ITF Young, Seniors and Super-Seniors World Team & Individual Championships

ITF Young, Seniors and Super-Seniors World Team & Individual Championships

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The International Tennis Federation is pleased to announce that the ITF Seniors (50-55-60) World Team & Individual Championships are now scheduled to be held in Umag, Croatia in June 2021:
• The 2021 ITF Seniors World Team Championships from Sunday 6 – Friday 11 June
• The 2021 ITF Seniors World Individual Championships from Saturday 12 – Saturday 19 June 2021.


Međunarodna teniska federacija ITF sa zadovoljstvom je objavila, da će se 2021 ITF Seniors (50-55-60) World Team & Individual Championships, održati u Umagu u Hrvatskoj u lipnju 2021. godine. I to kako slijedi:

• The 2021 ITF Seniors World Team Championships od nedjelje
6. – petka 11. lipnja 2021. godine
• The 2021 ITF Seniors World Individual Championships od
subote 12. – subote 19. lipnja 2021. godine.


2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia, Grade 1, 14th Sep – 19th Sep, Umag, Croatia

Prijave za turnir 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia su otvorene. Prijave se vrše putem web stranice ITF-a kako slijedi:

Nažalost, radi rekonstrukcije ATP Stadiona u Teniskom centru Stella Maris ovogodišnji predmetni ITF turnir neće se igrati na ATP Stadionu kako je to previđeno, već na obližnjoj Umag Tennis Academy - Katoro, na kojoj se inače održavaju i ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


Player entries for the 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia, Grade 1, are open. Player entries are available via the ITF website, as follows:

Unfortunately, due to the reconstruction of the ATP Stadium at the Stella Maris Tennis Center, this year's edition of the 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia tournament won't be played at the ATP Stadium, as was initially planned. It is moved to the nearby Umag Tennis Academy – Katoro, which regularly hosts the ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


2020 ITF GMP Cup, Grade A, 21st Sep – 26th Sep, Umag, Croatia

Prijave za turnir 2020 ITF GMP Cup su otvorene. Prijave se vrše putem web stranice ITF-a kako slijedi:

Nažalost, radi rekonstrukcije ATP Stadiona u Teniskom centru Stella Maris ovogodišnji predmetni ITF turnir neće se igrati na ATP Stadionu kako je to previđeno, već na obližnjoj Umag Tennis Academy - Katoro, na kojoj se inače održavaju i ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


Player entries for the 2020 ITF GMP Cup, Grade A, are open. Player entries are available via the ITF website, as follows:

Unfortunately, due to the reconstruction of the ATP Stadium at the Stella Maris Tennis Center, this year's edition of the 2020 ITF GMP Cup tournament won't be played at the ATP Stadium, as was initially planned. It is moved to the nearby Umag Tennis Academy – Katoro, which regularly hosts the ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open, Grade 2, 7th Sep – 12th Sep, Umag, Croatia

Prijave za turnir 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open su otvorene. Prijave se vrše putem web stranice ITF-a kako slijedi:

Nažalost, radi rekonstrukcije ATP Stadiona u Teniskom centru Stella Maris ovogodišnji predmetni ITF turnir neće se igrati na ATP Stadionu kako je to previđeno, već na obližnjoj Umag Tennis Academy – Katoro, na kojoj se inače održavaju i ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


Player entries for the 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open, Grade 2, are open. Player entries are available via the ITF website, as follows:

Unfortunately, due to the reconstruction of the ATP Stadium at the Stella Maris Tennis Center, this year's edition of the 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open tournament won't be played at the ATP Stadium, as was initially planned. It is moved to the nearby Umag Tennis Academy – Katoro, which regularly hosts the ITF Seniors World Team & Individual Championships. 🎾🇭🇷


[Svjetsko mlađeseniorsko prvenstvo odgođeno za 2021. u Umagu]

Međunarodni teniski savez (ITF) donio je odluku o odgodi ovogodišnjeg ekipnog i pojedinačnog Svjetskog mlađeseniorskog prvenstva u Hrvatskoj. Ekipno i pojedinačno natjecanje trebali su biti održani od 13. do 26. rujna u Umagu, a po novoj odluci, zbog pandemije virusa COVID-19 odgođeni su za 2021. godinu na istom mjestu.

O terminima održavanja izvijestit ćemo naknadno.

Umaški međunarodni turniri iz kalendara Hrvatskog teniskog saveza veterana i ITF-a nisu odgođeni. ITF International Championships of Croatia, ITF GMP Cup i ITF Pro Tennis Open ostaju u ovogodišnjem kalendaru, a o njihovim terminima tijekom rujna izvijestit ćemo naknadno. 🎾🇭🇷

[The ITF Young Seniors World Team & Individual Championships to be held 2021 in Umag]

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) postponed the 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Team & Individual Championships in Croatia. The team and individual competition was set for the period from the 13th to the 26th September in Umag but after the postponement decision due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the new dates will be set for the 2021 calendar at the same venue.

The competition dates for the upcoming year will be set in due course.

The other international seniors tournaments in Umag remain in this year's calendar. The ITF International Championships of Croatia, the ITF GMP Cup and the ITF Pro Tennis Open are set to be played as planned and the tournament dates in September are expected to be confirmed in due course. 🎾🇭🇷


We wish a happy Easter to all our followers and friends!

Croatian Seniors Tennis Association


Sretan Uskrs svim našim prijateljima i pratiteljima!

Hrvatski teniski savez veterana


Dear friends and tennis followers,

the Croatian Seniors Tennis Association is the host of five ITF seniors tennis tournaments to be played in the period of 31st August - 3rd October 2020 in Umag.

1. 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia | Grade 1 | 31 Aug – 5. Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

2. 2020 ITF GMP CUP | Grade A |7 Sep -12 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

3. 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships | WC 1 | 13 Sep -18 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

4. 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Individual Championships | WC 1 | 19 Sep -26 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

5. 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open | Grade 2 | 28 Sep – 3 Oct 2020 Umag, Croatia

If you are interested to apply for one of the available jobs during the Umag tournament swing, we would like of you to give us a few minutes of your time to fill out the application form.

All additional information is available via e-mail at [email protected].

The application form is available in the link below:

The application process will be open until all the required job positions are filled.

Thank you for your interest and time!


Dragi ljubitelji tenisa,

Hrvatski teniski savez veterana organizira pet ITF teniskih turnira koji će se održati u razdoblju od 31. kolovoza do 3. listopada 2020. godine u Umagu.

1. 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia | Grade 1 | 31 Aug – 5. Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

2. 2020 ITF GMP CUP | Grade A |7 Sep -12 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

3. 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships | WC 1 | 13 Sep -18 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

4. 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Individual Championships | WC 1 | 19 Sep -26 Sep 2020 Umag, Croatia

5. 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open | Grade 2 | 28 Sep – 3 Oct 2020 Umag, Croatia

Molimo Vas da ukoliko ste zainteresirani za rad na turnirima izdvojite nekoliko minuta Vašeg vremena te ispunite aplikaciju za posao.

Za sve informacije i dodatna pitanja možete se javiti na e-mail: [email protected].

Molimo kliknite na sljedeći Link za prijavu:

Rok prijave je do popunjenja svih radnih mjesta.


[2020 ITF Young Seniors World Individual Championships]

Vodeće svjetske igračice i igrači u mlađeseniorskoj konkurenciji uljepšat će nam tenisko ljeto u Umagu boreći se za pobjede i naslove na 40. ITF-ovu Svjetskom pojedinačnom mlađeseniorskom prvenstvu, koje će okupiti one najbolje u uzrastima od +35 do +45 godina (manje od 50 godina životne dobi). Mnoge od njih još smo donedavno gledali na teniskim terenima na ATP i WTA Touru, na Grand Slam turnirima i u Davis i Fed Cupu, a u rujnu nam dolaze pokazati da i danas mogu ponuditi vrhunski tenis.

Pojedinačno natjecanje na rasporedu je od 19. do 26. rujna - s mečevima najboljih svjetskih i hrvatskih mlađih veteranki i veterana. 💪🎾🌍🇭🇷

Više podataka o natjecanju možete pronaći na linku:

Coming up this summer in Umag, the world's best young seniors will show us their top performance as they look for wins and titles at the 40th ITF Young Seniors World Individual Championships, a competition for the age groups of +35 to +45 (less than 50 years of age). Looking back, we had an opportunity to enjoy watching their matches as they were until recently still active professionally at the ATP and WTA Tour, playing at Grand Slam tournaments and for their national teams in the Davis and Fed cups. This September, they will show us that they still have a lot to offer playing their best.

The individual competition is scheduled for the week of 19th - 26th September, bringing us matches of top Croatian and international male and female players. 💪🎾🌍🇭🇷

More tournament information is linked below:


[2020 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships]

Umag je iz godine u godinu domaćin najboljim svjetskim teniskim veterankama i veteranima u različitim dobnim kategorijama. Tradicija se nastavlja i u 2020., kada ćemo moći uživati u ITF-ovu Svjetskom mlađeseniorskom prvenstvu – na okupljanju igračica i igrača iz čitavog svijeta koji su u uzrastima od +35 do +45 godina (manje od 50 godina životne dobi) još donedavno bili u akciji u profesionalnom tenisu.

Ekipno natjecanje ovogodišnjeg SP-a čeka nas od 13. do 18. rujna. Tijekom šest dana, tenisačice i tenisači igrat će za svoje reprezentacije na turnirima različitih uzrasta. Žensko natjecanje donijet će nam , a na muškom će na rasporedu biti Italia Cup (M35), Tony Trabert Cup (M40) i Dubler Cup (M45). 👍🎾🌍🇭🇷

Više informacija dostupno je na linku u objavi:

Umag is already used to playing host to the top male and female tennis seniors in the world in different age groups – and as we look forward, the tradition will continue in 2020. Coming up in the summer, we'll be able to enjoy as the world's best compete at the 2020 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships, with players in the age groups of +35 do +45 years (less than 50 years of age) who were until recently still active at professional tournaments.

The team competition is scheduled for the week of 13th - 18th September. During six days, players will try their best representing their national teams at cups for different age groups. Female teams will compete at the Suzanne Lenglen Cup (W35), the Young Cup (W40) and the Margaret Court Cup (W45), while male teams will play at the Italia Cup (M35), the Tony Trabert Cup (M40) and the Dubler Cup (M45). 👍🎾🌍🇭🇷

More information is available at the tournament link below:


[2020 ITF GMP Cup – ITF Grade A]

Tenisko ljeto u Umagu niti ove godine neće proći bez ITF GMP Cupa, međunarodnog turnira ranga A, na kojem će se vodeće svjetske veteranke i veterani od 7. do 12. rujna zagrijati za ekipno i pojedinačno Svjetsko mlađeseniorsko prvenstvo. Vrhunska kvaliteta i tradicija turnira traju od 2011. godine, a novo izdanje jakog natjecanja iz kalendara Hrvatskog teniskog saveza veterana i Međunarodnog teniskog saveza pružit će nam puno novih odličnih mečeva. 👏🎾🇭🇷

Više informacija o turniru nalazi se na linku u objavi:

This year's series of top seniors' tennis international tournaments in Umag will bring us a new edition of the ITF GMP Cup, a Grade A ITF tournament, with an opportunity of the world's best male and female tennis seniors to get ready for the upcoming ITF Young Seniors World Team and Individual Championships. The ITF GMP Cup will be played in the week of 7th – 12th September, bringing a new chapter of its tradition that started in 2011. 👏🎾🇭🇷

More tournament information can be found in the link below:


[2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia – ITF Grade 1]

Nova sezona vrhunskog veteranskog tenisa donijet će nam puno mečeva u kojima ćemo moći uživati na umaškim terenima. Tijekom natjecanjima bogatog završetka ljeta u Umagu, od 31. kolovoza do 5. rujna igra se 2020 ITF International Championships of Croatia, međunarodni turnir prvog ranga koji će nas uvesti u tjedne tenisa iz kalendara Hrvatskog teniskog saveza veterana i Međunarodnog teniskog saveza. 💪

Više informacija o turniru možete pronaći na linku u objavi:

The end of summer in Umag will offer plenty of excitement for fans of seniors' tennis. As we look forward to major international competitions ahead of us in 2020, we will be getting ready for this year's ITF International Championships of Croatia, a Grade 1 ITF tournament scheduled for the week of 31st August - 5th September. 💪

Tournament information is available in the link below:


[2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open – ITF Grade 2]

Godina u koju smo zakoračili će krajem ljeta u Umagu biti puna poslastica u izvedbi vodećih svjetskih teniskih veteranki i veterana. U nizu vrhunskih međunarodnih natjecanja iz kalendara Hrvatskog teniskog saveza veterana i Međunarodnog teniskog saveza, od 28. rujna do 3. listopada čeka nas 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open, ITF-ov turnir drugog ranga - koji će učiniti umaške tjedne tenisa još boljim. 👍🎾🇭🇷

Više informacija o turniru nalazi se na linku u objavi:

A new and exciting tennis season will be especially eventful as we approach the end of summer. The world's best tennis seniors will have plenty to offer in Umag, with a series of international tournaments that will include the 2020 ITF Pro Tennis Open, a Grade 2 ITF tournament scheduled for the week of 28th September - 3rd October. The tournament's offer of top tennis matches will make the outset of autumn in Umag even better. 👍🎾🇭🇷

More information is available in the link below:


Otvorena je stranica Hrvatskog teniskog saveza veterana na Instagramu - pratite nas na! 🎾🇭🇷

The Croatian Seniors Tennis Association has a new Instagram page - give us a follow at! 🎾🇭🇷

Login • Instagram Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.


Krešimir Ritz osvojio je naslov svjetskog prvaka u paru s Nijemcem Mathiasom Huningom na 39. ITF mlađeseniorskom pojedinačnom Svjetskom prvenstvu u američkom Miami Beachu, Miami, na Floridi! 🏆🥇🇭🇷🇩🇪

Trećepostavljeni njemačko-hrvatski par došao je do trofeja na turniru uzrasta +40 godina sa 7:6(3), 6:3 u finalu protiv četvrtih nositelja, Australaca Richarda Sampsona i Camerona Venablesa.

Čestitamo hrvatskom reprezentativcu na svjetskom naslovu!

Krešimir Ritz and the German player Mathias Huning are world champions in doubles in the +40 age group of the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA! 🏆🥇🇭🇷🇩🇪

Seeded 3rd in the tournament, Huning and Ritz reached the finish line with a 7:6(3), 6:3 final win against the 4th seeded Australian duo Richard Sampson/Cameron Venables. 🎾🇭🇷🇩🇪🇦🇺


Krešimir Ritz i Nijemac Mathias Huning izborili su finale parova u uzrastu +40 godina na 39. ITF mlađeseniorskom pojedinačnom Svjetskom prvenstvu u američkom Miami Beachu, Miami, Florida. 🎾🇭🇷🇩🇪

Treći nositelji Huning i Ritz su u polufinalu sa 7:5, 6:4 bili jači od prvih nositelja, Australaca Matthewa Breena i Davida McNamare.

U finalu će suparnici također biti Australci, četvrti nositelji Richard Sampson i Cameron Venables.

Krešimir Ritz and the German Mathias Huning will play in the doubles final in the +40 age group at the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA. 🎾🇭🇷🇩🇪

The 3rd seeded Huning and Ritz reached the final with a 7:5, 6:4 semifinal win against the top seeded Australians Matthew Breen and David McNamara.

Coming up in the final, the Croatian and German duo will fight for the title against the 4th seeded Australian pairing Richard Sampson/Cameron Venables.


Krešimir Ritz polufinalist je turnira muških parova u uzrastu +40 godina na 39. ITF mlađeseniorskom pojedinačnom Svjetskom prvenstvu u američkom Miami Beachu, Miami, Florida. 🎾

Igrajući u trećepostavljenom paru s Nijemcem Mathiasom Huningom, Ritz je u četvrtfinalu proslavio 6:4, 6:4 protiv Nijemca Wojteka Brateka i Danca Jan-Axela Triblera. Slijedi polufinalni susret u kojem će suparnici biti prvi nositelji, Australci Matthew Breen i David McNamara. 🇭🇷🇩🇪🇦🇺

Krešimir Ritz will play in the doubles semifinal in the +40 age group of the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA. 🎾

The 3rd seeded Ritz and the German Mathias Huning recorded a 6:4, 6:4 quarterfinal win against the German and Danish pairing Wojtek Bratek/Jan-Axel Tribler. Coming up in the semifinal match, the German and Croatian duo will square off against the top seeded Australians Matthew Breen and David McNamara. 🇭🇷🇩🇪🇦🇺


Krešimir Ritz došao je do četvrtfinala muških parova u uzrastu +40 godina na 39. ITF mlađeseniorskom pojedinačnom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, Florida, u SAD-u. 🎾🇭🇷

Igrajući s Nijemcem Mathiasom Huningom, s kojim je treći nositelj, Ritz je u osmini finala prošao predajom američkog para Luis Roberto Castillo/Neale Castillo bez izlaska na teren. U četvrtfinalu slijedi susret s Nijemcem Wojtekom Bratekom i Dancem Jan-Axelom Triblerom.

Hrvatski tenisač u utorak je igrao i u osmini finala singla u dobnoj skupini +45 godina, bez nove pobjede sa statusom 10. nositelja. Ritza je u borbi za četvrtfinale sa 7:6(4), 5:7, 6:3 svladao peti nositelj, Čeh Petr Kovačka.

Krešimir Ritz will play in the quarterfinals of the male doubles tournament in the +40 age group at the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA. 🎾🇭🇷

In the 3rd seeded doubles pairing with the German player Mathias Huning in the +40 age group, Ritz had a walkover in the round of last 16 against the Americans Luis Roberto Castillo and Neale Castillo. Coming up in the quarterfinals, Huning and Ritz will play against the German and Danish pairing of Wojtek Bratek and Jan-Axel Tribler.

The Croatian player had a busy day on Tuesday. Before his doubles match, Ritz was fighting for a new win in singles in his round of last 16 match in the +45 age group - without reaching his goal. The 10th seeded Croat lost against the 5th seeded Czech Petr Kovačka, who won by the score 7:6(4), 5:7, 6:3.


Krešimir Ritz proslavio je drugu pobjedu u singlu i osigurao je nastup u osmini finala turnira dobne skupine +45 godina na 39. ITF pojedinačnom mlađeseniorskom Svjetskom prvenstvu koje se igra u Miami Beachu, Miami, Florida, u SAD-u.

Sa statusom 10. nositelja turnira, Ritz je u trećem kolu sa 6:1, 7:5 bio jači od 22. nositelja, Argentinca Carlosa Gomeza Diaza. U osmini finala slijedi susret s petim nositeljem, Čehom Petrom Kovačkom. 🎾🇭🇷

Krešimir Ritz won his second singles match and took his place in the round of last 16 at the +45 age group tournament of the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA.

Seeded 10th, Ritz entered the last 16 with the 6:1, 7:5 scoreline in the 3rd round against the 22nd seeded Argentinian Carlos Gomez Diaz. The Croatian player will fight for the quarterfinal spot against the 5th seeded Petr Kovačka from the Czech Republic. 🎾🇭🇷


Krešimir Ritz uspješno je prošao svoj prvi dvoboj u singlu na 39. ITF mlađeseniorskom pojedinačnom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, Florida, na jugoistoku SAD-a.

Kao 10. nositelj turnira dobne skupine +45 godina, Ritz je bio slobodan u prvom kolu, a drugo kolo nije donijelo težak posao, slavio je sa 6:1, 6:1 protiv Amerikanca Seana Straleyja. U trećem kolu slijedi ogled s 22. nositeljem, Argentincem Carlosom Gomezom Diazom. 🎾

Nastup u mješovitim parovima u nedjelju nije bio jednako sretan hrvatskom reprezentativcu. Igrajući sa Slovenkom Karin Lušnic, Ritz je u uzrastu +45 godina u drugom kolu doživio poraz sa 6:2, 6:3 protiv drugopostavljenih Slovakinje Patricije Rogulski i Čeha Petra Kovačke. 🇭🇷🇸🇮

Krešimir Ritz won his first singles match in the +45 age group at the 39th ITF Young Seniors Individual World Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA.

Seeded 10th, Ritz had a bye in the 1st round of the tournament, while in the 2nd round he won against the American player Sean Straley (6:1, 6:1). Coming up in the 3rd round, the Croatian player will square up against the 22nd seed, Carlos Gomez Diaz from Argentina. 🎾

Ritz didn't pass his new hurdle in the mixed doubles tournament in the +45 age group. The Croatian player and Karin Lušnic (Slovenia) lost their 2nd round match against the second seeded Slovakian Patricia Rogulski and Czech Petr Kovačka (6:2, 6:3). 🇭🇷🇸🇮


Hrvatska je završila na 13. mjestu na Dubler Cupu, natjecanju muških reprezentacija dobne skupine +45 godina na 2019 ITF ekipnom mlađeseniorskom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, na Floridi.

Na kraju natjecanja na jugoistoku SAD-a, Hrvatsku je u ogledu za 12. mjesto s 3-0 nadjačala Argentina.

Argentina - Hrvatska 3-0
Andres Diaz - Mario Šenjug 6:1, 6:0
Luis Alberto Martin Cimadamore - Davor Bosnar 7:5, 7:6(3)
Ricardo Fede Beade/Andres Diaz - Davor Bosnar/Mario Šenjug 7:5, 6:1

Croatia took the 13th place at the Dubler Cup, a +45 age group male national team competition at the 2019 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA.

Playing for the 12th place at the tournament, Croatia lost against Argentina (3-0).

Argentina - Croatia:
Andres Diaz - Mario Šenjug 6:1, 6:0
Luis Alberto Martin Cimadamore - Davor Bosnar 7:5, 7:6(3)
Ricardo Fede Beade/Andres Diaz - Davor Bosnar/Mario Šenjug 7:5, 6:1


Hrvatska će igrati za 12. mjesto na Dubler Cupu, turniru reprezentacija uzrasta +45 godina na 2019 ITF ekipnom mlađeseniorskom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, u SAD-u.

U susretu razigravanja za plasman od 12. do 14. mjesta, hrvatski su tenisači s 2-1 svladali Dominikansku Republiku.

Hrvatska - Dominikanska Republika 2-1:
Eduard Lorencin - Julio Alberto Avila Santana 7:6(3), 7:5
Krešimir Ritz - Freddy Azucey 6:3, 3:2, predaja Azuceya
Julio Alberto Avila Santana/Freddy Azucey - Davor Bosnar/Krešimir Ritz - predaja Bosnara i Ritza

Hrvatska će u ogledu za 12. mjesto igrati protiv Argentine.

Croatia will play for the 12th place at this year's Dubler Cup, a +45 age group male national team competition at the 2019 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA.

In a tie in placement matches from the 12th to the 14th spot, Croatia won against the Dominican Republic (2-1).

Croatia - Dominican Republic 2-1:
Eduard Lorencin - Julio Alberto Avila Santana 7:6(3), 7:5
Krešimir Ritz - Freddy Azucey 6:3, 3:2, ret
Julio Alberto Avila Santana/Freddy Azucey - Davor Bosnar/Krešimir Ritz - walkover

Croatia's opponent in the outing for the 12th place will be Argentina.


Hrvatska nije došla do pobjede na početku razigravanja za plasman od 8. do 14. mjesta na Dubler Cupu, natjecanju muških reprezentacija dobne skupine +45 godina na 2019 ITF ekipnom mlađeseniorskom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, na Floridi.

Hrvatsku je u utorak na jugoistoku SAD-a s 3-0 nadjačala Švedska, koja je riješila susret pobjedama u dva pojedinačna dvoboja. Meč parova nije bio odigran.

Švedska - Hrvatska 3-0
Anders Lindgren - Davor Bosnar 6:0, 6:0
Douglas Geiwald - Krešimir Ritz 6:4, 6:4
Martin Lager/Anders Lindgren - Eduard Lorencin/Krešimir Ritz - predaja Lorenzina i Ritza bez borbe

Sljedeći izazov za hrvatske reprezentativce bit će susret s Dominikanskom Republikom, koja čeka u razigravanju za poredak od 12. do 14. mjesta.

Croatia wasn't successful at the beginning of play in placement matches from the 8th to the 14th spot at this year's Dubler Cup, a tournament for the +45 male age group at the 2019 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA.

Croatia lost by 3-0 to the Swedish team in a tie concluded after two singles matches.

Sweden - Croatia 3-0
Anders Lindgren - Davor Bosnar 6:0, 6:0
Douglas Geiwald - Krešimir Ritz 6:4, 6:4
Martin Lager/Anders Lindgren - Eduard Lorencin/Krešimir Ritz - walkover

Coming up for the Croatian team, the Dominican Republic will be the opponent in a tie in placement matches from the 12th to the 14th spot at the tournament.


Hrvatska je došla do prve pobjede na 2019 ITF ekipnom mlađeseniorskom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Miami Beachu, Miami, u SAD-u!

Igrajući na Dubler Cupu, natjecanju muških reprezentacija uzrasta +45 godina, Hrvatska je u drugom kolu skupine E na Floridi s 2-1 bila bolja od Portugala, protiv kojeg je izvela preokret nakon izgubljenog prvog meča u susretu.

Hrvatska - Portugal 2-1
Davor Bosnar - Vasco Goncalves 2:6, 0:6
Krešimir Ritz - Henrique Assis 6:1, 6:1
Eduard Lorencin/Krešimir Ritz - Emanuel Couto/Vasco Goncalves 6:3, 6:3

Hrvatska je zauzela drugo mjesto na kraju natjecanja u skupini E, iza prvoplasirane Njemačke. Hrvatski reprezentativci nastavit će turnir u razigravanju za poredak od 8. do 14. mjesta. Sljedeći suparnik bit će Švedska.

Croatia reached its first win at the 2019 ITF Young Seniors World Team Championships in Miami Beach, Miami (Florida), United States. In its second tie in group E of the Dubler Cup, a team competition in the male +45 age group, Croatia won against Portugal, beating their opponents by the score 2-1.

Croatia - Portugal 2-1
Davor Bosnar - Vasco Goncalves 2:6, 0:6
Krešimir Ritz - Henrique Assis 6:1, 6:1
Eduard Lorencin/Krešimir Ritz - Emanuel Couto/Vasco Goncalves 6:3, 6:3

Croatia ended the first phase of competition in second place, behind the first-placed Germany. Continuing the tournament, the next challenge for the Croatian team will come in placement matches from the 8th to the 14th spot in the final placement of the competition. Next up, Croatia will play against Sweden.


[Hrvatska u elitnom društvu]

Ovogodišnje ITF mlađeseniorsko Svjetsko prvenstvo okupilo je vrlo jaku konkurenciju na terenima Miami Beacha, Miami, na Floridi (SAD). U borbi za pobjede je i hrvatska reprezentacija uzrasta +45 godina, koja u sastavu Krešimir Ritz, Eduard Lorencin, Davor Bosnar i Mario Šenjug igra na Dubler Cupu, muškom turniru svojeg uzrasta. 🇭🇷

Hrvatska se u prvom dijelu natjecanja nalazi u skupini E, u kojoj su i Njemačka i Portugal. Nijemci su u prvom kolu svladali hrvatske reprezentativce s 2-1, a slijedi ogled s Portugalcima (utorak, 22. listopada).

Na ovogodišnjem ekipnom SP-u mlađih seniora za pobjede se bori ukupno 117 ekipa, a odlučivat će se o trofejima na sveukupno šest muških i ženskih turnira u dobnim kategorijama od +35, +40 i +45 godina. Francuski reprezentativci i reprezentativke brane naslove na trima od šest turnira. 🎾🌍

Poslije završetka ekipnog natjecanja, koje traje od 20. do 25. listopada, započet će ovogodišnje ITF mlađeseniorsko pojedinačno Svjetsko prvenstvo (26. listopada - 2. studenog). Od hrvatskih aduta, Krešimir Ritz je među prijavljenim igračima za pojedinačno mlađeseniorsko SP u dobnoj skupini +45 godina.

U borbi za pobjede bit će i nekadašnji članovi društva prvih 100 na svijetu, poput Ruskinje Line Krasnoruckaje i Španjolca Daniela Munoza de la Nave, a velike ambicije imat će i španjolski teniski veteran Roberto Menendez Ferre, koji će tražiti peti uzastopni naslov u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji u različitim dobnim skupinama. Nizozemac Markus Hilpert bi na Floridi mogao braniti tri naslova osvojena na lanjskom SP-u, na kojem je slavio u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji, muškim parovima i mješovitim parovima.

Posjetitelji turnira i ljubitelji veteranskog tenisa mogu pronaći više informacija o ovogodišnjem mlađeseniorskom SP-u u Miami Beachu na službenoj stranici natjecanja - na

