Danny Mccarthy Personal Trainer, Cork Videos

Videos by Danny Mccarthy Personal Trainer in Cork. Personal Training Services

Sit at a desk or computer all day?? Do this Daily exercise to help relieve neck pain!!
Slow controlled movements, Do 2-3 reps on each side. EVERY SINGLE DAY 😊

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Sit at a desk or computer all day?? Do this Daily exercise to help relieve neck pain!! Slow controlled movements, Do 2-3 reps on each side. EVERY SINGLE DAY 😊

Have you got tight hips?? A lack of stability across a joint can lead to muscle tightness. Set up a bench or steps as shown. Place your foot on bench and use your elbow for stability. Similar to a side plank but using only one leg to hold you up. Aim for 30 seconds (if you can’t do that, do as much as you can and build up to 30 seconds). Do 2-3 sets on each leg a couple of times per week. My mobility plans are now available. Drop me a message for more information. -Initial Consultation -Movement Assessment -Bespoke Program -Follow on appointments with progressions every 3 weeks #mobility #injuryprevention #sports #triathlon #gaa #movement

Tight Hip Flexors?? Try this, actively flex the hip as high as you can, hold for a few seconds. With your arms pull the knee up finding your passive end range. From here take a deep breath, create tension throughout your body, let go of your knee and try to keep the hip in the same position. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat on the other leg. Do 3-5 reps on each leg. 1-2 sets 😊 Passive end range holds 😊

TIGHT HAMSTRINGS??? Continuously stretching and not seeing any results? Have you tried strengthening? A lack of end range strength can lead to a lack of stability across a joint and in turn can lead to muscle tightness! Use a wall to minimize compensation. Lift the heel off the ground trying to drive into the glute. Squeeze and hold or a few seconds and repeat. Do 5-10 reps on each leg, 2-3 sets a couple times per week. Mobility plans launching in January: - Initial Consultation - Movement Assessment - Bespoke Programme - Follow on appointments with progressions every 3 weeks

BAD BACK??? Is your back always stiff, sore and tight?? How often do you bring your spine through it’s full range of motion? I would guess that most of you never do. So how do you expect to have a loose and pain free back if you don’t even move your back. Mobility is very much use it or lose it. Below is an exercise that you should do everyday. Start with a simple cat/cow (rounding and arching the spine) and progressing to trying to move each vertebrae (spine segmentation) Do 5-10 reps and 2-3 sets Everyday 😊

How many of you suffer from lack of mobility in your shoulders? Probably a lot of you. Now let me ask you how many of you move your shoulders everyday? Above your head, behind you, rotation. You can’t expect to have good mobility if you don’t even use your shoulders like there designed to be used. Mobility plans launching in January: - Initial Consultation - Movement Assessment - Bespoke Programme - Follow on appointments with progressions every 3 weeks

Something from my Fat Attack Circuit Class this morning!!! No equipment needed 😊 Jump Squats Sit-ups Jumping Jacks Half Burpees We did 3 sets as follows: 21 reps each exercise 15 reps each exercise 9 reps each exercise You could also do this workout using low impact versions of the above exercises or use a weight if you want to make the workout harder 😊 Enjoy

Something from my circuit class yesterday morning. No equipment needed so give it a go at home. 5 Burpees 10 Push-ups 20 Squats 30 Sit-ups 40 Jumping Jacks Do between 2 and 5 rounds. We did 4 rounds in class. (Excuse the camera angle Im a little rusty πŸ˜‚) My circuits are every Tuesday 6.30pm and Friday 10.00am #Fatattackcircuit

Quick workout you can do anywhere with minimal equipment. I used a kettlebell but you can use any weight like a bottle of water, can of beans, bag of flour or even small children πŸ˜‚ Squat and Press Punches Knees to elbows Bicep Curl Lunges Beginners do 10 reps of each exercise Intermediate do 15 reps Advanced do 20 reps Do 5-10 sets in total Enjoy 😊

Try to do these as fast as you can (while maintaining good form) Jumping Jacks 20 reps Mountain Climbers 10 reps each leg High knees 20 reps Half Burpees 5 reps Beginners do 2 sets Intermediate do 4 sets Advanced do 6 sets Enjoy πŸ’ͺ😁

A little something from tonight's Fat Attack class that you can do at home. Jumping Jacks Sit ups Squat Jumps Mountain Climbers We started with 10 reps of each exercise and pyramided our way down to 1 rep. So first set was 10 reps Second was 9 reps Third was 8 reps And we continued down to 1 rep, taking a few seconds rest between sets. Enjoy 😊 it's a tough one.

Quick little workout you can do at home. Jumping Jacks 20reps Kettlebell squat and upright row 15reps Elbows to knees 10reps Push ups 5reps Beginners do 2 sets Intermediate do 4 sets Advanced do 6 or more sets Take 30 seconds rest between sets If you have no kettlebell or weight just do Bodyweight squats. Enjoy 😊

Want to get stronger at squatting? Then try these, Squats with a 3 second pause at the bottom. This is my second set of 8 reps. As with every exercise I will progress this lift throughout the next few weeks.

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Quick Fat Burner πŸ”₯ 5 Burpees with Upright row (Bodypump bar or kettlebell) 20 jumping jacks 10 squats 20 high knees Beginners do 2 rounds Intermediate do 4 rounds Advanced do 6 or more rounds Best of luck 😊

A few more exercises from Bodypump. Classes start next week. Places are limited though so get your name down early to avoid disappointment.

Running through a few exercises for BodyPump next week 😊 Starts Monday at 6.00pm Tuesday Morning at 7.15am Wednesday at 6.00pm Places are limited so please get your name down in advance.

Tabata Weighted ropes 20 seconds fast Rest 10 seconds High Knees 20 seconds fast Rest Do 8 sets in total 😎

Friday Workout πŸ˜‰ Jumping Jacks 20reps Squats 15reps Push-ups 10reps Burpees 5reps Beginners do 3 rounds Intermediates do 5 rounds Advanced do 7 rounds

Heavy T-Bar rows this morning. 112kg of plates for 8 reps. 😊