Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching

Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching

I help women thrive through preconception, postnatal recovery, and menopause. Emotional release, movement, food.

Simply in harmony - encouraging you to love yourself and nurture your body and mind. As a certified yoga teacher and holistic health coach (by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition), I can help you rediscover the lost harmony by building up your inner balance through the practice of yoga, breathing, meditation, relaxation and healthy nutrition. I practice a holistic approach and look at how all


Cycling down to the park. The fresh, cool morning air is touching my body. It feels good as the heat will slowly kick in today.

Enjoying the sound of the stream as I pass by it. The birds are chirping. The Danube is quiet, no movement and the sun is sparkling on the surface.

As I arrive to the Japanese garden the frogs still seem to be sleeping. I lay down my mat, ready to move.

I'm present. Practicing conscious presence.

When our minds are always occupied with what we need to do, where we need to be, being distracted with technology....

it really takes practice to be in the moment.

For example when you are trying for a baby, most of the time you forget to enjoy the little moments. You might think life has to stop, because what if you get pregnant.

And then you are disappointed when the next period comes, instead of welcoming a next cycle of possibilities. To get your body and mind into an even healthier state.

So a task for you: catch yourself being distracted and BE in the NOW.

And then let me know how it feels 🙂

Want help with being present? Comment or message me HEART and I'll send you a meditation to help you with just that.


🌸 If I had known why it is important to prepare and take control, 3+ years would not have passed...

🌸 If I had known from the beginning how to increase the chances of natural conception... we would have had a baby sooner..

🌸 If I had known the real reasons why I don't get pregnant... I could have started the changes sooner.

🌸 If I had known simple steps to restore my fertility holistically... our daughter would have been born sooner..

Now, of course, it is completely unnecessary to wonder about "what if" and "what should have happened".

However, if you want a baby right now and are in the fortunate position of seeing this post, message me and let's have a free chat to find out the answers to the above questions and how you can support your body and soul with natural tools for a successful pregnancy.


One of the most common questions I receive from ladies who had a baby is, "How can I safely strengthen my core after pregnancy?" Let's explore what you can do without risking injury.

☯️ Understanding Your Body: The first step in postnatal core strengthening is understanding and respecting your body's incredible journey. Embrace the gradual process, acknowledging the changes and marveling at the strength within.

☯️ Patience is Key: Post-pregnancy, your core requires a gentle approach. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your core strength. When I had my daughter,

I was amazed at how weak my core became after giving birth, but giving time I gradually regained my strength.

☯️ Mindful Breathing Techniques: Incorporate mindful breathing into your routine. It not only connects you with your body but also engages your core muscles subtly, laying the foundation for more advanced exercises.

☯️ Pelvic Floor Activation: Prioritize pelvic floor exercises first to establish a strong foundation. These exercises contribute significantly to core stability and can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine, and can be done even in bed.

☯️ Begin with Gentle Exercises: Start with low-impact exercises like pelvic tilts, leg slides, and gentle abdominal contractions. These movements gradually awaken and engage your core without overwhelming it.

☯️ Gradual Progression: As your strength builds, gradually progress to more challenging exercises. Remember, it's about the quality of movement, not the quantity. Listen to your body and progress at your own pace.

☯️ Professional Guidance: Seek guidance from a postnatal recovery coach or a fitness professional experienced in post-pregnancy exercise. In my MomTum Repair program for example I personalize the exercises for you to minimizing the risk of injury.

☯️ Holistic Approach: Embrace a holistic approach to postnatal recovery. Nutrition, hydration, and adequate rest play vital roles in supporting your core-strengthening journey.

DM me "MomTum" for personalized guidance even if you had children 2 decades ago 🙂


Happy, healthy 2024!

My year started with this message and I trust I will receive a lot more similar throughout the year. 🥰

If you'd also like a baby and would like to improve your chances and your health with natural tools, then message me for a free consultation, and let's discuss what could be done! 💖


Discover 5-morning practices to nurture yourself 🫶
My clients understand the significance of routines and rhythms! The way we initiate our day holds considerable influence, as it can set a positive tone from the get-go.
Personally, I find morning routines need a touch of creativity and spaciousness. Consequently, I deliberately incorporate activities in my morning ritual that cultivate these qualities — presently, it involves an activation meditation and a little bit of breathing and movement.
1 • 📱 Skip the immediate dive into social media upon waking. Instead, take intentional moments to breathe deeply, connect with your body, and establish your personal intentions for the day before external influences take hold through social media.
2 • 💦 Hydrate with your preferred beverage, be it water, hot tea, or herbal infusions. (If you need it, coffee can come later, after breakfast 😉 )
3 • 🧘 Integrate your habits: While preparing your morning tea, incorporate a few gentle stretches to awaken your body.
4 • 📓 Reflect, ponder, or express gratitude for three things in your life. Gratitude isn't confined to holiday seasons; it's a year-round practice accessible to all.
5 • 📅 Plan your day with your key priorities in mind. This approach helps you stay focused, and by day's end, accomplishing those tasks or addressing top priorities becomes a significant triumph!
Which one of these five practices resonates with you the most?

Want to make changes and create a sustainable routine for yourself? Drop "ROUTINE" below or message me and let's chat!


Give yourself or your loved ones the gift of Health! 🎄

Gift certificates are available for:
🌟 single health coaching session
🌟 MomTum Repair for diastasis and strong core
🌟 Aviva Method for hormonal health
🌟 Wushuang Daoyin (unique Chinese exercise system) session for a flexible, healthy spine and more energy
🌟 yoga sessions

Just message me or comment "GIFT", if you'd like more info on any of these services/options. 👇


I'm so happy to receive feedback like this!

I rarely meet such conscious young woman like Evelin. When the doctor told her "it I going to be difficult to get pregnant " it really stressed her out. Naturally. This is how she's found me and that's where we started from.

The result came very quickly after, and though it is not too typical (though it did happen few times in the last few months 🙂 ), but it also shows that you just need a little focus and attention, and weeding out limiting beliefs and emotions.

In Evelin's words:

"The biggest change was during the program that I got pregnant within 2 months, and I managed to release stress, because I was confident the baby was going to arrive to us.

Andrea has a very positive and open personality. It was great talking to her about all kinds of topics, including family, relationship and preparing for pregnancy."

I'm happy to have supported you!

If you'd also like the get into balance and reach similar results preconception, postnatal or in perimenopause DM me. 🥰


Join Elvira from and myself for a chat about Staying healthy and strong throughout the colder seasons on the 17th October at 10am CEST. :)

Will you be here?


It takes everyday habits to maintain good health. Sometimes it looks instant and rosy when we’re looking at the success of others.

But the truth is…behind every fit and healthy person there is months and years of commitment to themselves and maybe detours that no one saw.

If you want to get better at looking after your health, creating daily habits, you have to start. So get in the kitchen and make that nourishing meal and enjoy it. Move your body and get out those negative emotions from your system.

You’ve got this!

And although it takes practice, I want to help you see results sooner by teaching you the practices that actually work. So make sure you’re following along and if you feel called join my Fall Cleanse to accelerate the process.

I'm here, message me.


Do you plan your meals in advance for the week? 👇


Your health is an investment, not an expense.

Would you agree?
What's your thoughts on this?


🍉🚫 Caution: Avoid Combining Watermelon or Melon with Other Foods!

Summertime calls for refreshing fruits like watermelon and melon! While they're delicious and hydrating on their own, it's essential to be mindful of how we pair them with other foods. You might have felt bloating when combined with other foods. I certainly did. Let's explore why combining watermelon or melon with other foods might not be the best idea for your digestion.

🔴 Quick Digestion: Watermelon and melon have a high-water content and simple sugars, which allow them to digest rapidly in our stomachs. However, when paired with other foods that require more time to break down, it can lead to a digestive dilemma.

🔴 Fermentation: When melon mix with slower-digesting foods, they may get trapped in the stomach, causing fermentation. This can lead to bloating, gas, and discomfort.

🚫 Sluggishness Alert: Improper food combinations can lead to a feeling of sluggishness and low energy levels, as the body works harder to digest the mix of foods.

🍉🍋 The Right Way to Enjoy

💡 Opt for Solo: Enjoy watermelon as a standalone snack or optionally as part of a fruit salad with other watery fruits. (I suggest solo rather.) This allows your body to efficiently digest and absorb the goodness they offer.

💡 Eat Mindfully: If you still wish to have watermelon or melon with a meal, try to eat them first on an empty stomach. Wait for about 30 minutes before consuming other foods. This way, they won't get stuck in your digestive system.

💡 Hydrate Separately: Avoid drinking water immediately after eating watermelon or melon, as it can dilute stomach acid and hinder digestion. Drink water separately, either 30 minutes before or an hour after your meal. This actually applies to hydration separately in general.

Remember, listening to your body and understanding how different foods combine can lead to better digestion and overall well-being. Let's make mindful choices to savor the goodness of melon without compromising our digestive health!

Message me "BETTER" if you'd like to have better digestion.
Follow .conolly for more


🌸 Understanding Perimenopause: Causes & Chinese Medicine Insights 🌸

🌷 Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause, when the ovaries gradually reduce estrogen production, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and various hormonal fluctuations. It usually occurs in a woman's 40s or 50s, marking the end of her reproductive years, but could start as early as mid 30s

📚 The Causes of Perimenopause

🌸 Hormonal Changes: Fluctuating hormone levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone, contribute to the physical and emotional changes experienced during perimenopause. Many of the changes you experience during perimenopause are a result of decreasing estrogen.

🌸 Age & Genetics: Age is a significant factor, and genetics can play a role in determining when perimenopause starts. Family history can provide insights into your own journey.

🌸 Stress & Lifestyle: High levels of stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep can exacerbate perimenopausal symptoms. Nurturing a healthy lifestyle is key!

🌸 The Chinese Medicine Perspective

🎋 Yin & Yang Balance: TCM sees perimenopause as a Yin-Yang imbalance within the body. As Yin energy declines, symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances may arise.

🎋 Kidney Essence: The Kidneys, in TCM, govern reproductive health and aging. Nourishing Kidney Essence through lifestyle, diet, and herbal support is essential during perimenopause.

🎋 Blood & Qi Flow: Smooth circulation of Blood and Qi energy is crucial for hormonal balance. Acupuncture, acupressure and specific herbs can help promote this flow.

Perimenopause is a transformative journey, both physically and spiritually. By understanding its causes and incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine principles into our lives, we can navigate this phase with grace and empowerment.

Has perimenopause impacted your daily life?

Tag a friend who might be going through perimenopause too, and let's support each other! Follow for more .conolly


I'm so proud of my own produce! 🍅🌿 Gardening and connecting with nature brings me a lot of joy.

I'm growing a few types of tomatoes at the moment and all are delicious. I've created this simple tomato salad with basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a pinch of salt. Delicious! 😋

And what do tomatoes do for you? Regular consumption of tomatoes comes with numerous benefits!

🍅 Anti-cancer effect - Tomatoes are an effective anti-cancer vegetable thanks to the substance called lycopene. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and reduces the risk of prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer.

🍅Sunscreen and anti-aging effect - Another advantage of lycopene is its ability to bind free radicals, thus slowing down skin aging. Research shows that consuming 15 mg of lycopene daily (equivalent to approximately 2-3 red tomatoes) can reduce the risk of sunburn by up to 40%.

Rich source of Vitamin C - Tomatoes are a significant source of Vitamin C. Every 500 grams of tomatoes provide about 95 mg of Vitamin C, which is essential for the body as it slows down aging processes, promotes wound healing, and helps eliminate toxic metals from the system.

Prevention of heart and cardiovascular diseases - The presence of rutin in tomatoes contributes to the protection of blood vessels and the prevention of high blood pressure.

How to choose good quality tomatoes?

Opt for the most red tomatoes as they have higher lycopene content. Red tomatoes generally contain around 2-3 mg of lycopene per 100 grams, but this can go up to 20 mg. On the other hand, yellow tomatoes only contain 0.3 mg of lycopene per 100 grams.

Avoid tomatoes with black stems. Tomatoes that have undergone artificial ripening tend to have dark skins and black stems. Naturally ripe tomatoes have shiny skin and green stems.

Refrain from consuming hard tomatoes. Truly ripe tomatoes should have a slightly soft texture. Hard tomatoes, whether red or green, are not fully ripe yet. If a tomato is unripe, it will ripen naturally within a few days.

Are you a tomato fan? Drop a 🍅 below if so 🙂 . . .

Photos from Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching's post 21/07/2023

Are you making this common nutrition mistake? 🌅✋

Skipping breakfast may seem harmless, but it can have negative effects on your hormones and overall well-being. Let's dive deeper into why it's crucial to fuel your body in the morning 🍳🍉🌿

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and for good reason! By skipping breakfast, you're depriving your body of essential nutrients and energy to kickstart your day.

The Impact on Your Hormones

Skipping breakfast can disrupt your hormonal balance. It can lead to blood sugar imbalances, which may affect insulin sensitivity, cortisol levels, and other hormones crucial for reproductive health.

Chinese Medicine Perspective

According to traditional Chinese medicine, breakfast is seen as an opportunity to nourish and harmonize the body's Qi, or vital energy. It sets the foundation for a balanced and vibrant day ahead. It's important, because the Stomach Qi is the most active from 7-9am, giving an opportunity to break down food the best.

Nourish Your Body for Hormonal Balance

A balanced breakfast rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates supports hormonal balance. Include foods like eggs, avocado, whole grains, and fruits to provide the nutrients your body needs. Also observe where are you at in your cycle and eat accordingly.

Start Your Day Right for Optimal Health

By nourishing your body with a wholesome breakfast, you're setting the stage for optimal health and well-being. A well-fueled body experiences increased energy, improved focus, and enhanced overall productivity. And who wouldn't want that?

How about you? Are you having breakfast? Share in the comments 👇

New Moon Yin Yoga 17/07/2023

Join me this evening at 8:45pm for a relaxing 30 min yin yoga session:

New Moon Yin Yoga Join me for a relaxing yin yoga sessionConnect with me at:


Today's reminder -

"No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again." - Jack Kornfield


This is my easy meal creation process.

I try not to overthink it, cooking for me is mostly very intuitive. 😍

Here's the full recipe for this veggie dish:

1 cup (raw) bulgur, cooked in advance
1 eggplant
1 zucchini
3-4 spring onions
Organic tomato 🍅 sauce
Dried or fresh oregano, basil, parsley


Precooked the bulgur.
Preheat the oven at 180-200 Celsius
Slice up the veggies.
In a glass dish start layering the bulgur, veggies and tomato sauce with herbs 🌿 on top, then repeat the process.

Cover the dish and bake it for about 45-60 minutes until nice and brownish on top.

It's really simple and delicious 😋

How do you usually cook? Intuitively or mostly from recipes?

Photos from Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching's post 24/05/2023

To help my digestion, recently I've been preparing congee regularly in the mornings and I can really feel the difference in my stool situation, which is very important for health. :)

Congee, also known as rice porridge, has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries as a healing food. Here are some benefits of congee:

✨ Nourishes the Spleen: The Spleen is our centre, belongs to the Earth phase, in Chinese medicine that is responsible for transforming food into energy and nourishment for the body. Congee, being easy to digest, is a gentle and nourishing food that helps to support the Spleen and promote healthy digestion.

✨ Strengthens Qi: Qi is the life force energy that flows through the body and is essential for maintaining health and wellbeing. Congee, provides a source of nourishment for the body that can help to strengthen Qi.

✨ Supports the Blood: In Chinese medicine, the Blood is responsible for nourishing and moisturizing the body's tissues and organs. Congee, can help to support the Blood and promote healthy circulation.

✨ Promotes Hydration: In Chinese medicine, it is believed that fluids are essential for maintaining health and wellbeing. Congee, is a soupy, hydrating food, thus can help to support the body's fluids and promote healthy hydration. It is especially beneficial for people who struggle to drink enough water throughout the day.

✨ Supports Digestive Health: Congee is a gentle, easy-to-digest food that can help to soothe and nourish the digestive system. In Chinese medicine, it is believed that a healthy digestive system is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

Check the recipe in the carousel 👆👇

Congee is considered a healing food in Chinese medicine that is gentle, nourishing, and supportive of the body's natural healing processes. It is often recommended as a therapeutic food for people who are recovering from illness or experiencing digestive issues.

Have you tried congee yet? If so, how often do you eat it?


The FIRST most important thing in a woman's health and not just if you want to get pregnant is to have a healthy cycle.

From puberty which usually begins around age 14, to menopause, we menstruate for approximately 35-40 years of our lives.

If you have problems with your period, that's a lot of suffering!

Let's break it down:

🔥 The length of menstrual bleeding can vary from person to person, but it usually lasts between 4 and 6 days.
🔥 expect to have around 12 periods in a year, meaning about 48-60 days of bleeding per year
🔥 Therefore, the total number of periods a woman may experience over the course of 35-40 years would be roughly 450 periods
🔥 OR 2000 days of bleeding in our lifetime

Your period is not meant to be a struggle and life interrupting. You should be able to do your daily tasks as normal even on those days, without cramps, headaches and pain killers.

With natural diet and lifestyle tools you can balance your hormones and have a smooth cycle.

Drop me the word "SMOOTH" in the comments if you wish to have pain free, comfortable period and cycles and let's chat about it. ❤️

Photos from Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching's post 18/04/2023

End of 2009 I worked at a corporate marketing job while we were trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years by then...

End of 2011 I gave birth to our daughter and was doing what I love, helping women balance their cycles, get pregnant and improve their health..

I went from not knowing if I was ever going to have a child and if I was going to find what I really enjoy doing…⁣

…to just over a year later having a baby and doing what I love ⁣ever since.

So what changed?⁣⁣⁣

Back in 2009… ⁣⁣⁣

👉 By then we've been trying to have a baby for almost 3 years ⁣⁣⁣

👉 Kind of had doubts the baby plans were going to happen naturally

👉 In terms of work I had just a little sense of direction besides knowing that I wanted to work for myself⁣⁣⁣

By the end of 2011…⁣⁣⁣

💖 Our daughter was born

💖 I fell pregnant naturally and had a natural birth

💖 I have found the work I love doing ever since

Here’s the 3 keys that got me there to inspire and help you be able to change your life 💛⁣⁣⁣

1️⃣ DECIDE FIRST AND ASK FOR SUPPORT. Once I made the decision to look for the root cause of why I wasn't getting pregnant, I couldn't just do it on my own. I was lucky to find support then. We ran tests and devised a plan ⁣⁣⁣to adjust and prepare my body for conception.

Having found my purpose in life also helped with my mental wellbeing and opening up my creative energies.

2️⃣ PERFECTION IS NON-EXISTENT. You don’t need to do everything perfect. There is no perfection anyway as I see. You just need to show up and do the work... what works for you and your unique body, mind and spirit... imperfectly ;)

3️⃣ ENJOYING DISCOMFORT. Everything you want exists outside your comfort zone. ⁣It can be uncomfortable to be conscious of what you are eating, to move your body, to look after your mental health.

But... remember when you first took the training wheels off your bike? ⁣

You didn’t feel ready. ⁣⁣⁣

Decisions come first.⁣⁣⁣

Feelings follow. ⁣⁣

You just have to decide to start.⁣⁣

And then choose to show up everyday with 100% of what you have at that moment ✨⁣

Love, Andrea 💖

p.s. Drop a ❤️ below if you'd like to act on your health and I'll DM you for a free imperfect chat 😉


Join me today on Zoom at 5pm (GMT+1) to welcome spring and yesterday's new moon with a meditation session here:


So many times we tend to say "I'll do this or that, One day". (Me too.)

Then we don't do it.

And why not? Why not start NOW?

What are we waiting for?

When do we start living our lives the way we want to, making the best of our circumstances?

What do you really want?

You always have a choice at every moment.

Do you want to feel good or bad?

I choose the former.

The decision is in your hands too.
✨ If you have made the decision and want to change your lifestyle and manage stress better, I invite you to a free 30-minute conversation. Send me a message or fill out the application at the contact information below the picture.


3 reasons why I love to practice the Aviva Method, and it would be good for you too 😊

Having taught the method for the past 7 years, I have so much feedback on fixed cycles, better mood, pregnancies, ease of menopause, improved pelvic floor strength, etc. as a result of practicing this dance-based exercise sequence.

I believe it would be beneficial to every woman to practice it. If you'd like to learn it too, let me know!



I was talking to a friend the other day about my work, and he asked what my mission was. This question really struck me and made me think. My answer was pretty simple though. I thought back to nearly 13 years ago when I became self-employed and actually my mission didn’t change much.

I wanted to make people aware, especially women, about the importance of prevention over treatment.

That you can have a baby even if doctors tell you it’s going to be difficult or not possible.

That you can help your body and mind to feel better with implementing just simple lifestyle changes. And what a great feeling it is to wake up to no pain and with the knowledge that you have looked after your body in a way it should be looked after.

Everything and every method I teach to my clients I’ve tried and tested myself as well. And they all helped to improve my own health.

Just to name a few… Yoga that helped with my backpain, the Aviva method to regulate my menstrual cycles, the Loveyourbelly method that strengthened my core after childbirth, and more recently Wushuang Daoyin that helps with my spinal mobility the way yoga is not able to.

Finding a new purpose and changing my diet helped me get pregnant. Working on my emotional state through exercises and meditation makes me more resilient, and a more patient mother.
This is what I teach. Simple, natural methods.

What I want to achieve is to make you more aware that you don’t have to suffer. You don’t have to wait until illness strikes you. Prevention is so much easier, than dealing with the tsunami of s**t what an illness brings.

Yes, working on yourself takes a bit of time and commitment. But who else would you want to most commit to other than yourself? How can you create change in other people’s life if you are feeling crap?

How can you be a better mother to your children? What example do you give them?

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Don’t wait until symptoms occur unless you’d prefer to suffer.

Because not looking after you will have its price somewhere down the line.

And it doesn’t have to be done perfectly and rigidly. I don’t either. But always asking yourself – what would my precious body, my precious being would want today to feel happy?

What can I do today to look after myself first? And no, it is not selfish to look after yourself first. It should be a must.

To give your body whole foods.

To move that body daily in a way it feels good to you.

To look after your mental health with meditation or breathwork or whatever method you prefer.

It is a must!

So where will you start implementing changes in your life? Would love to know in the comments.

And of course, I’m here for you if you need a sense of direction on how to go about changing. Message me for a free chat. 🥰

Photos from Andrea Conolly-Balazs Coaching's post 20/01/2023

Digestion is the doorway to ultimate health and every system in our body depends on a healthy digestive tract for optimal functionality.

-> The beauty of your body, your skin, and your hair depends on the health of your gut.
-> The health of your immune system depends on the health of your gut.
-> The health of your mind depends on the health of your gut.

Let's explore WHY your gut is the doorway to ultimate health.

What we eat is directly related to how we feel, both physically and emotionally.
What are you putting into your body? How do you feel after you eat?

When our gut experiences an imbalance, we tend to experience the following symptoms:

-> Constipation
-> Acid reflux
-> Poor sleep
-> Excessive gas
-> IBS
-> Headaches
-> Chronic colds

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Do any of these symptoms affect you?
I used to feel bloated and often experienced constipation until I changed the way I eat.

Let’s dive a little deeper so that we can better understand how the digestive system works.

Digestion begins in the mouth and continues through the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and colon.

The goal of digestion is to sort good nutrients from bad nutrients, so your body can assimilate what it needs to thrive.

It is extremely important that you chew your food properly, ideally at least 30+ times, as this supports digestion by naturally producing digestive enzymes in the mouth through saliva.

Take a look at this sneak peek inside the digestive tract. As you can see everything within our digestive system is connected.
This will give you a good understanding of if one organ isn’t functioning properly, how that affects the others within the same system. For example, if the liver is being weighed down by toxins, you can see how it might hamper digestion? You may begin to experience unwanted yet common symptoms, like stomach upset or fatigue.

This is why it is vital to take care of and support all of our organs, because they work together as one large system.

During the Winter Clean Eating program (from 29th January) we focus on the health of the Kidney, as the Kidney is the root of our health.

Leave a 💓 below if you'd like details ✨️

Andrea’s Story

Would you like to have a baby, but it’s not yet happening?

Have you been trying all kinds of treatments with no success as yet?

Have you been diagnosed with PCOS?

You are at the right place. I’ve been there too and I managed to get pregnant naturally and become a mother of an amazing little girl. I’ve created the Conscious Conception program to support you on your way to motherhood.

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One of the most common questions I receive from ladies who had a baby is, "How can I safely strengthen my core after pre...
6 self-care tips to implement :)Which one are you going to practice today?Share below!Follow for more tips
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Homemade granola ready for the week. It's also great when sweet craving kicks in. 😋 When you are prepared, it's easier t...
This is my easy meal creation process. I try not to overthink it, cooking for me is mostly very intuitive. 😍Here's the f...
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Just trying to do all the things when you have fertility challenges, WON’T get you pregnant 🙅‍♀️⁣So if you keep getting ...
Szilvi and I worked together in my Conscious Conception program 💞#infertilitysupport #pcossupport #ttcsupport Here is he...
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