Tuesday Workshop

Tuesday Workshop

🔮Crystal . Gemstone . Pearl . Accessories .🔮

💫Law of Attraction💫

🪐The Power of Universe 🪐


🧙🏼‍♀️: 諸事不宜 係時候搵嘢擋一擋

🧙🏻‍♀️ 黑水晶亦稱領袖石 有強大的保護力量,能去除環境及個人能量場中的負面能量🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Morion Smoky Quartz 💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Leadership , Protection🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: Thanks for all your trust to prepare this “如珠如寶” bracelet to your bff … 物輕…情義重….

🧙🏼 避免負能量的干擾,有助吸收和消除壓力、疲勞、濁氣等負能量🧙🏼

🧙🏼 Deep soul healing , release negativity🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer




🧙🏼‍♀️: The number one reason people fail in life is that they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.

🧙🏻‍♀️ 吸除負能量、消除壓力/疲勞, 改善運氣🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Black Tourmaline💎
🧙🏻‍♀️An Incredibly protective stone , protect from negative emotion and intentions🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂硨磲 💎
🧙🏼 具有強力磁場,可消災解厄、避邪鎮煞、保平安 、穩定情緒、去除雜念、增加智慧、消除煩惱業障、調養身心平衡🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Tridacna Stone 💎
🧙🏼 Most important spiritual stone protect you from evil spirit. It can stabilise mood, eliminate worry , balance mental and physical state, soothe frightened nerves, help insomnia🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 這位”月亮之子” 擁抱不同月亮既特質🌝
黑月亮保持神秘 白月亮靜靜地安撫情緒
橙月亮相信自己 從不逃避..

🧙🏻‍♀️ 月亮石據稱具有深層的情感治療功能,能提高情商,安撫情緒的波動,使內心恢復平靜。月亮石更可改善由內而外的氣質,以帶來從容的舉止,與優雅的態度。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Moon Stone💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Help calm responses and stress, avoid overreaction. It brings hope , enhance feminine energies, sensitivity and intuition. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 好有”💖”既紫晶座 能量滿滿..

🧙🏻‍♀️紫水晶主領導才能的駕馭,能夠帶來貴人運,並且具有包容心,在主管領袖中能夠消除霸氣的壓力,帶貴氣,以心來服人,讓屬下能夠發自內心的效勞,具有因貴得財之意. 紫水晶的另一個寓意就是像徵愛情,進一步說就是增進人緣及異性緣,總結起來可以用神秘、浪漫、高雅來形容它. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ February Stone. Amethyst encourage selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It enhance memory , improves motivation. It’s good to helping you to make decision and moving forward in life. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 粉晶心襯埋紫晶心好靚呀….

🧙🏻‍♀️紫水晶主領導才能的駕馭,能夠帶來貴人運,並且具有包容心,在主管領袖中能夠消除霸氣的壓力,帶貴氣,以心來服人,讓屬下能夠發自內心的效勞,具有因貴得財之意. 紫水晶的另一個寓意就是像徵愛情,進一步說就是增進人緣及異性緣,總結起來可以用神秘、浪漫、高雅來形容它. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ February Stone. Amethyst encourage selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It enhance memory , improves motivation. It’s good to helping you to make decision and moving forward in life. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️粉晶能鬆弛緊張的情緒,多配戴, 可增強個人的氣場裏的粉紅光, 感情運會特別順利。粉晶亦可幫助舒緩煩燥心情,使心胸廣闊,易體諒別人,和易於感應到別人的內心意欲。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Rose Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ It promotes self love, confidence, compassionate for others. It is also known as romance stone. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 真係好比心機整呢份生日禮物..
更希望收禮物嘅主人翁開開心心, 少d煩憂..


🧙🏻‍♀️紫鋰輝石可使人心情愉悅, 帶來平和,積極的態度,有助於靈性開法, 消除緊張壓力.🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️Flow with life and allows event to be unfold and resolve themselves 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ 白水晶的能量可使個人頭腦清晰,精神爽利。提高工作效率。

🥂Clear Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Clear thinking is increased, and it helps to establish a neutral attitude and a promotion of problem-solving thinking.🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ 鬆弛緊張情緒、舒緩煩躁心情,使心胸廣闊 . 對於人際關係、愛情及加強自身魅力有絕對的增值作用。

🥂Phosphosiderite 💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ Help to relieve feelings of anger and reduce stress / anxiety. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️紫水晶主領導才能的駕馭,能夠帶來貴人運,並且具有包容心,在主管領袖中能夠消除霸氣的壓力,帶貴氣,以心來服人,讓屬下能夠發自內心的效勞,具有因貴得財之意. 紫水晶的另一個寓意就是像徵愛情,進一步說就是增進人緣及異性緣,總結起來可以用神秘、浪漫、高雅來形容它. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ February Stone. Amethyst encourage selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It enhance memory , improves motivation. It’s good to helping you to make decision and moving forward in life. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️石榴帶來勇氣 , 平衡情緒, 招來幸福與永恆的愛情 . 更視為女士身體健康的寶石🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️January Stone . Greatest stone during crisis. Bring you strength and courage and provide you with hope. It’s good for women health🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️:幫到客人解決問題 整左一個咁靚既set .. 大愛呀!

🧙🏼 超七可令你提高運勢,做事更順,事半功倍。超七能量非常全面, 更可加強其他水晶既能量🧙🏼

🥂Super 7 / Melody’s stone💎
🧙🏼 One of the most powerful crystal, it’s soothing and energising , and bring you good luck 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 祝大家 新年快樂 萬事如意!!

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 如果流年犯太歲 可以試吓戴太陽石…

🧙🏼 如大家好好運用金太陽的能量,周遭的人都會以你為中心,凡事都會奉你為首,老闆、上司會看重你,同事、朋友會歡迎你,甚至認為不可沒有了你,有利的事都總會預你一份. 金太陽石在招貴人方面也十分出色🧙🏼

🥂Sun stone 💎
🧙🏼It carries the happy energies of the Sun. Increase your personal power and bring blessings. 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 希望呢個 係一個無敵嘅組合!!

🧙🏻‍♀️可增強事業運 開多啲單 搵多啲客 步步高陞 心想事成🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Green Phantom💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Organise feeling and refresh gloomy feeling, getting rid of hesitation or anxiety. Good for career🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏼黃水晶可創造意外之財 🧙🏼

🧙🏼Stone that finding your power and unlock your potential and attract prosperity. The “happy stone” that light up your life in unexpected way.🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️:凍冰冰嘅日子 獻上有温度既fixing service ..

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 年廿八 洗邋遢
水晶都要定時clear 繼續養精蓄銳 帶出好氣場…

🧙🏻‍♀️ 白水晶的能量可使個人頭腦清晰,精神爽利。提高工作效率。

🥂Clear Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Clear thinking is increased, and it helps to establish a neutral attitude and a promotion of problem-solving thinking.🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼: 新年就到,大家可以放金元寶, 招財進寶!

🧙🏼黃水晶可創造意外之財 🧙🏼

🧙🏼Stone that finding your power and unlock your potential and attract prosperity. The “happy stone” that light up your life in unexpected way.🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer



🧙🏼: “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar

🧙🏼黃水晶可創造意外之財 🧙🏼

🧙🏼Stone that finding your power and unlock your potential and attract prosperity. The “happy stone” that light up your life in unexpected way.🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 機會一瞬即逝…遇上心頭好..

🧙🏼 超七可令你提高運勢,做事更順,事半功倍。超七能量非常全面, 更可加強其他水晶既能量🧙🏼

🥂Super 7 / Melody’s stone💎
🧙🏼 One of the most powerful crystal, it’s soothing and energising , and bring you good luck 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼: 今次呢款聖木 , 可以戴喺手上, 超級香!

🧙🏻‍♀️ 聖木有著強大的辟邪擋煞能力,能夠去除不乾淨的東西,淨化自身的磁場, 更是一個很好的護身符,並改善運氣。

🥂Palo Santo💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ Palo Santo, which means “holy wood” or “wood of the saints”. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 客人屋外景緻真係Breathtaking !!
配上8粒黃水晶球 擋一擋屋外既工程
即刻更加心曠神怡 六合彩都即刻中!

🧙🏼黃水晶可創造意外之財 🧙🏼

🧙🏼Stone that finding your power and unlock your potential and attract prosperity. The “happy stone” that light up your life in unexpected way.🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 2023 最後一單transactions
2024 第一單delivery
Wish all my customers have a happy 2024 !!

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼: If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.

🧙🏻‍♀️ 摩根石在是愛、魅力、機智與親切的象徵, 能帶給人平靜的感覺,故被認為可以減壓,帶給人放鬆的心情的神器🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ Morganite is often associated with love, compassion, and empathy.🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼: Miracles will happen if you believe in it …

🧙🏻‍♀️粉晶能鬆弛緊張的情緒,多配戴, 可增強個人的氣場裏的粉紅光, 感情運會特別順利。粉晶亦可幫助舒緩煩燥心情,使心胸廣闊,易體諒別人,和易於感應到別人的內心意欲。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Rose Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ It promotes self love, confidence, compassionate for others. It is also known as romance stone. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer

Photos from Tuesday Workshop's post 03/11/2023

🧙🏼:Glad to send my best wishes to this lovely family.

🧙🏼 如大家好好運用金太陽的能量,周遭的人都會以你為中心,凡事都會奉你為首,老闆、上司會看重你,同事、朋友會歡迎你,甚至認為不可沒有了你,有利的事都總會預你一份. 金太陽石在招貴人方面也十分出色🧙🏼

🥂Sun stone 💎
🧙🏼It carries the happy energies of the Sun. Increase your personal power and bring blessings. 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 粉晶可以招人緣..
好朋友 好同事 .. 好人好事🌹

🧙🏻‍♀️粉晶能鬆弛緊張的情緒,多配戴, 可增強個人的氣場裏的粉紅光, 感情運會特別順利。粉晶亦可幫助舒緩煩燥心情,使心胸廣闊,易體諒別人,和易於感應到別人的內心意欲。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Rose Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ It promotes self love, confidence, compassionate for others. It is also known as romance stone. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


Let’s find the one you love 💕

🧙🏻‍♀️ 月亮石據稱具有深層的情感治療功能,能提高情商,安撫情緒的波動,使內心恢復平靜。月亮石更可改善由內而外的氣質,以帶來從容的舉止,與優雅的態度。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Moon Stone💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Help calm responses and stress, avoid overreaction. It brings hope , enhance feminine energies, sensitivity and intuition. 🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: Stop. Slow Down and Breath.


🧙🏻‍♀️紫鋰輝石可使人心情愉悅, 帶來平和,積極的態度,有助於靈性開法, 消除緊張壓力.🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️Flow with life and allows event to be unfold and resolve themselves 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ 月亮石據稱具有深層的情感治療功能,能提高情商,安撫情緒的波動,使內心恢復平靜。月亮石更可改善由內而外的氣質,以帶來從容的舉止,與優雅的態度。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Moon Stone💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Help calm responses and stress, avoid overreaction. It brings hope , enhance feminine energies, sensitivity and intuition. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏼 令工作𣈱順. 更能夠幫助消除心中煩惱、鬱悶與不快,帶來真正開心、喜悅的心情。🧙🏼

🥂Green Tourmaline💎
🧙🏼Stone that boost inner joy, peace of mind and optimism , playfulness, feeling of laughter and happiness 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: Trust yourself you’ve survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming !

🧙🏼 如大家好好運用金太陽的能量,周遭的人都會以你為中心,凡事都會奉你為首,老闆、上司會看重你,同事、朋友會歡迎你,甚至認為不可沒有了你,有利的事都總會預你一份. 金太陽石在招貴人方面也十分出色🧙🏼

🥂Sun stone 💎
🧙🏼It carries the happy energies of the Sun. Increase your personal power and bring blessings. 🧙🏼

🧙🏼可聚財及辟邪 配合其他水晶共用 可增強能量🧙🏼

🥂Gibeon 💎

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼‍♀️: 感謝認識到呢幾位好老闆..
希望 #綠幽靈 令你地忙得好快樂😜

🧙🏻‍♀️可增強事業運 開多啲單 搵多啲客 步步高陞 心想事成🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Green Phantom💎
🧙🏻‍♀️Organise feeling and refresh gloomy feeling, getting rid of hesitation or anxiety. Good for career🧙🏻‍♀️

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼: Forgot the mistake. Remember the lesson.

🧙🏼水晶球代表圓滿 彩虹代表對家庭 愛情 事業的豐收 也代表對未來的祈昐及祝福🧙🏼

🥂Quartz Rainbow💎
🧙🏼Prosperity Love and Hope🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer


🧙🏼:Always spend time on improving yourself.

🧙🏼 移除負能量、將壓力及負面情緒轉化為正能量🧙🏼

🧙🏼Cleanse your aura of negative energy , healing your shadow 🧙🏼

🧙🏻‍♀️紫水晶主領導才能的駕馭,能夠帶來貴人運,並且具有包容心,在主管領袖中能夠消除霸氣的壓力,帶貴氣,以心來服人,讓屬下能夠發自內心的效勞,具有因貴得財之意. 紫水晶的另一個寓意就是像徵愛情,進一步說就是增進人緣及異性緣,總結起來可以用神秘、浪漫、高雅來形容它. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️ February Stone. Amethyst encourage selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It enhance memory , improves motivation. It’s good to helping you to make decision and moving forward in life. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏻‍♀️粉晶能鬆弛緊張的情緒,多配戴, 可增強個人的氣場裏的粉紅光, 感情運會特別順利。粉晶亦可幫助舒緩煩燥心情,使心胸廣闊,易體諒別人,和易於感應到別人的內心意欲。🧙🏻‍♀️

🥂Rose Quartz💎
🧙🏻‍♀️ It promotes self love, confidence, compassionate for others. It is also known as romance stone. 🧙🏻‍♀️

🧙🏼 天青石連結靈性和天使能量;鼓勵人們探索靈性領域,啟蒙和淨化心輪。🧙🏼

🥂Celestine 💎
🧙🏼 Great for connect with your sprit guides and angels. It attracts prosperity and happiness 🧙🏼

✨所有晶石均為天然水晶 每粒的紋路 型態均獨一無二
✨每款設計只有少量存貨 請體諒補貨及製作需時
✨All crystals are natural; they are all different in shape and unique.

Processing Time 💎:
🧙🏻‍♀️All product are made to order.
✈️It will be delivered 3 weeks after payment made.

Payment 💰:
🗺Overseas : PayPal

Delivery 🧿:
🚚 HK : 順豐到付 / HK post
✈️ Overseas : Registered Post paid by buyer

