Best friend coconut

Best friend coconut

Little things make life more beautiful. Our mission is to make our planet a better place. Our coconut bowls leave no one indifferent, so be our friend

We care about environment, but first of all, we care about your healthy living.


Soy Candle 🕯️
Scent: Grapefruit
100% Zero waste


Happy International Women's Day ❤️🌹



Christmas 🍪



Chia Pudding


🇭🇷 Za sve koji prelaze na “zero-waste”način života, kokosova zdjelica je “must-have”

🇬🇧 For anyone transitioning to a waste-free lifestyle, Coconut Bowls are a must-have



/ eng. / Take it easy, relax,
forget about the stress,
time, responsibilities
and simply enjoy in life,
nature and crystal clear Adriatic sea


My Island 🧡


Aesthetic Monday 🍇🍇


Summer on the Island 🏝
Kod za 15% popusta Coco15


Summer is not over yet 😃


🇭🇷 Veličina se krije u jednostavnosti


🇬🇧 Greatness lies in simplicity


🇭🇷 Ljeto i ljetne radosti 😃😃🥥🥥

🇬🇧 Summer and Summer joys 😃😃🥥🥥


🇭🇷 Kokosova zdjelica je toliko lagana i praktična da će postati vaš idealan suputnik na svim putovanjima 🥥🥥🥥

🇬🇧 The coconut bowl is so light and practical that it will become your ideal companion on all trips 🥥🥥🥥


🇭🇷 Ručno izrađene 100% prirodne zdjelice napravljene od organskih kokosa održivog izvora 🥥🥥🥥

Dizajnirane su da se uvijek iznova koriste s hranom a pritom su lagane, što ih čini praktičnim pratiteljem na putu bez otpada ♻️✅

🇬🇧 Handcrafted 100% natural bowls made from sustainably-sourced organic coconuts 🥥🥥🥥

They are designed to be used over and over again with food and are lightweight making them a handy zero waste travel companion ♻️✅


Enjoying small things 🥥💜💜

Photos from Best friend coconut's post 09/08/2021

🇭🇷 Ponedjeljak … početak radnog tjedna

🇬🇧 Monday… start of the work week


Sunday MOOD 🌊🌊



🇭🇷 Naše održive zdjelice od kokosove ljuske prilagođene su veganima i u njihovoj se proizvodnji ne koriste kemikalije ili pesticidi

Neka vaš smoothie izgleda sjajno u našim kokosovim zdjelicama 🥥🥥🥥 🧡🧡🧡

🇬🇧 Our sustainable coconut shell bowls are all vegan friendly and no chemicals or pesticides are used in their production

Make your smoothie look awesome in our coconut bowls 🥥🥥🥥 🧡🧡🧡


Breakfast with the view 🥥🥥


August is like the Sunday of Summer 🌞🌞🌊🌊


Vitamin Sea 🌊🌊🌊
credit: .croatia


Summer Time ON 🌞🌞🌊🌊


🇭🇷 Budući da su sve naše kokosove zdjelice u potpunosti izrađene ručno, u izradi nisu korištene nikakve kemikalije.

To znači da su potpuno sigurne za držanje hrane.

Izrad ovih zdjela NE uključuje štetan proces proizvodnje otrovnih kemikalija, što samo po sebi štetno utječe na okoliš.


🇬🇧 Because all of our coconut bowls are completely crafted by hand, they do not make use of any chemicals.

That means they are completely safe for holding food.

That also means making these bowls does NOT involve the harmful process of producing toxic chemicals, which has a damaging impact on the environment in itself.



Best time of the Year 🌊🌊🌞🌞

Enjoy 💙💙


🇭🇷 Tko može odoljeti ovoj fotki? 💚

Hvala dragoj Vedrana Orlović]]] na predobroj slici 📸

Recept za ovaj savršen doručak pogledajte na profilu Vedrana Orlović]]]

Glavi sastojak recepta je brašno marelice

🇬🇧 Who can resist this photo? 💚

Thank you dear Vedrana Orlović]]] for the excellent picture 📸

See the recipe for this yummy breakfast on Vedrana Orlović]]]'s profile

The main ingredient of the recipe is apricot flour



🇭🇷 Žlice od ebanovine 💚

Idealan su spoj uz kokosovu zdjelicu

100% prirodne i 100% razgradive

Zašto je bolje jesti drvenom žlicom?

1. Drvena žlica se neće izgrebati i prirodno je nježna

2. Kada kupujete drvenu žlicu koja nije tretirana štetnim kemikalija, uklanjate mogućnost da te kemikalije procure u okoliš

3. Bakterije i klice nisu veliki ljubitelji drva.

Zapravo su drvene žlice puno sigurnije od bilo koje druge žlice zahvaljujući svojim prirodnim svojstvima ubijanja klica.

4. Drvene žlice neće štetno reagirati s kiselinama u nekim namirnicama ili ostaviti gadan, metalni okus, kao što to često imaju metalne žlice.

🇬🇧 Ebony spoons 💚

They are an ideal combination with a coconut bowl

100% natural and 100% degradable

Why is it better to eat with a wooden spoon?

1. A wooden spoon will not scratch and is naturally gentle

2. When you buy a wooden spoon that has not been treated with harmful chemicals, you eliminate the possibility of these chemicals leaking into the environment

3. Bacteria and germs are not big wood lovers.

In fact, wooden spoons are much safer than any other spoon thanks to their natural germ killing properties.

4. Wooden spoons will not react adversely with acids in some foods or leave a nasty, metallic taste, as metal spoons often have.



Have a nice friday 💜💜🧡🧡


🇭🇷 Kako se rashladiti uz najdrže 🫐🫐🫐🧊🧊🧊

🇬🇧 Try blueberries and ice combination


Prekrasna Hrvatska 🌊🌊🌞🌞

Koje je vaše najrdaže mjesto za odmor u Hrvatskoj?

🇬🇧Beautiful Croatia 🌊🌊 🌞🌞

What is your favorite vacation spot in Croatia?



🇭🇷 Neposredno prije kiše 🌧🌧

🇬🇧 Before the rain 🌧🌧


Have a nice weekend 💚💚💚💚


🇭🇷 Hvala dragoj Kipekee] na prekrasnim krilima 💜💜💜


🇬🇧 Thank you dear Kipekee] for the beautiful wings 💜💜💜


🇭🇷 Morske kornjače 🐢🐢

Plastika se masovno proizvodi tek od četrdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, ali ima razarajući utjecaj na morske kornjače.

Istraživanje navodi da je 52% svjetskih kornjača jelo plastični otpad.

Razlozi su jednostavni: plutajuća plastična vrećica može izgledati poput puno meduza, algi ili drugih vrsta koje čine veliku komponentu prehrane morskih kornjača.

🇬🇧 Sea turtles 🐢🐢

Plastic has only been mass-produced since the 1940s, but it’s having a devastating impact on sea turtles.

Research suggests that 52% of the world’s turtles have eaten plastic waste.

The reasons are simple: a floating plastic bag can look like a lot of jellyfish, algae, or other species that make up a large component of the sea turtles’ diets.

Najčešća vrsta morske kornjače u Jadranskom moru je glavata želva




🇭🇷 Ono kad vam se jede nešto slatko a ujedno je i zdravo 🥥🥥🥥

Ovaj presladak val 🌊 je ručno rađeni difuzer za auto

Razne oblike difuzera možete pronaći na profilu .glin.a


🇬🇧 When you feel like eating something sweet and healthy at the same time 🥥🥥🥥

This adorable wave 🌊 is a handmade car diffuser

You can find various forms of diffusers on the profile @ o.glin.a



🇭🇷 Ručno izrađene zdjelice za jelo napravljene od ljuske pravih kokosa 🥥

Ove zdjelice ne samo da štede milijune školjki kokosa koje se troše svake godine, već su

🥥 potpuno prirodne, bez BPA i toksina, bez sintetike, bez plastike, sigurne i ekološke 🥥🥥🥥🥥

🇬🇧 Handmade eating bowls made from real coconut shell 🥥

These bowls not only save the millions of coconut shells consumed each year, but they are

🥥 completely natural, without BPA and toxins, without synthetics, without plastic, safe and environmentally friendly 🥥🥥🥥


Hot Summer Days 🌊🌊🌞🌞


Coconut Bowl 🥥🥥🥥
Summer snack 🍅🥒🍅🥒


🇭🇷 Imate li vi svoju kokosovu zdjelicu ? 🥥🥥🥥🥥

🇬🇧 Do you have your own coconut bowl? 🥥🥥🥥


Relaxing MOOD 🌊🌊🌞🌞


Watermelon is always a good idea


Coconut bowls made from real coconuts

Videos (show all)

🇭🇷 Sve što trebate ovog ljeta je KOKOSOVA ZDJELICA 🥥🥥______🇬🇧 All you need this Summer is COCONUT BOWL 🥥🥥______.....#smo...
Nature's cereal 🥥 a new breakfast trend @lizzobeeating.....#lizzobeeating #lizzocereal #naturescereal #fruit #coconutbow...
🇭🇷 Kako napraviti brz i zdrav doručak?• Dodati zobene pahuljice u kokosovu zdjelicu• Dodati kokosovo mlijeko (ili drugo ...
Clip of our new video from #tiktok Do you have a TikTok account?.....#tiktok #coconutbowls #coconutmilk
Monday's pineapple thick smoothie 🍍🍍Do you like it? ☺️.....
Turn your breakfast into a tropical meal 🥥🥥FREE SHIPPING 📦
Our coconut bowl and ebony spoon 🌴🌴How do you like it 1️⃣ from to 5️⃣?
Wow this is magical 🔮👀 Tag a friend who needs to see thisvideo source: @twin_coast #coconutbowls
Healthy body....healthy life 💕💕
What Is Done With Love Is Done Well 🥥❤️
What Is Done With Love Is Done Well 🥥❤️
