Kildare Street Clinic, Dublin Videos

Videos by Kildare Street Clinic in Dublin. Eating Disorder Service

How CBT Can Aid in the Treatment of PTSD?
CBT treatment is highly recommended for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Several trauma-specific theories explain how CBT can help reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

To help patients reduce symptoms and improve functioning, therapists employ a range of strategies. CBT therapists may encourage patients to re-evaluate their thinking patterns and assumptions to identify unhelpful patterns (often referred to as “distortions”) in thoughts, such as overgeneralizing negative outcomes, negative thinking that diminishes positive thinking, and always expecting catastrophic outcomes, and to replace them with more balanced and effective thinking patterns. These are meant to assist the person in rethinking their perceptions of traumatic events and their perceptions of themselves and their ability to cope.

Read the full article on John Crimmins Blog

If you are intrigued by these topics, then the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” is the course for you.

Check out our Diploma in CBT.

We are also still running our 3 courses for the price of one Promotion.

#mentalhealth #trauma #anxiety #psychology #cbttherapy #PTSD

Other Kildare Street Clinic videos

How CBT Can Aid in the Treatment of PTSD? CBT treatment is highly recommended for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several trauma-specific theories explain how CBT can help reduce the symptoms of PTSD. 
 To help patients reduce symptoms and improve functioning, therapists employ a range of strategies. CBT therapists may encourage patients to re-evaluate their thinking patterns and assumptions to identify unhelpful patterns (often referred to as “distortions”) in thoughts, such as overgeneralizing negative outcomes, negative thinking that diminishes positive thinking, and always expecting catastrophic outcomes, and to replace them with more balanced and effective thinking patterns. These are meant to assist the person in rethinking their perceptions of traumatic events and their perceptions of themselves and their ability to cope. Read the full article on John Crimmins Blog If you are intrigued by these topics, then the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” is the course for you. Check out our Diploma in CBT. We are also still running our 3 courses for the price of one Promotion. #mentalhealth #trauma #anxiety #psychology #cbttherapy #PTSD

CBT for anxiety and panic. If you have ever experienced a full blown panic attack you will know that it is a very real terrifying experience. You will have had the most horrific bodily sensations and highly irrational thoughts such as the following: 
"Am I going to Die"

"Am I going mad"

"I can't cope with this"

"I have to get to a Hospital"
 This is because when an attack strikes it engages your brain’s emergency system which tells you that you are in immediate danger. But like a fire alarm that goes off in the kitchen if you burn the toast, the emergency networks in your brain are sending out false alarms. This is actually a psychological response that is short circuiting and not a real life threatening event. A panic attack is a single episode of intense fear that usually peaks within 10 – 12 minutes and takes place in the absence of any real danger. Read more on John Crimmins Blog. #cbt #panic #anxiety #therapy #psychology

DIPLOMA IN ADDICTION PSYCHOLOGY Our 6 month Online Diploma Course in Addiction Psychology provides up-to-date information and actionable knowledge on the problem of Addiction. Through the lessons offered, you will gain insight into the causes of substance and behavioural addiction and learn how to better assess addiction situations and intervene appropriately. This course is also beneficial to people in recovery as a personal development programme. #addiction #addictiontreatment #CBT #Behaviour #Behaviourinstitute #Therapy.

What Makes a Family Functional? What is a functional family? How do we know if we have one? How would you define a functional family? The study of family dynamics, family therapy, and treatment are complex and a whole field of psychology in itself. No family is perfect, even the functioning ones. Read about the ingredients needed to keep a family healthy at my blog : #psychology #mentalhealth #healthyfamilies

Powerful Addiction quote by Robert Downey Jr. #addiction #recoveryispossible #ehabhealthcare #intervention #mentalhealth #depression

CBT in schools. Cognitive-behavioral interventions are increasingly recognized as a viable, research-based approach appropriate for use in school settings. For some pupils, it is their emotional response to events in school that leads to a disproportionate emotional reaction. This leads to unacceptable behavior that can end up with disciplinary measures. Read John Crimmins Blog on CBT in the classroom. #mentalhealth #education #CBT #psychology #anxiety

Mood management while working from home. Controlling one’s mood and learning to manage our emotions is a vital issue when we are working from home and feeling isolated. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy addresses the underlying issues that allow emotions to become overwhelming. It teaches people practical self-help strategies and skills that are designed to immediately improve their quality of life. CBT aims to show you how your thinking affects your mood. It teaches you to think in a less negative way about yourself and your life. It is based on the understanding that thinking negatively is a habit that, like any other habit, can be broken. Learn more about CBT at this link #CBT #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #psychology #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth

Can Behaviour be modified? What are the basic principles of behaviour modification? To develop a new behavior. To strengthen a new behavior. To maintain an established behavior. . To stop inappropriate behavior. To modify emotional behavior. Learn more about CBT at this link #CBT #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #psychology #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd

Do you have NATS? A major concept in CBT is Negative Automatic Thoughts, (NATS). These are thoughts that pop into our heads uninvited. Sometimes they persist in our heads for hours. Automatic thoughts are ‘unconscious’ for instance they can operate without our awareness of them. NATS are a stream of thoughts that we can notice if we pay attention to them. They are negatively framed interpretations of what we think is happening to us. They usually have an impact on our mood and our feelings, which isn’t positive. NATs can lead to self-doubt, depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, and low mood. They are not helpful, or useful and yet we all have them. They are always negative “I never do anything right” They make you feel bad about yourself – “I’m such a failure” They are self-sabotaging - ‘If I do that, I am bound to fail, so what’s the point? They are believable – It seems to be more plausible to think negatively of yourself than positively. They are biased – And, although they seem to be acceptable, they are likely to be distorted or wrong. Learn more about CBT at this link #CBT #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #psychology #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd

Silence Your Inner Critic People with a strong inner critic tend to have one thing in common: No matter how successful they are in life, they don't feel it's genuine. "The inner critic won't let them see their past achievements as 'real' for fear that, if they do, they will ease up off and end up a loser” So they may push themselves more, with diminishing returns, driven more by fear of failure than inspiration. Self-distancing is increasingly used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. To self-distance, one replaces the first-person pronoun "I" with a non-first-person pronoun, you or he/she, when talking to themselves. Self-distancing allows you to pause, step back, and think as clearly and rationally as if it had happened to someone else. When your inner critic acts out, say: 1. So what? So what if you think that? That doesn’t mean it’s true. 2. Who cares? You think your judgments mean something to me? They don’t! 3. Big deal! Oh seriously, big deal! Really, big bloody deal! 4. Why not? Why shouldn’t I do this? You’re telling me I can’t? I won’t? I’m not worthy of it? Why not? I’m going to continue doing this anyway because I can! No matter what you say, I’m going to feel the fear and do it anyway. #CBT #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #psychology #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #ptsd #bulimia #anorexia #eating disorders

Why do people self-harm? Everyone is different, but some common reasons why people may self-harm are to: To express overwhelming emotional distress. To express difficult feelings. To feel in control of their lives. In most cases, people who self-harm do it to help them cope with overwhelming emotional pain.

Do you find it hard to love yourself?
Self love is so hard.