

Sustainable life with a mission to live a better life with awareness, commitment, responsibilities

Young Living Distributor

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Guys, I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

My page still alive and I'm going to be active 💐😊✨


Christmas is a season of enjoying the simple things that make life beautiful✨

May the sparkle and joy of Christmas fill your soul 🤗

May you have great memories that will permanently touch your heart 💖

There is no better time for friends and family to come together such as Christmas 💫

May the true meaning of this season fill our hearts, and that is, to appreciate the love given to us by not taking it for granted 🙏

I wish you so much meaningful joy during this season and all through to the New Year...🎄

Always grateful 🌿

Timeline photos 21/12/2022

“Leaders are defined by how they make other people feel.”

- Mary Young


💫Если тебе плохо — начинай благодарить!
✨Собственное тело за то, что оно, несмотря ни на что, дышит и обеспечивает

💫Если тебе страшно — начинай благодарить!
✨Собственное сердце и душу за то, что они живы и могут чувствовать.

💫Если тебе больно — начинай благодарить!
✨Жизнь и «врагов» за то, что уроками боли они помогают тебе преодолевать,
побеждать себя и развиваться, продолжая путь вперед.

💫Если тебе одиноко — начинай благодарить!
✨Тишину и пространство за возможность побыть наедине с собой, повернуться к себе и сказать что-то важное, в чем-то признаться. А может быть просто отдохнуть и восстановиться…

💫Если тебе хорошо — тоже благодари!
✨Каждую свою клеточку за возможность жить и любить!

💫Если ты счастлив — благодари!
✨Каждого, кто является сотворцом твоего счастья. Каждого ангела-помощника на твоем пути.

💫Если ты чувствуешь крылья за спиной — благодари!
✨Свой Род, семью, друзей и Учителей — это они безмолвно стоят за тобой и оберегают своею любовью, исцеляют и ведут тебя к свету!


Вы тоже только и слышите как все в округе болеют, хворают или чувствуют себя подавлено?😌

На этом фоне мы решили организовать онлайн эфир, где мы поделимся с вами о сезонных и столь актуальных сезонных ресурсах происходящих из источников природы, которые помогут поддержать ваше самочувствие на разных уровнях, а также расскажем о секркетах образа жизни, что делает нас счастливыми на каждый день😊

Готовьте свой любимый согревающий душу напиток и присоеденяйтесь и приглашайте других на онлайн встречу в этот понедельник, 19 Декабря в 19.00PM в Zoom (ссылкой делюсь по запросу)☕️

Ваши Aroma Tree Эфирные Масла феи!🍀

🎀English Version comes soon!🎀

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 12/12/2022

Warmest greetings for the holiday season, dear friend!☃️

I hope you've already stepped into a season that can still bring us joy beyond cold days and Christmas rushes. I also hope your houses smell wonderful and are already decorated!

In the very first cold days, I met with the aroma family in London's beautiful Christmas atmosphere, where we celebrated a new season and opened a new year together.

It's been a very busy November for me, but it's finally time to slow down and really enjoy my surroundings where I'm looking forward to enjoying my favorite senses such as Christmas Spirit, Citrus Blends, Northern Lights, and Stress Away. Also, I am looking forward to our cozy gathering with my like-minded aroma girls where we will make healthy food, make some DIY crafts, and have meaningful discussions.

May the joy and sparkle of Christmas fill your heart. With some magic from my Christmasy stay in London, I wish you a season filled with happiness and merry-making!🌠

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 29/11/2022

This is more than a product, I can't believe it, but it's true. With over 10 years of experience in retail, customer service, business, and marketing, I can speak from experience about this topic.

I sometimes wondered why I should offer more of myself, my life, and my energy when I can just sell the products & forget about the person after all the required processes and sale. Like most retail sectors, it may just be a number, right? (This pattern is familiar to me, and I've faked things with an empty soul many times) However, there are many reasons you should know & hopefully experience. 

We built relationships for years or at least act from an open heart. Putting mission, humanity, values, & credo first. I feel it is unacceptable when your client is just another number with the desire to only reach your personal goals without caring about anything else. I can't speak for everyone & I don't want to, but at least in my team & those with whom I work, it's unacceptable. You can't go any other way because the product is SO authentic, SO valuable! It builds good, positive habits in you every day & improves your approach beyond anything you've ever had. Because it's one of the connections with nature, you treat the product well, just as you do your clients. Similarly, you want your surrounding environment to feel good on many levels since everyone in the ecosystem is dependent upon each other.

My time is for you because I'm not seated at the checkout where you are one of 364 customers for today out of 6 working days and I need to reach the productivity goal. My aroma business isn't just to pay my bills like in my previous jobs where I wasn't happy.

I'm here to connect with you. To understand your needs and reach the winning positions for both of us. It's not about the numbers to me. For the quality where I grow with you with every question & request, I'm for you. The only way I know is to do it this way. It's how we work. I'm here to help you on an individual basis.

It would be great if you could hear me. Because this is my message to you.

We're each so valuable and needed on this planet, we only have to find someone who is interested in us.

Your Anya 🌿

Cyber Monday Nov 2022 28/11/2022


Monday, 9am November 28, 2022, until 9 p.m. (GMT) on Tuesday, November 29, 2022
All sale items are available on One-Time orders only while stocks last. No Limits. 👏🚀🎉

Cyber Monday Nov 2022

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 24/11/2022

You never know. Everything can happen for the very first time!

First aroma experience, first visit, first meeting, first presentation...

In my case, it was the very, very, very first-time public presentation in front of my father in my 30-ish years old because unfortunately, he missed most of my special moments due to our not-so-easy life story. Of course, it touched my feelings and created some emotions that I couldn't show to the audience because I had to stay focused on the presentation.

Also, for the very first time I got a chance to present an aroma meeting in one of the main Young Living Offices, in front of successful, confident, well-established women who have own businesses with their great life experiences and believe me, I only can wish to have all their degrees altogether! 😍 And when you know you finished your Russian school somewhere in your 17 years old and after living only in English speaking country, then it can create some inner tension with the condition "just don't fail it".

BUT when your heart is full of love & passion for the subject with everyday agenda, mission and vision, when you know you do what you love and you know it's so right thing to do based on values with connection with great people around you THAN you just wish to share this love & passion with everyone despite of everything 🙏 How can you hold good things without sharing?

Remember, everything can be for the first time when we open for new and unknown then the world speaks with you on a different level 💫

It also can be your very first aroma meeting. Have you ever thought about this? Or you can share with me your experience already? 🙂

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 24/11/2022

Don’t miss out on Natural Living Energy Products this Black Friday 2022!😀

In one of our best sales, you’ll find savings of up to 50% and get a chance to invest your money into conscious products that can give you a lot of benefits on many levels physical and emotional! 🤗

With savings this big, it’s high time to stock up on great quality products, try something new, or be everyone’s new best friend as you gift super oils and unique oil-infused products to those seeking plant-based alternatives for a healthy outlook ✨

This time we have discounts on selected singles, blends, hair and skin care products, selected make-up and products in our kids’ range.

And you can grab Thieves® products for less in our exclusive Black Friday Sale!

PLEASE, contact me for more details and I'll be glad to assist you 🙌

But hurry up because products sell so fast! 🙆‍♀️


Уже как более 2 лет я живу в осознанном мире. В мире живой энергии природы, мире эффирных масел и продукции содержащие их элементы.

Тенденции жизни меняются, а вместе с ними меняюсь и я.
Я выбрала жить здоровой, наполненной жизнью, где я желаю сохранить нашу единственную планету для будущего поколения, при этом получаю удовольствие от каждого своего действия и дня.

Это выбор образа жизни, где много добра, пользы и преимущества.

Это оазис свободы и положительных ощущений на разных уровнях и не только.

🖋️В свою очередь хочу пригласить вас на арома-встречу со мной и моими единомышленниками в центре Лондона (W4 5YS ), в офисе Young Living, 17 ноября в 14.00 - 17.00 pm.

◾Цель нашей встречи наполниться миром живой природы, энергией эфирных масел, приятно провести время и конечно наполниться приятно заряженной атмосферой в эти дни.

◾Компания Young Living возглавляет современное движение «Сила природы для лучшей жизни» и вдохновляет жителей нашей планеты на здоровый образ жизни, целеустремленность и благополучие во всех сферах жизни.

◾Цель компании — чистые эфирные масла в каждый дом, в каждую семью и в каждый образ жизни, где я в свою очередь являюсь вашим проводником.

☝️Детальную программу мероприятия Вы сможете найти здесь.

А также Вам предлагается с сведенью дополнительный, насыщенный анонс программы на всю неделю, где каждый сможет найти и выбрать что-то для себя помимо 17 ноября.

А на пока Вас ожидают много щедрых и удивительных сюрпризов наполненные любовью и вниманием в нашем атмосферном окружении!

Приходите и приглашайте Ваших друзей! Я буду вам очень рада! 😌

* Именно эта встреча будет проходить на русском языке. При всём вашем желание и интересе я смогу провести на английском языке включительно.

С уважением,
Аня с виденьем и верой в лучшее ✨


One of the favourite day is Unboxing Day with a feeling like you have Christmas every day!😍

But most enjoyable is realisation that I invest good things in myself through natural living approach for healthier life, lifestyle and toxin free footprint with intentions to leave behind a better planet for over loved ones 😌

For finding more about abundance lifestyle, benefits and order procefure, don't hesitate to contact me. It is always my pleasure to share with you guys positive global movement 🙏

Meanwhile, my order were based on my current necessary needs like mouthwash, shower gel and of course oils for different purposes 🙂

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 03/11/2022

Золотые часы 🙌

Регулярность – это главное условие успеха.

Вам может казаться невероятным, что вот так просто, своими мыслями, вы способны сформировать свою реальность.

А вы когда-нибудь пробовали,
хоть в течение месяца, систематически, осознанно направлять свои мысли к цели?

Скорей всего, нет.

Вы привыкли пускать свои мысли на самотек.

Они распыляются бесформенной массой в пространстве, поэтому ощутимых результатов не видно.


‼️ROOTS / WINGS on air‼️

Join us today and come listen to Nicolas Landel and Brett Packer, with all about our farms 😍.

03 November 7pm CET 👇

For getting Zoom link, please comment below or send me PM 🙂

This will be so fascinated edition!😍 I can promise you because I listened so many times and I can do it again and again!🤗



Один человек, вибрирующий на частоте Любви, может преобразовать вибрацию сотен тысяч других людей.

Именно ваша вибрация и излучается во внешний мир. Исцелив себя, вы становитесь мощным катализатором изменений в мире.

Маргарет Руби.

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 14/10/2022

We tend to live in our minds and as a result, we lose touch with what is real.

We end up thinking so much that eventually, all we have to think about is more thoughts that might not have anything to do with what is real.

This state of overthinking leads to anxiety and unrest.

The best way back to reality is by focusing on the senses.

Listen to the sounds in the room or focus your eyes on a single point for even just a few minutes and watch how your mind begins to relax...

Timeline photos 20/03/2022

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” — Dalai Lama 🤗

It’s one of our favourite days today: International Day of Happiness 😊☺️😀😃😄

Whatever it is that truly makes you happy, this is the day to do it!

And remember to smile, it’s contagious!


What are essential oils? 🌿

If you ask me to tell you in one simple expression then it'll be a soul of our dear nature.

✒️"Every plant has a soul, and the souls of the plants enclose all the powers of the mother goddess of the world..."

The next time you drive by a field of fresh plants or hike through a pine forest, breathe deeply - you're experiencing the soul-soothing power of essential oils. But essential oils are more than nice scents; these powerful plant extracts are your path to the natural radiance.

If we are going to dig even deeper then this carefully harvested process from plants, herbs and trees, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts obtained by careful steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping.

These pure essential oils are far more poferful than the botanicals from which they are extracted. Each single oil, blends or oil-influenced products, containing optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring constituents to maximise their potency.

Any time you hold a bottle of powerful essential oils, you are holding nature's essence that can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically or incorporate in many others occasions. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils give plants their distinctive smells, protect plants and play a role in plant pollination.

They have been used for thousands of years for different purposes! And now we can bring this ancient tradition to modern life!

Each essential oil's complex, pleasant, and unique scent triggers emotions and memories, which can help in your search for more full filling and balanced life. They help you discover peace, balance and joy.


Black Friday Vibe with Young Living and range of pure, authentic, purposeful products with benefits for your wellness and wellbeing 🖤

People everywhere are looking for solutions for improving their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and this is only a dash from what you see 😌


Hello lovely souls!

Holding small but powerful source in my hands. A simple picture, the simple bottle but strength is inside...

I've been already 2 years since abundance came into my life and stayed until these days.

Each of my days starts and finishes with a touch of pure nature. And now I can't imagine my life anymore in any other different ways. This is a choice. This is a great discovery. This is a lifestyle.

On this note, I would like to bring great announcement to you!🥳

After investing into my conscious lifestyle via having more than 100+ bottles of pure essence and essential oils based products on my collection, I am happy to share with you all about this great world by educational materials and resources that I'm going to share with you here 😌

I learned myself and now it's time to share with you 🙏 Every little by meaningful help...

Essential oils have also been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. This is an ancient tradition for modern users. This is total wellness for mind, body, soul and much more.

I share with you, I guide you:

▪️What should you know about essential oils because unfortunately, not every oil and brand can stand up for quality.
▪️How can you apply this source in your daily routine and lifestyle
▪️How can be used

And hopefully, this will bring you closer to the authentic lifestyle where mother nature will look after you ✨


Young Living sustainable farms and one of them based in South Africa 🤗

Such a joy to have Tea Tree, Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit Essential Oils in my collection with the understanding from where is a product from 😌

Each of the senses has its own strengths and benefits, if you want to know more about each of them, let me know and I'll happy to share with you how I use them on the daily basis 😉

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

I think I found a new hobby and passion 😊 I can't resist diffusers and have different styles in each room but more over I was able to replace candles, save money, create beautiful enevironment and most important to look after my wellbeing 😇

I feel like to get this one to my friend daughter in her hygge style room 🥰

Say hello to your new best friend 🐧

There’s still time to welcome Happy the Penguin into your home and delight the whole family with this little one!

This lovely penguin is sure to make you smile and it even comes complete with a bottle of Lavender essential oil 5 ml, so make sure to snap up yours today!

Photos from anya_sweet_soul's post 29/10/2021

The very seasonal and conscious season for me 😌

My dear kids and your so dear parents, sorry but I won't give you any merchandise sweets another year on your Halloween night 🎃

It's a pain for me because I love to treat you for all your effort during this festive season BUT I want to treat you well and consciously because this is your wellness and wellbeing that last more than one day or night 🤗

Please, find some facts and actual evidence from one of my favourite doctors Lindsey Elmore 💥💯👌👏

And then share with me your ideas with alternatives or how do you feel when you don't take any sugar because I ended up living almost 5 years without it 🙂

🖋️ from Lindsey Official Instagram Page


Juggling too much.

I don't know if this Monday article will make you feel good or bad but Puff...for the last 3-4 weeks I had a rollercoaster in my life after a long time ago! Especially you can feel this difference after pandemic rhythm & Zombie condition when you are still sensitive to too many things around you (even more your body & brain).

This time I ended up juggling between a work project, my current one & additionally I started a new one that came into my life like a miracle life sign after long awaiting and give-ups. Apart from everything, I'm a single woman who can rely only on herself, who deals with other domestic duties, life dramas and try to take care of herself despite any pressure from outside or life surprises...Bum!

A sound like a release, isn't it?

But to be honest, I'm here not to complain because I won't gain anything out of this & sorry but I'm not going to feed your gut with bad stuff or invest my energy into weaknesses. Not me! Not here!

I'm here to share what usually helps me a lot in such moments & what I was able to develop after some life experience.

I can give you many great reasons, tips and tricks because I'm crazy about any organisation & I know I'm doing this so well but my number 1 always will be your perception for anything you do! Your attitude towards things or obstacles.

Then, I would consider doing simple things like focus on your breath. Are you still here? Are you still alive? The best keep continues your morning meditation, yoga even for 15 minutes when it'll be about you.

Priorities. What is the most important to you? I always do my things first & then help others. My dairy & pen are my best friends. Also, it can be your phone too who can help you to organise your day from the evening or early morning from A to Z.

I try to minimise multitasking & focus on one thing at a time. Sorry for the disappointment but you aren't a superhero & if someone told you it's good, forget this! 20% for everything will never give you 100%!

Look after your power bank & find the way to fulfil it. My fuel is everyday walking in nature, aromatherapy, mindfulness training, meditation, nutritional food, music, family...

To be ➡️...


"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you alive, and go do that. Because what world needs are people who have come alive."

Out of this great quote that I thankfully spotted this morning and that made my day, I want to ask you few questions...

1. Do you feel like an alive person yourself?

2. Do you know what makes you alive every day?

3. Do you live an abundant life or wish so?



Weekends are for recharging.

Do you agree with me?

At least one full day is going for full relaxation & reconnection with your inner word for getting a balance within yourself & topping up your life battery.

This is so important! It took me a quite long time to understand & apply in my life routine. Well, sometimes I still clash but I accept the fact that my awareness & listening skill is a way better & stronger then before.

What do I do to help myself?

I start from simple things that everyone can apply on a daily basis when it can be a lack of time & suitable moments.

So, number 1 is essential oils that either uplift or bring you emotional, overwhelming stage down. I apply them internally, topically or just diffuse. It doesn't take too much time. I even would say it works immediately & gives joy!

Walking and again walking! Minimum 1 hour is the best for me. Especially when I feel some irritating moments appear & I can't deal with them anymore. I just leave everything behind and go...Honestly, 1 hour & you like a new branded person. I even asked myself in the end of the walk: "what was your worries about?" because I see a precious picture differently.

Weekend morning routines that allow you to take care of your body, minds and soul. I don't mention about meditation & practice of gratitude because they are on a regular basis already. But something that won't cost you a lot & you can stay for a moment with your whole body like having intimacy with it. In my case, facial procedures, cleaning my environment, planting, listening beautiful music...

And my top are reconnection with nature, including joyful moments like authentic food, places where I can meet nice people and have some talks with them.

My latest wish is to have more activities in my life as having more trips outside of the place where I spend most of my days. Something says inside of me I miss this part of my life balance & I know I need to improve it. Also, I wish to have more different practices in my life where more spirituality on different levels.

For now, I know that everything I said above responds with my body. It says itself when is time to take a break.

Have ♥ week.



This is one of the words that became so popular now.
At least, this is what I know from the marketing point of view & my knowledge...

I often find myself thinking that I work with the marketing & business strategy, development campaigns where it must be winning, catching, pushing content and where I have to follow the latest trends, and my account should be an example for everyone with numerous followers but instead of all of these...

🙏I'm looking for the authenticity, simplicity and real side of our lives. Where I wish to see fewer filters, fakeness, demands, tensions and proves that you are worth something.

💛 I like to put my time, energy & intentions in the texts where you can see the meaning & discover something useful for yourself & see this magical reflection back.

My photos are just one of the ways to you where you can understand what to expect from me, what personality I am, what I can offer you & of course my message to you 😌

🙏I'm here to create a quite closed environment with similar mindset people who are into wellbeing, abundance, sincerity & a warm atmosphere. I don't run for numbers. I want to attract my people, on my individual light & I have to admit that this is the most important goal of my presence here.

✨I want to know more about you, what do you do, what do you like, what do you like about my account & content itself? I know that in return I can give you more 😌

🙋 And for now, I'm a bit curious what do you think about my new profile picture? (I know it's usually hard to see anything from a little icon 😊)

⚜️Does the picture respond to you?

⚜️Does it tell you anything about me?

⚜️Does it create any particular feelings?

🖋️All living things in the world have a vibrational energy and frequency, and the same particles in the stars are also in each of us...

💫 “We are all made of stars and the stars are made of us.”


Management. Fast speed of life. Overloading. Overwhelming.

And these are only a few words from our lives. This is how we ended up live now, in the era of information & lack of time.

Who you are? Where you go? What do you want? What do you really need? What do you feel?

I love management & I do this well! I can look like a cold person with this cold mindset & sharp eyes expression but I got this skill from birth with all possible stars that could be above & this is deeply in my blood. I always was opposite from my mum.

I don't know what would I do without my management skills? To be honest it's just following me. It's in all my qualifications & past professions! The rep in the school, colleges, work, coach, supervisor then qualifications event, project management, risk assessment, marketing...

Every single note, reminder, planning gives a direction to a certain goal. I usually feel like someone holds my hand & I know that I'm only the one who responsible for my life & happiness.

I also understand that management in another word can be called control but it can be beautiful when it is done with female energy rather than masculine like in my case. It definitely can give you power, reassurance, stability & peace of mind especially in the weakest moments that we can have.

But as with everything, there must be in balance especially when you want to achieve something without any tension. We always should remember that the process is more important than any final goal itself.

If I wouldn't have management & structure in my life I wouldn't have this life balance with the time for myself, priorities, several interesting projects, hobbies, education, people around me, well organised house, the atmosphere around me, and the whole world itself that I can see & enjoy it! Because I prefer to live my life rather than exist from day to day...

No doubt to achieve this level I could only with additional support such as positive lifestyle habits, nutrition, daily exercises, self-development courses & natural resources that beneficially impact our body system.

Believe me, everyone can achieve! But if you still have some doubts then you can ask me more about this simple magic 😉

Choice. Vision. Mission

Aroma greeting to everyone!

I am happy to introduce myself to you via this page where I share my authentic lifestyle, a passion that is full of harmony, fulfilling, and uplifting experiences with the following outcomes. It’s all about the choices, vision, and perceptions. Here, you will find a piece of balance, joy, peace, and discover a way to wellness.

I'm a Russian speaking, huge life enthusiast who was raised in Lithuania until 18 years old and then moved on my own to Emerald Island - Ireland, where I live nowadays.

I am a digital marketing specialist with a big interest in human behavior, business environment, and content creation. In March I joined Young Living who are champions in nature’s living energy as effective essential oils and oil-influenced products. Since then, my life changed. Now, I carry the mission where I can help to discover the path to freedom and environment of well-being with many benefits for being healthier and happier!

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