Drei Raben History - DRH
Life-protecting technology,
Science and technological product,
Computer aided learning, (programming)
We like to meet people, and talk with them, we are friendly (fundamentally and correctly). We produce diagnostically products, and healthcare, and help to provide the best solutions for lawyers and keep alive human people. We can collaborating with other companies, we can learn from relationships, and there are much chances to work with us.
05th of September, 2024 - 06th of September, 2024
We are in danger because of the implants, they must be replaced, be careful of storage capacity.
Motion sensor activated.
We don't know why there is so much pain and feeling sick... top secret, so we can't talk about it.
The crush, bleeding, and poisoning happened in Plaza + Szinvapark.
Memóriaterület (Terrabyte): 16 000 000 000 000
1 Terrabyte = 1024 Gigabyte 1 024
eredmény: (Gigabyte) 15 625 000 000
The intracranial bleeding has worsened, unfortunately the pain is caused by the inner area of the skull 💀 in the head, the brain nerve pathways, and brain cells, we can regenerate them, but a blood test and blood group test will be required, there is a risk of high blood pressure or heatstroke (?), temporary high temperature in the skull is certain area and neck area...
The introScan detects a person who is staying locally, presumably lying in a horizontal position when feeling sick...
Swimming pool, the sound of splashing water... they left it to dry, is the body there? Or would it be in the canal?
A koponyaűri vérzés súlyosbodott, sajnos a fájdalmat az okozza a fejben a koponya 💀 belső területén, az agyi idegpályákat, és agysejtek, regenerálhatjuk, vérvételre és vércsoport vizsgálatra lesz szükség, kockázat magas vérnyomás, vagy hőguta (?), ideiglenes magas hőmérséklet a koponya bizonyos területnél és nyak területén...
Helyileg hol tartózkodó személy, feltehetőleg rosszullétben vízszintes helyzetben való fekvést érzékel az introScan...
Uszoda, vízcsobogás hangja... szárítani hagyták, ott van a test?
Vagy a csatornában lenne?
Error message last day, 28th of August (8.), 2024.
Malfunctioning card reader, contact a service person immediately or consult your system doctor! (18:33)
Hibaüzenet a múlt napon (tegnap), 2024. 08. 28.
Hibásan működő kártyaolvasó, azonnal keressen fel szervizest, vagy keresse fel rendszerorvosát! (18:33)
Drei Raben legal and lifeguard; not film, not acting and not military.
No, They can't access the information because it's closed and security encrypted... (priority level high) no hack, no permission for they.
I know they are trying to break it... there will be new passwords - and that too is secret. (for downloading & encoding and transmission.)
I will arrive at night...
Yes, she-he is indeed out and about in the Drei Raben.
She (as mnemonic courier) did collide with the tram (630) and was on top of it many times.
Currently at half capacity and shut down due to low power, it is in power-saving mode.
We need a new empex, a new implant and a new card reader... fixed and ordered...
2024. 08. 26. 04:13 (13 órával ezelőtt):
Warning, error message: card reader overheated, continuously used, usage, and hardware damage of left back side of the head.
A message of our collague:
मेरा नाम जॉनी निमोनिक है। मैं आपकी सहायता के लिए एक कूरियर हूं।
mera naam Jonee Nimonik hai. main aapakee sahaayata ke lie ek Kooriyar hoon.
My name is Johnny Mnemonic. I am a courier to help You.
एक छोटी सी नजर, लेजर उपचार और गलती के लिए कार्ड स्कैन, आपको कार्ड कब बदलना चाहिए?
ek chhotee see najar, lejar upachaar aur galatee ke lie kaard skain, aapako kaard kab badalana chaahie?
I'm a bit nervous, worried, a laser treatment and a card reader replacement due to the malfunction, when should I replace the card?
Opened circuit, it is necessary to close the system, encrypted and protected, protected content.
It's never public, we can't talk about it.
Request, search, and find trusted people to install the system
Get all the poison out of the body. Open circuit, the system must be closed, encrypted, and protected, protected content.
It's never public, we can't talk about it.
Request, search, and find trusted people to install the system
Get all the toxins out of your body.
AVM mode fixed; Avinox Drone installed.
About Our devices: it is programmed to automatically return to the starting point when the battery charge level becomes critical ( Return to Home; Navigate to Safety ).
Video recording format MP4 (H264 and more)
Memory type: MicroSD and other type
Maximum quickness: 0-55-100-200 km/h.
Required special knowledge to drive in
The examinations are continued correctly
Closed today for maintenance...
Starting and restarting the business in progress
From 0 o'clock (Midnight) until 7 o'clock
The control panel is faulty, the system indicates the error, switched to reduced mode, in HDR mode, the camera is switched off. 3- 2- 1 second back, light on, installation of the laser protection and orientation assistance system, balance system in progress; danger of falling, stopping, braking.
two legs injured; step switch is not uniform at speed, indicates an error, normal operation.
2024. 08. 18. 18:26 (2 órával ezelőtt): Empex new version software frameprogram downloaded.
Total correction and recovery needed with M. recall and Recom solutions.
The system closed down with Access violation: 23 》denied; result;
Overchemical... poisoned.
Arrived back, but needed back, somebody used me for wrong things, in my appearance...
I'm not there what they believe, so I'm not wrong...
I'm just arrived...
Ohr information is, are coming soon, and sharing; we waiting for the data- and information transfer.
Type number AKG 5533 headphone.
AKG 5533 típusszámú fejhallgató.
Méri a fej súlyát, körfogatát, átmérőjét, és figyelmezett, ha valamilyen lérés, probléma pl.: duzzanat, vagy dagadás, vagy stroke, vagy a fejen keresztül mért pulzusszám változása, vagy idegesség, szorongás, stressz és dühroham tapasztalható.
Type number AKM 5533 CD-DVD writer and player, laser pickup... writer-reader head, pointer writing: pink, reading: green.
AKM 5533 típusszámú CD-DVD író és lejátszó, lézer pickup... író-olvasó fej, pointer írás: pink, olvasás: green.
Synaptic leakage, again, extremely large amount of blood in the head; needed to control. Needed usage of empex.
Unauthorized usage of system or file command – access is forbidden; #3355323
-r, -s, -w, -o for outer users they tried to hack us and other...
Avinox and Akiem connection okay 👌
with security warning;
Total recovery needed with M. recall and Recom solutions;
System closedown second:3;
with security warning: missing DFrame and DFrameRange: ?》•▪︎¿;
Access violation occurred system closedown with ClosedSIC.
.5.8_and_5.8.8.exe; 🗸
Developed by AGI.
Needed total recovery with M. recall with Recom solutions and security warning
Needed to reload.... ARF files... 🗸
Total correction and recovery needed with M. recall and Recom solutions.
The system closed down with Access violation: 12;
Warning, You have terminated one cable which is important.
Needed recovery Total capacity and total correction
Take care and be careful, navigate to safety.
Needed total recovery and M. Recall with Recom solutions and security warning the system close-down with security warning and correctly working.
Xtra'ni coding was Downloaded completely and correction of the system started and restart.
BigDataSession: IntroScan, Daily investigation Information.
Profession – information is other part.
12th of August, 2024. - 2024. 08. 12.,
Monday - Hétfő, 16:47 (1 nappal ezelőtt):
Sysnote error, maybe the ghost of others causes errors in electric devices, computers, and others?
It makes changes in microphones and others.
Recovery Completed.
I'm Ágnes (JogAgi), not Nikoletta.
Jogniki is an unknown name (Niki = invalid).
Unauthorized usage-trial of the system - her name...
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.
a vállalkozás elérése
Nyitvatartási idő
Hétfő | 08:00 - 18:45 |
Kedd | 08:30 - 18:00 |
Szerda | 09:00 - 19:00 |
Csütörtök | 09:00 - 16:00 |
Péntek | 09:00 - 16:30 |
Szombat | 09:00 - 13:00 |
Vasárnap | 09:00 - 14:00 |
Hegedűs Gyula Utca 89/a (Navi-Gate Kft. )
Budapest, 1133
Hivatalos képviselet. A GARMIN a világ vezető navigációs készülék- és okosóra gyártója.
Királyi Pál Utca 13/a
Budapest, 1053
30 éve foglalkozom pénztárgépekkel 1995 óta ezen a néven címen, adószámon teljesítem a NAV
Vécsey Károly Utca 8
Budapest, 1152
Iwant.hu webshop, műszaki cikkek minden mennyiségben.
Tímár Utca 22
Budapest, 1034
Mobilok, tabletek, laptopok: gyors és szakszerű javítása új eszközök értékesítése.
Daróczi Utca 3
Budapest, 1113
Híradótechnikai Vállalat (HTV) 1113 Budapest, Daróczi u. 1-3 Élt: 1949-1986 Az oldalra a vállalat volt dolgozóit várjuk, akik segítenek életben tartani egykori munkahelyünk emlékét...
Your trusted partner for all your electrical needs in the vibrant city of Budapest!
Szőlőkert Utca 4/b
Budapest, 1033
Svédországban tervezett esport eszközök. Built on experience.