Stroke solutions, a place for deep healing
Unveiling the truth about stroke and health and the requirements for complete self-healing.
To know what we have, we have to lose it! Only one when you loose your mind. When this happens, it will feel like you never had it.
Don't worry about a thing........When you can take care of any problem or absolutely anything that life throws at you, then you can stop worrying. Permanently.
Wisdom of the day, Pain is the Teacher who we can not ignor.
We can only learn from failures, no failures, nothing to learn.
Show me a man who has never failed, then I can tell you that he hasn't lived yet.
This is my personal opinion and it has been made after years of dealing with Stroke! If you had a stroke for more than 2 years and you have not recovered yet, your best chance for recovery is Practical Spiritualism. It helped me and it will do the same for you. Right now, I am putting a beta group together which includes 5 hours of one on one consultation. The First 5 people will be free of charge and it was not advertised yet. It will be free because I have to iron out the details and have to see that how fast and how can we go. If you are interested, book a time for the first 30 min introductory meeting where I will give you all the info.
failure is the quickest way to learn also the most painful one!
History in making, just watch, they will succeed when everybody has given up.
Starship | SN9 | High-Altitude Flight Test As early as Tuesday, February 2, the SpaceX team will attempt a high-altitude flight test of Starship serial number 9 (SN9) – the second high-altitude suborb...
Interesting discussions, like about the effectiveness of modern-day spirituality. how will it help to restore health, how is this practical? Going to have 2, 5- day challenges and personal counseling for anyone who wants to speed up the healing or learning process, the first 5-day challenge will be the preparation for visualization and to jolt your imagination we will unveil some of your abilities and start a project to map up the human mind I a hoping that some of you will join me to do that but don't forget, open-mindedness is a requirement. If you have friends, who are interested in these subjects, invite them. This will be adjusted for people with strokes. It worked for me, will do the same for you
In the next couple of days stick with the foundation theory, please then we will start to work on mind widgets, I have stumbled upon them during a stroke. I had a couple of them and I was bedridden for 2 and a half years. Could not move so I meditated and wanted to improve my visualization skills. That did not work but I have found MIND WIDGETS
Mind Widgets are programs containing your hidden innate abilities already downloaded into your mind. Innate ability and it has been already uploaded in our mind. The good thing about mind widgets is that you have nothing to learn, just have to activate them, use them, and be familiar with them.
Will continue on Wednesday!
The ancient wisdom of the day: Practice makes a Master. This is the proper translation from German. Practice can not make perfect because this life, Universe is perfect with all its seeming imperfections.
Don’t make it complicated. Imagine yourself like a giant MECHWARRIOR. It is also like buying a new computer. When you take it home from the store, it is filled with hundreds of programs, games, and widgets. A year later we have used maybe 10 % of it.
This is the continuation of the foundation theory, should stick with it and meditate upon it for the next couple of days. We are here to do great things and need a solid foundation.
The ancient wisdom of the day
Learn to walk before you run.
The Foundation Theory
First, we start with the basics. Your brain is your hardware; your mind is the software uploaded into your brain (into your hardware) and your soul is the user. Your Mind is the bridge between the user and everything else mental or physical. We are like computers but we have all 3 parts included in the same package.
I tried to make it as simple and relatable as possible and continue tomorrow.
Are you waiting? Are you waiting for somebody to fulfill a promise to do something, to help you with the first steps in your journey, to say something, to make you feel a certain way, for secrets to be revealed, for luck to arrive? Are you waiting for the right year the right time, for the right moment? Well, it is here! This moment is good as any other because that is all you have. If you are still waiting for anything you have to know that you are fooling yourself. Here you will find tools, exercises, and all help if you require it. Only one requirement. to have an open mind. It is specialized for people with stroke but also beneficial for anybody who wants to improve upon the quality of their life
Tomorrow, we start with basics.
Here, we have only one requirement "to have an open mind".
Nelson Mandela: It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done