Cliona O'Halloran Green Party Videos

Videos by Cliona O'Halloran Green Party. Green party candidate for Cobh Local Area Elections 2024.

Swap Shop Success! Thank you to everyone who came along today. Thank you to my wonderful team of volunteers who made it all so smooth and a really nice afternoon for everyone. We 10 tables and 2 rails of beautiful clothes and lovely cafe where shopper enjoyed tea, coffee, devine carrot cake by Trish and lots of treats. There is definitely a demand for a regular event and I had great chats with members of the other voluntary groups going forward about coordinating a regular event.. watch this space…Id love to hear your feedback! So reach out with your ideas and suggestions! 💚

Other Cliona O'Halloran Green Party videos

Swap Shop Success! Thank you to everyone who came along today. Thank you to my wonderful team of volunteers who made it all so smooth and a really nice afternoon for everyone. We 10 tables and 2 rails of beautiful clothes and lovely cafe where shopper enjoyed tea, coffee, devine carrot cake by Trish and lots of treats. There is definitely a demand for a regular event and I had great chats with members of the other voluntary groups going forward about coordinating a regular event.. watch this space…Id love to hear your feedback! So reach out with your ideas and suggestions! 💚