AMT Asia - Method Eline Snel

AMT Asia - Method Eline Snel

At the Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT) Asia we offer teacher training programs in the Method Elin


Learn about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in this free online information session.

Discover techniques to manage stress, calm and relax the nervous system, to help regulate our emotions and understand the way that our thoughts contribute to our stress, and much much more. In this session I will introduce you to what Mindfulness IS, and what it is NOT, through some experiential practices and teaching elements. You’ll learn about me as we connect and experience the wonderful world of MBSR.

Register at the link below for the zoom details.

If you are interested in joining the 8-week MBSR course and cannot attend this information session, please complete the course registration below and I will contact you for a 1-1 intake meeting. There is no obligation to join after the meeting – this is just the first step in the journey.

MBSR Expression of Interest Registration:

You are also welcome to contact me directly Angie Bucu

Earth week, spring and joining meditation communities 28/04/2024

Earth week, spring and joining meditation communities “This very body we have….with it’s aches and pleasures, is exactly what we need to be fully awake, fully alive, fully human.” Pema Chödrön


“All countries must side with peace…”
Pope Francis.
Please stope this insanity. All we need is peace and to live together in fair and just societies
It is too heartbreaking for any human let alone those living in this violence to bare 💔


Happy Birthday to our dear friend and teacher Eline Snel from the AMT Asia team and all our wonderful Mindfulness Matters teachers in Asia.

Helen Mindful Vibes Angie Bucu

Free Information Session – MBSR 20/02/2024

🐉 How has the dragon year begun for you?
💫 Perhaps you’re in need of a little boost, some energy, better attention or maybe you could do with slowing down and reconnecting with what is important to you.

🪷 attention, intention with a curious and caring attitude is how mindful awareness helps us move toward what is important and needed.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Learn about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in this free online info session – discover practices to help you thrive.

Join us for a FREE online information session on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Tonight Feb 20 - 7pm to 8:30pm Hong Kong Time - on Zoom

8-week MBSR course starts Feb 27.

Free Information Session – MBSR Learn about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in this free online info session – discover practices to help you thrive


As fun and joyful as this time of year is and should be, there are some of us who find it hard. We may get anxious about the need to do, be or feel the right way. We may suffer mentally, psychologically, or physically when we feel others are having a wow of a time. If you feel this way, can you access support?

Would you like to learn ways to be kind, caring, understanding and accepting of what you are experiencing when you are suffering in this way?

MBSR is a beautiful, supportive and strengths-based, holistic way to take care of yourself through mindfulness and meditation. In the hands of an experienced, caring and responsive instructor (Angie Bucu) and a willingness to tap into your own inner goodness, you can walk the path to living through these times with greater resilience, more openness and understanding. And this is truly caring for yourself and others in your life.

If you’d like to know more about how this can help you get in touch and we can have a 1-1 chat to help you explore if the MBSR is right for you.

The early bird offer for the next public offering closes on Dec 31.

Here are some words from those who have benefited from our program.


Joining communities...finding your sangha. In this newsletter I share details of one and two day mindfulness and meditation retreats.

🌟Community is more than a place to practice together. In community we share our common intentions, we learn to listen deeply to ourselves and others and we find a collective compassion in the stillness. I hope you will join us.


Joining communities...finding your sangha
I bring together the communities I share my work with...because this work and these events are for everyone...we are one community of friends supporting each other - and those around us through presence, attention and a willingness to be balanced and even-minded together.

How Do Elementary Students Show Kindness to Others? 11/10/2023

Kids really do care about being kind and caring for each other. They also receive this in different ways than their teacher does - and by extension other adults. A really interesting study out of Canada shares that the “results suggest that classmates, more so than teachers, notice and appreciate others who think about, and therefore enact, kindness in ways that are compassionate and inclusive. Perhaps this is because classmates are more likely to be the beneficiaries of children’s compassion and inclusion than teachers.”

What do you think or find I. Your classrooms?

How Do Elementary Students Show Kindness to Others? We asked fourth and fifth graders about how they think about kindness—and they were particularly attuned to compassion and inclusion.


AMT Asia graduates are you looking for a retreat led in Cantonese?
A 3 day option is being offered for those who are finding it hard to fulfill the full 5 days.


Our Mindfulness for Children Teacher Training is starting on September 23rd! It's a 6-day course spread across 3 weekends from September to November. We are so excited that we can meet our participants in-person and share this valuable learning experience together at our upcoming venue in Sheung Wan.

If this is something you are interested in, don't miss out! We have 2 spots left!
Contact us now for details: [email protected]
Or register directly here:

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all.


#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


We are very excited about our upcoming mindfulness for children teacher training!
There's still a chance to join us, we have 2 spots left!
Please contact us: [email protected] for details!
Or go directly to our website for registration!

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


In our newsletter out today:
🌿 how mindfulness is a fun and engaging way to teach kids
🌿 6-day teacher training begins Sept 23
🌿 August 22 free information session
🌿 Implementing Mindfulness in Schools
🌿Retreats begin again - new retreat for AMT trained teachers
🌿 MBSR offerings
🌿 slow down mid week to take a pause and by joining on on the weekly community meditation practice

Enjoy! send us your feedback and don't forget to share the love 🐸❤️💚🐸

Academy for Mindful Teaching Asia - How do you teach mindfulness to children? Can they really be still? Learn more here.
We also have details of an upcoming multi-day retreat for AMT trained teachers. And if you know a friend, collegue or maybe a family member for whom it might be the right time to explore how mindfulness can support them, our teacher Angie is offering an MBSR soon. Check out our newsletter for details and much more.


Are you interested in becoming a mindfulness teacher for children? Have questions about what you need to do or wonder how this can help children? Join our free information session to find out more!

Sign up here and we will see you online soon!

⚡️A little reminder that this teacher training is being offered in Hong Kong in person. We would love to meet interested friends from all over the world, we will only be offering the training in Hong Kong at this time.

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


Weekly news from our lead trainer Angie Bucu. Did you knwo that Angie is also an MBSR teacher. If you are interested in becomeing a mindfulness teacher for children and you ahve yet to complete your own 8-week mindfulness course, you may be interested in joining Angie's courses. The next one begins on August 30 for those in Hong Kong, in Causeway Bay.

A whole lot of mindfulness in this newsletter. See our article on "The trouble with apps" and an interesting article from Choice. Convinced - join our face to face MBSR course starting in August.
Also details to join the community Practice session this and every Tuesday evening -


Have you ever wondered what materials we use in our sessions when we teach children mindfulness? Here's a little glimpse!
Share with us some of the resources that help you in class.

Interested in our teacher training course: mindfulness teacher for children using the Mindfulness Matters! program - Method Eline Snel 🐸?
Send us any questions about our course, drop us a comment below or reach out to us directly: [email protected].
You can find details and register to our course using the link here:


#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


What a beautiful quote "Sometimes you just need to slow down, stay calm, breathe, and simply let life happen.
Something that we often forget when we can caught up in the busyness of our lives.
Sketches in Stillness


"We can't control everything that happens, but we can change our experience of those things." Sharing and reposting this from Headspace !
Sometimes, we may benefit from a different perspective. 🐸


We offer teacher training course for those interested in teaching mindfulness to children, and one of the questions that we always ask our participants is "What is the most important experience you have had during the training days?"

Their responses not only allow us to understand what pearls our teachers treasure, but also reassures us that these components are valuable and important for participants.

Thank you again for their kind words and we look forward to teaching more participants during our upcoming course this September 2023!

Contact us directly here: [email protected]
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching International - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀

“Cultivating Peace and Happiness in Education” 2023 Retreat for Educators 2023-08-02 to 06 20/07/2023

Hello Mindfulness Matters teachers. In person retreats are back. We will be sharing our plans for a retreat in Lantau later but in the meantime you may be interested in this special offering from Plum Village 🪷🧘🏻‍♀️🪷

“Cultivating Peace and Happiness in Education” 2023 Retreat for Educators 2023-08-02 to 06 Registration linkage will be open on June 21, 2023 18:00 The theme of the retreat is Cultivating Peace and Happiness in Education. This retreat is open to those who are involved in teaching and tra…

Photos from AMT Asia - Method Eline Snel's post 20/07/2023

Thank you very much for more kind words from our past participants! Thank you for being part of the mindfulness teacher community and hope you all continue to enjoy planting seeds in the children around us with the mindfulness skills you have learnt.

🐸 🐸 🐸
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching Asia - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


Reposting and sharing: "Pause, breathe and feel your feet firmly on the ground"

Great little reminders each day from Action for Happiness!

Mindfulness for Children Teacher Training - Free Introduction Workshop 16/07/2023

Many have shared an intention to start or reboot their mindfulness practice. But it's not just adults who can benefit from daily meditation, mindful attention and slowing down to help with attention, calmness and body awareness. Children can also benefit from regular mindfulness practices. Have you thought of teaching mindfulness to your kids, perhaps in your school, home or clinic?

Join us in spreading mindfulness to children around the world. Angie Bucu & AMT Asia are offering free introduction workshops to fill you in on the Teaching Training program for Mindfulness for Children. Next session: July 31 @ 7pm HK time on zoom.
Register here:

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀

Mindfulness for Children Teacher Training - Free Introduction Workshop Join this introductory workshop to learn about the Mindfulness for Children Teacher Training Host: Angie Bucu, Teacher Trainer for AMT Asia


Are you interested in teaching mindfulness to children in your community?
Join us this September for our in-person teacher training.
Don't miss out on our early bird discount!

If you have any questions about the course, drop us a comment below or reach out to us directly: [email protected].

You can find details and register to our course using the link here:

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀

The Power of Mindfulness - Child Mind Institute 11/07/2023

Here's a good read about the power of mindfulness!
Children and teenagers can try practicing mindfulness to help reduce stress and be more focused.

You can also be the person to help children and teenagers out there!
We are offering our next in-person teacher training in September! Don’t miss our early bird offer and register now!

Become an international certified mindfulness teacher for children using the Mindfulness Matters! program - Method Eline Snel 🐸

If you have any questions about the course, drop us a comment below or reach out to us directly: [email protected].

You can find details and register to our course using the link here:

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀

The Power of Mindfulness - Child Mind Institute Learn how mindfulness techniques can help combat stress and alleviate mental health and learning disorders. Child Mind Institute explains the benefits of mindfulness for children.


Don't forget about self-compassion this July!
Show yourself kindness!

Created by and reposted from the amazing
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching International - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


Summer is here! It's the perfect time to spread your kindness to new and old friends you meet! How will you share your kindness today?

Take a look at how our students in the Mindfulness Matters! program learn about kindness! Link:
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching International - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


It’s happening TONIGHT! Join our FREE information session tonight, June 19th 7-8:30pm HKT.

Have all your questions answered by our teacher trainer - Angie Bucu!
Learn about the Mindfulness Matters! program using Method Eline Snel 🐸

Register with us here and you will receive our zoom link to the session:

Hope to see you all there!

Or contact us directly: [email protected]
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching International - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀

Photos from AMT Asia - Method Eline Snel's post 18/06/2023

A gentle reminder for parents and teachers out there. Sometimes it can be hard when our child or student presents with challenging behaviours. Let's take a pause and exhale...

Learn more about mindfulness for children with us in our upcoming free information workshop on Monday night, June 19th 7-8:30pm HKT.
Register with us here and you will receive our zoom link to the session:

Hope to see you all there!
Or contact us directly: [email protected]
Angie Bucu
Academy for Mindful Teaching International - Method Eline Snel

#靜觀 #兒童靜觀 #靜觀導師 #靜觀導師訓練
#香港老師 #香港靜觀 #青少年靜觀


Calling on Mindfulness matters teachers - how is your meditation practice these days? Do you find it hard to make time, especially if you are a school teacher - as we arrive at the end of year?
The support of others when we practice can lift our mood and energy.
Join us online and in person every Tuesday evening for a little tranquility through gentle mindful movement and meditation practice.
Tonight we will do some gentle lying down movement before a restful meditation attending to and relaxing into what is received with the breath and body. For those in Discovery Bay you are welcome to join me at the venue in the plaza. For those online, all you need to do is click on the zoom link on registration. Please complete the one time register here:

Led by Angie every Tuesday .
Register on the google form at the QR code

The Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT) Asia - Method Eline Snel

The Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT) teacher training courses are offered to those who would like to use and teach Mindfulness with children and young people using the Method Eline Snel - (‘Mindfulness Matters’) program. The courses are suitable for teachers, therapists, doctors, special education experts, child coaches, psychologists, psychiatrists and those who work with children from 4 to 19 years of age.

Many will know of these programs through Eline Snel’s wonderful books, Sitting Still Like a Frog, Breathe Through This and the most recently released Sitting Still Like a Frog Activity Book for younger mindfulness kids. Currently, more than 650,000 copies of ‘Sitting still like a Frog’ have been sold in 36 countries. With more than 30 years experience as a Mindfulness trainer or adults, children and adolescents, and an independent therapist, Eline developed the exquisite mindfulness program Mindfulness Matters! (Method Eline Snel) that caters to children and young people in four age groups (4-8, 8-12, 12-14, 15 +).

The International AMT was formed in 2008 to conduct from formal training throughout the world including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Latin America, Hong Kong and Istanbul. She works with an amazing team of professional and dedicated trainers.

AMT Asia was formed in 2017 and our Licenced Partner and lead Trainer Angie Bucu is based in Hong Kong. Angie has been training with young people and children since 2012 and has been conducting teacher training in Hong Kong and the Netherlands with Eline since 2016, now offering training in Hong Kong and to English language communities throughout Asia.

Videos (show all)

Our Mindfulness for Children Teacher Training is starting on September 23rd! It's a 6-day course spread across 3 weekend...
We are very excited about our upcoming mindfulness for children teacher training! There's still a chance to join us, we ...
Summer is here! It's the perfect time to spread your kindness to new and old friends you meet! How will you share your k...
Are you interested in teaching mindfulness to children in your community?Join us this September for our in-person teache...
Summer is here! It's the perfect time to spread your kindness to new and old friends you meet! How will you share your k...
A gentle reminder that we will be hosting another free information session soon! Come join us and learn about how to bec...
It's happening this evening! Don't forget to join us tonight for the free information session about becoming a mindfulne...
New dates are coming up for the AMT Basic Course Teacher Training, 2nd half of 2023!! Registration will begin soon!Stay ...
Are you thinking of becoming an internationally certified mindfulness teacher for children? Here's a great opportunity! ...
Don't forget about tomorrow's special edition of our free introduction workshop for teaching mindfulness to children! It...
Missed our earlier free introduction workshop? Angie Bucu, our teacher trainer at AMT Asia and mindfulness teacher worki...
Don’t forget to join us tonight at our free introduction workshop if you are interested in mindfulness for children and ...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00