Totus Tuus Maria
Fiat Voluntas Tua. Totus Tuus Maria. Ora Et Labora.
Morning Prayer for Kids.
Dearest Lord, this is the day that You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You, Lord, for another opportunity to serve You and to live life in fullness. Thank You for the good night’s sleep You have given to us. Thank You for restoring our strength for today. Thank You for the bright hope that we have for the day ahead. Truly, Lord, life is more worth living with You to guide us always.
Today, I ask You to bless my kids, Lord, that they too might experience Your grace today. Thank You that they are well-rested and ready to face another day. I am also grateful, Lord, for the wisdom You give to their young minds. Guide them always, Lord, to express love to the people around them – their classmates, teachers, and friends. May they always exhibit the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let them be fountains of blessing to everyone around them.
As I send them on their way to school, Lord, protect them all the way. Be their Guardian in the hours that I am not with them. Shield them from accidents, disease, and other forms of harm. Protect their minds from evil influences. Guard their hearts against any ungodly character. May their tongues always speak words that give life, and may their hands be extensions of Your grace to others.
As my kids go about their way, Lord, also enable them to be positive influencers for Your glory. Let them spread Your love to their community. May their friends catch a glimpse of who You are through their actions. Let them be salt and light to the world around them.
All these I pray in Your Name, Amen.
The Virgin's Mother's Gift: by Brother Christopher, Trappist monk at the Abbey of New Clairvaux
“Some people, both within and without the Catholic Church, are uncomfortable about how much attention is given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those devoted to her. The concern comes from a well-meaning intention: they feel that Jesus should be at the center of a Christian’s life. And no one would agree more with that feeling than Mary! So, let’s talk about Mary and her role.
Jesus alone is Divine, God and Man. Only Jesus can Save. Our Lady is like us in that she is fully human, but also unlike any other Christian because of the totally unique role she plays in salvation history: to give a human nature to God so that He could redeem us.
Mary’s being, her life, her virtues, actions, and privileges, were all given by God to help reveal her Son to us. Mary is all about Jesus, about bringing us to know Jesus. One cannot fully know or understand Jesus and His Mission without knowing His Mother. As St. Louis of Montfort put it, the reason Jesus is not better known is because Mary is not better known. Mary is not optional.
To use a strange analogy: Mary is a math tutor, Jesus is Math. It is not about the tutor but about the subject. Those who think we pay too much attention to the tutor should realize that we are only doing so because we want to learn the Subject the best we possibly can. And in Mary we have the best guide, someone who knows her subject better than anyone else who will ever live. She is not a rival to Jesus but the best aid we will ever have in living out a fully Christ-centered life.” Also visit
The Doublers
The Doublers pray a simple prayer first prayed by Saint Therese which asked for a double portion of all the angels and saints love.
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We join our prayer with Saint Therese's prayer for a double portion of all the angels and saints love, also their graces, virtues and merits, and that they adopt us as their children forever. We also ask that they pray for all our intentions and that all the Angels, Saints and the whole world joins us. ll the Angels and Saints, Our Brothers and Sisters, please be brothers and sisters to us now and forever. Amen
One person wrote a 6-volume work on all of the achievements, advancements, and inventions Catholic monks have done to help build western civilization. Just monks. It's mind-blowing just how much the Catholic Church has done for the world and how little people know about it.
Perfectly Strange
🌷Everyone is welcome!🌷
✌🏼A safe, positive space🫶🏼
☀️Written from real life experiences🌙
⭐️All original, No reposts, No repeats, Always new⭐️
💎Everyone here is important!💎
Join us for Mass this weekend! Find at Our Lady ❤️🙏⛪️
One of the dangers many encounter in our modern technological world is that of constant noise. We are easily bombarded with chatter all day long. It could be through the radio, TV, Internet, or the ceaseless conversation of another. Rarely do we find times of great silence. As a result, when silence is offered us, we often look to fill that silence immediately. But is this wise? Is it good to occupy our minds day and night with noise? Though every person will be different, especially depending upon their vocation, every person does need times of regular silence and solitude. Without this it is hard to be recollected and to hear the Voice of God. God speaks in the silence and He desires to communicate to you through this sacred language. Do not run from silence for, if you do, you will be running from the Voice of God.
Diary 1476.
Try to take some time today alone in silence. If you find that it is difficult to do even for five minutes, then this is a sign that there is too much noise in your life. Entering silence can bring on a form of “withdrawal” from noise. We tend to be comfortable with it as we are entertained all day long. But try to take time in silence today. Resolve to do so as long as you can. Turn off the radio in the car, go for a walk, or sit and pray without thinking or speaking, just being quiet in the presence of God. The gift of silent communication with God is a gift that you need and you will learn more from silence than from hours of the noise of the world.
Lord, I desire to seek You in the silence. I choose to listen to Your quiet promptings of love spoken in this way. Give me the wisdom and strength I need to dedicate myself to moments of quiet every day. May these moments bring clarity to my soul and understanding to my life. Jesus, I trust in You.
Prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
full of goodness,
show your love towards us.
Let the flame of your heart,
O Mary, descend on all people.
We love you immensely.
Impress true love in our hearts
so that we have a continuous desire for you.
O Mary, gentle and humble of heart, remember us when we are in sin.
You know that all men sin.
Give us, by means of your Immaculate Heart, spiritual health.
Let us always see the goodness of your motherly heart
and may we be converted by means of the flame of your heart.
“Look closely at the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is nothing of virtue, nothing of beauty, nothing of splendor or glory that does not shine in her.”
St. Jerome
Three and Three Hail Marys
This devotion was started by my daughter Sarah who prays three Hail Mary's whenever she is in need of something special and three in thanksgiving when they are answered.
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Mary, Our Queen and Mother please be a Mother to us always and forever and Bless our Work, School, family, Country, Church, World and everything we do this day through your Son Jesus's name and His Holy Wounds through which we will obtain everything. We offer you these three Hail Marys in petition and this evening three more in Thanksgiving for abundantly answering our prayers and all our intentions and that all the Angels and Saints and the whole world joins us in these prayers. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I Love you Save Souls and take care of everything. Amen
Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.
Saint Francis de Sales
Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies (29 July 1998)
"Today the blood of innocent children has filled heaven. Their number is too great, too great . . . the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind...Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony...Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin."
Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the holy death of Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life, through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the saints in heaven. Amen.
Precious Blood "My children, I drink this cup for your sake . . . rejoice that you are called to this great devotion . . . There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and blood of My left hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear lik...
Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh (28 July 1998)
"Pray much for My youth . . . many will be lost due to (this) sin . . . I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of fornication and adultery. Children, My adversary used this sin to claim all men to himself...Any sinner who constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance...The more you pray it, the more (souls) will return to me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls..."
Holy and merciful Father, Your only- begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your holy law. Accept my humble prayer for all Your people who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance and be saved. Through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen.
Precious Blood "My children, I drink this cup for your sake . . . rejoice that you are called to this great devotion . . . There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and blood of My left hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear lik...