

Psychologue basée en Haiti avec specialité en
Psychologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, thérap

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 08/11/2023

School psychologist are also psychometrist.

Psychometric assessments are tests that are used to objectively measure an individual's personality traits, intelligence, abilities, behavioral style and aptitude.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 06/11/2023

In celebration of school psychology week, let’s dive into that role and what it entails.
School psychologists are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.

School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community.

What Training Do School Psychologists Receive? School psychologists receive specialized advanced graduate preparation that includes coursework and practical experiences relevant to both psychology and education.


Christmas wishlist loading….


Remember, your mental health IS a priority.


All of these lines across my skin
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am.


Either you run the day or the day runs you.


Your work environment can have a positive or negative effect on your daily life. “Positive” work environments can be defined as those workplaces where there is trust, cooperation, safety, risk-taking support, accountability, and equity.

There are some abstract concepts when thinking about a positive work environment. You want to strive for shared purpose, values, and trust. However, there are practical ways you can start building a positive work environment immediately.

The Six Essentials of Workplace Positivity model includes: positive thinking, positive relationships, strengths, empowerment, meaning and well-being. The way we think has a powerful effect on our emotions and our behavior.
Votre environnement de travail peut avoir un effet positif ou négatif sur votre vie quotidienne. Les environnements de travail « positifs » peuvent être définis comme les lieux de travail où il y a confiance, coopération, sécurité, soutien à la prise de risques, responsabilité et équité.

Il y a quelques concepts qui viennent à l’esprit quand on pense à un environnement de travail positif. Vous voulez atteindre un but, des valeurs et une confiance communs. Cependant, il existe des moyens pratiques de commencer à créer un environnement de travail positif immédiatement.

Le modèle Six Essentials of Workplace Positivity comprend : la pensée positive, les relations positives, les forces, l'autonomisation, le sens et le bien-être. Notre façon de penser a un effet puissant et catégorique sur nos émotions et notre comportement.


Look ahead, not behind. The best is yet to come.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 12/08/2023

Dear parents, these are not toys or highlighters. They are vapes. What are vapes you asked!

Vapes = Cigarette Électronique

La cigarette électronique (ou e-cigarette), aussi appelée vapoteuse, vaporette ou vaporisateur personnel, est un dispositif électronique, rechargeable ou jetable, générant un aérosol destiné à être inhalé. Elle produit une « vapeur » ressemblant visuellement à la fumée produite par la combustion du tabac. Cette vapeur peut être aromatisée — arôme de tabacs blonds, bruns, de fruits, de bonbons, etc. — et contenir ou non de la ni****ne. « Vapoté » ou « vapé » sont les adjectifs pour désigner l’utilisation de la cigarette électronique.

Regardez le design. Ils commercialisent ces choses pour qu'elles soient attrayantes pour nos enfants (du primaire au lycée). Les saveurs sont souvent également commercialisées auprès des enfants comme la fraise, le chewing-gum et la vanille. Soyez vigilant. Renseignez-vous. Ce n'est pas un bonbon

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 07/08/2023

And just like a blink of an eye, summer is over. Welcome to the educator’s NEW YEAR. Happy 2023-2024 school year to all students, teachers, and administrators. ❤️


Feelings are communicating tools between our body and our thoughts. Acknowledging, accepting, processing their roots, and moving on are ways to making sure they don’t run our lives.


Summer….ly ☀️🌻🍉


Ready, get set…. 3 weeks away from the new school year. Are you ready? Drop a comment and tell us when you start 📚


Work work work work work.


Hold on. One step forward. You are worth it.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 09/06/2023

Your loved one is hurting? Something feels wrong? You don’t know what to do? LISTEN… psychological first aid is to listen actively and without judgment. Your job is not to fix but to be present and to…. LISTEN

Votre être cher a mal ? Quelque chose ne va pas ? Vous ne savez pas quoi faire ? ÉCOUTER... les premiers soins psychologiques nécessite que quelqu’un écoute activement et sans jugement. Votre travail n'est pas de réparer, mais d'être présent et de... Écouter


Une maman, c'est un guide, une oreille attentive, une main tendue, un regard apaisant. C'est celle qui accompagne dans les choix, qui ne juge pas. Une maman, c'est la peur et l'émerveillement, c'est l'attente et l'acceptation, c'est la force et la tranquillité.

Une maman peut faire presque tous les métiers; infirmière, taxi, clown, professeur, psychologue, humoriste, cuisinière, couturière et bien d’autres, tout en y mettant tout son cœur et ce gratuitement.

Joyeuse Fêtes des Mères à toutes nos mamans Hatiennes.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 25/05/2023

We are each other’s keeper.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 13/05/2023

Follow for more information

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 09/05/2023

Nou tout gen wól nou. Nou fóme yon ekip.


Life can be stressful—you may feel stressed about performance at work, traumatic events, or a life change. Everyone feels stress from time to time...it is a normal part of life.
So, how do you know if you are experiencing stress or anxiety?
• Stress is the physical or mental response to an external cause. A stressor may be a one-time or short-term occurrence, or it can happen repeatedly over a long time.
• Anxiety is your body's reaction to stress and can occur even if there is no current threat.
Both stress and anxiety can affect your mind and body. You could experience problems with sleeping, or with your immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. You also may be at higher risk for developing a mental illness such as an anxiety disorder or depression.
Learning what causes or triggers your stress and what coping techniques work for you can help reduce your anxiety and improve your daily life. Here are some activities you can try when you start to feel overwhelmed:
• Breathe – Three good deep breaths have been shown to lower your cortisol levels – the hormone released in response to stress.
• Stick to a sleep routine, and make sure you are getting enough
• Get moving – One of the best ways to overcome stress during the
holidays, or any time, is to exercise regularly. Take a 30-minute
• Reach out to your friends or family members who help you cope
in a positive way.


📖 : the tears that taught me by


Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson


Let’s go! Let’s go! Keep moving. Keep dreaming. The day is coming.


We continue to inform ourselves on best practices.



Rotary Peace Scholarships 2023-24 | Fully Funded

The scholarship will cover full tuition fees, round airfare tickets, room & board, health insurance, internship expenses, and field-study expenses.

Deadline: 15th May 2023.

For more Scholarships, Join Our WhatsApp community


For more Scholarships, Join Our Telegram community

For scholarships Internships opportunities this Facebook Group:


Good luck 🌹❤️



Which is your number 1? Refocus and keep pushing.

Photos from equilibrium_counseling_haiti's post 24/02/2023

Su***de prevention requires all of us to be willing to do something

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TGIF! Let’s stretch that body, give it love and attention. Be mindful of you thought and surroundings. Peace is as much ...
Do you consciously or unconsciously people please? Do you consider it being nice? It can actually be armful and lead to ...
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Strength like no other @pastor_td_jake_ministry @pastort.d
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Our mindfulness camp will be the perfect opportunity for your kids to learn tools to help them stay calm and focus more....


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00