇 🇩🇪💪

Garage 服務車房:

#賀龍汽車 #粉嶺換油


【 Toyota NOAH: SuperNano CLR 換油套餐 】

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM、提升扭力 +17.4 N•m @ 4800 RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, Save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase Horsepower + 15HP @ 5000 RPM, Restore or increase Torque +17.4 N•m @4800 RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

➡️ SuperNano CLR 換油套餐
日本車款:$1280 包括4L SuperNano 機油,1支 SuperNano 引擎修復劑,人工,油隔
每多1升機油 + HK$170/L
* 以上價格只規限指定合作車房


📍SuperNano 火炭合作車房 NT-JUN:
浚車汽車音響精品電池 Jun’s Car and Audio
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約:6623 2873 輝
星期一至日 需預約 ��📍SuperNano Fo Tan Authorised Garage NT-JUN:
Jun’s Car and Audio
Address:G/F Wah Sang Industrial Building, 14-18 Wong Chuk Yeung St, Fo Tan
📲Tel/Whatsapp Bookings & Enquiries:6623 2873 (Fai)
⏰Business hours
Open Mon-Sun, Please make a booking


Photos from Supernano 香港's post 18/04/2024

Thank you to Automobile Magazine Hong Kong ) for their interview on the SuperNano Engine Restorer. We brought that interview to display to our Australia Fans 🇦🇺

Follow the most longstanding and most prestigious Automobile Magazine of Hong Kong 🇭🇰 since 1979:

感謝《車主》雜誌(Automobile Magazine Hong Kong )對 SuperNano Engine Restorer 引擎修復劑的採訪。我們將這篇專訪帶給了我們的澳洲粉絲 🇦🇺。


#車主 #車主雜誌

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 18/04/2024




針對引擎磨損,進一步減低引擎內部磨擦和增加潤滑度是無補於事的,因為金屬部份損蝕了,造成的表面裂痕,引擎壓縮無法回復正常。要回復引擎壓縮缸壓,須要解決引擎壓縮漏氣,源頭就是那些金屬表面的磨損,這時候引擎需要一些物料去填充那些裂痕,最好的物料是使用銀、銅等軟金屬粒子。SUPER RESURS應用前軍方的"金屬摩擦表面修復技術MSRT",利用納米(NANO)技術,使修復粒子能輕易穿過和不會被機油過濾器阻隔和積聚,輕易修復極細和極難到達的金屬磨損位置,在短時間內填補金屬的磨損,提升引擎氣密封性,堤升引擎壓縮。這亦表示能夠修復金屬細痕,讓磨損程度逆轉,才是有效的方案。最後在引擎內部金屬表面結合成堅韌而柔軟的蜂巢狀結晶合金層,能夠為引擎堤供終極保護,不再受損。

這台RB26TT屬於大改擎,馬力達600匹,但感覺到開始有點老化,有些燒機油和大煙的現像,由於不想大修,所以決定使用SUPER RESURS引擎修復劑,用後引擎每個氣缸的壓縮都提升了和平均了,燒機油現像比以前減少,加速更有力,效果非常滿意。



• 不含對引擎有害物質
• 延長機油壽命達一倍
• 降低引擎溫度
• 減少廢氣排放高達40%
• 引擎失水保護功能
• 納米金屬合金抗磨層
• 減低引擎震動和噪音
• 降低耗油量高達15%
• 增強馬力高達20%
• 增強引擎壓縮
• 自動修復引擎磨損



The Path of Restoring a GTR34 Engine

➡️ Breakthrough Technology Reverses Engine Wear and Tear

It may seem impossible to maintain the perfect condition of a new car for many years of use. Due to metal wear accumulated from the friction of the internal parts of the engine, a number of engine problems such as low horsepower, high fuel consumption, engine shaking, noise, black or white smoke, oil consumption and the like, will occur. The engine performance will be reduced at the same time, and in serious cases, damage to the engine.

For engine wear, further reducing internal engine friction and increasing lubrication would not be sufficient, as the metal parts have been corroded, resulting in surface cracks, and engine compression is unable to return to normal. In order to restore engine compression cylinder pressure, it is necessary to solve the engine compression leakage – the source is metal surface wear. The engine would need materials to fill those cracks, and the best material is to use silver, copper and other soft metallic particles. Nanotechnology allows the restorative metallic particles to easily pass through and not be blocked or accumulated by the oil filter, thereby repairing extremely fine and hard-to-reach metal wear locations, filling in metal wear in a short period of time. This improves engine air sealing and increases engine compression. This also means that the only effective solution is to be able to repair fine metal microcracks and reverse the level of wear. Finally, a tough yet soft honeycomb crystalline alloy layer is created between the metal surfaces inside the engine to provide the ultimate protection against engine damage.

This RB26DETT is a heavily modified engine, with 600 horsepower, but the owner felt that it was starting to age, with oil burning and smoke symptoms. Since he did not want to rebuild and overhaul the engine, he has decided to use SUPER RESURS Engine Restorer, and after using it, the compression of the engine in each cylinder has been increased and averaged throughout all combustion chambers, with reduced oil burning and faster acceleration, which is a very satisfying result.

Thanks to Mr. Fei of Pomponazzi (Hong Kong), for sharing the good engine restoration effect of SUPER RESURS.



- Contains no harmful substances to the engine
- Double the life of engine oil
- Reduces engine temperature
- Reduces emissions by up to 40
- Water loss protection
- Nano-metal alloy anti-wear layer
- Reduces engine vibration and noise
- Reduces fuel consumption by up to 15%
- Increases horsepower by up to 20
- Enhances engine compression
- Targeted repair of engine wear and tear


【觀塘 MS TUNING】Mercedes-Benz C200 (W205) SuperNano 引擎修復 換油套餐 | Benz 維修保養 | Benz REMAP | Benz 寫電腦 | Benz 波箱修復劑 | Benz 引擎修復 17/04/2024

【 Mercedes-Benz C200 (W205) SuperNano CLR 套餐】

SuperNano CLR 換油套餐
歐洲車款:$1380 包括4L SuperNano 機油,1支 SuperNano 引擎修復劑,人工,油隔
每多1升機油 + HK$170/L

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM、提升扭力+17.4HP @ 4800 RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, Save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase Horsepower + 15HP @ 5000 RPM, Restore or increase Torque +17.4 N•m @4800 RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

📍SuperNano 觀塘合作車房 KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 :5986 9678
星期一至六 10:30至19:00
星期日 休息

📍SuperNano Kwun Tong Authorised Garage KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
Address: G/F, 19 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
📲Bookings & Enquiries:5986 9678
⏰Business Hours
Mon-Sat 10:30 - 19:00
Sun Rest

#觀塘 #汽車維修保養

【觀塘 MS TUNING】Mercedes-Benz C200 (W205) SuperNano 引擎修復 換油套餐 | Benz 維修保養 | Benz REMAP | Benz 寫電腦 | Benz 波箱修復劑 | Benz 引擎修復 HK$1,380 | SuperNano CLR 換油套餐 歐洲車款:$1380 包括4L SuperNano 機油,1支 SuperNano 引擎修復劑,人工,油隔 每多1升機油 + HK$170/L 套餐專業版: ⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM、提升扭力+17.4HP @ 4800 RPM ⚙️ Res...

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 15/04/2024

Restoring the engine of a First Generation Mazda MX-5.

【佐敦 UNG】Mazda MX-5 SuperNano 引擎回復 換油套餐 | Mazda 維修保養 | Mazda 波箱修復劑 | Mazda 引擎修復

➡️ SuperNano CLR 換油套餐
日本車款:$1280 包括4L SuperNano 機油,1支 SuperNano 引擎修復劑,人工,油隔
每多1升機油 + HK$170/L
* 以上價格只規限指定合作車房

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM、提升扭力 +17.4 N•m 牛頓米
⚙️ Restore engine wear, Save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase Horsepower + 15HP @ 5000 RPM, Restore or increase Torque +17.4 N•m @4800 RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

📍Super Nano 佐敦區合作車房 KLN-UNG :
UNG Automotive 車工房
地址 Address : 九龍佐敦文蔚街41號地下
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 Bookings & Enquiries:5300 0042
地圖 Map:
⏰合作車房營業時間 Business hours
星期一至六 Mon-Sat 10:00至20:00
逢星期日放假 Sunday – Rest

📍Super Nano Authorised Service Garage KLN-UNG:
UNG Automotive
地址 Address : G/F, 41 Man Wai Street, Jordan, Hong Kong
📲Tel/Whatsapp Bookings & Enquiries:5300 0042 Fung
⏰Business hours
Mon-Sat 10:00–20:00
Sunday Rest
Sun Rest


Photos from Supernano 香港's post 13/04/2024

Customer Interactions at the Hot Import Nights Event in Sydney, Australia. 🇦🇺
Hot Import Nights Australia 澳洲站的客戶交流 🇦🇺

Event: .au
Booth: .au


Mercedes-Benz C200 (W205)
SuperNano CLR Service Package 引擎回復換油套餐
L+R (換油 + 引擎修復)

📍SuperNano 觀塘合作車房 KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 :5986 9678
星期一至六 10:30至19:00
星期日 休息

📍SuperNano Kwun Tong Authorised Garage KLN-MST:�MS Tuning
Address: G/F, 19 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
📲Bookings & Enquiries:5986 9678
⏰Business Hours
Mon-Sat 10:30 - 19:00
Sun Rest


#引擎修復及保護 #觀塘換油

🧑🏻‍🔧 Mercedes Benz W205 C200 Maintenance Service💯
💥SuperNano 換油套餐 (L+R)
✅更換Super Resurs 5w40全合成機油連機油隔
✅加入Super nano引擎修復劑

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase horsepower +15HP @ 5000RPM

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

📌MS TUNING REMAP致力推動香港Remap文化,為香港顧客們提供更優質愉快服務體驗🚗💨,提升主動安全🚘 務求令客人用最優惠嘅價錢尋回真正嘅駕駛樂趣。
🏘 門市地址:觀塘大業街19號
📲Whatsapp 查詢:5986 9678

#超級引擎修復劑 #脈衝循環引擎清洗 #保養維修 #換油保養 #行車電腦編寫程式 #行車電腦程式 #改裝 #汽車改裝 #提升性能 #電腦程式 #駕駛 #慳油

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 06/04/2024

Honda CIVIC 的 SuperNano CLR 換油套餐 🇩🇪
SuperNano CLR Service Package for this

C Clean 清洗引擎
L Lubricate 更換機油
R Restore and Protect 引擎修復及保護


📍Supernano 葵涌合作車房地點:
JSC Garage
地址 : 葵涌葵榮路12-18號安發工業大廈地下06號鋪
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約:5291 3198 / 9528 2280
星期一至六 09:00至18:00

#葵涌換油 #清洗引擎 #更換偈油 #引擎修復及保護

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 04/04/2024

There's no engine We cannot restore.
【 沒有引擎不能修復 SUPERNANO 】

The KG Mobility Corporation, abbreviated as KGM, is a South Korea–based automobile manufacturer. It traces its origins back to a manufacturer established in 1954. The company was named SsangYong Motor Company in 1988, following its acquisition by the chaebol SsangYong Group in 1986.

KG Mobility Corporation,簡稱 KGM,是一家總部位於韓國的汽車製造商。 其前身是一家成立於 1954 年的製造商。 繼 1986 年被財閥雙龍集團收購後,該公司於 1988 年更名為雙龍汽車公司。

📍Super Nano 佐敦區合作車房 KLN-UNG :
UNG Automotive 車工房
地址 Address : 九龍佐敦文蔚街41號地下
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 Bookings & Enquiries:5300 0042
地圖 Map:
⏰合作車房營業時間 Business hours
星期一至六 Mon-Sat 10:00至20:00
逢星期日放假 Sunday – Rest

📍Super Nano Authorised Service Garage KLN-UNG:
UNG Automotive
地址 Address : G/F, 41 Man Wai Street, Jordan, Hong Kong
📲Tel/Whatsapp Bookings & Enquiries:5300 0042 Fung
⏰Business hours
Mon-Sat 10:00–20:00
Sunday Rest

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 27/03/2024

【 土瓜灣購買 SuperNano 產品之選擇: 波記汽車零件】
Purchase SuperNano's products from PORKEE Limited located in To Kwa Wan

SuperNano 超過十年為香港車主引擎及波箱服務, 土瓜灣老字號「波記汽車零件」亦為土瓜灣區車主提供引擎及波箱修復劑超過十年。歡迎到訪購買,回復引擎及波箱狀態 ⚙️

📍SuperNano 土瓜灣分銷商 KLN-POR:�
🗺️ 地圖 Map:
星期一至六 09:00至18:00
星期日 休息

SuperNano has been serving Hong Kong car owners' engines and gearboxes for more than 10 years, and Porkee Auto Parts has been providing engine and gearbox restorers to To Kwa Wan car owners for more than 10 years. Welcome to purchase engine and gearbox restorers at Porkee. ⚙️

📍SuperNano To Kwa Wan Distributor KLN-POR:
Por Kee Auto Parts
Address: G/F, 2 Hung Wan Street, Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon
🗺️ Map:
Distributor Business Hours:
Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 18:00
Sunday Closed

#波記汽車零件 #引擎修復劑 #波箱修復劑 #土瓜灣

Photos from Supernano 香港's post 25/03/2024

【 BMW 118i (E87): Supernano CLR 換油套餐 】
Supernano CLR Service Package

👴🏻 車和人一樣,有活動就有損耗,機能會隨著年月而漸漸衰退 👵🏻
🚗 只需一步,修補機件金屬磨損,令愛驅回復巔峰狀態。👶🏻🍼

⚙️ 逆轉機齡、節省12% 以上油耗、提升馬力+15HP @ 5000 RPM
⚙️ Restore engine wear, Save 12% or more fuel, Restore or increase Horsepower + 15HP @ 5000 RPM

📍Super Nano 佐敦區合作車房 KLN-UNG :
UNG Automotive 車工房
地址 Address : 九龍佐敦文蔚街41號地下
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 Bookings & Enquiries:5300 0042
地圖 Map:
⏰合作車房營業時間 Business hours
星期一至六 Mon-Sat 10:00至20:00
逢星期日放假 Sunday – Rest

English Service: 5277 5332

#換油套餐 #引擎修復 #回復狀態 #換偈油 #引擎修復劑 #引擎清洗劑 #佐敦換油

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再次鳴謝 VAF club HK 的邀請位於Autocamper 紅花嶺的第5屆年度會慶。今年能夠分享維修保養資訊及示範一部 Audi Q7 的引擎修復過程,我們非常滿足。Once again Thank You to @vafclubhk...
Ferrari 458 Italia – SuperNano 高性能引擎機油 5W40 🚗Ferrari 458 Italia – SuperNano Motor Oil 5W40 🚗車房 Garage: 賀龍汽車 (Ho Lung Mot...
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Level 7, K11 ATELIER Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00

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