Sinead Webster Healing Homes & Souls

Sinead Webster  Healing Homes & Souls

I offer a form of holistic healing on people and animals aswell as healing homes and business premises.

Holistic Healing - Pure Energy Healing Practitioner
For People of all ages and animals

Divining - Traditional Home & workplace clearing of geopathic stress, negative energies etc I am a certified Pure Energy Healing Practitioner and Diviner based in Co. Wexford but can travel to homes and business premises for home healing once again when restrictions are lifted. Healing Homes
To heal homes (or


Happy Friday 13th❤


The glorification of busy will destroy us. Without space for healing, without time for reflection, without an opportunity to surrender, we risk a complete disconnect from the authentic self. We burn out on the fuels of wilfulness, and eventually cannot find our way back to center. And when we lose contact with our core, we are ripe for the picking by the unconscious media and other market forces.

After all, consumerism preys on the uncentered. The farther we are from our intuitive knowing, the more easily manipulated we are. The more likely we are to make decisions and affix to goals that don’t serve our healing and transformation. To combat this, we have to form the conscious intention to prioritize our inner life. To notice our breath, our bodies, our feelings. To step back from the fires of overwhelm and remember ourselves. It may feel counter-intuitive in a culture that is speed-addicted, but the slower we move, the faster our return home.

- Jeff Brown

Photo of Knockanaffrin Standing Stone, Comeragh Mountains, Co waterford by Mawie Barrett 🌿


TRANSFORMATION ❤️ Whether you are working on your new fitness plan, a garden project, repurposing or upcycling, or simply transforming your thoughts and the way you think-this is your sign to keep going and really enjoy the process, lose yourself in it, be happy to release the old and embrace the new. Revel in your outcome and the satisfaction that you can take a moment to enjoy and marvel at your creation whatever that may be. 😍

Photos from Sinead Webster  Healing Homes & Souls's post 30/08/2021

"An old oak knows about repose" wise words from a rock in Tintern Abbey Wexford 😊


Quick Oracle Card Today For You...
These two beautiful cards both popped out this morning.
COURAGE...You will find the courage and inner strength to help you to navigate your inner world and outer world, there will sometimes be strong waves beating our shorelines but if you remember all that you have endured before you know you have the reserves to get through anything and come out he other side smiling. We are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for so remember that.
INNER PEACE...This card read in conjunction with the first card is showing you that you will find the inner peace that you are longing for and everything will work out as it should in the end. If you can find the courage to let life pan out as it should,go with the flow of life and be your true authentic beautiful self you will find peace enough to allow you to enjoy all that life has to offer from moment to moment.
If this resonates with you please feel free to comment or pm me.


🏡 What is it that I do when I come to your home to carry out space clearing?? is the most common question I have been getting lately.Here is a simple list that gives you an idea of whats covered...

Diagnosing and correcting underground streams that can cause geopathic stress

Detecting and clearing any negative energy in your home that can be caused and remain for a myriad of reasons

Finding and advising on any other potential problems that could be causing a negative impact on the feeling in your home

Once the above areas have been looked after, I lastly treat and honour your entire home to a deep clean of energy so to speak and raise the vibration of the house.

I use many different tools to do this and work with you based on personal preferences when it comes to the use of sage insense etc as not everybody loves the smell of these(as much as i do 😀)

I strongly believe your home is your refuge and sanctaury and so is treated with the utmost respect.

all aspects of my visit to your home and my findings are shared with you and you alone.

Any questions welcome and answered privately.


RELEASE...Time to let go of anything that no longer serves you,realise they are all lessons to help you to grow and that is all. like the leaves on the tree they serve their purpose and when they are ready to fall they are released to the ground where they become fertiliser to feed the tree.this is a good time to let go of people situations, habits and things that do you no good. if you need a sign that you should declutter this is for you ❤❤❤


Card for today...PURITY the meaning of this card corresponds beautifully with the New Moon in Cancer from today which is all about letting go of old habits and embracing the new. This is a card of seeing that you can start anew again no matter what happened in the past. The past does not need to equal the future.This is a time for opening your heart to your future and your individuality and celebrating both knowing that he best is yet to come.
Have a lovely day❤




If you picked this card your message is to remember to try and have balance in an area of your life where you know that the balance is off. think of the different aspects of yourself and your activities on day to day basis.are you relaxing enough?getting enough fresh air?doing enough things that you enjoy and give you joy?or are you out of balance?then on an internal level ask yourself if you spend maybe too much thought on worry or negative thoughts and if you do maybe then you could try to turn this around to worry less and look at things on a more positive way. its all about balance😙



MIDDLE CARD Manifestation

If you picked this card your message is to remind you that you are a very powerful manifestor especially right now given the current planetary alignments.your previous requests that you may have already given up on are about to manifest in ways that you cant even imagine were possible.maybe in a different way than to what you thought but it will all work out for the best.smiles all around.



LEFT CARD is Surrender and Release

if you picked this card your message is to let go of past hurt and give it up to the universe to heal as it is not serving you any purpose to hold on to the pain now. you are also asked now to let go of any worries that you have that you are currently holding onto and give them up to God or whatever higher power you believe in.release the worry and fears and surrender them to the universe to look after for you.picture yourself doing this and then EXHALE.


I usually give a mini reading as part of the healing session.Pick a card left middle or right and i will reveal meanings later.if you feel drawn to more than one thats okay too x


I usually give a mini card reading free with my healing sessions. think about what you want to ask then Pick a card left middle or right and i will reveal cards and their meanings later this evening...


I hope your day is good.

(Also this is my only Facebook account - if anyone ever messages you in my name, ignore it.)


This is one of the many tools that I use when clearing space, although I do break leaves up in a bowl to light as I find the smudge stick hard to light. Always use a heat proof dish or bowl though.
Go around your home with the smoking sage and keep windows closed until you have enough smoke around the place.
leave smoke for as long as you can to allow it to do its job.
Open all the windows when you feel it's time.
Sit down and enjoy your cleansed space🙂


Amazing how Dragonflies look like tiny fairies.❤
