Body Balance Healing

Body Balance Healing

Physical Healing Therapy Hello everybody, for anyone who has any health complaints on the physical/body or internal desease (except fractures).

I do healing servant. The health services offered are professional, certified and experienced Alternative Medicine since 2009. By combining the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Acupressure techniques will applied depending on complaints that you have (except fractures).

Photos from Body Balance Healing's post 13/01/2023


Body Balance Healing Room.
I call this place a "study room", where I use this room for me and the people who visit here to study together.

Learning is not just about knowledge. Learning is not just about theory. Learning is not just about expert A saying so, then expert B saying something else.
Learning is not only about value or academic matters.

For me, learning is life. As far as we live, so far we also learn. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “live as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you were dead forever."
Yes, when I was little, I only knew one meaning of learning, now I know many meanings of learning.

Learn to Be Grateful Even If It's Not Enough
Learn to be patient even though you are burdened
Learn Sincere Even If It's Heavy
Learn to give even if it's not much
Learn to Believe Even If It's Difficult
Learn to Understand Even If Not Hearty
Learn to Calm Even If You're Restless
Learn to Make Decisions Even If It's Difficult
Learn to Accept Conditions Without Complaining
Learning to be Self-aware

Learning to be the first in academics is good, but learning to accept yourself and learn from the little things of our lives is just as good, right?

So, make life a material for us to learn, make ourselves a blessing and a teacher for others and also make the people and experiences we have met as teachers. Because we will find a lot of life lessons and knowledge that we may not get from a theory. is learning


Self reminders




Penyebab adalah yang menyerang lapisan di sekitar , jadi bukan disebabkan karena




Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Obat Herbal dari Biji Mahoni dan Jeruju. 100% alami tanpa campuran dan pengawet. Diawetkan dengan cara di Sangrai.
Sekarang ada dalam kemasan kapsul, mudah dikonsumsi dan tidak terasa pahit seperti minum tehnya.

(penelitian kasus selama 11th di masyarakat)

Pegal Linu, Bau Badan, Asam Urat, Rematik, Hipertensi, Vertigo, Sakit Pinggang, Saraf Kejepit, Malaria, Panas Dalam, Masuk Angin, Masalah Kulit (Kerek, Kurap, Alergi, Kusta), Infeksi Saluran Kencing, Anyang-anyangan, Nyeri Haid, Haid Tidak Lancar, Menurunkan Kadar Gula Dalam Darah, Kolesterol, Keluhan Jantung, Asma, TBC, Stroke, Batu Ginjal, Kencing Batu, Melancarkan Peredaran Darah, Pencernaan, Ambien/Wasir, Masalah Reproduksi, Nafsu Makan, Mengurangi Gigitan Nyamuk, Membuat Tidur Lebih Nyenyak.

Kanker, Tumor, Gondok, Gendongan, Kelenjar Getah Bening, Bisul, Jerawat, Kelilikan, Amandel, Lipoma, Prostat, Diabetes, Luka Borok Akibat Diabetes, TBC, Menguatkan Rambut, Asma, Batu Ginjal, Melancarkan Haid, Menguatkan Fungsi Ginjal, Ambien/Wasir, Gatal-gatal/Alergi, Maag, Miom, Kutil Genitalis, Penyembuhan Pasca Operasi, Kiloid, Meregenerasi Sel dan Jaringan, Membersihkan Virus dan Bakteri Jahat Dalam Tubuh (Torch, Hepatitis, HPV, Dll.), Cacingan, Pemali.


Hari ini pelayanan untuk pasien yang sudah menderita stroke selama 1th. Semoga diberikan restu oleh alam untuk membantu proses penyembuhan Pak Anton. Nanti akan saya update perkembangan berikutnya.

Photos from Body Balance Healing's post 19/02/2022

Hari ini pelayanan bersama Adik saya ke daerah Sembung, Mengwi untuk pasien yang menderita Stroke Iskemik.
Ini kunjungan saya yang ke-3, Puji Tuhan sudah banyak perkembangan. Walaupun pelan tapi pasti, semua butuh proses. Semoga lekas membaik Ajik 🙏


Hari ini pelayanan untuk Bhante (Biksu) Dhamma, setelah 2th tidak bertemu akhirnya datang kembali ke Bali.

Videos (show all)

#livereview #frozenshoulder
Body Balance Healing Room.I call this place a "study room", where I use this room for me and the people who visit here t...
Self reminders
#obatalami #maag & #asamlambung
Penyebab #rematik adalah #sistemimun yang menyerang lapisan di sekitar #persendian, jadi bukan disebabkan karena #mandim...
#obatherbal #alami #jeruju #mahoni #haidtidaklancar
#mahoni #obatherbal #100alami #ambeien #jeruju
#obatherbal #alami #mahoni #sakitpinggang #susahtidur
#obatherbal #alami #mahoni #jeruju #alergi #insomnia


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00