von Tajgetosz German Shepherds

von Tajgetosz German Shepherds

Még szintén kedvelheted

Katies K9 Kutz
Katies K9 Kutz

Established 2001
Breeding and Training with one hand. Training and competing for the sport myself. Focus is on health, temperament and working ability.

I take the extra effort and personally work, train, compete, show and breed survey my own dogs. I have a focused breeding program; using dogs from my own breedings and the best proven pedigrees in the world. Producing dogs that are in active family homes, SAR, Agilty, IPO and K9. I am the only breeder in the USA that trained, titled and completed themselves with a dog from their breeding program at the WUSV Worlds and/or the FCI Worlds in 2013. "Blood will out"


As a follow up to the yard and house spray, the spot application from Vet's that we use.



Still with the warm weather, heat and rain.... reminder to spray for ticks and fleas. As always, we focus on organic and natural.


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
- John C. Maxwell


When normal life is excellent socialization....just because.....

Socialization is taking a dog to different places, situations. On normal basis.

Photos from von Tajgetosz German Shepherds's post 20/07/2024

Socializing young dogs. People, dogs, mounted patrols, fountains,music, kids in strollers, wheelchairs, kids playing soccer on grass.

Solid temperament.

The real von Tajgetosz...

# , , .


Too hot to really train; with an afternoon heat index values of 105 to 109 degrees
expected…what to do to keep dogs and puppies busy?
Get up early to take care of dogs, get dogs out early when it is cooler (or not so hot!). Tracking before 8 AM, unusual for me as I try to rotate times and conditions for tracking.
Back home, let dogs stretch out and take a break before heat really kicks in.
Dogs are moved into A/C location for the heat of the day.
Later in day, in shaded part of the property, I work on foundation obedience and focus.
Keep it simple……


Happy Independence Day from MNPD K9!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


To you and yours....

Have a safe and happy 4th of July. The annual celebration of nationhood that commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.


1978 Hungarian European World team....


If you walk your dog, please be aware of not only the temp and heat index, but you must also check the temp of the ground you walk your dog on. The temperature of a sidewalk can be too hot for dogs if it's above 85°F and can't cool down. On an 85°F Day, concrete can heat up to 105°F and asphalt to 130°F. At 125°F, a dog's paw can burn in as little as 60 seconds, and even faster if it's hotter.

To test if the sidewalk is safe for your dog, you can try the "seven-second rule": Place the back of your hand on the pavement and see if you can hold it there for at least seven seconds. If you can't, the sidewalk is too hot for your dog.

Here are some other tips to keep your dog's paws safe from hot pavement:
• Walk your dog early in the morning (before 10 AM) or late at night (after 7 PM) when the pavement is cooler.
• Avoid walking your dog during the hottest parts of the day, like in the afternoon when the sun is high.
• Stay on the grass and stick to shady areas instead of sidewalks or paved areas.
•Check your dog's paw pads daily for signs of damage and wash their paws often.


With the higher than normal temps and heat index, a couple of reminders..along with consistent water and electrolytes - I use 1/2 water and 1/2 unflavored, unsweetened pedialyte.

Pay close attention to your dog in hot weather, even if they are swimming or playing in water in a pond or kiddie pool. Dogs can get heat stroke even when swimming in cool water, so never let them swim unsupervised.

Heatstroke occurs from exposure to hot or humid environments, or from overly strenuous exercise. Unlike humans, dogs only have sweat glands on their paws and must rely on panting to cool down.

The normal body temperature for a dog is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Heatstroke results when the dog cannot regulate their body temperature, and it rises to 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

If your dog is overheated, splash room temp or cool water or use cool towels on their body, particularly on their neck, belly, armpits, and paws - focus on areas where veins are.

What to avoid:
• Ice-cold water: Can reduce blood flow to the skin and make it harder for them to cool down. DO NOT use freezing cold or ice water, as this can cause their blood vessels to constrict and cause their body to go into shock.
• DO NOT use wet towels on their backs and head: this will trap heat in the dog instead of releasing it.
• DO NOT submerge them in cold water: this can cool them too quickly.

• Wet the dog with cool water - splash room temp or cool water or use cool towels on their body, particularly on their neck, belly, armpits, and paws
• Bring your pet into a room with air conditioning and position a fan near them to help with slow cooling.


Reminder on how to take care of animals in the forecasted high temperatures.


“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”
― Pelé


I’m 5 weeks old 😍😍😍

Photos from von Tajgetosz German Shepherds's post 20/06/2024

Monthly recommendation for organic products that we use around the house and property.

We do not use chemicals for fertilizers and pest controls. Diatomaceous Earth is added to water and sprayed around the outside of the house, outside kennels, planting areas near the house, lawn, etc. to get rid of pests naturally.


Zoe von Tajgetosz training.

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As a breeder, looking and researching pedigrees is something that I like to do. Looking at dogs back in the pedigrees that I have personally seen, as well as seen and/or handled progeny out of. Looking at the combinations and what is produced, seeing and/or working dogs even further back in the pedigree 1st hand to really know what you are producing. It is incredible.

With the puppies in this litter, I see the genetics come through. Seeing elements of the great grandparents on down in these puppies. All are curious, social, over/under/through obstacles in the house; desks, chairs and over railings, tv consoles… makeshift course.

Chrissie is the bicolor female, just like her mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Responds to her name, comes to me tail wagging. She is so like her sister in terms of temperament (different litter, same breeding) who is with Avi ….investigating under things and watching the French Open Men’s Finals….

Ciran is a darker sable but is a mini me of his grandfather Yuri. He does get it from both sides, since 3-3 on Enzo, Little Angry Bird, he is intense, vocal, intent on everything and everyone. I call his name….he stops, gives me a look like Al Pacino…” you talking to ME?” Barking at the French Open Men’s Finals – thinks he support Alcaraz..

Cato is sable, with his father’s head, balanced from his mother and paternal grandmother. He brings in his father’s genetics and looks. I call his name… he looks at me, comes over and leans into me. But then immediately off to explore and do something. He prefers Zverev....

Gabor Szilasi
von Tajgetosz German Shepherds


Crate Training: initial and establishing for new home/dog

A fun topic that can be broken down into multiple parts, but there are a lot of similar aspects to not do and do.
A lot of owners…
1. think that crates are bad.
2. let puppy/dog out by themselves out to “do their thing” and do
not know if “the thing” has been done….
3. do not have puppy/dog on set food schedule.
4. use puppy pads. This teaches the dog to go in the crate/house.

Puppy, Older Dog crate training: whether new to crate training or a new home
1. Your puppy/dog needs to be on schedule, as it will be a new environment.
2. Crate at night.
3. First thing in AM, take your puppy/dog outside to do their
business. Initially, take your puppy/dog out on a flexi leash if in
your yard, on a leash if walking in the neighborhood with a dog
4. DO NOT talk to your puppy/dog. Canines live through their
5. Walk until your puppy/dog starts to focus sniff: tell them your
marking phrase; I use the phrase “hurry up”.
6. If they do NOT go outside, calmly take your puppy/dog back into
the house and put into their crate. After 30 minutes, take back
outside and repeat.
7. Once your puppy/dog does both (especially in AM and right
before bed), mark the behavior with a phrase and that you are
happy; again, I use same phrase and say “good hurry up”.
8. Do not use reward food.
9. Take your puppy/dog back to the house and play with them. That
reinforces that they get to play if they do their “business “outside.

The key is that your puppy/dog has free time with you when they
do their “business” outside. You are creating a schedule and a
positive award.

Gabor Szilasi
von Tajgetosz German Shepherds

Photos from von Tajgetosz German Shepherds's post 03/06/2024

C von Tajgetosz. Third generation breeding, 3-3 V KK1 Molinari Enzo (SCH3, VK3, FH, 4x WUSV World Team, 3x FCI World Team, HOT).

Nashville, TN

" Blood will out".


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

Oscar Wilde

But, it is still imitation and not the real thing.....😎😎


"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. "

John F. Kennedy

We give thanks, as well as honor, to those who served.

Photos from von Tajgetosz German Shepherds's post 24/05/2024

Nap time! 2 males (dark sable) and 1 female (bi-color)


Raising a puppy; post #2
“How big is your puppy”? “My puppy is a monster!” “Look at big my puppy is!”
How many times and versions have you heard/said this? Too many times to count and not where the focus should be…..

The dog’s final size is genetic.

Puppies grow physically during the first part of life; the most formative timeframe is up to 24 months. Bones, joints, base muscle; foundation of what the dog will be. Some dogs physically grow faster, some develop at a slower pace. That should not be the focus. The focus should be on slow, consistent, and even growth, height, girth, weight. Rapid growth with weight will and can result in inflammation of the bones and joints.

Size also equates to weight. Puppies must be lanky and lean from the start; some might state that the puppy will look skinny.

Exercise is another component. I wrote about walking the puppy on a flexi lead. Build the puppy up to normal walks, post all vaccinations. Start with a ½ mile up to what the puppy will take. Build up to consistent, non-impact exercise. Even if the puppy/young dog will go to training; the walks are great non-impact and relationship building exercises and create great muscle building non-impact exercise.

No exercise that includes jumping over elbow height, playing on slippery surfaces, pushing up and launching up and out to catch a ball, frisbee, jump into a pool. Rabbits run… they do not launch and fly.

No playing with dog older/larger. Simple play with an older, larger, stronger dog can result in a slight injury that can be exacerbated.


Raising a puppy; post #1
Socializing. Buzz words that a lot of different trainers throw out at dog owners. But what is the true definition of socializing as a puppy? Whether for active family or sport, the theory and foundation are the same.

Think about it.
Active family pet. People come over and visit the puppy. The puppy is walked on a collar and 6-foot leash. Nothing much, other than possible dog parks (not recommended) and/or playing with older/bigger dogs where/when dog can get injured, going to vet for checkups, etc.
Sport puppy. People come over and visit the puppy. The puppy is walked on a collar and 6-foot leash. The puppy is taken to club, tracking. And then back home.

What is consistent between the two? Both are very controlled situations.
What is missing? Basic foundation, being a puppy, building a relationship with the dog and owner and true socialization. Allowing the puppy to investigate and deal with life on their own. Not in the constant control of the owner.

A dog lives through their nose and grows/develops through true social interaction and exposure, not a human version of controlled socialization.

Use a flat collar, no harness, and an extendable Flexi lead. I am sure that sport people will immediately read this, go into shock, and claim that a Flexi lead is a horrible idea.
No, it is a great and proven idea. A Flexi lead allows a dog to “stretch” out and investigate life on their own terms.

Take the puppy for rides, crated in car, to a park. For fun….

Walk the puppy in a park setting, sports fields with soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball going on. The fast movement, yelling and crowds.

Walk the puppy in a downtown, Farmer’s Market and/or shopping area, where there is a lot of foot traffic and crowds.

Let the puppy interact positively with strangers, in a different place.

Board the dog in a kennel. Even if you will never put the dog in a boarding situation when you travel, use this time for the puppy/dog to be able to handle and deal with separation and different situations.


Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Photos from von Tajgetosz German Shepherds's post 11/05/2024

Bianka watching the USCA WDC 2024...

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Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.



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This page borned for the reason to know more about our kennel. Good quality, healthy dogs and puppies. If you are intrested, just send PM to us or give a call.

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