The Grethe Clinic

The Grethe Clinic

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Enfield Healing Centre
Enfield Healing Centre

Start your journey back to FULL health from fibromyalgia, PVFS, CFS, IBS, Anxiety & Depression


I got this beautiful message from a client the other day, and they kindly gave me permission to share it. I worked with this client some time ago, and they contacted me recently as they were having some symptoms. On a very rare occasion someone may need a once-off check in session after we have finished working together. This session is like having a refresher or a sounding board- coming back to the tools, helping the client figure out what happened, reopening the communication between them and their emotional brain. Symptoms arise through people not having their needs met and when their emotional brain goes unheard for a long enough time it can result in symptoms.

With just one session we were able to figure out what had happened and after two days I received this lovely email! It's amazing to see the power of the emotional brain in making sure we are being treated well, living a life that fulfills us, and meeting our needs. Thankyou to this lovely client for sharing these words, they really made my day💞

DM, email or head to the link in my bio (on insta) to book your free zoom consultation and get started on your journey back to full health😊

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 17/06/2024

A little reintroduction as there are some new people here...

My name is Keelin, I am a MindBody Reconnect therapist running an online clinic. I am lucky enough to be able to explore many passions- I am also a social media manager for a local business, a creater of community events and most recently I am doing a lot of work in my community with refugees. I am a mum to two cats, I will attempt to climb every tree I see, my perfect day is either swimming in the sea or exploring a forest, and I love a good dance around the kitchen- it never fails to cheer me up!

But what you can't see in these photos is that I spent the pandemic completely housebound with fibromyalgia, unable to walk for the most part. I spent years before that very ill, not knowing why. I only recovered and started to build this very full life just over two years ago.

I recovered thanks to MBR and because it was so powerful for me, I trained in it! Now I work with clients all over the world, helping them to recover and get their life back after symptoms or diagnoses such as:

🌼Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome
🌼Long Covid
🌼Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you are struggling with any of these diagnoses or related symptoms and you would like to learn more about this therapy, head to the link in my bio (on instagram) or DM/email to book a free consultation💗

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 17/04/2024

Back to real life today! I have spent the past 5 days in Denmark with my family and our friends🥰

I was there last year in April also, and it was such a milestone- leaving the country for the first time since my recovery and doing something from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep- and feeling healthy! It was such a celebration of recovery and the freedom that came with it.

This year, I took the flight home alone for the first time and navigated public transport solo too. When I was sick I didn't think something like that would ever be possible- I was deathly afraid of flying, completely frozen by anxiety if I had to do anything like that alone, and that's not even considering what my health would have been like.

But I had such a wonderful trip, without anxiety (a little nervousness navigating a different city as I think anyone would🤣) and I had probably the most relaxed time in the airport and flying I have ever had. I felt so assured that I could handle whatever would come up, and I felt so empowered in that.

None of this would be possible without MBR. And it may seem silly to continue celebrating recovery when I have been healthy for a long time now but I don't think I'll ever stop! To see such a difference in the last few years and even the last year, to watch my confidence in myself grow and my ability to trust myself- it makes me really happy.

And to be symptom and anxiety free and able to be present with the most important people in my life- that is the best thing of all💗

DM, email or head to the link in my bio (on insta) to book your free consultation and get started on your journey back to full health😊


We are hosting our next Board Game night this Saturday in the Loft at Common Ground Bray from 7-9pm. If you type O'Rahilly hall, church terrace into Google maps you should find us, but any trouble call 087 346 6465😊bring a friend or come solo, all are welcome! Feel free to bring your favourite games to share with the group. Hope to see you there🥰


Receiving a message like this absolutely makes my day! I am always so grateful for meeting my clients too. I learn so much from every single one, things that can help other clients, and things I take on in my own life. Everybody is so unique with their own wisdom, and we can all learn so much from each other😊

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


I am so thankful to the lovely client who took the time to write this. It was such a pleasure to work with them, and I so admired how they were so open to the process. They worked really really hard! I'm so lucky to have such cool clients, I learn so much from them🥰

They used the word confidence and that's the key! Once I can see (or they tell me) they are preventing their symptoms and if any come up- they are taking action and the symptoms are going away, it's very clear I'm no longer needed. They have the confidence to do this work for themselves and keep themselves healthy in the future. How amazing is that!

I feel very blessed to work with the amazing people I do💗

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 09/01/2024

So... I am very excited to share these events I am hosting with my friend

As everyone who has worked with me knows- I am very passionate about connection, community and fun! Preferably childish fun🤣

So many of the issues I see in my work stem from the emotions of loneliness and boredom- our needs are literally not being met!

So as much as I love my work as a therapist, giving my clients the tools to get better and stay healthy- I also want to be part of hopefully preventing some of these things. Thus I sat down with my friend Alexandra to see what we could bring to the amazing community to create more fun and connection!

These events are free, sober events you can attend alone, or with friends. We hope they will bring just a tiny bit more joy into our community💗

🩵Board game night: 7-9pm Saturday the 9th January in the kitchen at Common Ground (feel free to bring a game!)
🩵Walking group: 6:30pm Monday the 15th and 29th January at Bray Seafront (at the carpark at the harbour side of the promenade- check last photo for meeting point)


Hence the MindBody Reconnect💓this work gives you the tools and knowledge you need, to get everything working together as it should, and maintain your health for the future!

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your FREE consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


Finishing up lots of work today before taking some time off over Christmas❤️but I didn't want to forget to come on and say- thankyou so much for every bit of support I've received this year. Wishing you and your loved ones a very healthy, happy Christmas☃️🎅🎁

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 19/12/2023

It is so empowering to know you have choices, and to know you can take care of yourself no matter the situation. I have written these tips in the hopes that even one of them might inspire someone, and help them to have an even more merry Christmas💗

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


Not a usual topic on this account but as a small business owner myself I just wanted to write a few words about shopping locally, and intentionally in the run up to Christmas...

Running your own business is hard. And at Christmas it's even harder, it's a shorter month and a much more expensive month. So this Christmas instead of going to a big shopping centre and getting all your Christmas presents in big chain stores, I encourage you to head into your local towns. Head for those local Christmas markets and beautiful boutiques. You can also get creative and support your local yoga studios and holistic therapists by buying gift vouchers. Gift someone an experience or even one you can share together. Support your local restaurants and cafe's by having your last dash Christmas meet up's with friends at smaller, locally owned places.

I'm also giving a lot of thought this year to not being wasteful, thanks to some interesting conversations happening online and with my friends and family. I feel like every Christmas there is such a panic to buy people presents that inevitably I end up giving my loved ones a lot of "stuff"- which is both expensive and bad for the environment. I've had some conversations with my family recently about how we can minimise that. I'm opting to gift experiences, or just buy what I know people will really love or need, and leave it at that rather than adding in a bunch of "filler" type gifts, and I've asked for them to do the same for me.

So these are just a few of my reflections as the run up to Christmas begins, I hope they'll inspire you to consider these things too! If you have any ideas to add, feel free to comment💗

And lastly if someone asks what you want for Christmas... just tell them! It really helps🤣


As an Irish citizen hearing the decision of the Irish government not to economically sanction Israel and not to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court, against the wishes of Irish citizens, I could not help but share my emotions.

What has been happening in Palestine for decades, and what is happening in Gaza and across the rest of Palestine in the past month is truly horrific. To watch a genocide unfold in front of our eyes and feel helpless is horrific. To feel that our own government isn't listening to us about our wish to help them, is horrific. To think though, this is nothing compared to the feelings that people in Palestine have been dealing with their whole lives, that's worse.

I feel helpless. But I feel like the only way out of this is to pressure our governments to step in. We cannot be silent when our government fails to do that. So as an Irish citizen, and a business in Ireland that is what I am doing.

I am praying and hoping every day for an end to this. I live in a country that was under the rule of another and today is not, and for that reason I have to believe it is possible. I have hope. But with our history bearing a few resemblances to what has happened in Palestine, we should be leading the charge in trying to end this.
To the Irish govenerment-
Do better.


An excerpt from an email from a client (shared with their permission). So proud of the hard work my clients are doing, it's the best feeling when they can really start to see the effect on how they're feeling!

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 21/10/2023

With so many new clients starting at the same time, I've been getting a lot of questions about "rest".

"Rest" was probably the most used word in my vocabulary when I was sick. It usually involved watching the TV, lying down, and not speaking to anyone. It was regimented, lonely and sad when I thought about all the things I'd rather be doing. But I thought it was necessary in order to be able to do things again later.

These days I know that unless it's in the evening after a long day, time watching the TV, not talking to anyone doesn't really do anything for me. And I HATE the word rest (it sounds very imprisoning!)

So I've changed the word to "recharge". These photos are from the last week of times I've recharged. Last night it was heading home to eat my favourite dinner my mum makes, and have a movie night with my family. Last weekend it was catch ups over candle painting with some friends (turns out some tiktok trends are smart!). Other photos are from last Sunday when I went for a coffee and the perfect autumnal walk to a waterfall with my housemates.

All of these activities are active enough that sick Keelin would have avoided them like the plague or rested before and after and been very worried about them. But for me now they were rejuvenating and energising! They were good for my soul and left me feeling like I had recharged for the week ahead.

So I invite you to change the word "rest" to a word that you like better. Changing my approach to "rest" was hard and came with a lot of fear, but throughout this work I have been able to totally change the meaning in my head and therefore, change my life!

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


And it's finally out! I did an interview with the amazing .agle last month where we talked about my health journey, and my work as a practitioner. Thankyou for having me Raelan, and for being such a positive force in the world in sharing so many recovery stories💗

You can find the interview at the link in my bio or by checking out Raelan's YouTube channel.

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


In the studio today with the very lovely

Thankyou Clare for giving me the space to talk about MBR and tell my recovery story🥰and massive thankyou to Clare and her producer Aoife for being so kind, I was SO nervous but they are pros at making you feel comfortable💗

Clare asked me what Keelin on a zimmerframe around her house a few years ago would think of my lfe now, and it's safe to say she would think it was WILD! And so amazing🥰

I will keep you updated as to when you can listen!
If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


Thankyou so much to everyone who came out, braved the weather (and even the sea for some!) and turned up solo too! It was so fun meeting you all🥰

Lara and I are already talking about future meetups we want to do both indoors and outdoors. The ideas from you guys today were so exciting💗If you have anything you'd like to see us do, do DM we would love to hear!

For future events, follow on instagram/Facebook. We will also be setting up a WhatsApp group so if you if you were there today or would like to stay up to date on future meetups, please dm me your number🥰

We are so happy about where this little community will go and we can't wait to see you all again xx


We are so excited to see you all tomorrow! It's going to be a fun swim🌊
If the weather does not cooperate, we will still be meeting at the Finnbees side entrance at 2pm for coffee and chats!

Looking forward to seeing you all there❤️


My name is Keelin and I live in Bray, where I run my holistic therapy business, the Grethe Clinic. Lara lives in Dun Laoghaire, and she is a data analyst constantly getting out of her comfort zone- most recently as a stand up comedian! We are both adventure seekers in our 20's and love yoga, sea swimming, and trying new things. Our goal is to create a community where like minded people can connect, have some fun and try new things together!

We are organising an Equinox swim this Sunday, the 24th. This will be a chance to have some laughs (and maybe screams if its cold🤣), recharge for the week ahead and meet some new people! Don't be afraid to come alone, the point is to meet new people! Or grab some friends, either way you will be welcomed with open arms🥰if the weather is terrible we will go for coffee and stay cosy☕️

WHERE? At the side entrance to Finnbees
WHEN? 2 o' clock, Sunday the 24th September
Feel free to DM or comment with questions. Looking forward to seeing you there😊

Ps. We are not lifeguards of any kind, so you are responsible for your own safety. Please stay safe and alert when you're in the sea💗


Looking back at my illness, rebuilding my life, and my first year of business🥰

(Swipe for the full video)

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰


Today I am celebrating the Grethe Clinic's first birthday🎉

I am so grateful for the clients who I have had the privilege of working with in the past year. The instability of owning your own business is scary and there were many times where I wondered if I should give up.

But then I would have a client session and be reminded of how much I LOVE this work. My clients are some of the most incredible, inspiring people I have met in my life and to be a part of their journey and see their bravery has been such a gift. The founder of this therapy, Clare Caldwell, has always told us that each client comes along to teach you something and she is so right! I have learnt so much, and I can't wait to see who I meet and what I will learn in year 2.

I have been supported in every way possible in the past year by my mum who I am eternally grateful to for helping me to be able to do what I love. I have also been supported by my amazing friends and my fellow MBR therapists in innumerable ways. Running a business takes a village and my village really is the best💗

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consultation or get in touch with any questions via DM or email🥰

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 06/08/2023

Happy birthday to my beautiful Mum!

She the amazing, kind supporter that keeps me barrelling ahead at times when having my own business is hard. She also happens to be the woman who taught me some of the most important skills I have as an MBR practitioner.

In sessions, it's my job to creatively come up with different ways of doing things, of handling situations in a way the person may not have considered. This is a skill that was honed through my training. However, long before I ever considered working in this field, I was learning this from my mum. For my whole life my mum has always made me believe that I can always find a way, that we can always think of a different way of doing things, that anything is possible.

That is a belief and mantra that I take into my work, and that I took into being sick after my diagnosis.

I fought hard for several years, never giving up on finding a way back to my health, even when it seemed impossible, researching constantly until I found MBR. And the whole time, my mum was taking care of me, giving me huge hugs on the days I felt like I was never going to get better (and the other days too).

Thankyou Mum for everything you've given me🥰

It is also, my Mormor- Grethe's birthday today. Happy birthday Mormor, we miss you a lot💗


That feeling when you realise you have absolutely no idea when you last took any kind of a painkiller!

If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, or you know a loved one who might, please share this page with them or get in touch🥰


The founder of the MindBody Reconnect, the wonderful Clare Caldwell recently did a YouTube interview with .agle .

I highly recommend watching. I have always felt so lucky to know her and hear her wisdom and knowledge throughout training and in supervision, and now I'm so glad that even more people can access that.

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 21/07/2023

In MBR, something we talk about is unfair treatment. Most of the time it's coming from other people, and we talk about it whether it be big or small, intentional or unintentional. But something that can be overlooked can be how we are treating ourselves unfairly.

Lately, I have become even more aware of and have been trying to work on, how I speak to myself. Sometimes we have been speaking to ourselves so unkindly for so long that we haven't got a clue we are even doing it. We have a constant negative, critical, voice in our head that is commenting on everything we do, saying truly mean things sometimes. This voice is a voice born from trying to keep us safe, in our world, maybe even in our family as children. If we constantly strive to be perfect, then this voice perceives that we will be in less danger of upsetting others. So it is a voice born from an attempt to protect ourselves.

However this survival instinct usually lasts years and years longer than its needed. In recent weeks I have been working hard to unravel my own worst critic, to be kinder and more accepting of myself. To realise that I don't need to be perfect. To say thankyou to that voice for loving me and trying to protect me, but to tell it it can let go now- that nothing bad will happen if I'm not perfect all the time. That I will still be loved and accepted, and worthy of both.

So if this is something you are working on too, keep going- it's hard but for me there is some excitement in being able to let go. To make decisions just for you, to do things imperfectly and embrace it, to break apart the rules you made for yourself, and see what will grow in their place.

Here's a little photo dump from the past few weeks filled with moments of self kindness and acceptance.


The podcast version of my interview with is out now!

I will put the link in the link tree in my bio🥰

Photos from The Grethe Clinic's post 24/06/2023

How can you support the LGBTQIA+ community in your daily life?

Well I can only speak from my experience but I will share some things that I think would have helped me over the years.

If you have anything to add to the list, feel free to comment!


Happy Pride! We have come so far but there is so much further to go🌈

It has only been 49 years since the first pride march happened in Ireland- just 10 people protesting the criminalisation of being gay.

The pride parade happening in dublin today marks the 40th anniversary of our first pride parade, when 200 people marched through Dublin at a time when it was still a criminal offence to be gay.

These brave people and many others fought for and are continuing to fight for our right to freely and safely be exactly who we are.

I'm looking back today with so much gratitude for all of those who got us here, I am thinking of and sending love to everyone who is still not able to be their true selves openly, and I am celebrating our right to be who we are, to live our lives with freedom and love💗

Self-Love with SharonD: Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog with Keelin from The Grethe Clinic 20/06/2023

Self-Love with SharonD: Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog with Keelin from The Grethe Clinic Keelin from The Grethe Clinic speaks about how using mind body reset therapy helped her overcome her Fibromyalgia and brain fog. Keeling and SharonD had an open and honest chat with great tips and information.

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On a practical note:The app 'AppBlock'- you can block certain apps for the majority of the day, leaving yourself time in...
Happy birthday to my Mormor, Grethe😍here's a little story time about her and why the clinic is named after her. And happ...
You might be wondering why I'm always sharing stuff about boundaries, emotions, needing fun and fulfillment. How does th...
An incredibly emotional video for me to watch. I am exceptionally grateful to Adelynn- for being so kind to record this ...
We are hosting our next Board Game night this Saturday in the Loft at Common Ground Bray from 7-9pm.  If you type O'Rahi...
Answering another common question today💗DM, email or head to the link in my bio (on insta) to book your free consultatio...
Answering a question I frequently get💓do give me a shout if there's any questions you have about MBR, I'll be more than ...
Before I got sick, I was headed down the usual expected "path" and bored out of my MIND. I had some unhealthy relationsh...
If you would like to get started on your journey back to full health, head to the link in my bio to book your free consu...
So Alexandra and I are back hosting our gatherings again this month!These events are free, sober events you can attend a...
It can be an uphill battle sometimes! This is what I imagine its like when I'm passionately explaining something no one ...
I like this sound! I think it could be interpreted as sad, or even full of yourself- because of course other people take...



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