HKUAA Dining

HKUAA Dining

The HKUAA Clubhouse in Central features a Chinese restaurant and the DB Lounge, providing members with a top-notch dining experience.

To make reservations, please call or WhatsApp +852 2522 7968.


Flavour Exploration Menu
Hakka cuisine is known for its rich and fragrant flavours, which some say are perfect for replenishing salt lost on hot summer days. Starting today, the Executive Chef of HKUAA Clubhouse, Chef Ka-Wing Lai, will introduce a series of Hakka dishes for you to savour. We highly recommend trying the unique Hakka-style Marinated Fried Duck & Duck Blood with Mint Soy Sauce, and the Steamed Mandarin Fish Slice with Porchini Mushroom in Three Ways.

We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon!

仲夏 #尋味客家
傳統客家菜口味濃香,有說適合於夏天汗流浹背的日子補充鹽分。由即日起,校友會中菜廳行政總廚介紹 #黎家榮 師傅,將會帶來尋味客家推廣菜式,當中特別推薦風尾獨特的客家粉塵鴨配鴨紅,以及牛肝菌蒸三式桂魚片。


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Embrace the flavours of summer with this delightful dish from our alumni gathering—Assorted Mushrooms and Vegetables in Pumpkin pot , featuring the goodness of seasonal vegetables and the richness of Hawaiian macadamia nuts. It’s a treasure trove of flavours, perfect for sharing with loved ones while enjoying a culinary adventure.

We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon!

夏天宜吃瓜果,校友會這道 #羊肚菌蔬菜炒原個南瓜 ,消暑得來食材多多,當中炒香了的夏威夷果仁,吸盡菇菌香氣,令味道層次更加豐富,與親友們邊吃邊尋寶,更添滋味。


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Embrace the flavours of summer with this delightful dish from our alumni gathering—Assorted Mushrooms and Vegetables in Pumpkin pot , featuring the goodness of seasonal vegetables and the richness of Hawaiian macadamia nuts. It's a treasure trove of flavours, perfect for sharing with loved ones while enjoying a culinary adventure.

We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon!

夏天宜吃瓜果,校友會這道 #羊肚菌蔬菜炒原個南瓜 ,消暑得來食材多多,當中炒香了的夏威夷果仁,吸盡菇菌香氣,令味道層次更加豐富,與親友們邊吃邊尋寶,更添滋味。


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Beat the heat this scorching summer with two new ice cream flavours: Osmanthus Ice Cream and Shaoxing Wine Ice Cream. Indulge in these refreshing treats that not only provide a cool respite but also create the perfect ending to your dining experience.

We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon!



#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Beat the heat this scorching summer with two new ice cream flavours: Osmanthus Ice Cream and Shaoxing Wine Ice Cream. Indulge in these refreshing treats that not only provide a cool respite but also create the perfect ending to your dining experience.

We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon!


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


The HKUAA Dining team wishes you and your family a wonderful Father's Day filled with great food, good laughter, and cherished memories.


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限

Photos from HKUAA Dining's post 03/06/2024

on A La Carte menu!

HKUAA Clubhouse Restaurant has been reopened for six months. Executive Chef Ka-wing Lai and his team have been listening to the feedback of alumni and have introduced several new dishes starting from 3 of June. We especially recommend the Crispy Soft-Shell Prawns with Cheese, the fragrant Beked Eel in Bamboo Tube, and the Golden Rice Ball with a surprise inside, which is super instagrammable yet perfect for celebrations! For dessert, we have also introduced two unique Chinese-style ice creams: osmanthus ice cream and Shaoxing wine ice cream, to ensure that every gathering ends with a sweet and unforgettable ending.

Menus can be checkout via , please also be reminded that some dishes required pre-ordering. We look forward to serve you again at the clubhouse restaurant soon.

校友會中菜廳重開半年,行政總廚 #黎家榮師傅 及其團隊一直聆聽各位校友的意見,並於6月份帶來幾道全新菜式,特別推薦老少咸宜的 #脆皮芝士軟殼蝦、清香獨特的 #竹筒烤焗滑鱔 以及內有乾坤,充滿儀式感的 #金球飯團。甜品方面,迎接夏天來臨,我們亦為各位校友帶來兩款獨特中式風味的雪糕:桂花雪糕及紹興酒雪糕,務求您的每個聚餐帶來甜蜜而難忘的結尾。

餐牌內容可於 hkuaa.dining 網站瀏覽,敬請留意部分菜式需要預訂。期待您再次光臨會所餐廳,與親朋好友共度溫馨時光,留下難忘回憶。

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The HKUAA Clubhouse Restaurant offers approximately 20 classic dim sum dishes every Saturday and Sunday, providing a dedicated space for alumni and their loved ones to gather and enjoy the delightful tradition of dim sum.

校友會會所餐廳,逢星期六及日及公眾假期均會於午市時段供應約20款經典點心,讓各位校友可以於專屬地方,與親友一同享受 #飲茶 的歡樂時光!


We've listened to the feedback from our valued members. From 18th May onwards, The Clubhouse will be offering 20 new dim sum creations, each one crafted to elevate your dining experience with friends and family. Please feel free to check out the full dim sum menu on

Additionally, HKUAA Dining wants to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. To celebrate the early summer season and welcome back our alumni, we're delighted to offer you special early summer offers! Both offers will be valid until 30 June 2024.

Weekend Lunch discount
Simply present your receipt from any weekday visit during your lunch visit on any weekend or public holiday to avail the following offer:
- Regular Members enjoy 10% off on your bill
- Life Members enjoy 20% off on your bill

Happy Hour Delights
Indulge in our delightful Happy Hour at DB Lounge, the exclusive space for our alumni, from 3 PM to 6 PM daily:
- Tea & Coffee for just $18
- House Wine by the glass for $28
- 30% off all alcoholic beverages (excluding bottled wine)



- Regular Member享9折
- Life Member 享8折

每天下午3至6時,惠顧校友專屬酒吧DB Lounge,盡情享受以下優惠:
- 香茶和咖啡只需18港元
- House Wine只需28港元
- 所有酒精飲品享7折(不包括瓶裝酒)

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


The HKUAA Dining team wishes you and your family a wonderful Mother's Day filled with great food, good laughter, and cherished memories.


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Mother’s Day is approaching, and Chef Ka-wing Lai, Executive Chef of our Chinese restaurant, has poured his culinary love into two special set menus for our alumni. Available throughout May, perfect for celebrating the mothers who nourish our lives.

With the warmth of your support, Mother’s Day weekend is filling fast, we encourage you to book soon to savour these heartfelt creations with your beloved family. And for a delightful midday gathering, join us for a proper and comforting Chinese lunch – another way to show your love and appreciation!

Please note that on May 11th and 12th (Mother’s Day Weekend) a minimum spending of $350 per head will apply for dinner bookings.

For reservations, please contact us via phone or WhatsApp at +852 2522 7968. We look forward to serving you and your beloved family at this special festival.

#母親節 將至,會所中菜廳行政總廚黎家榮師傅,特別位各位校友設計了兩款限定套餐,以精緻美味的中式佳餚為您傳遞孝心,細味美食,盡享天倫。限定套餐將於五月份全月供應。


請注意,5月11日和12日(母親節周末) ,晚餐惠顧每位最低消費350港元。

預訂電話或WhatsApp:+852 2522 7968

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Alumni reunions are made even more joyful when shared over a sumptuous feast! The clubhouse‘s Chinese restaurant proudly presents its signature in Superior Broth - a generous portion brimming with exquisite flavours from every tender bite. This classic pairs beautifully with wine, making it the perfect celebratory centerpiece to bond over with your closest friends and family.

Our chef recommends first savouring the natural delights, then drizzling on the secret homemade ground ginger soy sauce for a flavour revelation. This labour of love requires advanced preparation, so be sure to reserve in advanced. Elevate your reunion into a truly memorable indulgence.

校友們聚餐,人多最高興!會所中菜廳的招牌美食 #慢煮鹽水鵝,份量十足,每個部位各具風味,佐酒亦佳,最適合人多聚餐時與親友一同品嚐,為您的聚會更添氣氛。


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Savor the delights of Shunde Cuisine at HKUAA Clubhouse!

Shunde cuisine emphasizes freshness and is particularly suitable for tasting during the transition of spring and summer. Starting from March, HKUAA Dining’s Executive Chef Ka-wing Lai, who will specially present a series of Shunde delicacies to all alumni. One of his personal favorite dishes is the Oil Poached Marble Goby, precise control of the heat is especially important to achieve a crispy exterior and tender interior. It is recommended to first savor the freshness and crispy texture of the Marble Goby, and then enjoy it further by pouring on the homemade soy sauce.

The Shunde Delicacies Series is now available and will be promoted until the end of May. Please make reservations to savor the flavours of Shunde.

#順德菜 著重清鮮,特別適合在春夏交替的季節品嚐。今個3月起,校友會會所中菜廳行政總廚 #黎家榮榮師傅 ,特別為各位校友呈獻一系列順德美饌。當中的油浸筍殼更是他個人最喜愛的菜式:選用一斤重的筍殼,用滾油浸熟,整個過程只需幾分鐘,火喉的控制尤其重要,才能達至外脆內嫩的效果。上碟後,再淋上爆香的薑葱絲連熟油即成。建議先吃魚的鮮味及香脆口感,然後再淋上特調豉油品嚐。


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Chef Ka-Wing Lai, the Executive Chef of HKUAA Clubhouse, has a deep passion for nostalgic Chinese dishes. He spent countless hours seeking guidance from master chefs and meticulously studying their techniques, always striving to perfect his craft.

The from the HKUAA Restaurant menu is one of his favourite creations. It takes time and patience to prepare, but the result is a truly unforgettable dining experience.

If you’re looking for a taste of nostalgia with a modern twist, be sure to try Chef Lai’s Crispy Salt-baked Chicken. Remember to book two days in advance, as this dish is lovingly prepared with the utmost care.

香港大學校友會中菜廳行政總廚 #黎家榮師傅,素來喜愛鑽研懷舊菜,除了向老師傅討教,亦會反覆嘗試研究小技巧,務求精益求精。 #招牌脆皮鹽焗雞 是他個人推介的心水菜式,因製作需時,敬請兩天前預訂。

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In addition to an extensive wine list, there are also plenty of creative non-alcoholic beverage options available at the HKUAA Clubhouse restaurant. These include two mocktails designed by mixologists, as well as carefully selected sparkling tea options. They are all refreshing and delightful, making them ideal choices as pre-meal drinks.

除了豐富的酒單,香港大學校友會會所餐廳亦提供不少別出心裁的無酒精飲品選擇,如兩款由調酒師設計的Mocktails,以及精心挑選的Sparkling Tea系列,均非常清新怡人,是餐前飲品的理想選擇。

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Today is the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, which is also recognized as ”renri,“ the birthday of human beings! We invite all alumni to join us for dinner at HKUAA Dining and order a serving of our Honey-glazed Golden Oyster Toast. Share the delightful and joyful taste with your loved ones.

初七又稱人日,是我們的「生日」!各位校友到HKUAA Clubhouse晚飯,不妨點一客蜜餞金蠔多士,與親友們共享甜蜜美滿滋味。

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


for HKUAA Alumni on 29 Feb! Leap into a Special Shanzi x Traditional Pairing Dinner

On February 29th, the HKUAA clubhouse restaurant will welcome its first event of 2024. Shanxi Fenjiu is a renowned Chinese spirit with a history of excellence. It stands out among strong-aroma liquors like Maotai and yellow wine, belonging to the pure and elegant aroma category. At the pairing dinner, guests will taste two high-quality Fenjiu varieties.

The menu, designed by Executive Chef Ka-Wing Lai, perfectly complements the flavours of Fenjiu. A Fenjiu expert will also be present to provide insights and guided tastings, ensuring a refreshing and enlightening liquor experience for all members.

Date : 29-2-2024
Time : 7pm to 10pm
Price : $798 per pax
Life Members enjoy 10% off; BEA HKU Credit Card (Exclusive for Graduates) enjoy 5% off.

Each attending guest will receive one Stölzle crystal wine glass.

For enquiries and reservations, please feel free to contact us via phone or WhatsApp at +852 2522 7968. We look forward to serving you soon.

2月29日,HKUAA會所餐廳將迎來2024年到首個活動: #山西汾酒與古法粵菜配對晚宴 。汾酒是中國名酒之一,擁有悠長的歷史,在中國酒評會屢獲殊榮,汾酒有別於茅台及五糧液等濃香中國酒,屬於清香型的中國酒。


晚宴名額有限,會員們如欲訂座,歡迎致電或 WhatsApp +852 2522 7968 。

*HKUAA Clubhouse Restaurant will be closed on the first day of the Chinese New Year and will resume operations on the second day.

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Hurry, Limited Quantities Available!
Grab your CNY pudding now

Chinese New Year is around the corner, and the HKUAA Dining is presenting two special festive treats for our alumni. Indulge in the exquisite flavors of ABALONE & CONPOY TURNIP PUDDING $238 (850g) & PANDAN & COCONUT MILK PUDDING $178 (850g).

Pre-order 5 boxes or more to enjoy a discount, and our esteemed Life Members can avail a special 10% off. These delectable delights are handcrafted and available in limited quantities, so grab them before they’re gone!

Redemption location: HKUAA Clubhouse (delivery arrangement is not available)
Redemption period: 26-1 to 9-2-2024

*HKUAA Clubhouse Restaurant will be closed on the first day of the Chinese New Year and will resume operations on the second day.

農曆新年將至,香港大學校友會會所餐廳為各位校友呈獻兩款特色賀年糕點 #鮑魚金瑤蘿蔔糕 (定價 $238 I 850g) 及 #班蘭椰汁年糕 (定價 $178 I 850g),全部手功製作,數量有限,售完即止。預購5盒或以上可享折扣,Life Members專享9折優惠。


*圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限

Photos from HKUAA Dining's post 26/01/2024

To welcome the Year of the Dragon 🐉 the Clubhouse Restaurant is introducing a series of festive delights for you to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Executive Chef Ka-Wing Lai presents the exquisite “CNY Assorted Tossed Salad” , which features premium ingredients such as abalone, fish maw, sea cucumber, and lobster. The dish is not only visually stunning but also incredibly delicious.

In addition, Chef Lai has carefully crafted the classic “Pan-fried Jumbo Prawns with Tomato and Supreme Soy Sauce” and the “Honey-glazed Semi-Dried Oysters on Toast.” There are also more Chinese New Year Delights available from February 1st to February 24th. Please make reservations in advance.

*HKUAA Clubhouse Restaurant will be closed on the first day of the Chinese New Year and will resume operations on the second day.

迎接龍年,香港大學校友會會所餐廳推出一系列應節佳餚,與您歡度新春。行政總廚黎家榮師傅特別推介 #風生水起 ,採用鮑魚、花膠、海參、龍蝦等矜貴食材製作,色彩繽紛,不止意頭佳,亦非常味美!除此以外,經典菜式 #茄汁煎大蝦碌 是不少人的童年回憶,黎師傅特別用心調教醬汁,令人回味無窮。 #蜜餞金蠔多士 亦是黎師傅的得意之作,精選金蠔隻隻甘香飽滿,細心以蜜糖調教醬汁香煎,搭配迷你多士同吃,一口一個,口感更豐富。



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Braving the cold winter, we present a comforting elixir that warms the depths of your being – an authentic blend of Double-boiled Almond Soup with Pig’s Lung. This delightful soup is carefully crafted with multiple steps. Our secret lies in the homemade almond juice, adding a touch of sweetness to the velvety white soup. It’s a harmonious balance of flavours that leaves you feeling nourished and rejuvenated, inside and out.

Experience the magic of our Double-boiled Almond Soup with Pig’s Lung, available in two sizes, from individual serving to sharing with larger groups, catering to your appetite. This culinary gem is limited in quantity, prepared fresh each day. Don’t miss out on the chance to savour its comforting embrace – it’s a fleeting indulgence that captures the essence of winter’s warmth.



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“Yin-Yang” Rice was extremely popular in the 70s to 80s. It is a dish that combines Chinese ingredients and cooking methods with Western-style sauces, embodying the fusion of local Chinese and Western cultures. It holds nostalgic memories for a generation.
Chef Ka-wing Lai has elevated this dish to a new level. In addition to using higher-quality ingredients, he also pays special attention to the two sauces: the tomato chicken sauce is made from freshly cooked tomatoes, offering a sweet and fruity flavor, while the white sauce for the prawns is made with milk instead of cream, resulting in a creamy white color and a smoother texture. It is an outstanding comfort food that allows you to satisfy dual cravings with each bowl.


黎家榮師傅將這道美食在本質上昇華,除了用上更優質食材,以及鑊氣十足的蛋炒飯,兩款紅白醬汁亦用心處理:蕃茄雞絲的醬汁用上鮮茄熬製,鮮甜中帶果香;白汁大蝦則用上牛奶取代忌廉製作,除了顏色雪白,亦更加香滑,是一道出色的comford food,讓您一碗接一碗,滿足雙重願望。

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


In celebration of the Year of the Dragon 🐲 HKUAA Dining presents two meticulously crafted puddings for our alumni : ABALONE & CONPOY TURNIP PUDDING $238 (850g) & PANDAN & COCONUT MILK PUDDING $178 (850g).

Gift vouchers are now available for purchase at the clubhouse restaurant. Handmade CNY puddings are in limited quantity and available while stocks last. Bulk order discount applicable from 5 boxes or above, Life Members enjoy exclusive 10% off.
Please visit the clubhouse restaurant to make your selection.

Redemption location: HKUAA Clubhouse (delivery arrangement is not available)
Redemption period: 26-1 to 9-2-2024

#鮑魚金瑤蘿蔔糕 (定價 $238 I 850g) 及 #班蘭椰汁年糕 (定價 $178 I 850g)。 鮑魚金瑤蘿蔔糕精選瑤柱、蝦米及臘味製作,加上特別煨煮的鮑魚仔增添鮮香,配上清甜多汁的蘿蔔,啖啖足料,層次分明; 班蘭椰汁年糕以新鮮班蘭葉及椰汁製成,帶有淡淡班蘭芳香及輕甜椰香,加上香脆花生糖碎及椰絲,香甜可口,老少咸宜。

兩款手作年糕供應有限,售完即止。禮券現已於HKUAA會所餐廳有售,預購5盒或以上可享折扣,Life Members專享9折優惠。


*圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Indulge in nostalgia with a beloved dish from the 80s - ! The HKUAA Chinese restaurant is delighted to present this exquisite handmade delicacy. Whether it's a professional gathering or a heartwarming family reunion, ordering this Stuffed Sea Whelk adds a touch of elegance to any occasion. To ensure its perfection, we kindly ask you to pre-order this delightful dish at least one day in advance. Join us and savour the flavours of tradition and togetherness!

#焗釀響螺 常見於80年代的高級喜宴,極具體面,滿載情懷。校友會中菜廳為各位校友帶來這款手功名菜,無論是商務用餐,抑或幾代同堂的晚飯,點一道焗釀響螺,立即充滿儀式感。由於製作需時,敬請於1天前預訂。

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


HKUAA Dining welcomes a fresh start in December 2023, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our members for their support. In the coming year, the Chinese restaurant and DB Lounge are committed to meticulously curating delightful culinary experiences for our members, adding more flavours and cherished memories to every gathering. Thank you for being part of our journey.

香港大學校友會會所餐廳剛於2023年12月迎來新氣象,在此感謝各位會員的支持。來年會所餐廳及DB Lounge 承諾將繼續為會員細心安排每對頓美酒佳餚,令會員們的每次相聚帶來更多滋味回憶!

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


Wishing you all a winter solstice filled with love and warmth, and a Merry Christmas from HKUAA Dining. On this festive occasion, let's gather at DB Lounge and raise a toast to alumni camaraderie! Join us for a heart-warming celebration this Christmas season 🥃🍸🌇

香港大學校友會會所餐廳祝各位冬至及聖誕快樂。適逢佳節,一於相約校友們到DB Lounge 乾杯!

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限

Photos from HKUAA Dining's post 14/12/2023

HKUAA and its executive committee members hosted a delightful and cozy opening ceremony for its clubhouse restaurant last Saturday, in the afternoon of 9th December, 2023.

Gracing the event with their presence were our Hon Vice Presidents Mr. Stephen Shue-kwan Ip, Mrs. Margaret Ko Leung and Professor Frederick Ma, our Past Presidents as well as presidents of other HKU alumni associations. It was an enjoyable afternoon where new and old members had the opportunity to mingle and savor the delectable dishes prepared by the Chinese restaurant.

The HKUAA Clubhouse exclusively serves its members. If you are a graduate of the University of Hong Kong and wish to become a member, please visit the official HKUAA website at

Furthermore, thanks to the overwhelming support from our members, reservations for December are in high demand. For table bookings, please feel free to call or WhatsApp us at +852 2522 7968.
We look forward to providing our esteemed members with a refreshing and memorable experience.



此外,承蒙各會員的愛戴,12月份的預約非常踴躍,會員們如欲訂座,歡迎致電或 Whatsapp +852 2522 7968。

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


After a month-long hiatus, the Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) clubhouse Chinese restaurant and DB Lounge are set to resume service tonight. We have managed the enhancement project in collaboration with Drawing Room Concepts (DRC), an experienced restaurant management company, who will also be the catering service operator of this newly refurbished Clubhouse.

The HKUAA clubhouse exclusively caters to its esteemed members. If you're a Hong Kong University graduate and wish to apply for membership, please visit the official HKUAA website at On the other hand, thanks to the overwhelming support from our members, reservations for December have been in high demand. To secure your seats, feel free to call or WhatsApp us at +852 6612 6640.

Get ready for a refreshing experience as we eagerly await the pleasure of serving our valued members once again. Stay tuned for more updates!

睽違一個月,由HKUAA的執行委員會與餐廳營運合作夥伴DRC攜手合作,香港大學校友會會所中菜廳及DB Lounge的升級工程經已完成,並將於今天晚市重新投入服務。

香港大學校友會會所只招待會員,各位香港大學畢業生如欲申請成為會員,歡迎瀏覽HKUAA官方網站 。此外,承蒙各會員的愛戴,12月份的預約非常踴躍,會員們如欲訂座,歡迎致電或WhatsApp +852 2522 7968


#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限


To create a truly enchanting dining ambiance, HKUAA and the management team at DRC meticulously adorned the clubhouse with touches of perfection. Historic photographs of the University of Hong Kong grace the walls, while floral arrangements representing the iconic Lotus Pond adorn the space, evoking cherished memories at every turn.

The HKUAA clubhouse restaurant will reopen for dinner service on 9th December, and we look forward to serving our esteemed members.


#倒數1天 HKUAA會所餐廳將於12月9日晚市重開,我們期待即將為各位會員服務。

#香港大學 #港大校友 #校友組織 #會所體驗 #會員聚會 #至於無限

Videos (show all)

#MustTry Executive Chef’s Unforgettable Recommendations!If you’re a new member of HKUAA and feeling unsure about what to...
The newly revamped Chinese restaurant of HKUAA offers a diverse range of high-quality Chinese delicacies. The Clubhouse ...


Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday 12:00 - 23:00
Friday 12:00 - 23:00
Saturday 12:00 - 23:00
Sunday 12:00 - 23:00