MindsCreation.net Intuitive Readings & Medical Massage Therapy

MindsCreation.net Intuitive Readings & Medical Massage Therapy

Mind's Creation: Intuitive Readings & Massage Therapy
It is my goal to educate and empower like-min


Your current circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. Nido Qubein - Public Speaker


Divination, what is that exactly? It is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.


If you can do what you do best and be happy, you are further along in life than most people.
Leonardo DiCaprio - Actor-Producer


I totally want credit for being good and not rolling around in public in the fresh cut grass. I NEED my connection to nature in case you haven't noticed. Ava said, "You're not adhd are you mom." lol :D


Virtuous conduct is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks. It is the quest to understand and live a life of moral character Virtues are attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop this potential. Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues. Those who are considered morally good are said to be virtuous, holding themselves to high ethical standards.

Home - Big Brothers Big Sisters of America - Youth Mentoring 13/08/2024


Home - Big Brothers Big Sisters of America - Youth Mentoring Empowering youth to reach their full potential through mentorship.


When five vertebras in your neck decide to all shift, move, and adjust, and your entire back feels amazing for the first time in a long time

I really miss getting my adjustments and massages. I have waited a long time to get back into the "game."


I am finally online. Pink Himalayan Salt is a miracle worker, its has all the minerals the body needs to rebalance and restore itself and it banishes negativity. I had to take some down time but I am up again. Let's get to it.


Good Morning!
MindsCreation.net Intuitive Readings & Medical Massage Therapy Like Follow & Comment on this page


Margaret I need you to message me I can't seem to find you, to get your reading done. I think the last name on your Facebook is different than the last name on the pay processor.


Determination & Perserverance


I am running into every computer issue possible. Where there is a will however there is a way. Let's brain storm why my computer would allow Cox Wifi that I have never used before but has stopped allows the Wifi that I have used for the last year. I called technical support and they are clueless. We have staff reset the modem to this section of my building and still nothing. Any ideas? Why would my computer just stop connecting to the wifi that I have used for the last year?

I am back online getting readings done. I am starting to feel like I am being specifically targeted. I don't like feeling this way.


Finally! Thank you! I am resourceful. I am also tired of being resourceful. I need it to go smoothly please? Thank you


There is so much that goes on on the back end of running a business and being a psychic reader. If I knew then what I know now.


I am having a lot of issues with people messaging me for codes. These accounts are hacked do not engage with them. They are popping up on the back of people I am close to.

I am not even sure if these people know this is happening. Change your password and be certain of who you are dealing with.


I sadly had to block and ban a long time client and friend because her account was not only hacked but who ever broke into her account was trying to hack mine.

1.Please make sure you change your passwords on a regular basis especially if you have wifi over land line internet.
2. Create a back up plan such as getting the names and phone numbers of people that you do business with so that you can reach out to them in a different way if necessary.
3. Its getting more and more important by the day to protect yourself. STAY VIGILENT Its the only way we will succeed.
4. Look out for each other, there is strength in numbers.


How are YOU, really?


You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
John C. Maxwell


Good Morning,
Thank you for your patience. I am back online getting things done. Message me directly if you need a session. I am still taking requests for 888 Lions Gate Portal Spell work. The sooner you can get that in the better it will be. MindsCreation.net


Make it your habit not to be critical about small things.
Edward Everett Hale - 1822-1909-Author-Historian


Yesterday was another big day for my family. The reality of things hit pretty hard. We are an Air Force Family and it is hard when we go through family milestones absences are felt DEEPLY. Take not of the ones that don't support your ideas and remain humble because the success will come. One the same token take note of the ones that do support your ideas. Those are the ones you want by your side when the success comes. Have Faith, Have Patience and move in silence...

Guard Against Extraterrestrial violence, no we aint on no gobment list we straight don't exists no names and no finger prints. Here come the men in black. :D (just kidding maybe)


Good Morning,
Let's do readings, spell work, distance healing and more. Message me directly for details on a full reading. Please don't message me if you want free readings in my inbox. My messenger inbox is reserved for paid services only. You are allowed to ask questions pertaining to planning up to getting your full session but please don't ask for free readings. Thank you for understanding.


Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.


Good Evening Angels,
I am going to be up late tonight getting a lot of work done. We have a lot of major changes happening around us and it is requiring that I kick it into over drive. If you need me for a reading, spell work, distance healing, or anything please inbox me directly.

As you know I work everything first come first serve. We will be doing a 24-48 hour wait time on readings going forward. We will also be expanding social medias, you can now text me, the phone number is listed on the website, you can also have your reading sent to you via email. In help you reach your goals I am able to reach mine.

As Archangel Michael said, "The work that you do on yourself impacts everyone around you in a positive way. Love yourself, respect yourself first, so that you can love and respect those around you. In this way we change the vibration of the world one mind, body, emotion and soul at a time."


This is where my focus will be going forward. Like, Follow, Comment, and share out. This is the business page. Its also connected to the website.

MindsCreation.net Intuitive Readings & Medical Massage Therapy Mind's Creation: Intuitive Readings & Massage Therapy
It is my goal to educate and empower like-min


What bad habits do you want to BREAK?


The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 1756-1791 - Prolific, Influential Compost


Life isn't perfect, any failures you have are actually learning moments. They teach us how to grow and evolve. Phillipa Soo Actres

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