Ksatria Pejuang, Jakarta Videos

Videos by Ksatria Pejuang in Jakarta. The path of the Warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path. slalu Belajar

👣sapuan sederhana pencak silat

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👣sapuan sederhana pencak silat

👣jejak beruang belajar

👣dari tidak bisa belajar bisa #sparingpartner

👣BOX Tarung Derajat #indonesia #martialart . Tarung Derajat was declared born in Bandung on July 18 1972 by Achmad Dradjat, who is usually called Aa Boxer, who now has the title The Guru Tarung Derajat. "Box!" is a brotherly greeting between members of Tarung Derajat. Tarung Derajat emphasizes the aggressiveness of attacks in punching and kicking. However, it is not limited to those techniques, slams, locks and leg sweeps are also included in the training methods. Tarung Derajat was nicknamed "Boxer". Tarung Derajat practitioners are called "Fighters". TARUNG DERAKAT' motto: Since the 1990s, Tarung Derajat has been perfected for sport. In 1997, Tarung Derajat officially became a member of the 53rd Central KONI with a management named PB. KODRAT (Commander of the Tarung Derajat Sports Family). Since then, Tarung Derajat has had a place at the National Sports Week. The Tarung Derajat Sports Family in 2021 will be in 22 provinces in Indonesia. After being introduced at the 2011 SEA Games in Palembang, Tarung Derajat was not included in the 2013 SEA Games in Myanmar. Fighters have a spirit and behavior that is not arrogant. They give the impression of being obedient people with their submissive attitude to avoid arrogance. This is reflected in Tarung Derajat's motto: "I'm friendly, that doesn't mean I'm afraid." I submit doesn't mean I'm defeated. " TARUNG DERAJAT SYMBOL: Yellow fist pointing forward: The fist is a symbol of martial arts movements. Two circles mean that Tarung Derajat's movements are based on muscle and brain ability. Hands punch forward symbolizes that fighting degrees always leads to a better future. The yellow color is a symbol of wind. A pair of red lightning bolts: This image symbolizes a lofty ideal and burning determination supported by high enthusiasm. The red color is a symbol of fire. Circle 3/4 thick, black with five white squares: This symbol symbolizes a container/place for self-cultivation. The black color is a symbol of land. T

👣BOX Tarung Derajat #indonesia

👣BOX Tarung Derajat #indonesia

👣old master without emblem

Potret Lawas Bela Diri Old matrial art

Tae Kwon Do 👣 mata dan kecepatan saling mendukung untuk sebuah tendangan _ eyes and speed support each other for a kick

Tae Kwon Do 👣 mata dan kecepatan saling mendukung untuk sebuah tendangan _ eyes and speed support each other for a kick

🎥perlunya latihan rutin untuk menghadapi arena pejuang _ the need for regular training to face the fighter arena

👣perlunya latihan rutin untuk menghadapi arena pejuang _ the need for regular training to face the fighter arena

👣siap dengan segala arema apapun _ ready for any kind of arena

👣membiasakan kostum saat latihan _ getting used to the costume during practice

👣berlatih dengan bahan lembut meningkatkan kepercayaan diri _ Practicing with Lbut materials increases self-confidence

Kawan berlatih perlu untuk melatih respon saat kenyataan sesungguhnya (Practicing friends need to train their responses in real life)

👣🎥 It is better for one type of kick to be practiced a thousand times than for a thousand types of kick to be practiced only once #brucelee

👣🎥 kicks to knockout

👣pejuang tua tetap berlatih

👣🎥Old age is not an obstacle to becoming a fighter because old people have passed their youth, because young people do not necessarily pass through old age, so respect old fighters. Usia tua bukan halangan menjadi pejuang karena tua telah melewati masa muda karena misua muda belum tentu melewati masa tua maka respect-lah pada pejuang tua Keep spirit