Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish

Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish

The Legion of Mary is a lay catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country.

Photos from Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish's post 05/05/2024

Day 5 of Month long Celebration of SantaCruzan.


“Whereas Adam and Eve were the source of evil which was unleashed on the world, Joseph and Mary are the summit from which holiness spreads all over the earth.”
-Pope St. John Paul II

“God sets a father in honor over his children…” (Sirach 3:2)

Happy Feast Day,
St Joseph, Husband of Mary..

Pray For Us.


Ash Wednesday
Why we receive the ashes?

Following the example of the Ninevites, who did penance in sackcloth and ashes, our foreheads are marked with ashes to humble our hearts and reminds us that life passes away on Earth. We remember this when we are told

"Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."

Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, and they help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice.

The distribution of ashes comes from a ceremony of ages past. Christians who had committed grave faults performed public penance. On Ash Wednesday, the Bishop blessed the hair shirts which they were to wear during the forty days of penance, and sprinkled over them ashes made from the palms from the previous year. Then, while the faithful recited the Seven Penitential Psalms, the penitents were turned out of the church because of their sins -- just as Adam, the first man, was turned out of Paradise because of his disobedience. The penitents did not enter the church again until Maundy Thursday after having won reconciliation by the toil of forty days' penance and sacramental absolution. Later, all Christians, whether public or secret penitents, came to receive ashes out of devotion. In earlier times, the distribution of ashes was followed by a penitential procession.

source: www.catholic.org


Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes
February 11, 2024

A Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

Ever Immaculate Virgin Mother of Mercy, Health of the sick, refuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings; look with mercy on me. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure for their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.

I come, therefore, with complete confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests. Through gratitude for your favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that I may one day share your glory. Amen.

Photos from Defend the Catholic Faith's post 27/12/2023

The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind, "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
-Psalm 110:4

Our Humble and Lowly Parish Priest at Saint James the Apostle Parish Santiago City.


December 25, 2023

Brother Bro Leo Olivo Rosario Live at Robinsons Place Santiago .

Photos from Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish's post 25/12/2023

"Ang Pasko ay Sumapit, Tayo ay Mangagsiawit..."
Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄
From: Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish Family

Photos from Ilagan Diocese 50th's post 25/12/2023
Photos from Saint James the Apostle Parish's post 24/12/2023
Photos from Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish's post 17/12/2023

Legion of Mary Choir Apostolate..at Holy Cross Chapel - Vicaros
Simbang Gabi 2023


Isang malungkot pong balita sa buong sambayanan ng Parokya ni Santiago Apostol.

Ang atin pong kapatid sa pananampalataya na si Mr. Jesus "Jess" Ellerma Domingo ay pumanaw na po noong November 18, 2023 sa edad na 61. Si sir Jess ay aktibo rin po sa iba't-ibang samahan sa ating simbahan. Ang kanyang mga labi ay nakalagak sa Calao East, malapit sa Community Center.

Ang buong Parokya at Sambayanan ni Santiago Apostol ay lubos na nakikiramay sa pamilya po ni sir Jess.


Let Us Pray;

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

O Lord, who art ever merciful and bounteous with Thy gifts, look down upon the suffering souls in purgatory. Remember not their offenses and negligence, but be mindful of Thy loving mercy, which is from all eternity. Cleanse them of their sins and fulfill their ardent desires that they may be made worthy to behold Thee face to face in Thy glory. May they soon be united with Thee and hear those blessed words which will call them to their heavenly home: "Come, blessed of My Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary. 🙏


Happy Birthday Fr. Al Taguinod From Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish Family...


September 8, 2023 Feast Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Story of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s birth. However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but it does reflect the development of Christian piety. According to this account, Anna and Joachim are infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise of a child who will advance God’s plan of salvation for the world. Such a story, like many biblical counterparts, stresses the special presence of God in Mary’s life from the beginning.

Saint Augustine connects Mary’s birth with Jesus’ saving work. He tells the earth to rejoice and shine forth in the light of her birth. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed.” The opening prayer at Mass speaks of the birth of Mary’s Son as the dawn of our salvation, and asks for an increase of peace.

Source: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/nativity-of-the-blessed-virgin-mary/


Schedule of Masses.
September 8, 2023 (Friday)

Schedule tomorrow

Photos from Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish's post 06/09/2023

Happy 102nd Founding Anniversary.
Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff on 7 September 1921 at Myra House, Francis Street, in Dublin. His idea was to help Catholic lay people fulfil their baptismal promises to be able to live their dedication to the Church in an organized structure, which would be supported by fraternity and prayer. The Legion draws its inspiration from Louis de Montfort's book True Devotion to Mary.

The Legion first started out by visiting women with cancer in hospitals, but it soon became active among the most destitute, notably among Dublin prostitutes. Duff subsequently laid down the system of the Legion in the Handbook of the Legion of Mary in 1928.

The Legion soon spread around the world. At first, it was often met with mistrust because of its then-unusual dedication to lay apostolate. After Pope Pius XI praised it in 1931, the Legion had its mistrust quelled.


Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 16:13-20

Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus said to him in reply, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

Introductory Prayer: Lord, I come to you again in prayer. Even though I cannot see you, I know through faith that you are present in my life. I hope in your promise to be with me. I love you, and I know you love me. Accept this prayer as a token of my love.

Petition: Lord Jesus, grant me an experiential knowledge of you.

Many People Say Many Things:
When Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” he receives many answers. Everyone has his own opinion. Perhaps they are satisfied that their opinions are correct and have stopped seeking; perhaps they are too lazy to pursue the truth any deeper. It is easy to say something, to toss out an answer, to draw a superficial conclusion. We must be careful not to come to a hurried conclusion or to be satisfied with what might only apparently be true. Many people say many things about Christ. We must have the tenacity to pursue the profound truth about who he is.
How Did Peter Know? How did Peter know that Christ was the Messiah, the Son of the living God? Peter did not say, “The heavenly Father told me that you are the Messiah.” He was probably not even aware that the Father has been working in him. Peter has been traveling with Christ, hearing him speak and seeing him work miracles. He reflected on all this and began to perceive that Christ is much more than just a brilliant teacher. Peter began to see Christ for who he truly is. In the same way, God works in our mind and heart, helping us to see clearly the truth of supernatural things. We may not even be aware that the heavenly Father is present, but when we sincerely strive to know Christ and are open to the action of God’s grace in our soul, we, too, come to know Christ for who he really is.

Peter’s openness to the action of God’s grace and his recognition of Christ as God bring with them a responsibility—Peter is given the keys of the Kingdom. He is given the task of shepherding and building up the Church. Like Peter, my recognition of Christ comes with a responsibility. God gives me the gift of faith and along with it the responsibility to spread his Gospel. I must take this responsibility seriously. I need to make sure that the good news of the Kingdom is proclaimed to all mankind.

Conversation with Christ:
Lord, please help me to delve deep into the truth about who you are and not to be satisfied with simply having some vague idea. I want to know you intimately, the same way St. Peter and many holy saints have known you. Grant me this grace not just for my sake, but also for all those souls with whom I will come into contact.


August 15.
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet…” —Revelation 12:1
Let’s follow Mary’s footprints through her lifetime. She used her feet to stay still in listening to the angel Gabriel rather than fleeing from the will of God. Her feet hastened nearly ninety miles to serve her pregnant kinswoman Elizabeth (Lk 1:39), and likewise to Egypt and back to save Jesus from assassination (Mt 2:14, 21). For over thirty years, Mary’s feet aided her in feeding and raising Jesus. Her feet eventually carried her to Calvary (Jn 19:25). There, at the cross with Jesus, God placed “all things under His feet” (1 Cor 15:27).

Despite intense grief after Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary set her footsteps toward the upper room to minister peace, forgiveness, restoration, and discipling to the apostles and disciples during the time between Jesus’ Resurrection and Pentecost (Acts 1:14). Thus the Church was born.

“Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin…was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 966). The moon is under her feet (Rv 12:1). As Queen of Heaven and Earth, her feet are standing at the right hand of King Jesus (see Ps 45:10).

Mary’s “beautiful” feet have been used to bring good news to the world (see Is 52:7). On this feast of the Assumption, may our feet dance with “gladness and joy” (Ps 45:16) as we follow the footsteps of Mary, who follows those of Jesus (Lk 9:23).

Prayer: Father, may my feet serve You as readily as did Mary’s.

Promise: “Christ must reign until God has put all enemies under His feet.” —1 Cor 15:25

Praise: “God Who is mighty has done great things for me, holy is His name” (Lk 1:49).


“It is I.” —Matthew 14:27
By walking on the sea, Jesus manifested Himself to His apostles. They were captivated, even “terrified,” by the miraculous sight of a person walking on the water (Mt 14:25-26). Jesus spoke to the apostles, revealing His divine identity by saying “It is I” (Mt 14:27; see also Ex 3:14; Jn 8:58).

When St. Peter encountered Jesus showing His sovereignty over the chaos of the sea, he said to Jesus, “Lord, if it is really You, tell me to come to You” (Mt 14:28). Jesus then responded: “Come!” (Mt 14:29)

Simon Peter spoke words that Jesus would surely like to hear coming from our own lips. Have you ever felt that the Lord was calling you in a certain direction, but you weren’t sure if it was truly Him? Jesus would surely like us to respond as Simon Peter, “Lord, if this is truly Your leading, tell me clearly.” Jesus answers, “Come to Me” (Mt 11:28; Mt 14:29).

The next step is ours. We may falter and begin to sink in our troubles. Imitate Simon Peter by crying out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” (Mt 14:30) Jesus may seem far away, but, as you cry out to Him, immediately His arm is there to lift you up (Mt 14:31). “Trust in Him at all times” (Ps 62:9).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me water-walking faith. Jesus, I trust in You.

Promise: “The Lord Himself will give His benefits; our land shall yield its increase.” —Ps 85:13

Praise: Praise the risen Jesus, Who gives us life by His death!


August 6, 2023
"Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord"

“We were eyewitnesses of His sovereign majesty. He received glory and praise from God the Father when that unique declaration came to Him out of the majestic splendor: ‘This is My beloved Son, on Whom My favor rests.’ We ourselves heard this said from heaven while we were in His company on the holy mountain…Keep your attention closely fixed on it, as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place.” —2 Peter 1:17-19

Sts. Peter, James and John witnessed the transfigured majesty of Jesus on the holy mountain (Mt 17:1ff).
They heard the voice of God the Father testify that Jesus is His Son (Mt 17:5).
They saw Jesus’ face become “as dazzling as the sun, His clothes as radiant as light” (Mt 17:2). What a vision of heaven on earth!

St. Matthew places the vision of the transfigured glory of Jesus between prophecies of Jesus’ intense suffering (Mt 16:21; 17:12).
Thus Jesus’ glory is connected with His suffering. This is a message for our own lives; there is no glory apart from suffering.

So we must bring Jesus our brokenness and sufferings. Through our crosses, we will share in His glory (see Rm 8:18). Currently, we suffer in this valley of tears (see Ps 23:4). St. Peter encourages us to keep before our eyes the transfigured majesty of Jesus (2 Pt 1:19), His coming again in glory, and our eternal destiny in heaven.

A great way to do this is by attending Mass as often as possible, even daily. At each Mass, heaven is wedded to earth in Jesus (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1335), and we receive the Eucharistic, transfigured Lord Jesus. “Listen to Him” (Mt 17:5). “Fix your eyes on Jesus” (Heb 3:1).

Prayer: Father, help me stay focused on Your beloved Son, Jesus.

Promise: “You, O Lord, are the Most High over all the earth.” —Ps 97:9

Praise: Praise Jesus, transfigured in glory, the “Light of the world” (Jn 8:12), shining in radiant splendor.


“When he found one really valuable pearl, he went back and put up for sale all that he had and bought it.” —Matthew 13:46
Many people don’t want to put all their eggs into one basket. So they become “Christians” but still keep one foot in the world. This way, if Jesus isn’t real, at least they haven’t wasted their whole lives for Him. They rationalize that if Jesus is the meaning of life, they’re at least church members, without losing the “fun” of the world.

This is the most common approach to Christianity in America. It makes Jesus feel like throwing up (Rv 3:15-16). Jesus died on the cross for us. He poured out every drop of blood and breathed His last breath for us. As we kneel before the crucified Jesus, we realize that it is sacrilegious to give Him anything less than everything.

The kingdom of God is like a buried treasure or a precious pearl (Mt 13:44-46). The cost of discipleship is everything. We may not have much, but we each have an “all” — and that all is what we must give. The first commandment is: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind” (Lk 10:27).

Prayer: Father, “give Your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to judge Your people and to distinguish right from wrong” (1 Kgs 3:9).

Promise: “We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love” Him. —Rm 8:28

Praise: Praise You, risen Jesus, “The Way, and the Truth, and the Life” (Jn 14:6). Alleluia!



“Such is the case with the Son of Man Who has come, not to be served by others, but to serve, to give His own life as a ransom for the many.” —Matthew 20:28

St. James has been traditionally called James “the greater” to distinguish him from the other apostle named James. James was the second apostle appointed by Jesus (Mk 3:17) and one of the first apostles called by Jesus (Mt 4:21).

James was privileged to be one of the three apostles present for the raising from the dead of Jairus’ daughter (Mk 5:37), the Transfiguration (Mt 17:1), and Jesus’ agony in the garden (Mt 26:37). James was “greater” in more ways than one.

When James’ mother asked Jesus to put her sons at His right and left hands (see Mt 20:21), there was no doubt that James already had one of the top places in Jesus’ kingdom. The only question was: “Would John also be promoted?” In the Gospels, John is usually referred to as “James’ brother” (see Mt 4:21; Mk 3:17). It may seem that James was the more prominent brother.

However, Jesus did not make James’ eminent position official. Instead, He challenged James to drink the cup of suffering, to take up the cross (Mt 20:22). This was the pattern of Jesus’ relationship with James. Before Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter, He displayed to James the cross of being ridiculed (Mk 5:40). Before and after the Transfiguration, Jesus spoke of the cross (Mt 16:21; 17:22-23). At the agony in the garden, Jesus again showed James “the way of the cross.” Finally, after Pentecost, James, now called “the brother of John,” got the message and became the first apostle to be martyred (Acts 12:2).

Prayer: Father, may “the greaters” get the message and take up the cross.

Promise: “Continually we carry about in our bodies the dying of Jesus, so that in our bodies the life of Jesus may also be revealed.” —2 Cor 4:10

Praise: Holy Spirit, we praise You for creating St. James to be battle-ready. Inspire us to imitate his courageous example.


Rescript: "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from June 1, 2023, through July 31, 2023. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio December 14, 2022"

The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements

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December 25, 2023Brother Bro Leo Olivo Rosario Live at Robinsons Place Santiago .
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ACIES 2023.Legion Of Mary - St. James the Apostle Parish
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