Nirvana Mr.Yong, Cisaat Videos

Videos by Nirvana Mr.Yong in Cisaat. 全马富贵殡葬企业 服务总监 南马区总冠军团队 团队已超过20年 绝佳经验 ✅24小时紧急服务 ✅殡仪配套 ✅骨灰福位 ✅风水福地 ✅拾金服务 ✅生基风水 ✅宠物墓园

祝贺 #马来西亚国庆日快乐!🇲🇾❤️🤍💛💙




Wishing Malaysia, Happy Independence Day!🇲🇾❤️🤍💛💙
May the nation continue to prosper and its people live in peace and security!

Today marks the 67th National Day of our country, the day we declared independence.
What an honour it is to be a part of #Malaysia!

Let us unite as one,
Together, we build a more inclusive Malaysia where everyone is respected, regardless of differences. 😉

🎉 Wishing everyone a happy holiday as well! 🙌🏻

#富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #Merdeka #MalaysiaMadani #JiwaMerdeka #马来西亚 #昌明大马

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祝贺 #马来西亚国庆日快乐!🇲🇾❤️🤍💛💙 持续繁荣昌盛,国泰民安! 今天是我国第67个国庆日,是宣布独立的日子, 身为马来西亚的一份子,是一件多么荣耀的事! 让我们团结一心, 共同建设一个更加包容、不分彼此,互相尊敬的马来西亚。😉 🎉也祝大家假期快乐!🙌🏻 Wishing Malaysia, Happy Independence Day!🇲🇾❤️🤍💛💙 May the nation continue to prosper and its people live in peace and security! Today marks the 67th National Day of our country, the day we declared independence. What an honour it is to be a part of #Malaysia! Let us unite as one, Together, we build a more inclusive Malaysia where everyone is respected, regardless of differences. 😉 🎉 Wishing everyone a happy holiday as well! 🙌🏻 #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #Merdeka #MalaysiaMadani #JiwaMerdeka #马来西亚 #昌明大马

#端午安康 端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中华四大传统节日,每次到了这个时候,又是闻粽香,吃粽子的时候了😋 随着中华文化与本土文化相融,粽子的种类也慢慢衍生了更多比如传统的咸肉粽、碱水粽以及充满马来风味的娘惹粽等。 但无论您喜欢吃什么口味,总有一款是小时候的味道,是对家的思念,是与亲人紧密相连的联系。 我㊗️福大家在这个佳节都可以和家人朋友共庆美好温馨时刻! 富贵集团 区 服务总监 Nirvana Mr.Yong #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #端午节 #DragonBoatFestival

是你,是他,是我, 在各个角落里, 成为社会的支柱,成为家庭的依靠, 用双手诠释职责,用肩膀撑起责任,用汗水书写人生。 今天是劳动节, 感谢默默付出的劳动者们, 您们过去的辛勤付出,日夜的奉献, 所有的努力值得被尊重。 放假了,给自己充电,到别处感受人间烟火,放松心情, 享受过去一年努力的成果与喜悦, 并对自己说句:”辛苦了“。 富贵集团在此祝贺你我他,劳动节快乐。 It's you, it’s them, and it’s us, in every corner of the world – the pillars of society and the dependence of families – who interpret duty through our hands, who bear responsibilities with our shoulders, and who write the stories of our lives with the sweat of our efforts. Today is Labour Day and we pay tribute to the silent workers. Your past hard work, your dedication through day and night, and every effort, all deserve recognition and respect. On this holiday, recharge yourself, experience humanity in other places, take a break and enjoy the fruits and joys of your labour over the past year. Remember to tell yourself: “Well done.” Nirvana Aisa Group conveys our best wishes to you, to them and to us, Happy Labour Day. #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #劳动节 #五一劳动节 #劳动节快乐 #HappyLabourDay

清明时节,大家带着跨越地域界限的思念,相约踏青。 平日里,各有各忙,基于种种原因而各分东西,却在清明节日,大家卸下繁忙的生活包袱,转而拎起鲜花和祭品。 相聚的同时,感概述说着往事,感激曾经的岁月有故人的参与,更是感恩你我同在此处。这种相聚不仅仅是地理上的,更是心灵上的团聚,凝聚了每个人的思念之情。 先人的离去和时光的流逝,教会我们更加珍惜眼前的人和事。对于所珍视的情谊,未来的每一步,我们都会感恩前行。 #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #清明节 #QingMingFestival #拜祭 #缅怀祖先 #跨境相聚 #感恩前行 #Reuniontranscendingborders #Gratitudeaswejourneyforward

赤脚步行到神庙,祷告着家庭幸福的祝愿; 祈求神明的赐福,让心中的信仰充满力量。 在这个祈福、净心和感恩的节日里, 祝所有兴都教徒大宝森节快乐,幸福安康, 同时也祝福非教徒假日愉快! Walking barefoot to the temple, praying for familial happiness; Seeking for blessings from the gods, filling one’s heart with faith and strength. On this festival of blessings, purification of hearts and thanksgiving, we wish all Hindu devotees a very happy and blessed Thaipusam and all others a happy holiday! #富贵集团 #富贵山庄 #NirvanaAsia #NirvanaMemorialPark #大宝森节快乐 #happythaipusamfestival

🎵All I Want for Christmas Is You~~🎶 当这个旋律响起,就代表我们要迎接圣诞节啦! 虽然大马沒有白雪纷飞的画面, 但在圣诞节里,听朗朗上口的圣诞歌, 喝一杯热腾腾的国民饮料🤣, 相信也会让人沉醉在浓厚的圣诞气氛。 富贵集团在此祝福大家圣诞节快乐~🎄🎁 愿圣诞和新年能带给你与家人无尽的幸福,如意。 小小声的告诉你, ❄️☃️ 现在去谷歌大神搜索圣诞妈祖婆的 “Mariah Carey” 将会有惊喜哦~ 🎵All I Want for Christmas Is You~~🎶 The infectious Christmas earworm is making a triumphant comeback! When this tune comes on, it means Christmas can’t be far away! Although we don’t have snowy weather in Malaysia, listening to catchy Christmas songs and enjoying a hot cup of our national beverage during yuletide 🤣 is sure to immerse everyone in the festive atmosphere. Nirvana Asia Group wishes everyone a Merry Christmas~ 🎄🎁 May this Christmas and the New Year bring you and your family never-ending happiness and good fortune. Now here’s a little something, come closer and we’ll whisper it to you. ❄️☃️Go to the almighty Google and search for “Mariah Carey” for a little surprise~ #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #圣诞节快乐 #圣诞老人派礼物 #MerryChristmas #HappyHoliday #MariahCarey

富贵山庄 (士毛月) 全新推出骨灰阁🤯 桃源古镇5 - OV5 #诗情画意 #古色古香 #绿意盎然 #环境清幽 ⛩桃源古镇骨灰殿是富贵山庄(世外桃源) 标志性建筑,整体装潢风格伏雅而不失宽敞,以彰显先祖的尊贵显赫气势。 骨灰门板特点: ✨骨灰位门板是以香槟金设计 ✨中间设有金菩提叶和金身佛陀 ✨象征般若智慧 ✨古色古香 ⚠️现在规划可以获得999黄金 ⚠️送完为止 赶快联络我了解详情🥰 或在下方留下 #PM,我会马上回复你✅✅ ☎️📩 联系方式 Contact Us 陈伟荣 Nirvana Ah Yong 📞018-351 2069 #桃源古镇 #OV5 #富贵集团 #393premier #事前规划 #士毛月富贵山庄

中秋节🥮, 你会回家吗🏠? 中秋佳节倍思亲,圆圆明月是我心。缘分,让我们成为了一家人。无论今年的中秋你是否能回家度过,也希望你能在今晚抬头看看天上又大又圆的月亮🌕,提醒自己,何时何地,都有个远方的TA在想你。 愿大家都能度过一个温馨美好的中秋节❤️! This Mid-Autumn Festival 🥮, will you be going home 🏠? During the Mid-Autumn Festival, we will miss our family more than ever as the roundness of the Mid-Autumn full name signifies reunion. Fate has made us a family. Whether you will return home to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, we hope you can look up at the full and round moon in the sky tonight 🌕 and remember that somewhere, someone far away is thinking of you wherever you are at all times. May everyone have a warm and wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival ❤! #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #中秋节 #MidAutumnFestival

出生在马来西亚,我感到无比自豪❤️! 我们有着不一样的肤色、来自不一样的州属、说着不一样的语言、吃着不一样的传统美食,但就是在不一样的文化与习俗交融之下,才成了今时今日最美好、最具特色的马来西亚! 昌明大马:坚定团结,满怀希望💪🏻🦾 让我们继续前进,迈向更美好的未来,马来西亚日快乐🎉! We are proud to be born in Malaysia ❤! The colour of our skin may be different, and we may come from various states. The language that we speak may differ, as do the flavours of our traditional cuisines. However, it is precisely the harmonious blend of these diverse cultures and customs that has made Malaysia the most wonderful and unique country it is today! Prosperous Malaysia: United in strength and aspirations 💪🏻🦾 Let's keep moving forward towards a brighter future, Happy Malaysia Day🎉! #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #马来西亚日 #MalaysiaDay

🇲🇾马来西亚 66 岁生日啦 🎉 感谢多元种族、文化和美食,让马来西亚成了最独一无二的美好国度!在这个特殊的日子里,让我们满怀感恩的对马来西亚说声,“我们爱你”❤️!祝福我国欣欣向荣,一年要比一年更好💪🏻🦾 来考考大家~ 你知道今年的国庆日和大马日主题是什么吗?🤔 💡答案是: 昌明大马:坚定团结,满怀希望 Malaysia Madani: Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan Determination in Unity, Fulfilling Hope Malaysia is celebrating its 66th birthday 🎉 Thanks to its diverse ethnicities, cultures, and cuisines, Malaysia has become a uniquely wonderful nation! On this special day, let's express our gratitude to Malaysia and say, "We love you" ❤️! May our country continue to prosper and improve year after year 💪🏻🦾 Let's test your knowledge~ Do you know this year's National Day and Malaysia Day theme? 🤔 💡The answer is: Malaysia Madani: Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan Determination in Unity, Fulfilling Hope #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #国庆日 #NationalDay ------------------------------------------------------------------- 富贵集团 区服务总监 Nirvana Ah Yong 018-351 2069

马六甲富贵山庄首推冷气骨灰殿❄️ 【#三圣殿 Block B-1st Floor Suite 1】 纯白的千手观世音菩萨以“千眼关照, 千手扶持”, 带来光明慈悲, 息灾降伏, 智慧圆满。 《大悲心陀罗尼经》的经文之墙, 观者静心持诵, 能找回心灵安乐无畏。 在祈福之墙留下您的祝福和寄语,感受生命的醇厚绵长, 唯有思念永不停息。🙏🏻 ⚠️ #位子有限 #先到先得 现在还有高达 #RM5000 折扣 赶快联络我🥰了解详情 富贵集团区 服务副总监 📲:018-351 2069 (Yong) 📲Whatsapp: #富贵集团 #马六甲富贵山庄 #生命规划师 #事前规划 #第一手价钱 #马六甲 #城市 #冷气骨灰殿

一份真诚祈愿, 一份诚挚感恩。 在这喧嚣的世界, 我们静心而行, 虔诚而来, 为自己祈求平安幸福, 也祈愿世界和平美好。 🙏 卫塞节,愿我们的心灵得到净化,感恩生命中的点滴,祈愿世界更美好。 Devotion and gratitude; Bathing the buddha and an offering of prayer. In this chaotic world, We walk in meditation, And we come with devotion, Praying for peace and happiness in the world. 🙏 On Wesak Day, may our hearts be purified and we give thanks for the little things in our lives, and we pray for a better world. #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #卫塞节 #WesakDay

生者寻根,叶落归根,有人烟处,必有血脉传承。清明祭祖,是责任、是感恩、是哀思、是传承。 今年的清明节,人们来到富贵山庄扫墓祭祖,一一给逝去的亲人们、祖先们,送去祝福,烧去纸钱,还有各式各样的祭品,背后寄托着无尽的思念。 “你在那一边过得好不好?我们在这边都很好,带来了你最喜欢吃的东西。”然后说一说这年发生的事,从前一起吃喝聊天的情景彷佛又来到眼前。 清明节是慎终追远、缅怀先人的日子。但是思念不分时节,我们的山庄全年开放,随时都可以过来。——“只要你不忘记他们,他们就永远的活在那里。” In this year's Qing Ming Festival, families return in full force to Nirvana Memorial Park for the first time after 2 years of pandemic restrictions to pay tribute to their ancestors and departed loved ones by performing tomb sweeping and ancestral worship rites through offerings of incense, food and drink, as well as the burning of joss paper money and items. One of the most important aspects of the Qing Ming Festival is remembering those gone before, and perhaps nothing shows this better than the offerings families bring to pay respect to their loved ones. Be it cakes, noodles, confections or other food varieties, they are often reflective of the delicacies the departed had enjoyed and loved in life. In such subtle ways, we often pay tribute to the memory of those we love. Qing Ming is undeniably one of the most important season of the year in which we remember those who had gone before us。 However, our love for them transcends time. So long as we miss them, our parks are open all year round to welcome families who wish to remember and honour their departed loved ones. #富贵集团 #NirvanaAsia #QingMingFestival #清明节 #寄托着无尽的思念

奋斗没有终点, 任何时候都是起点,状态是干出来的,不是想或等出来的。 世上没有走不通的路,只有想不开的人,累的熬不住的时候,告诉自己,再坚持一下,世界上没有最好只有更好,只要努力。 有梦就去追,只要还活着就别停 加油💪 早安🌞! #正能量 #NMY正能量 #思维格局 #人生哲理励志语录 #人生正能量语录 #激励语录 #MrYong陈伟荣 #服务总监 #富贵集团

演出舞台再大,你没上台, 始终就是个观众; 能力再大,你没行动, 就只能看着他人取得成功👀 没人会关注你努力的时候有多坎坷, 他们只会看你最终站在什么地方! 早安!今天继续加油!🔥 #正能量 #NMY正能量 #思维格局 #人生哲理励志语录 #人生正能量语录 #激励语录 #MrYong陈伟荣