BINUS University Doctor of Computer Science

BINUS University Doctor of Computer Science

Become one of the globally recognized researches and development program in Computer Science Doctora


Sebagai upaya peningkatan branding dan juga kualitas Penelitian/Publikasi Mahasiswa dalam konteks state of the art, maka kami dari Program Doktor Ilmu Komputer (Doctor of Computer Science (DCS)) akan melaksanakan Industrial Talk - 76th Series.

Untuk itu, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu semua untuk hadir pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 16 Juli 2024
Waktu : 18.30-19.30 Jakarta base time (GMT+7)
Pembicara : Prof. Dr. Damla Turgut
(Charles Millican Professor and Chair of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF and co-director of the AI Things Laboratory)

Judul Talk : When homes are too smart for their own good: physical and computational modeling of smart homes

Mode/Link Zoom :
Online /

Moderator : Assco. Prof. Dr. Ir. Haryono Soeparno, M.Sc.

(Head Concentration of Computer Science - Doctor of Computer Science Binus University)

Demikian disampaikan dan terima kasih.
Sekretariat Program DCS

Photos from BINUS University Doctor of Computer Science's post 11/07/2024

Selamat kepada para wisudawan dan wisudawati BINUS University atas gelar yang diraih.

Semoga ilmu dan pengalaman yang diperoleh selama kuliah di BINUS University menjadi bekal berharga untuk meraih kesuksesan di masa depan. Teruslah berkarya!


Selamat kepada para wisudawan dan wisudawati BINUS University atas gelar yang diraih🥳

Keberhasilan ini menjadi bukti nyata dari kerja keras dan ketekunan kalian. Jadi, teruslah berkarya dan meraih kesuksesan di masa depan!


Berita menyedihkan dari dunia akademisi di Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia tercinta ini. Semoga pimpinan negara kita lebih bijak dgn tidak hanya membuat jargon Kampus Merdeka sebagai merdeka yang kebablasan,
Kami para Dosen akan selalu menjaga marwah dunia pendidikan tinggi ini, agar Indonesia dikenal bukan hanya banyak Prof. dan publikasi, namun dapat menghasilkan penelitian dan publikasi yang real dari pemikiran anak bangsa, sekalipun mendapatkan penilaian yang paling terburuk dan orisinalitas dan etika selalu terjaga.

Berita Terbaru Guru Besar - Belasan dosen Universitas Lambung Mangkurat diduga merekayasa syarat permohonan guru besar. Gelar mereka terancam dicopot.



DCS Corner Series Talk

Sebagai upaya untuk sharing knowledge maka Program Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) mempersembahkan DCS Corner Series Talk: The Future of Cybersecurity: Emerging Trends and Predictions for the Coming Years

Maka dari itu, kami mengundang Ibu/Bapak untuk hadir di acara ini, yang diselenggarakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal: Kamis, 18 Juli 2024
Waktu: 16:30 - 18:30 WIB
Lokasi: BINUS Anggrek Campus Creative Class 306 (3rd Floor)
Moderator: Prof Dr. Ir. Ford Lumban Gaol (Head of Director DCS)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 917 6307 7367
Passcode: 525309

Detail Acara:
1. Pembicara: Semi Yulianto, S.E., M.Kom, CISSP, CISM (Founder & CEO of PT. Systech Global Informasi)
Judul Talk: "Protecting Digital Assets: Indonesia's 2022 Privacy Act and the Ransomware Challenge"

2. Pembicara: Kalpin Erlangga Silaen, S.Si., M.Kom. (Direktur PT Sertifikasi Nasional Indonesia dan Chapter Lead Indonesia Honeynet Project)
Judul Talk: "Build Cybersecurity Ecosystem"

3. Pembicara: Dr. Aditya Kurniawan (Lecturer of Computer Science BINUS University)
Judul Talk: "Eksploitasi Celah Keamanan Antar Konektivitas dengan Pihak Ketiga"

Mohon berkenan kehadiran Ibu dan Bapak dalam acara ini.

Terima kasih

Best Regards,
DCS Program Secretariat


Quantum simulation of coopetition has been published in Elsevier Journal of Expert System with Applications the journal has H-index 249, Q1 in three categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, and Engineering. The journal has *H-index 271, *CiteScore (Impact Factor) 13.8*, *SJR 1.88*, and *SNIP 2.433*.


Undangan DCS Industrial Talk series 75th Series

Dengan hormat mengundang Ibu dan Bapak untuk hadir dalam acara “DCS Industrial Talk series 75th Series yang akan diadakan dengan :

Judul Talk : Technology Infrastructures Platform
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at, 21 June 2024
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00 WIB
Pembicara : Bapak Irvan Bastian Arief, PhD (Vice President of Data Science, Machine Learning Engineering, Tech Infrastructure and Information Security –
Moderator : Dr Ir. Yaya Heryadi, M.Sc (Research Coordinator – DCS Program)
Mode :

Biografi Pembicara:
Dr Irvan Bastian Arief is an award-winning, PhD-qualified digital executive, leader and strategist with over 17 years of commercial experience in technology, digital and data-related domains. As the creator of RUP and DA-HOC machine learning algorithms, he has worked with and for some of Australia and Asia's most progressive multinational global companies. He is the recipient of the CIO100 Awards: Next CIO (2023), the winner of the 2022 Outstanding Taiwan Alumni of the Year and the 2020 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award from Australia Global Alumni and the Australian Embassy for Indonesia.
As a believer in data and the VP of Data Science and Machine Learning Engineering at today, he leads and drives core internal research and development within the business, mainly embedding artificial intelligence-related knowledge and products and delivering state-of-the-art techniques to ensure the company continues to become the leader within our domain area. He is also the VP of Tech Infrastructure Platform at He has worn many hats in my long career--programmer, engineer, analyst, scientist, researcher, manager, marketer and strategist. As a result, he has a unique ability to manage multi-disciplinary projects and able to navigate complex challenges. He is proud of his ability to talk from the most technical discussion to the highest level of business negotiation. In my spare time, he likes to teach others. He taught at Monash University and RMIT for eight years and is currently a lecturer and advisor at Universitas Bunda Mulia. He also enjoys reading and travelling.


Dalam rangka membekali kompetensi penelitian bagi para dosen BINUS University, dengan ini BINUS Corporate Learning & Development (BCL&D) bekerja sama dengan Research & Technology Transfer RTT mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk turut serta berpartisipasi pada pelatihan “Mendobrak Batas: Strategi Jitu Mendapatkan Hibah Penelitian Internasional” yang akan diadakan pada:
Tanggal: Senin, 24 Juni 2024
Pukul: 09.30 - 12.00 WIB (Online via Zoom)
Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Ir. Ford Lumban Gaol, S.Si., M.Kom.

Silahkan Bapak/Ibu mengakses link registrasi berikut untuk mendaftar:
Besar harapan kami Bapak/Ibu dapat menggunakan peluang ini untuk pengembangan diri khususnya kompetensi penelitian.
Mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut :
• Pelatihan dilaksanakan ONLINE disampaikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
• Kapasitas module adalah 200 peserta, First Come, First Serve.
• Link registrasi akan dibuka dan otomatis tertutup apabila kuota peserta sudah penuh.
• Registrasi pelatihan hanya dilakukan via link, tidak bisa via e-mail, dengan wajib menggunakan email


DCS Workshop- Research Enrichment: Rangkaian Kegiatan 1 Dasawarsa DCS

Nama kegiatan : DCS Workshop- Research Enrichment
Tema : Appropriate Methodology to Achieve Valid Research Works

1. Qualitative Research in Information Systems at PhD Level:Frameworks & Tools(ONSITE)
Dr. Panca Hadi Putra., MBA – Universitas Indonesia
8 Juni 2024, 09.00-12.00
current remaining slot: 6 seats

2. From Practical Concept to Scientific: Evaluating Design Science Research (DSR) artifac
Prof Dr. Ir. Ford Lumban Gaol (HoD DCS) & Gede Indra Raditya Martha (Mahasiswa DCS)
24 Juni 2024 jam 14.00-15.30

3. Data Driven Modelling (ONSITE)
6 Juli 2024- 13.00 - 17.00

Tempat : Kampus BINUS Kemanggisan Anggrek
Link Pendaftaran :

FREE for ALL BINUSIAN (DCS students and Alumni diprioritaskan)


Salam Hangat dari BINUS Doctorate Program.

Doktor Ilmu Komputer Diperlukan Bagi Mereka Para Akademisi Maupun Praktisi, Guna Menjawab Tantangan Perubahan Serta Kompetisi Yang Semakin Ketat.

Kami Mengundang Bapak Untuk Menghadiri DCS Gravy Dinner Yang Menghadirkan Dr. Muhammad Arif, Managing Director Dari Rohde & Schwarz, Sebagai Pembicara. Acara Ini Bertujuan Untuk Mengenal Lebih Dalam Seputar Doctor of Computer Science BINUS University.

Adapun Detail Acara Sebagai Berikut:
DCS Gravy Dinner "The Great Mind Meet Up"
Hari/Tanggal: Jumat, 21 Juni 2024
Pukul: 18.30 PM - Selesai (WIB)
Lokasi: BINUS , Anggrek Campus (Faculty Lounge 8áµ—Ę° Floor)

Photos from BINUS University Doctor of Computer Science's post 29/05/2024

** Call for Participants*
DCS - Industrial Talk 72nd series

Cordially, we invite you to attend Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) - Industrial Talk 72nd series:

Talk Title : Medical Industries and Challenges on the AI Era
Date : 08 May 2024
Time: 15:00 PM - 17:00 PM (Jakarta Based time)
Speaker : Erwin Hermanto (Director/Owner at PT. MediTech Manufaktur Indonesia --- Medical Device Manufacturer ISO13485/CPAKB Compliant)
Mode: Online via zoom
Medium Instruction: Indonesia Language
Moderator : Dr. Nur Afny Catur Andryani, S.Si., M.Sc. (Lecture Specialist S3 - DCS)


Dear: Mr/Mrs DCS Student Binus University

As an effort to improve branding and also the quality of Student Research/Publications in the context of the state of the art, we from the Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) Program will hold a DCS Guest Professor Talk.

For this reason, we invite all of you to attend:
Day/Date :Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Time :15.30-17.00 (Jakarta based time GMT+7)
Speaker :Prof. Kimberly Tam (Alan Turing Institute, UK)
Title of Talk :Cyber-physical security
Zoom/registration link :
Moderators : Dr. Maria Susan Anggreainy, S.Kom., M.Kom.

So conveyed and thank you.
DCS Program Secretariat



Mr/Mrs DCS Student
Binus University

We intend to invite you, as an effort to improve branding and also the quality of student research/publications in the context of state of the art, we from the Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) Program will hold a Scientific Talk – 50th Series.

For this reason, we invite all of you to attend:
Day/Date: Friday, June 7, 2024
Time: 09.30-11.30 WIB

Speaker: Marylise HEBRARD, Ph.D (Institut Des Usages, Montpellier, France)
Topic: Digital Ethics and Law

Room: 823 - Anggrek Campus, Bina Nusantara University (BINUS University)

Moderator:Prof. Spits Warnars Harco Leslie Hendric, S.Kom., M.T.I., Ph.D. (Head of Concentration Information Systems)

So conveyed and thank you.

DCS Program Secretariat


** Call for Participants **
DCS - Industrial Talk 73rd series

Cordially, we invite you to attend Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) - Industrial Talk 73rd series:

Talk Title : The Trends and Future of Computer Vision and Video Analytics :Technology and Business aspects
Date : 18 May 2024
Time: 15:00 PM - 17:00 PM (Jakarta Based time)
Speaker : Adhiguna Mahendra, Ph.D (Founder and CTO of SmartX Academy, Senior Advisor of Smart City of IKN, and Chief of Business, AI and Product Innovation , Nodefulux)
Mode: Online via zoom :
Medium Instruction: Indonesia Language
Moderator : Dr. Ir. Yaya Heryadi, M.Sc. (Research Coordinator DCS)


Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu sekalian untuk dapat bergabung dalam kegiatan “Bukber Talk DCS - Binus University”.

Adapun kegiatan ini akan diadakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 4 April 2024
Waktu : 15.00 - 18.00 WIB
Ruang onsite : Faculty Lounge lt. 8
Link Zoom :
1. Lipur Sugiyanta, Ph.D - Ketua Program Studi Sistem & Teknologi Informasi UNJ
Topik: AI in Computer Networks

2. Prof. Ir. Teddy Mantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., SMIEEE - Professor of Computer Science at Sampoerna University
Topik: Generative AI, LLM & Transformer

3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A. - Rektor Universitas Pradita
Topik: IT Security Governance in Banking

MC & Moderator:
Kalpin Erlangga Silaen, S.Si., M. Kom., CISSP, CASP+, CEH, CHFI, ECSA, ECIH, ISO 27001 LI
Student of DCS 18 BINUS University

Do’a & Kultum :
Husni Iskandar Pohan, S. Kom, M.T. - Student of DCS 14 BINUS University

Penyelenggara : Mahasiswa DCS Angkatan 14 dan 18

Ditunggu kehadiran Ibu Bapak sekalian. Bagi yang bisa hadir ONSITE dapat mengisi link pendaftaran berikut untuk pendataan konsumsi :

Ditunggu tanggapan Ibu dan Bapak paling lambat Rabu, 3 April 2024 jam 23:00 WIB PM
Demikian kami sampaikan dan terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu sekalian untuk dapat bergabung dalam kegiatan “Bukber Talk DCS - Binus University”.

Adapun kegiatan ini akan diadakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 28 Maret 2024
Waktu : 15.00 - 18.00 WIB
Ruang onsite : Faculty Lounge lt. 8
Link Zoom :
Narasumber :
1. Dr. Ari Pratiwi - Group Head Strategy & Architecture, BNI
Topik: AI in Computer Networks
2. Dr. I Ketut Agung Enriko, S.T., M.Sc. - Senior Manager Research and Innovation Management, PT Telkom Indonesia
Topik: Generative AI, LLM and Transformer
3. Dr. Ubaidillah Nugraha, SE, CA, MPM. - Independent Commissioner, BRI Life
Topik: IT Security Governance in Banking

MC & Moderator : Juan Al Qausar
Student of Doctor of Computer Science BINUS University
Do’a & Kultum : Dr. Zulkifli, S.T., M.Kom - Alumni DCS BINUS University

Penyelenggara : Mahasiswa DCS 17

Ditunggu kehadiran Ibu Bapak sekalian. Bagi yang bisa hadir ONSITE dapat mengisi link pendaftaran berikut untuk pendataan konsumsi :

Demikian kami sampaikan dan terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


Acara Bukber Talk Series #10 yang dikoordinir oleh DCS 16 pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis/ 21 Maret 2024
Jam : 15.00 - 18.00
Mode : Hybrid
Onsite : Binus Anggrek, Lt 8 Ruangan Faculty Lounge
Zoom :
Meeting ID: 918 6111 6130

Nara Sumber : 1.Dr. Ir. Manerep Pasaribu, MM.
Advisor of President Commissioner on NT Corporation

2.Philip Thomas, PhD.
SVP, Analytics and Decision Making at OCBC Indonesia
MC : Ivan Alexander
Moderator : Bambang Sulistyo
Kultum : Dr. Darma Rusdji

Ditunggu kehadiran Ibu Bapak sekalian. Bagi yang bisa hadir ONSITE dapat mengisi
link pendaftaran berikut untuk pendataan konsumsi :

Videos (show all)

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00