UU Hong Kong 尋道會 Page, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by UU Hong Kong 尋道會 Page in Hong Kong. Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong is a community in Hong Kong dedicated to the liberal religion Unita

Glimpsing Liberation: An Introduction to the Buddhist Heritage

UUHK Buddhist Sangha talk
Glimpsing Liberation: An Introduction to the Buddhist Heritage

Speaker: Raymond Lam, Senior Writer, Buddhistdoor
Date: 14 January 2017
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute

Buddhism is an influential faith tradition that was set in motion 2,500 years ago by a prince-turned-mendicant. From China to Afghanistan to Russia, it has influenced the societies, cultures, and governments of Eurasia all the way up to the present day. This talk introduces the historical and religious context from which the Buddha emerged and the diffusion of his religion across Eurasia. Doctrines, historical figures, and interactions with other world faith traditions alike will be discussed.

Raymond is Senior Writer at Buddhistdoor. He studied philosophy and religion for his BA in Australia, before earning an MA in Buddhist Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies and an MRes in Christianity and Interreligious Relations at Heythrop College in London.





Other UU Hong Kong 尋道會 Page videos

Glimpsing Liberation: An Introduction to the Buddhist Heritage
UUHK Buddhist Sangha talk Glimpsing Liberation: An Introduction to the Buddhist Heritage Speaker: Raymond Lam, Senior Writer, Buddhistdoor Date: 14 January 2017 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute Buddhism is an influential faith tradition that was set in motion 2,500 years ago by a prince-turned-mendicant. From China to Afghanistan to Russia, it has influenced the societies, cultures, and governments of Eurasia all the way up to the present day. This talk introduces the historical and religious context from which the Buddha emerged and the diffusion of his religion across Eurasia. Doctrines, historical figures, and interactions with other world faith traditions alike will be discussed. Raymond is Senior Writer at Buddhistdoor. He studied philosophy and religion for his BA in Australia, before earning an MA in Buddhist Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies and an MRes in Christianity and Interreligious Relations at Heythrop College in London. 尋道會佛教共修講座 瞥見涅磐:介紹佛教遺產 講者:林思瀚先生(佛門網社論主筆) 日期:2017年1月14日 地點:香港基督徒學會 佛教是一個具影響力的信仰傳統,在約二千五百年前由一個出家王子創立。從中國到阿富汗到俄羅斯,它一直影響著歐亞大陸的文化、社會和政府,直到今天。這個講座會介紹佛陀出現的歷史和宗教背景,以及他的宗教在歐亞大陸的傳播。講者將討論教義、歷史人物和與其他世界信仰傳統的相互作用。 林思瀚先生是佛門網的社論主筆。他在澳洲學習哲學和宗教,取得學士學位。及後,他在倫敦大學亞非學院修畢佛學研究碩士學位,又在倫敦大學Heythrop學院獲得基督教和跨宗教關係的碩士學位。

Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 3/3
IARFHK Talk: Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 3/3 Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK) Date: 23 January 2016 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute Speaker: Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri, Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong Gurmel talked about how Sikhism believes in religious freedom, tolerance and welfare for all. He shared some practical and historical events of Sikhism about freedom of religion, and the present situation of Sikhism in India. Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri has been working as Manager/Religious Instructor of Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong since 2009. He has been taking part in interfaith programmes in Hong Kong and abroad, delivering lectures for Sikh studies at HKU and CUHK, and has taught a short course of Sikh studies at CUHK. Holding an M.A. in Sikh Studies, his first job was Assistant Research Scholar in Sikh History Research Board, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, India. He has shared the basic tenets of Sikhism to some 25,000 local and international students and visitors during his time in Hong Kong. 講座:錫克教作為宗教自由權的先鋒 主辦:國際宗教自由協會(香港分會) 日期:一六年一月廿三日 地點:香港基督徒學會 講員:Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri(香港錫克廟) 講者談論錫克教如何信奉宗教自由、寬容和全人類福祉。他分享了一些錫克教關於宗教自由­的具體歷史事件,以及錫克教在印度的現況。 Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri 2009年起出任香港錫克廟的經理暨宗教導師。他一直參與香港和海外的跨宗教項目,並­在香港大學和中文大學作有關錫克教的演講,亦曾於中大教授關於錫克教的短期課程。他是­錫克教研究文學碩士,第一份工作是在印度SGPC作錫克教歷史的助理研究學者。在港期­間,他曾向約25,000名學生和訪客解釋錫克教的基本信仰原則。

Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 2/3
IARFHK Talk: Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 2/3 Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK) Date: 23 January 2016 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute Speaker: Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri, Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong Gurmel talked about how Sikhism believes in religious freedom, tolerance and welfare for all. He shared some practical and historical events of Sikhism about freedom of religion, and the present situation of Sikhism in India. Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri has been working as Manager/Religious Instructor of Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong since 2009. He has been taking part in interfaith programmes in Hong Kong and abroad, delivering lectures for Sikh studies at HKU and CUHK, and has taught a short course of Sikh studies at CUHK. Holding an M.A. in Sikh Studies, his first job was Assistant Research Scholar in Sikh History Research Board, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, India. He has shared the basic tenets of Sikhism to some 25,000 local and international students and visitors during his time in Hong Kong. 講座:錫克教作為宗教自由權的先鋒 主辦:國際宗教自由協會(香港分會) 日期:一六年一月廿三日 地點:香港基督徒學會 講員:Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri(香港錫克廟) 講者談論錫克教如何信奉宗教自由、寬容和全人類福祉。他分享了一些錫克教關於宗教自由­的具體歷史事件,以及錫克教在印度的現況。 Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri 2009年起出任香港錫克廟的經理暨宗教導師。他一直參與香港和海外的跨宗教項目,並­在香港大學和中文大學作有關錫克教的演講,亦曾於中大教授關於錫克教的短期課程。他是­錫克教研究文學碩士,第一份工作是在印度SGPC作錫克教歷史的助理研究學者。在港期­間,他曾向約25,000名學生和訪客解釋錫克教的基本信仰原則。

Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 1/3
IARFHK Talk: Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom 1/3 Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK) Date: 23 January 2016 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute Speaker: Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri, Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong Gurmel talked about how Sikhism believes in religious freedom, tolerance and welfare for all. He shared some practical and historical events of Sikhism about freedom of religion, and the present situation of Sikhism in India. Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri has been working as Manager/Religious Instructor of Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong since 2009. He has been taking part in interfaith programmes in Hong Kong and abroad, delivering lectures for Sikh studies at HKU and CUHK, and has taught a short course of Sikh studies at CUHK. Holding an M.A. in Sikh Studies, his first job was Assistant Research Scholar in Sikh History Research Board, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, India. He has shared the basic tenets of Sikhism to some 25,000 local and international students and visitors during his time in Hong Kong. 講座:錫克教作為宗教自由權的先鋒 主辦:國際宗教自由協會(香港分會) 日期:一六年一月廿三日 地點:香港基督徒學會 講員:Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri(香港錫克廟) 講者談論錫克教如何信奉宗教自由、寬容和全人類福祉。他分享了一些錫克教關於宗教自由­的具體歷史事件,以及錫克教在印度的現況。 Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri 2009年起出任香港錫克廟的經理暨宗教導師。他一直參與香港和海外的跨宗教項目,並­在香港大學和中文大學作有關錫克教的演講,亦曾於中大教授關於錫克教的短期課程。他是­錫克教研究文學碩士,第一份工作是在印度SGPC作錫克教歷史的助理研究學者。在港期­間,他曾向約25,000名學生和訪客解釋錫克教的基本信仰原則。

Ali Diallo: The African Community in Hong Kong
Talk: The African Community in Hong Kong-An Overview Speaker: Mr Ali Diallo, president, African Community Hong Kong Organizer: Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong Date: 12 September 2015 Hong Kong is an international metropolis. Communities of various cultures from all over the world reside here. This is an opportunity to take a glimpse into African culture and the present situation of the African community in Hong Kong. From Guinea, Mr Diallo is the president of the African Community Hong Kong. He is an entrepreneur involved in China trade; he sells low-cost Chinese-made phones and tablets to various African countries. 講座:概覽香港的非洲社群 講員:阿里·迪亞洛先生(非洲團體香港主席) 主辦:尋道會 日期:二零一五年九月十二日 香港是一個國際大都會,來自世界各地不同文化的社群居住在這裡。讓我們來一窺非洲文化和非洲社群在香港的現況。來自幾內亞,迪亞洛先生是非洲團體香港的主席,亦是從事中國貿易的商人;他把中國製造的平價手機和平板電腦售賣到非洲各國。

Alan Polson 2/3: How I Became a UU
Alan Polson 2/3: How I Became a Unitarian Universalist UU Hong Kong talk: Experience as a Buddhist monk in Hong Kong Speaker: Alan Polson, Australian Buddhist monk & UU Date: 14 March 2015 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), Kowloon, Hong Kong About Alan: 1947 born and raised in Adelaide, Australia 1969 age 22, travelled and arrived in Hong Kong 1970 in Japan, studied Rinzai Zen 1971 returned to HK, trained and became a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Mahayana tradition 1976 to the US 1981 BA Chinese language and literature, honors, from UC Berkeley 1983 MA, UC Berkeley 1986 became a nurse at San Francisco General Hospital 2009 retired from nursing after working in various areas including teaching 2010 returned to Adelaide to take up a PhD in Asian Studies (Confucianism)

Alan Polson 3/3: UUism as Bridge Between East & West
Alan Polson 3/3: UUism as Bridge Between East & West UU Hong Kong talk: Experience as a Buddhist monk in Hong Kong Speaker: Alan Polson, Australian Buddhist monk & UU Date: 14 March 2015 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), Kowloon, Hong Kong About Alan: 1947 born and raised in Adelaide, Australia 1969 age 22, travelled and arrived in Hong Kong 1970 in Japan, studied Rinzai Zen 1971 returned to HK, trained and became a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Mahayana tradition 1976 to the US 1981 BA Chinese language and literature, honors, from UC Berkeley 1983 MA, UC Berkeley 1986 became a nurse at San Francisco General Hospital 2009 retired from nursing after working in various areas including teaching 2010 returned to Adelaide to take up a PhD in Asian Studies (Confucianism)

Alan Polson 1/3: How I Became a Buddhist Monk in HK
Alan Polson 1/3: How I Became a Buddhist Monk in Hong Kong UU Hong Kong talk: Experience as a Buddhist monk in Hong Kong Speaker: Alan Polson, Australian Buddhist monk & UU Date: 14 March 2015 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), Kowloon, Hong Kong About Alan: 1947 born and raised in Adelaide, Australia 1969 age 22, travelled and arrived in Hong Kong 1970 in Japan, studied Rinzai Zen 1971 returned to HK, trained and became a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Mahayana tradition 1976 to the US 1981 BA Chinese language and literature, honors, from UC Berkeley 1983 MA, UC Berkeley 1986 became a nurse at San Francisco General Hospital 2009 retired from nursing after working in various areas including teaching 2010 returned to Adelaide to take up a PhD in Asian Studies (Confucianism)

Kerby Kuek: "Daoism and Metaphysics: Union of Heaven and Human"
UUHK Talk "Daoism and Metaphysics: The Union of Heaven and Human" Date: 11 Oct 2014 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute Speaker: Kerby Kuek, Daoism Metaphysic Research Center Introduction: Kerby has published 15 books on Daoism and metaphysics, feng shui, and inner alchemy. He writes a regular column in the Hong Kong Standard on every Tuesday, and has been interviewed by renowned media such as CNN, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Monocle, etc. In this talk, he will share how Daoism has long been misunderstood as a religion. "Daoism existed since 5,000 years ago," he says. "The fact that Emperor Huang was seeking Dao can be found in ancient texts! The way of Dao is carried out through the process of metaphysic." 尋道會講座:「玄道合壹」 日期:十月十一日 地點:香港基督徒學會 講員:郭翹峰,宏泓道者(道法術)研究所 簡介:「宏泓道者」乃郭翹峰先生的法號。他研究道學與術數多年,現以英語撰寫術數文章,曾接受國際知名報刊訪問,如紐約時報、華爾街日報、及香港英文虎報等。於今次講座,他將分享:「道並非宗教!五千年中華文化是道之文化,其徑為五術之演繹!」。

"HK Atheists" David Young Speaks 3/3
High resolution: http://youtu.be/OpVQILPs3QM Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong Humanist Group and ExChristian.info present: David Young of "Hong Kong Atheists" speaks "Hong Kong Atheists" is an active Facebook group with regular gatherings "Skeptics at the Pub." Founder David Young has just attended the Global Atheist Convention in Australia in May, meeting big names such as Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc. Listen to him shares his exciting pilgrimage to this global atheist event and his vision of future development of atheism in Hong Kong. Date: 17 Jul 2012 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon facebook.com/groups/HKAtheists 尋道會人文組與「前基督徒講場」合辦: 前基督徒/離教者吹水會 「香港無神論者」fb群組 David Young 開講 「香港無神論者」(譯)是 Facebook 活躍群組,有定期聚會「懷疑論者摸杯底」(譯)。創辦人 David Young 在五月到過澳洲的全球無神論者大會,見過無神論名將 Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris 等人。聽他分享該趟朝聖之旅和對香港無神論未來發展抱負! 日期:2012年7月17日 地點:香港基督徒學會,九龍旺角道11號藝旺商業大廈10字樓

"HK Atheists" David Young Speaks 2/3
High resolution: http://youtu.be/OpVQILPs3QM Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong Humanist Group and ExChristian.info present: David Young of "Hong Kong Atheists" speaks "Hong Kong Atheists" is an active Facebook group with regular gatherings "Skeptics at the Pub." Founder David Young has just attended the Global Atheist Convention in Australia in May, meeting big names such as Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc. Listen to him shares his exciting pilgrimage to this global atheist event and his vision of future development of atheism in Hong Kong. Date: 17 Jul 2012 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon facebook.com/groups/HKAtheists 尋道會人文組與「前基督徒講場」合辦: 前基督徒/離教者吹水會 「香港無神論者」fb群組 David Young 開講 「香港無神論者」(譯)是 Facebook 活躍群組,有定期聚會「懷疑論者摸杯底」(譯)。創辦人 David Young 在五月到過澳洲的全球無神論者大會,見過無神論名將 Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris 等人。聽他分享該趟朝聖之旅和對香港無神論未來發展抱負! 日期:2012年7月17日 地點:香港基督徒學會,九龍旺角道11號藝旺商業大廈10字樓

周兆祥:尋道50年(尋道會人文組)2/4 歷程(上)Simon Chau @ UUHK Humanist Group
尋道會人文組與「前基督徒講場」合辦: 前基督徒/離教者吹水會 主題:周兆祥分享尋道50年 主持:虞瑋倩小姐(尋道會人文組召集人) 日期:5月7日 地點:香港基督徒學會 簡介:著名綠色生活先知及翻譯學者周兆祥博士原來本是虔誠天主教徒,甚至預備做神父。後來他發現《聖經》翻譯錯漏百出,靈性旅程更走上嶄新階段...阿祥娓娓道來50年之奇妙尋道旅程與心得! 參考閱讀:《我如何如是信》http://exchristian.hk/home/article/show/126 UUHK Humanist Group and ExChristian.info present: Simon Chau Shares 50 Years of Spiritual Quest Host: Ms Virginia Yue (Convener, Humanist Goup, UUHK) Date: 7 May 2012 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute Renowned prophet of green living in Hong Kong and translation scholar Dr Simon Chau was once a Catholic Christian who has considered becoming a priest! Upon discovering serious mistranslations in many key passages of the Bible, however, he entered a new stage on his spiritual journey.... Tonight, Simon is going to share the exciting story of his 50 years of spiritual quest.

周兆祥:尋道50年(尋道會人文組)3/4 歷程(下)Simon Chau @ UUHK Humanist Group
尋道會人文組與「前基督徒講場」合辦: 前基督徒/離教者吹水會 主題:周兆祥分享尋道50年 主持:虞瑋倩小姐(尋道會人文組召集人) 日期:5月7日 地點:香港基督徒學會 簡介:著名綠色生活先知及翻譯學者周兆祥博士原來本是虔誠天主教徒,甚至預備做神父。後來他發現《聖經》翻譯錯漏百出,靈性旅程更走上嶄新階段...阿祥娓娓道來50年之奇妙尋道旅程與心得! 參考閱讀:《我如何如是信》http://exchristian.hk/home/article/show/126 UUHK Humanist Group and ExChristian.info present: Simon Chau Shares 50 Years of Spiritual Quest Host: Ms Virginia Yue (Convener, Humanist Goup, UUHK) Date: 7 May 2012 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute Renowned prophet of green living in Hong Kong and translation scholar Dr Simon Chau was once a Catholic Christian who has considered becoming a priest! Upon discovering serious mistranslations in many key passages of the Bible, however, he entered a new stage on his spiritual journey.... Tonight, Simon is going to share the exciting story of his 50 years of spiritual quest.

禤智偉:「智慧設計」此路不通 1/2
尋道會之進思基督徒團契主辦 讀《宗教右派》〈智慧設計此路不通?科學學的觀點〉 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:禤智偉博士(中大崇基神學院) 主持:虞瑋倩小姐(尋道會人文組召集人,香港科學教育關注組召集人) 日期:17/12/2011 地點:香港基督徒學會,九龍旺角道11號藝旺商業大廈10字樓 The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) reads "Religious Right" chapter 'Intelligent Design: from the perspective of Science Studies' www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html Speaker: Dr Freeman Huen (Divinity School, CUHK) Moderator: Ms Virginia Yue (Convener, Humanist Group of UUHK; Convener, Concern Group for HK Science Education) Date: 17 Dec 2011 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), 10/F, 11 Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon

楊穎仁:基督教保皇黨的誕生 2/2
港英政府自六十年代起擴張公共服務,包括教育、社褔、醫療等,教會大量包辦,得到龐大發展資源。回歸後,公共服務收縮,教會轉向商界靠攏,找來名人、高官站台,取得有錢信徒的奉獻,昂貴的超級教會大樓陸續落成,形成官、商、教勾結的局面。勾結既成,一些關乎公眾利益的重大政策,便可以是背後影響力的結果,而非以公開、民主的方式議決。 尋道會之進思基督徒團契主辦 讀《宗教右派》 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:楊穎仁先生 主持:余浚維 日期:19/11/2011 地點:香港基督徒學會 uuhk.org The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) presents Reading the Chinese book "Religious Right" www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html Speaker: Mr Julian Yeung Moderator: Ronald Yu Date: 19 Nov 2011 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI) uuhk.org

楊穎仁:基督教保皇黨的誕生 1/2
港英政府自六十年代起擴張公共服務,包括教育、社褔、醫療等,教會大量包辦,得到龐大發展資源。回歸後,公共服務收縮,教會轉向商界靠攏,找來名人、高官站台,取得有錢信徒的奉獻,昂貴的超級教會大樓陸續落成,形成官、商、教勾結的局面。勾結既成,一些關乎公眾利益的重大政策,便可以是背後影響力的結果,而非以公開、民主的方式議決。 尋道會之進思基督徒團契主辦 讀《宗教右派》 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:楊穎仁先生 主持:余浚維 日期:19/11/2011 地點:香港基督徒學會 uuhk.org The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) presents Reading the Chinese book "Religious Right" www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html Speaker: Mr Julian Yeung Moderator: Ronald Yu Date: 19 Nov 2011 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI) uuhk.org

黃慧貞:基督原教旨主義 2/2
黃慧貞:基督原教旨主義 2/2 Angela Wong: Christian Fundamentalism 2/2 十九世紀末,聖經歷史批判學威協傳統信仰。二十年代美國,有基督徒反彈,堅持五項基要信仰:聖經無誤、童貞產子、代贖拯救、神蹟真實、基督再來,原教旨主義生成。當今美國宗教右派,即褔音派,奉行原教旨主義,以維護家庭為議程,積極影響政治、政府政策、立法、學校、社褔機構、傳媒輿論等等,企圖將保守基督教價值觀強加諸整體世俗社會。香港的宗教右派,例如明光社,也有類似目標與手斷。此謂宗教霸權。 尋道會之進思基督徒團契主辦 讀《宗教右派》 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:黃慧貞博士(中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授) 主持:黃國堯牧師 日期:20/8/2011 The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) presents Reading the Chinese book "Religious Right" www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html Speaker: Dr Angela Wai-ching Wong (Associate Professor, Dept of Cultural & Religious Studies, CUHK) Moderator: Rev Silas Wong Date: 20 Aug 2011

黃慧貞:基督原教旨主義 1/2
黃慧貞:基督原教旨主義 1/2 Angela Wong: Christian Fundamentalism 1/2 十九世紀末,聖經歷史批判學威協傳統信仰。二十年代美國,有基督徒反彈,堅持五項基要信仰:聖經無誤、童貞產子、代贖拯救、神蹟真實、基督再來,原教旨主義生成。當今美國宗教右派,即褔音派,奉行原教旨主義,以維護家庭為議程,積極影響政治、政府政策、立法、學校、社褔機構、傳媒輿論等等,企圖將保守基督教價值觀強加諸整體世俗社會。香港的宗教右派,例如明光社,也有類似目標與手斷。此謂宗教霸權。 尋道會之進思基督徒團契主辦 讀《宗教右派》 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:黃慧貞博士(中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授) 主持:黃國堯牧師 日期:20/8/2011 The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) presents Reading the Chinese book "Religious Right" www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html Speaker: Dr Angela Wai-ching Wong (Associate Professor, Dept of Cultural & Religious Studies, CUHK) Moderator: Rev Silas Wong Date: 20 Aug 2011

尋道會進思基督徒團契讀《宗教右派》 www.hkci.org.hk/news/100917_book.html 嘉賓講員:沈旭暉博士 主持:余浚維 日期:16/7/2011 地點:香港基督徒學會 The Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF) of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) reads the book "Religious Right" Speaker: Dr Simon Xuhui Shen Moderator: Ronald Yu Date: 16 Jul 2011 Venue: Hong Kong Christian Institute uuhk.org http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceyw-21iyXw