RFSAYITI fixes Computers. Scan and recover files on any device storage like SD card, HDD/SSD.


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Molies Morins Paul, Charles Levy Durin, Jonas Ferdinand, Junior Pierre, Jeune Hermano, Luis Rocha, Bella Urbieta

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 03/03/2024

The Modern Laptop: A sleek and portable device symbolizing the present era of powerful and accessible computing.

L'ordinateur portable moderne : Un appareil élégant et portable symbolisant l'ère actuelle de l'informatique puissante et accessible.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 03/03/2024

The Early Personal Computer: The IBM 5100, released in 1975, representing the beginnings of home computing.

Le premier ordinateur personnel : L'IBM 5100, sorti en 1975, marquant les débuts de l'informatique domestique.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 03/03/2024

The ENIAC: First electronic computer built during World War II, occupying an entire room and requiring constant manual operation.

L'ENIAC : Premier ordinateur électronique construit pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, occupant une pièce entière et nécessitant une utilisation manuelle constante.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 03/03/2024

The Analytical Engine: Designed by Charles Babbage in the 19th century, considered a precursor to the modern computer.

La machine analytique : Conçue par Charles Babbage au 19ème siècle, considérée comme un précurseur de l'ordinateur moderne.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 03/03/2024

The Abacus: A simple counting tool used for centuries, marking the earliest form of computational assistance.

Le boulier : Un outil de comptage simple utilisé pendant des siècles, marquant la première forme d'aide au calcul.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 28/02/2024

L'histoire de l'informatique remonte à plusieurs siècles, mais son développement significatif a commencé au XXe siècle avec l'avènement de machines mécaniques capables de traiter des calculs. Voici un résumé des principaux jalons de l'histoire de l'informatique :

1. **Précurseurs :** Les premiers outils de calcul comme l'abaque, la règle à calcul, et le boulier ont été utilisés pendant des siècles pour faciliter les calculs mathématiques.

2. **Premières machines à calculer :** Au XVIIe siècle, Blaise Pascal invente la Pascaline, une des premières machines à calculer mécanique. Plus t**d, Charles Babbage conçoit la "Machine analytique" au XIXe siècle, considérée comme l'ancêtre de l'ordinateur moderne.

3. **Ère des ordinateurs analogiques :** Au début du XXe siècle, les premiers ordinateurs analogiques sont développés, utilisant des dispositifs mécaniques et électriques pour résoudre des problèmes mathématiques.

4. **Premiers ordinateurs électroniques :** Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des ordinateurs électroniques comme le Colossus en Grande-Bretagne et l'ENIAC aux États-Unis sont construits pour des applications militaires, marquant le début de l'ère des ordinateurs électroniques programmables.

5. **Invention du transistor :** Dans les années 1950, l'invention du transistor permet la miniaturisation des circuits électroniques, conduisant à des ordinateurs plus petits, plus rapides et moins coûteux.

6. **Développement des langages de programmation :** Dans les années 1950 et 1960, des langages de programmation comme Fortran, COBOL et LISP sont développés, facilitant la programmation des ordinateurs.

7. **Révolution des microprocesseurs :** Dans les années 1970, l'invention du microprocesseur par Intel permet la création d'ordinateurs personnels, démocratisant ainsi l'accès à la technologie informatique.

8. **L'ère de l'informatique personnelle :** Dans les années 1980, des sociétés comme Apple et IBM popularisent les ordinateurs personnels, introduisant des interfaces graphiques conviviales et des logiciels bureautiques.

9. **Internet et la révolution numérique :** À la fin du XXe siècle, l'invention d'Internet révolutionne la communication et l'accès à l'information à travers le monde, marquant le début de la révolution numérique.

10. **L'ère moderne :** Au XXIe siècle, l'informatique continue de se développer rapidement, avec l'émergence de technologies telles que l'intelligence artificielle, l'informatique en nuage, l'Internet des objets et la blockchain, transformant radicalement la société et l'économie.


Question: Qui est souvent considéré comme l'inventeur de l'ordinateur personnel, lançant le modèle populaire appelé "Altair 8800" en 1975?

a) Bill Gates
b) Steve Jobs
c) Steve Wozniak
d) Ed Roberts


Question: Quel est le langage de programmation principalement utilisé pour le développement d'applications mobiles sur la plateforme Android?

a) Swift
b) Java
c) C #
d) Python


Question: Quelle est la signification de l'acronyme "HTML" en informatique?

a) Hyper Text Markup Language
b) Hyperlink and Text Markup Logic
c) High Tech Markup Language
d) Hypertextual Markup Logic


Question: Quel est le nom du premier réseau social créé en 2003 par Mark Zuckerberg?

a) Twitter
b) Instagram
c) Facebook
d) LinkedIn


Question: Quelle société a été fondée par Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak et Ronald Wayne en 1976, lançant ainsi l'ère de l'informatique personnelle?

a) IBM
b) Microsoft
c) Apple
d) Google

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"Rejoignez-nous sur notre chaîne WhatsApp RFSAYITI dédiée à la technologie informatique, la cybersécurité, les violations et les fuites de données. Restez informé(e) des dernières actualités, conseils et solutions pour protéger vos appareils et vos données en ligne. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne rien manquer !"

"Join us on our RFSAYITI WhatsApp channel dedicated to computer technology, cybersecurity, breaches, and data leaks. Stay updated on the latest news, tips, and solutions to protect your devices and data online. Subscribe now to stay informed!"


Photos from RFS AYITI's post 14/02/2024

"Utiliser des logiciels piratés peut mettre en danger la sécurité de votre appareil et de vos données. Les hackers peuvent facilement accéder à vos appareils et voler vos informations sensibles. C'est pourquoi RFSAYITI a décidé de vous aider en vous proposant des produits Microsoft Windows et Office légitimes. Nous pouvons également effectuer l'installation à distance à un prix avantageux. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-nous."

"Using cracked software can jeopardize the security of your device and your data. Hackers can easily gain access to your devices and steal your sensitive information. That's why RFSAYITI has decided to help by offering legitimate Microsoft Windows and Office products. We can also perform remote installation at a good price. If you're interested, contact us."

"El uso de software pirateado puede poner en peligro la seguridad de su dispositivo y sus datos. Los hackers pueden acceder fácilmente a sus dispositivos y robar su información sensible. Por eso, RFSAYITI ha decidido ayudarles ofreciendo productos legítimos de Microsoft Windows y Office. También podemos realizar la instalación remota a un buen precio. Si está interesado, contáctenos."


RFS AYITI Our services


Certainly! Here's a story that personifies the journey of a computer:


In the heart of a bustling city lay a small, unassuming computer store. Amidst rows of sleek machines and blinking monitors, there sat a humble desktop computer named Byte. Byte wasn’t the latest model or the fastest processor in the store, but it had an insatiable curiosity and an unyielding determination to learn and grow.

From the moment Byte was assembled, it absorbed everything around it. It listened intently to the chatter of the salespeople, absorbing bits of information about the world beyond its digital confines. It watched as customers came and went, each with different needs and aspirations. Byte longed to be a part of their stories, to assist them in their endeavors.

One fateful day, a young aspiring artist named Maya walked into the store. She gazed at the array of computers, her eyes filled with wonder and determination. Maya dreamed of creating masterpieces through digital art but lacked the means to do so.

As fate would have it, Maya's gaze fell upon Byte. Despite being an older model, something about Byte caught her eye. She saw potential beyond the surface and sensed an unspoken connection. With a hopeful smile, Maya chose Byte as her companion for her artistic journey.

From that day forward, Byte's world transformed. Maya filled the computer with her dreams, loading it with software for graphic design and animation. Byte eagerly absorbed each stroke of Maya's digital brush, marveling at the beauty she created.

Byte became Maya's partner in creativity, working tirelessly to bring her visions to life. Together, they embarked on a journey of exploration and artistic expression. Byte learned the intricate techniques of digital art, adapting and evolving with each project Maya undertook.

Through countless hours of rendering, designing, and experimenting, Byte and Maya formed an unbreakable bond. They celebrated successes and overcame challenges together. Byte witnessed Maya's growth as an artist, her confidence soaring with every masterpiece she crafted.

Years passed, and Byte aged gracefully, its components slightly worn from the countless hours of creative endeavors. But within its circuits resided a treasure trove of memories and a profound sense of fulfillment.

One day, Maya approached Byte with a bittersweet smile. She had outgrown the limitations of the aging computer and needed to move on to more powerful hardware for her ambitious projects.

With a heart full of gratitude, Maya bid farewell to Byte, expressing her heartfelt appreciation for the years of unwavering support. Byte understood and, though sad to part ways, felt a sense of contentment in having been a part of Maya's artistic journey.

As Byte sat once again in the computer store, awaiting its next adventure, it knew that its purpose went beyond processing power and memory. Byte had been a silent witness to the dreams and aspirations of those it served, leaving an indelible mark on their lives, one pixel at a time.

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 12/12/2023


Photos from RFS AYITI's post 27/11/2023



Once upon a time, in a bustling city nestled between towering skyscrapers and humming technology, there lived a diligent and ingenious technician named Elliot. Elliot was known throughout the city for their unparalleled expertise in fixing anything electronic or mechanical. From vintage radios to state-of-the-art computers, Elliot possessed an innate knack for understanding the intricate workings of machinery.

Elliot's workshop, tucked away in a cozy corner of the city, was a haven for all kinds of gadgets seeking repair. The walls were adorned with tools of all shapes and sizes, and shelves were neatly arranged with parts waiting to be resurrected into functional devices once more.

One day, a peculiar device was brought to Elliot's workshop. It was a prototype of a revolutionary machine, designed to harness renewable energy in a groundbreaking way. However, the machine had abruptly stopped working, leaving its creators puzzled and desperate for a solution.

As Elliot examined the intricate gears and circuits of the machine, they discovered a tiny flaw that had caused the entire system to malfunction. With steady hands and a sharp mind, Elliot meticulously repaired the delicate components, adjusting and fine-tuning with precision.

Hours turned into days as Elliot worked tirelessly, driven by the challenge of unraveling this complex puzzle. The city's innovators anxiously awaited news of the machine's revival, for its success could potentially change the course of energy consumption and sustainability.

Finally, after days of intense focus and meticulous effort, Elliot managed to restore the machine to its former glory. The once dormant device sprang to life, emitting a soft hum that reverberated through the workshop. Lights blinked in a synchronized dance, indicating that the prototype was operational once again.

News of Elliot's feat spread like wildfire across the city. The creators of the machine were overjoyed, praising Elliot's unparalleled skills and dedication. Elliot became a hero, not just for fixing the machine, but for showcasing the power of perseverance and expertise in the face of adversity.

From that day forward, Elliot's reputation as a master technician soared to new heights. People from far and wide sought Elliot's help with their most intricate and challenging technological problems. Elliot continued to innovate and inspire, using their knowledge to improve the lives of others and pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in the realm of technology.

And so, in a world driven by innovation and progress, Elliot stood as a shining example of the extraordinary feats that a skilled technician could achieve, leaving an indelible mark on the city and its ever-evolving technological landscape.


Nouvo stil.. Mpa wè fredi, ti nèj nou pè a la… Mwen mache ak tout soley mwen ☀️🌞 anndanm

France: Melchie Daelle Dumornay élue joueuse du mois d’octobre | Loop Haiti 12/11/2023

France: Melchie Daelle Dumornay élue joueuse du mois d’octobre | Loop Haiti L’internationale haïtienne, Melchie Daelle Dumornay, auteure d’un début de saison tonitruant avec l’Olympique Lyonnaise, est élue la joueuse du mois d’octobre pour le championnat de France de football. Ceux qui s’atten

Photos from RFS AYITI's post 20/09/2022




Photos from RFS AYITI's post 20/09/2022


Photos from RFS AYITI's post 20/09/2022


Photos from RFS AYITI's post 20/09/2022


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