Reza Barauntu

Pastor @penyembah, entrepreneur, full stack developer freelancer, former worship pastor.


Tidak usah kuatir! Tuhan kita terlalu hebat utk dibandingkan dgn masalahmu.

Tag temanmu yg s**a kuatir di kolom komentar. Dia butuh firman ini! 🙏


Kalau Iblis terus menyerangmu, itu artinya kamu adalah orang yang penting!


Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.


Segala sesuatu yang terjadi, baik atau buruk, ada rencana Tuhan yg indah di dalamnya. Segala hal yg dipakai Iblis utk menjatuhkanmu akan dipakai Tuhan utk mengangkatmu.


Merry Christmas to you and your family đŸŽ„â€ïž


Shallom para pemuji dan penyembah Tuhan Yesus yg luar biasa,,

WORSHIP VIEW adalah WORKSHOP yg Membahas tentang bagaimana menjadi seorang pelayan musik dan pujian serta dasar2 Firman Tuhan yang mendasarinya,
kini hadir kembali loh worshipers 😊 tapi berhubung kali ini kita masih dlm masa pandemic covid-19 ,
Jadi WORSHIP VIEW angkatan ke 6 kali ini akan hadir dengan tampilan yg berbeda yaitu dalam bentuk Meeting online. Walaupun tampilan kali ini dalam bentuk meeting online tapi tidak kalah seru loh dari materi serta penjabarannya.

WORSHIP VIEW kita kali ini akan diadakan bersama GKII Puspowarno Semarang tapi ini juga terbuka untuk umum loh worshipers.
Jadi jika ada teman2 yg ingin belajar bersama-sama dengan kami lewat WORSHIP VIEW ini, silahkan hubungi contact person yang tertera di Flyer untuk melakukan registrasi đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»

Kami tunggu kehadiran kalian yah para worshipers.
Have a great day all 😇😇

Harga Influencer Instagram: Cara Menentukan Tarif Influencer di Tahun 2021 - Bitung Online 03/09/2021

Kamu mungkin tahu merek makeup pilihan influencer Instagram favorit kamu, detail cerita bagaimana mereka putus dengan pacar mereka atau apa yang ada di lemari baju mereka.

Tapi ada satu informasi yang jarang menjadi cerita Instagram: berapa tarif influencer itu dan berapa banyak bayaran influencer itu.

Harga Influencer Instagram: Cara Menentukan Tarif Influencer di Tahun 2021 - Bitung Online Selain apa artinya influencer Instagram, ada satu informasi yang jarang menjadi cerita: berapa harga influencer di Instagram.


“Karena masa depan sungguh ada, dan harapanmu tidak akan hilang.”
‭‭Amsal‬ ‭23:18‬ ‭TB‬‬

Waymaker ID - Handmade FREE Website for Churches 19/08/2021

Syalom! Waymaker Indonesia memberikan penawaran Website GRATIS utk Gereja-Gereja dlm membantu menjangkau dan memuridkan lebih banyak org lewat pelayanan online.

Sekarang sudah tersedia 2 pilihan paket desain layout yang bisa dipilih untuk versi PRO. Dan, saat ini kami sementara extending untuk pembuatan desain layout website mirip beberapa Ministry global seperti:
- Hillsong,
- Life Church,
- Elevation Church,
- Billy Graham Ministry,
- Joyce Meyer Ministry,
- Joel Osteen Ministry,
- CFAN (Reinhard Bonnke & Daniel Kolenda),
- Craig Groeschel,
- Bethel,
- dll.

Info selengkapnya bisa WA ke 085240000910 atau cek websitenya di

Waymaker ID - Handmade FREE Website for Churches Selamat Datang WAYMAKER - Artisan of FREE Website for Churches Artisan adalah kata yang mendefinisikan pekerja kerajinan terampil yang membuat atau menciptakan suatu karya sebagian atau seluruhnya dengan tangan. - Wikipedia Lihat Desain Jangkau dan memuridkan lebih banyak orang melalui pelayanan onl...


"Jerih payah orang bodoh melelahkan orang itu sendiri, karena ia tidak mengetahui jalan ke kota."
(Pengkhotbah 10:15)

Kota menggambarkan mengenai tujuan b*k org. Kota menggambarkan ttg hidup yg lbh baik ataupun kemapanan. Tp banyak dari kita tidak tahu bgm menuju ke "kota" itu.

Seorang dokter yg juga ahli nutrisi pernah berkata, "Apa yg KAMU TIDAK KETAHUI mungkin sedang membunuh kamu."

Menurutnya, apa yg kita makan atau minum mgkn sbnrnya berbahaya bagi tubuh kita tanpa kita tahu.

Ini juga memberi pengertian bagi saya bahwa sebenarnya kadang kita tersesat di jalan menuju ke "kota" bukan karena Tuhan tidak buka jalan, tapi karena kita TIDAK TAHU jalan yg mana yg harus dilalui.

Firman Tuhan di atas bilang, jerih payah tidak akan menambah apa-apa di hidup kita, malah hanya bikin capek sendiri. Kenapa? Karena mgkn perjalanan kita tanpa disertai hikmat dari Tuhan. Kita perlu minta hikmat dari Tuhan setiap hari.

"Tetapi apabila di antara kamu ada yang kekurangan hikmat, hendaklah ia memintakannya kepada Allah, -- yang memberikan kepada semua orang dengan murah hati dan dengan tidak membangkit-bangkit --, maka hal itu akan diberikan kepadanya."
(Yakobus 1:5)

Dari sekian b*k hal yg dapat kita minta dari Tuhan, HIKMAT adalah satu-satunya yg ditulis di Alkitab dimana Tuhan tidak membangkit-bangkit atau berbantah-bantah utk diberikan kpd kita.

Kalau hari ini kamu sedang bingung bgm utk berhasil dlm hidup, sudah coba segala macam cara ataupun pekerjaan tapi msh belum berhasil, jangan lupa minta hikmat dari Tuhan, karena mgkn kamu sudah di jalan yg tepat, hanya saja kamu belum yakin apakah ini jln yg benar yg harus kamu lalui.

Tanya Tuhan apa yg harus kamu lakukan selanjutnya. Karena Dia adalah Tuhan yg sangat murah hati yang memberi hikmat tanpa berbantah-bantah.

Doa saya, Roh Kudus akan memimpin kamu dan saya dgn hikmat-Nya, dan kita akan dibawa Tuhan menjadi sukses dan berhasil di dlm hidup kita menuju ke "kota" itu, serta dipakai Tuhan utk menjadi berkat bagi banyak org.

Love & Blessings,
Reza Barauntu


Terima kasih Yayasan Lembaga SABDA sudah membagikan kotbah saya mengenai Paskah. Tuhan Yesus memberkati selalu 🙏 sejak 1997 telah menjadi situs yang menjadi salah satu sumber informasi kekristenan bagi masyarakat Kristen Indonesia di dunia internet. Anda dapat memperoleh Alkitab elektronik dan bahan-bahan pelayanan secara gratis di situs ini


Recreate Discord, dark mode version.
See the full video here

Laravel Timelapse: Kloning Discord (Part 2) - Pembuatan Top Bar Aplikasi Discord 06/04/2021

Hello all. Hope you are well.
I want to share how to design the Top Bar of the Discord application using Tailwind and Laravel. This video is Part 2 of the 4-part series, a timelapse of making the Discord application display for the 2021 version of the user interface. Please share it with your friends.

Laravel Timelapse: Kloning Discord (Part 2) - Pembuatan Top Bar Aplikasi Discord Video ini adalah seri Part 2 dari 4 bagian, timelapse pembuatan tampilan aplikasi Discord terbaru user interface versi tahun 2021. Kita membuat desain top ba...


Laravel Timelapse: Movie App (Part 1) - TMDb API Integration using Laravel and Tailwind 2021

Photos from Reza Barauntu's post 03/03/2021

We can determine the direction of our life by organizing our thoughts. Negative thoughts will lead us to a negative life, and positive thoughts will lead us to a positive life.

Focusing our minds on godly values will enable God to transform our thoughts into the likeness of His thoughts.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2


“Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.” — James Clear

The Differences Between Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment - Creative Entrepreneur 22/01/2021

The Differences Between Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment - Creative Entrepreneur Self-employed individuals perform services on a contract basis for a range of clients. Entrepreneurs organize productive assets to create and maintain a business. The definitions of self-employment and entrepreneurship overlap at times, but there are a number of instances in which self-employed indi...

Build to Beta: Five Tips for Launching a Digital Product with MVP 20/01/2021

See how you can learn from Powershifter Digital to step up of your challenges by using the minimum viable product (MVP) and Agile approaches.

Build to Beta: Five Tips for Launching a Digital Product with MVP See how you can learn from Powershifter Digital to step up of their challenges by using minimum viable product (MVP) and Agile approaches.

How To Become a Better Entrepreneur: Pricing, Customer Service, and Market Strategy 07/01/2021

How To Become a Better Entrepreneur: Pricing, Customer Service, and Market Strategy

What kind of company are we building? Who is the ideal customer? What is the real pain point? What will our business model be? What geography will we tackle first, and will it be direct sales or via channels? How will the product look and feel? will it be a pure SaaS play or will it also include professional services? Will it be a vertical SaaS or horizontal Saas?

How To Become a Better Entrepreneur: Pricing, Customer Service, and Market Strategy What kind of company are we building? Who is the ideal customer? What is the real pain point? What will our business model be? What geography will we tackle first, and will it be direct sales or via channels? How will the product look and feel? will it be a pure SaaS play or will it also include pro...


“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”- Reid Hoffman, Co-founder LinkedIn


Merry Christmas to you and your family🎄


“You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.” - Jerry West

Photos from Reza Barauntu's post 14/11/2020
26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice - Creative Entrepreneur 08/11/2020

26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice

Check out Kevin Systrom life story, from left Google frustated to found the Instagram, a $1bn company in two years.

26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice - Creative Entrepreneur Check out Kevin Systrom life story, from left Google frustated to found the Instagram, a $1bn company in two years.


Your goal is to maximize profits so that you can continue to grow and get as much market share as you can. Learn today how to price your products.


It's not over when life cuts you down. It's only over when you quit!


The future is here.
Source: random from the internet


Indonesia: "Ketika kita minta Tuhan utk menjadikan kita pribadi yg sabar, Tuhan tdk langsung otomatis beri kita kesabaran, tapi Tuhan akan datangkan org2 yg akan menguji kesabaran kita."

English: "When we ask God to make us patient, God doesn't automatically give us patience, but God will bring people who will constantly test us to be patience."


"Stop expecting from people for something only God can do.

You are hoping for people to complete and fill the emptiness of your life, you think you will be happy with the right person when only God can complete you. That's why you are always depressed with relationships because people will ever inadequate. "




I just copied this from a friend of mine and I'd like to share this with you đŸ‘‡đŸ»

I asked one of my friends who has crossed 50s & is heading to 60s, what sort of changes is he feeling in himself?
He sent me the following very interesting lines, which I would like to share with you ....

#1 After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, my friends, now I have started loving myself.

#2 I just realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.

#3 I now stopped bargaining with vegetables & fruits vendors. A few pennies more is not going to burn a hole in my pocket but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.

#4 I pay my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than me

#5 I stopped telling the elderly that they've already narrated that story many times. The story makes them walk down the memory lane & relive the past.

#6 I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.

#7 I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You"

#8 I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearances.

#9 I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.

#10 I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.

#11 I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.

#12 I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships I will never be alone.

#13 I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.

#14 I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be! 😁

I decided to send this to all my friends.
If at all, Why do we have to wait to be 50,60 or 70 or 80, why can't we practice this at any stage and age....?
Food for thought 😊


What is the core difference between the mindset of an entrepreneur and a salaried person?

An entrepreneur is focused on giving value to others by solving their problems.

A salaried person is focused on improving his skills to increase his value through his work.

The result is a radically different mindset.

Example: An army trying to defeat an enemy.

The army’s general is completely focused on finding the best way to get rid of the problem. Meanwhile, the soldiers are completely focused on how to improve their battlefield skills.

5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market, Quick, and Lean - Creative Entrepreneur 17/09/2020

You’ve had a great business idea, you’ve already developed your target customer and determined the size of your market, and now you need to figure out how to reach your clients. You need to get there fast — if you drag your feet, you’ll fail to gain momentum while eating up your capital and may watch your competitors fly right past you. These are the next main steps you need to follow.

5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market, Quick, and Lean - Creative Entrepreneur You’ve had a great business idea, you’ve already developed your target customer and determined the size of your market, and now how to reach your clients.


How To Start A Dropshipping Business: How An 18-Year-Old Cracked The Market

Anthony Agyeman was just 18 when he started his successful dropshipping business. Right now, many people are looking for ways to create passive income or generate more income streams. Over the past several years, dropshipping has emerged as a popular option—but most people who venture into this type of business end up dropping out due to low profits, difficulty finding quality suppliers, or the stress of managing orders.

But dropshipping can turn into a highly profitable business if you know how to do it the right way.

Here’s how dropshipping works: an entrepreneur sets up a website or online store to sell certain products, but they don’t keep any of those products in stock. Instead, when a customer orders a product, the dropshipper purchases the products from a third party, and has them shipped directly to the customer.

Entrepreneur Anthony Agyeman was just 18 years old when he first started this kind of company—and with no money. I wanted to talk to him to see what lessons he could share on how to build a dropshipping business.

Q: What’s something you think more first-time entrepreneurs who want to get into dropshipping should know?

A: They should know that they are possibly just one product away from changing their entire life. Also, if you’re not getting sales, you shouldn’t get attached to the product—just move on from it and sell something else.

Q: What were some of the challenges you faced while developing your dropshipping business?

A: I pursued dropshipping for about 6 months initially. I was doing it over and over again, but I didn’t get far and honestly I almost gave up.

But I thought, “This is the 21st century. Many of the things that you want to do have already been done by someone else.” So I went and researched, and found someone who was doing dropshipping successfully, and I asked them for help.

Once I asked for help, I learned so much more about dropshipping, marketing, and the cognitive biases that explain why people buy products. After that, I started having more success, and I moved on to selling higher-ticket items. Now I sell products that are more than $1,000 each and have a 30-40 percent profit.

Q: How do you know what product to sell?

A: You can go to Google Trends and see if a product has any search demand—if it’s just a trendy product. There are also tools out there that can tell you how much the average cost-per-click, or CPC, is on Google Ads, so you can already know how much you’ll be spending per click.

Q: How long does it take before you start seeing results?

A: It really varies depending on the product, niche and ad spend. If you make sure the product has good search volume and the cost per click is low, then you can normally expect to get sales within your second to fourth day.

Q: If you're not seeing results, how do you know when you should switch products, or try a new supplier?

A: The only way you know is by tracking specific metrics. The metrics I use are Search Volume per Month—the product has to be anything with over 100,000 searches a month—and a Cost per Click of under $1.50. By using these metrics, I’ve always gotten sales.

Now if you don’t have any metrics to follow yet, here’s what I’d suggest. If you are getting traffic to your website, but no Add to Carts, and it’s been more than 3 days, then you need to switch your product. If you’re getting Add to Carts, but no purchases, then you need to implement retargeting/remarketing to encourage those abandoned carts to make that final purchase.

The global dropshipping market is poised to grow to more than $557 billion by 2025. If this is a business model you’ve been considering, now may be the exact right time to start.

This article was written by Shama Hyder on Forbes. Shama Hyder is CEO of Zen Media, which turns brand moments into momentum, a best-selling author, and an internationally renowned keynote speaker.


You can’t control the pain you go through, but you can decide whether it’s going to make you bitter or better.


She is growing up so fast. I still remember the day my wife had a miscarriage about 6 years ago. We already lost her, but God brought her back to life in a week. Praise God, today she is a smart, healthy, and happy girl, the joy of our family ❀



This girl is Amazing. 15 years old. Lily Liu from Palo Alto, California. WOW!


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Tidak usah kuatir! Tuhan kita terlalu hebat utk dibandingkan dgn masalahmu.Tag temanmu yg suka kuatir di kolom komentar....
Tidak usah kuatir! Tuhan kita terlalu hebat utk dibandingkan dgn masalahmu.Tag temanmu yg suka kuatir di kolom komentar....




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