Antranslation Prijevodi
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Antranslation Prijevodi, Consulting Agency, Paljetkova 2, Zagreb.
Zašto je bitno za poljoprivredne prijevode odabrati nekoga stručnog i u poljoprivredi :)
Vrijedi i za rad od doma...
Mala pomoć za sve koji rade u uredima ili od kuće. Višesatno sjedenje za računalom uzrokuje napetost vrata i ramena, a kod nekih i bolove u lumbalnom dijelu kralješnice. Odradite ove kratke vježbe istezanja svaki put kad se osjećate napeto ili "pokočeno".🧘♀️
What are the hardest and easiest languages to learn? A blog about linguistics and language learning.
Nikada nije kasno :)
Lost in translation: pet names from other countries that don’t work in English Oh, you little microbe, you.
Znate li finski? :)
AI Is Inventing Languages Humans Can’t Understand. Should We Stop It? Researchers at Facebook realized their bots were chattering in a new language. Then they stopped it.
VIDEO Miley Cyrus pjevala pjesme prevedene s hrvatskog (i nije dobro ispalo) MILEY CYRUS pjevala je stihove s Google Translatea.
Kako jezik utječe na našu percepciju vremena
Language shapes how the brain perceives time Language has such a powerful effect, it can influence the way in which we experience time, according to a new study. Linguists have discovered that people who speak two languages fluently think about time differently depending on the language context in which they are estimating the duration of even... - Koji vam od starih jezika najbolje zvuči?
Sound of Ancient Languages Ancient Languages: Ancient Egypt / 3100 BC - 332 BC Achaemenids / 550 BC–330 BC Ancient Greece / c. 800 BC - c. 600 AD Ancient Rome / 753 BC–476 AD Assyria /...
Which Language Uses the Most Sounds? Click 5 Times for the Answer Taa, spoken by a few thousand people in Botswana and Namibia, is believed to have the largest sound inventory of any language in the world.
The Startup Dictionary | LawTrades The Startup Dictionary is a free source to look up startup terminology meanings and definitions. Made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. From LawTrades.
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Ivana Lučića 2a
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KPMG in Croatia is an independent member firm of the global KPMG network of professional services firms providing audit, tax and advisory services.
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Founded by experienced mentor, trainer, executive coach and consultant focused on the human side of healthcare.
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Specijalizirana stranica za povezivanje poslodavaca i radnika. Oglas možete predati i platiti pozivom na 064 600 200 cijena 6.99 / fiksni /.8.41 mobilni HKN https://www.trazimpo...
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Poslovna inteligencija d.o.o. je vodeći implementator sustava za Big Data analitiku, te pružatelj
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M2EU je obrt za poslovne usluge i trgovinu specijaliziran za pripremu i prijavu projekata sufinancir
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We are a leading international company specializing in sales and marketing consulting, sales training, as well as recruiting and talent sourcing. With many years of business experi...
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AS usluge d.o.o licencirana agencija od Ministarstva financija za kreditno posredovanje.
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Stranica gdje možete promovirati i razmijeniti ideje, informacije, svoja znanja, iskustva i projekte koji mogu pridonijeti Vama osobno, a i razvitku vaše domovine u različitim podr...
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Horvath Wolf d.o.o. se specijalizira za savjetovanje i edukaciju u području zaštite osobnih podataka.
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Naša vodilja u poslovanju je osigurati vam uvijek aktualne i stručne edukacije i tiskana izdanja sa renomiranim predavačima, autorima i stručnjacima iz prakse, kao i pružiti konkre...