The Burkean

The Burkean

The Burkean is an online political and cultural magazine run by university students in Ireland that promotes free speech and fresh ideas.

The Burkean Journal is an online political and cultural magazine run by students from Trinity College Dublin that promotes conservative thought and ideas. Our aim is to provide an intellectual platform and a publishing service for students to contribute their conservative views on contemporary issues that are not otherwise represented by mainstream publications on campus. We also try to publish ar

Fact-Check: Was a black girl denied a gymnastics medal due to racism in Ireland? | The Burkean 02/10/2023

"There is absolutely no evidence that the girl not being given a medal was due to racism. In fact, she was given a medal shortly thereafter."

Fact-Check: Was a black girl denied a gymnastics medal due to racism in Ireland? | The Burkean There is absolutely no evidence that the girl not being given a medal was due to racism. In fact, she was given a medal shortly thereafter.

Newbridge Says No: Massive Turnout on Wednesday Evening | The Burkean 02/10/2023

The crowd sized around 400 people with locals of all ages in attendance [...] These locals are not going to be so easily swept aside.

Newbridge Says No: Massive Turnout on Wednesday Evening | The Burkean The crowd sized around 400 people with locals of all ages in attendance [...] These locals are not going to be so easily swept aside.


"As Ukraine’s advance falters in the east, as Western stockpiles dry up, and now their strongest proponent grows tired of the abuse for not allowing their farmers to become impoverished, it is a very real possibility that Ukraine might not see out this war as Western hawks may want, particularly if Russia secures Iranian missiles and North Korean ammunition to supplement its still vast reserves of materials."

The Powder Keg Reignites? The Western Balkans in an Era of Multipolarity | The Burkean 22/08/2023

The European Union’s desired result — the accession of the entire Balkan region as member states, is flawed as hapless Eurocrats in Brussels and Berlin neglect to recognise the all too present reality of cultural nationalism in this region. The West’s so-called “international community” has several issues to resolve within this region, all of which an increasingly insecure European Union has failed to adopt the agency to address.

The Powder Keg Reignites? The Western Balkans in an Era of Multipolarity | The Burkean As the Russian war against Ukraine, and the ongoing crisis in Western Africa continue, it is clear to all that European and American security institutions have perpetuated systemic failures in their commitment to the liberal-humanitarian politics of the global era.  …

If They Shot Dev Not Collins An Alternative Timeline | The Burkean 22/08/2023

Modern pro-Treatyite sympathies now rally around Cumann na nGaedheal with a more radical right-wing splinter group An Dian Cecht breaking away to form Ireland’s answer to ultranationalist and right-wing populist parties and which hosted a conference recently with the Alternative für Deutschland at the RDS.

One right-wing TD in attendance at the event courted media and republican scorn for joking about the death of De Valera on his Twitter account with left-wing commentators running repeated investigative pieces about old elements of the Free State’s military and intelligence infrastructure sympathetic with the far right.

If They Shot Dev Not Collins An Alternative Timeline | The Burkean Setting: Glasnevin Cemetery August 22nd, 2022 in Ireland (but not as we know Her) A volley of ceremonial rifle rounds was heard shortly after Sinn Féin leader and President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State Eoin Ó …

The Querist: George Berkeley's National Economic System | The Burkean 21/08/2023

In a sense, Berkeley’s economic and cultural platform is the reversal of the dominant Liberal Radicalism platform of the 17th and 18th Centuries in British and Irish politics. Whether under the realisation of 1688 under the Whig Walpole, or the repeal of Corn Laws under the Tory Peel (which exacerbated the Famine) – the ‘left’ and ‘right’ represented the dominance of the entrenched consumerist Anglo-Saxon empire and its exporting of Liberalism to its colonies.

The Querist: George Berkeley's National Economic System | The Burkean The following first appeared on the Substack ‘Creeve Rua’ and is syndicated with the permission of the author. While the trite cultural spat over George Berkeley’s colonial legacy interests me little, I’m glad the Bishop has been thrust into the limelight again, …

Visa Diplomacy: West African Carnage Will Have Asylum Blowback for Ireland | The Burkean 21/08/2023

The inordinate acceptance of Ukrainian refugees was the Irish elite’s admission fee to be part of the Western alliance without having functional defence forces with the precedent all too relevant when it comes to this new Cold War in Africa.

Visa Diplomacy: West African Carnage Will Have Asylum Blowback for Ireland | The Burkean ...while smug ministers at home swamp Irish housing estates with Africans to “fulfill our international obligations.”


The Hibernian was a small but powerful outlet for the Irish nationalist Right during the late 00s with a stridently Catholic and Republican editorial line.

It is now archived online.


Mainly to the detriment of Sinn Féin and certainly not to the benefit of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil or even Aontú, a circa 5% jump has occurred since November for “Independents or Others” in national polling figures.

The East Wall Effect: Independents Posed to Capitalise off Ireland’s Rightward Shift | The Burkean 31/07/2023

Mainly to the detriment of Sinn Féin and certainly not to the benefit of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil or even Aontú, a circa 5% jump has occurred since November for “Independents or Others” in national polling figures.

The East Wall Effect: Independents Posed to Capitalise off Ireland’s Rightward Shift | The Burkean Mainly to the detriment of Sinn Féin and certainly not to the benefit of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil or even Aontú, a circa 5% jump has occurred since November for “Independents or Others” in national polling figures.

The Burkean Reviews: Faith of Our Fathers | The Burkean 31/07/2023

Ignore the Barbie/Oppenheimer nonsense; transcend this foreign false dichotomy with Lanklet Dev’s review of Faith of Our Fathers…

The Burkean Reviews: Faith of Our Fathers | The Burkean Ignore the Barbie/Oppenheimer nonsense; transcend this foreign false dichotomy with Lanklet Dev's review of Faith Of Our Fathers…

Ógra Fianna Fail Rep Speaks at Dublin anti-Quran Burning Protest at Swedish Embassy | The Burkean 31/07/2023

Alhamdulillah - Ógra Fianna Fail Rep Speaks at Dublin anti-Quran Burning Protest at Swedish Embassy

Ógra Fianna Fail Rep Speaks at Dublin anti-Quran Burning Protest at Swedish Embassy | The Burkean Last Saturday the 29th of July saw a protest organised by a group called “Pakistani Oversees Community Ireland” outside the Swedish Embassy on Fitzwilliam Street. The motivation for the protest was multiple incidents of Quran burning in Sweden causing outrage …

Tánaiste to Waste more Time and Money on Mozambique & South Africa | The Burkean 18/07/2023

Martin’s visit serves to reiterate Ireland’s commitment to fund ailing African states.

Tánaiste to Waste more Time and Money on Mozambique & South Africa | The Burkean Of course, the state is unlikely to sign any meaningful contracts beneficial to the Irish economy, and the trip is simple virtue signalling at taxpayer expense celebrating funding corruption regime's at taxpayer expense.

Tusla Grooming Scandal: Rotherham Syndrome Spreads to Ireland? | The Burkean 17/07/2023

"The 85-page report outlines the trademark characteristics all too familiar to the practice of Asian ethnicity (overwhelmingly Pakistani) grooming gangs active across Britain."

Tusla Grooming Scandal: Rotherham Syndrome Spreads to Ireland? | The Burkean The 85-page report outlines the trademark characteristics all too familiar to the practice of Asian ethnicity (overwhelmingly Pakistani) grooming gangs active across Britain

Nature Restoration Law: Fine Gael Ignites the Fuse on Agrarian Populism? | The Burkean 17/07/2023

"The worst Irish contribution to European Civilisation since Johnny Logan, a few feckless Fine Gael MEPs pandering for non-existent votes to their left may doom farms from Karelia to Killarney."

Nature Restoration Law: Fine Gael Ignites the Fuse on Agrarian Populism? | The Burkean The worst Irish contribution to European Civilisation since Johnny Logan, a few feckless Fine Gael MEPs pandering for non-existent votes to their left may doom farms from Karelia to Killarney.

Morrissey - The Original Volcel | The Burkean 05/07/2023

“People know exactly what’s going on, and they play along. Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked." - Morrissey

Morrissey - The Original Volcel | The Burkean "People know exactly what's going on, and they play along. Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked."

Ireland, the EU and the Superpower That Stumbled | The Burkean 05/07/2023

"Instead of Eurofederalism, a new and turbo-charged Atlanticism rules the roost in Europe today as America, even the Biden administration begins to notice the rust gathering on what Eurocrats still hope to be a superpower in the making."

Ireland, the EU and the Superpower That Stumbled | The Burkean Eurosceptics would do well to look beyond the totalitarian bluster of the EU to see a bloc struggling to keep its head above geopolitical water. While Europhilia remains just as toxic to Irish national aspiration as it was in 2021 …


"There is some history too on the Tibradden mountain with a cairn and burial site here. The cairn was excavated in 1849 and when it was uncovered, antiquarians found a small stone-lined grave that contained a pottery food vessel of Bronze Age type."

Malachy Steenson | Burkean Summer School 2023 29/05/2023

Talk given by Malachy Steenson on the current state of Ireland's anti-coalition protest movement during The Burkean's third summer school last week. A big thanks to all who attended.

Malachy Steenson | Burkean Summer School 2023 Talk given by Malachy Steenson during The Burkean's third summer school in 2023. A big thanks for all who attended.Website: ...

Bodenstown or Downpatrick? | The Burkean 08/05/2023

"Many or most Irish republicans were sincere Catholics, often devout Catholics."

Bodenstown or Downpatrick? | The Burkean "Many or most Irish republicans were sincere Catholics, often devout Catholics."

‘Ye Wife Swapping Sodomites!’ E Michael Jones’ and ‘Degenerate Moderns’ | The Burkean 03/05/2023

"Dr. Jones, an apologist for the ethnically Irish and confessionally Catholic community of his nascence, is simultaneously a vociferous exponent of his own particular formulation of modernity’s discursive quintessence – namely, the hermeneutic of suspicion. A genus of argument encompassing Nietzsche’s genealogical method, Marx’s critique of ideology (hinges on Marx’s economism, an artefact of his system shattered by the Bernstein affair), and Freudian psychoanalysis."

‘Ye Wife Swapping Sodomites!’ E Michael Jones’ and ‘Degenerate Moderns’ | The Burkean “Hither flock all the crowd whom love has wrecked Of intellectuals without intellect And sexless folk whose sexes intersect….” – Roy Campbell, ‘The Georgiads’ Introduction “G’way, ye wife swapping sodomites.” – Úna Bean Mhic Mhathúna The mere mention of Dr. …

Raymond Crotty: Escaping the Gaelic Latifundia — MEON 02/05/2023

Documenting his experiences in the semi-biographical A Radical’s Response, Dunbell set in motion Crotty’s rise to become Ireland’s leading eurosceptic gadfly, germinating an original prognosis about Ireland’s economic dysfunction.

Raymond Crotty: Escaping the Gaelic Latifundia — MEON Documenting his experiences in the semi-biographical A Radical’s Response, Dunbell set in motion Crotty’s rise to become Ireland’s leading eurosceptic gadfly, germinating an original prognosis about Ireland’s economic dysfunction.

Sinn Fein and the Risk of Post-Populist Fatigue | The Burkean 30/04/2023

"It is presumed that a post-Sinn Féin government would bring a fresh gust of wind into the sails of right-wing populism in Ireland, the risk however, is rather than that their voter base become entirely disengaged from the political system as a whole, rather than being anti-establishment with intent to change, but that a sentiment of despondence or apathy informs people’s mentality towards voting."

Sinn Fein and the Risk of Post-Populist Fatigue | The Burkean Speculation as to Sinn Fein’s utility as a party of government and its actions therein are prevalent. The question as to whether a Sinn Féin government could fulfil its rhetorical election promises is a significant one, which may have repercussions …

"F**k Irlanda": The Reality of Migrant Anti-Irish Sentiment | The Burkean 27/04/2023

"F**k Irlanda": The Reality of Migrant Anti-Irish Sentiment

"F**k Irlanda": The Reality of Migrant Anti-Irish Sentiment | The Burkean This isn't a religious problem, so much as a Third World problem. They see us as weak. They see our country as ripe for the taking.

Who We Are

The Burkean is an online publication run by university students in Ireland that seeks to promote free speech and fresh ideas. Founded in Trinity College Dublin, The Burkean aims to be a nationwide platform for all Irish universities and Irish society at large. Our purpose is to provide intellectual content through acting as a publishing service for students to contribute their own views on issues, especially those which are not otherwise represented by mainstream publications. We also publish articles from non-student writers and experts in their respective fields, so as to provide our readers with the widest range of quality material.

The Burkean is named after Edmund Burke, one of Ireland’s most distinguished statesmen. His statue stands just outside Trinity College’s main entrance as a sign of respect and admiration to his life and achievements. His writings and ideas have contributed enormously to the field of political philosophy and he is considered to be the father of modern conservatism.

Our goal is first and foremost to promote freedom of speech and the free flow of ideas and dialogue. We intend to encourage debate and give a forum to the ideas ignored by the mainstream. Apart from politics, we also address wider issues such as technology, culture, history, philosophy, literature and the arts.

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"That anti-fascists are forced to concede that we’re right about diversity is a testament to the seismic shift in Irish ...
"The pertinence of objecting to the NGO and Government agenda increases by the day. At the time of writing this article,...
"The pertinence of objecting to the NGO and Government agenda increases by the day. At the time of writing this article,...
WATCH: Footage from the protests in East Wall, Ballymun and beyond against Sinn Féin and Ireland's asylum industry
EXCLUSIVE: Amid the East Wall protests, an investigation by The Burkean has found that a number of shuttered Irish nursi...
WATCH: Antifa scuffle with Gardaí as they are pushed back onto Butt Bridge
EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: #MarchforInnocence Clash with Antifa during Anti-Paedophilia Rally
Classical Liberal is "just what fascists like to call themselves"
"He dropped out because he said he was feeling bullied, but it was necessary."
USI Deputy President Michelle Byrne on Doxxing Right Wing Actors on Campus
The Burkean Journal interviews the Pioneer of Brexit, Nigel Farage.