Enteriör és Gasztro fotózás. Üzleti fotóportfólio készítés.
Fátyol Kamilla, színésznő
Pizza napoletana 🍕
Corto Coffee az Ó utcában.
Restaurant photography
Ifj. Lendvai József hegedűművészt fotóztam a Kultúra.hu-nak
Farkas Gábor, Liszt-díjas zongoraművész
Restaurant photography
Marrow toast
Oxtail ravioli made in regular offset smoker.
I love photographing colorful plates 🤩
Bernadett Gáspár model agency manager.
Norbert Lowenbein - founder of Volt Festival
Embark on a flavor journey! 📸 We stopped by .pizzaforever Every slice is a new adventure 🍕
I'm sharing a few pictures from a very cheerful company team-building event. 🥳
If you'd like similar photos of your team, please send me a message. 📸
Perfect breakfast start! 📸 I love how the eggs wink at my camera, a majestic and nourishing beginning to the day with such a breakfast.
I love this drink. What do you think it is?
Awesome time capturing the vibrant moments at the Start-Up Event! 📸✨ It was an incredible gathering of innovative minds and inspiring ideas. From the energetic keynote speeches to the networking sessions, every second was filled with excitement. I'm grateful to have been a part of this dynamic event, documenting the spirit and enthusiasm of the attendees.
Fantastic wines and great people! It was a pleasure to take photos at the wine tasting event, where the flavors and smiles both exceeded expectations. Thank you for the fantastic experience and the opportunity to capture this wonderful event! 📸🍷
Today, I discovered a perfect dessert and I can't get enough of it! 😋🍰
Every bite provides a unique experience, and the sensation of flavors melting in my mouth is simply captivating! ✨
"If you would like to see more similar photos or work together, please feel free to follow us or reach out by sending a message. 📸
Food photography
A soup like this, with the beautiful colours of a sunset, makes you forget all the bad. 🥣
Dóri Visy - Jewelry Designer
📸 Business Meeting Photoshoot 💼✨
Today, I'm sharing a special event with you where we captured the business meeting through black and white photography.
The black and white color palette perfectly reflects determination and professional dedication. Black and white photography highlights the power of the moment and the expressive faces of the participants. The combination of simplicity and elegance portrays the calm yet decisive atmosphere of the business meeting.
I hope these photos will be inspiring and motivating for you and your business.
If you would like similar images, feel free to send us a message 📸
Boros rendezvény fotózás a Roadster Magazinnak
Szik Mátyás - Sommelier
Ezt a portrét Kláráról még a Street Kitchen magazinba készítettem.
Györffy Árpád chef - portré a Roadster Magazinnak
What are your favorite drinks?
Polip Carpaccio
In the lab